Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Affinity Test (1)

Even with Calista's striking appearance, there was another girl in the crowd who drew even more attention—Ravenna Thorne. Her long pink hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of rose petals, shimmering with each step. Her pink eyes, with that unique "plus" shape in the pupils, seemed to draw everyone in, as if she could see right through their souls. Ravenna's smooth skin glowed with a radiance that made her look almost otherworldly, like a goddess who had descended from the heavens.

Despite wearing the same uniform as everyone else, on her, it looked like a garment fit for royalty. The fabric clung perfectly to her figure, highlighting every curve with an effortless grace that made her seem divine. She didn't just look like a princess—she was one, the princess of Anastasia Kingdom, Ravenna Thorne. Her presence commanded attention without even trying, and those around her seemed to orbit her like moths to a flame.

She hadn't attended the entrance ceremony, and why would she? No one would dare make a princess stand through something so trivial. Now that she was here, it was as if the entire room had shifted to focus solely on her. Boys and girls alike flocked around her, hoping to catch even a sliver of her attention. The crowd around her grew thicker, creating a kind of traffic jam in the hall as everyone tried to get closer.

(Let's be real here, Harem without any princess, pointless right?) 

Before the situation could spiral out of control, Lilith stepped in. Clearing her throat loudly, she called out, "Ahem… Ahem... So, has everyone gathered? Let's proceed with your test then!" Her voice cut through the noise, instantly silencing the room. The crowd dispersed, and Ravenna, too, turned her attention to the front.

With a swift motion, Lilith summoned a large sphere that appeared out of thin air, hovering above the ground. Pointing at it, she continued, "You all need to place your hands on the sphere, one by one. It will draw in your mana and reveal your affinity and ESR talent." Her tone was all business, but there was an underlying excitement in the room as the students lined up, eager to see what the test would reveal.

"So, the first person is, of course, Princess Ravenna Thorne!" Lilith announced, her tone tinged with respect.

Ravenna stepped forward without hesitation, her presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. She placed her hand on the sphere, and it began to glow with an intense light. The students watched with bated breath as the light faded, revealing the results inside the crystal sphere.

Within the sphere, two balls of light appeared—a green one and a brown one, resembling the elements of nature and wood.

"Princess Ravenna, your affinity is with the Nature and Wood elements—a truly mesmerizing combination!" Lilith declared.

The room buzzed with excitement. The Nature element was complex and rare, not often seen among the students. While Wood was well-known, Nature magic was far more intricate. It wasn't used for healing as Light magic was, but it could grow trees in seconds, negate all kinds of poisons, and even grant stamina boosts. The students were in awe of such a powerful combination.

"As for your ESR talent, it's 80%—an A Grade talent!" Lilith added, causing an uproar among the students. Gasps and whispers filled the hall, everyone stunned by the revelation. An A Grade talent was extremely rare, something very few people possessed.

But while the others marveled, Esdeath remained unfazed. She let out a small sigh of disappointment and thought, "She might have an affinity for Nature and Wood, but her real ESR talent is only C Grade. They're faking it to protect the kingdom's reputation. Too bad for her, but because of this, the princess is already in the palm of my hand." A sly smile tugged at the corners of Esdeath's lips as she observed the scene.

The students clapped, some admiring Ravenna as she gracefully made her way back to her place. The admiration in the room was almost palpable.

"Next is Sylvania Nyxaria," Lilith announced.

Sylvania stepped forward, her heart pounding but her face determined. She placed her hand on the sphere, and again, the light began to swirl and shift before settling into three distinct colors—blue, white, and grey. 

"Your affinities are Wind, Water, and Earth," Lilith said, her voice holding a hint of surprise. "Such a versatile combination!"

The students murmured in amazement. Three elements were rare enough, but Sylvania had managed to possess three with such natural ease. It was an impressive feat.

"Your ESR talent is 70%—a B Grade talent!" Lilith added. The students clapped, though the excitement was slightly less than before, still high for such a strong talent.

Sylvania smiled, feeling a mix of pride and relief. As she stepped back, she couldn't help but glance at Ethan, who gave her an encouraging nod.

"And now, Corin Reynold," Lilith called out.

Corin walked up, his face still twisted with anger from the earlier confrontation with Ethan. He shot a glare at Ethan before placing his hand on the sphere. The sphere glowed, revealing a bright red light.

"Your affinity is Fire," Lilith said with a knowing nod. "A strong and aggressive element."

Corin's lips curled into a smirk, but it quickly faded as Lilith continued.

"Your ESR talent is 68%—also a B Grade talent," she announced.

The students clapped, though there was a noticeable lack of enthusiasm. Corin's earlier behavior had soured their opinion of him. Corin clenched his fists, his pride wounded, but he kept his head high as he returned to his place, still seething with anger.

One by one, other students followed, each placing their hands on the sphere and revealing their affinities and talents. Some had single elements, others two, and a few rare cases had three like Sylvania. The hall was filled with a mix of awe, jealousy, and admiration as each result was revealed.

"And the next person is Callista Seraphine," Lilith announced, her voice steady as she called the name.

Callista stepped forward with her usual grace, but unlike before, the room was noticeably quieter. There was no buzz of excitement; everyone already assumed what would happen. She placed her delicate hand on the sphere, and as expected, a golden light immediately appeared, signaling her affinity with Light magic. But then, something else began to form inside the sphere, another element that was starting to reveal itself.

Before anyone could figure out what the second element was, Lilith quickly moved in front of the sphere, blocking the view and covering half of it. Her movements were swift, almost frantic, as if she couldn't allow the other element to be seen.

"Callista's element is Light, and her ESR talent is 72%—a B Grade!" Lilith announced in a rushed tone. Without missing a beat, she turned towards Callista and whispered in her ear, "Meet me after class." 

Callista nodded calmly, not showing any reaction to the odd exchange, and turned to walk back to her place.

"Next is Violet Vondarion," Lilith called out.

Violet stepped forward, her eyes locked on Ethan with a determined gaze. She clenched her fists tightly as she approached the sphere, her heart pounding with anticipation. She placed her hand on the sphere, and it began to glow with an intense light. When the glow finally settled, the sphere showed a vibrant purple light.

"Your element is Gravity," Lilith announced, her voice filled with admiration. "It will be a powerful combination with a heavy sword. As for your ESR talent, it's 85%—an A Grade!"

The room erupted in gasps and whispers once again. Two A Grades in one year—it was unheard of, truly a miracle. Violet couldn't help but look at Ethan, her eyes sparkling with pride. She gave a little jump of excitement, feeling a sense of superiority over Sylvania. Ethan smiled back at her, already knowing this was going to happen, but still feeling proud.

"And now, Maruti… Ummm, no surname? Whatever, whoever is named Maruti, come forward," Lilith called out, sounding slightly unsure.

A girl with tanned skin, vermilion hair, and a fat body slowly stepped forward. As she walked, the room's atmosphere shifted. Disappointment was evident on the faces of the students; some even turned their gazes away, clearly uninterested. Maruti's shoulders slumped, feeling the weight of their judgment as she approached the sphere.

She placed her hand on the sphere, her heart heavy with anxiety. The sphere glowed once more, revealing her affinities.

"Your affinities are Fire and Light, and your ESR talent is 65%—a B Grade," Lilith announced.

But instead of applause or excitement, the room was filled with mocking laughter. 

"Pfff… that fat girl thinks she's going to become a saintess?" one student sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Another student whispered loudly to his friend, "Can you imagine her trying to cast Light magic? What a joke!"

A group of girls giggled cruelly, "She'd better stick to cooking if she wants to be useful."

The insults came one after another, each one cutting deeper into Maruti. She knew she wasn't what they expected, but the harsh words still stung. 

As she made her way back, Lilith's voice rang out again, calling the next name.

"Luna Cassia, Earth affinity with a 58% refinement rate, a C grade talent," Lilith announced without much enthusiasm. Luna had stayed up all night at her friend's dorm, and the fatigue showed in her eyes. She knew a C grade wasn't impressive, but she still forced a smile, trying to maintain some semblance of optimism as she returned to her place.

Lilith then shifted her tone slightly, calling out the next name with a hint of personal connection. "Kaelith Maranthia."

The room went silent as Kaelith, Lilith's own daughter, approached the sphere. Her steps were deliberate and heavy, creating an atmosphere of palpable tension. It was as if everyone already knew something extraordinary was about to happen. Kaelith placed her hand on the sphere, and in an instant, it burst into a blinding light, transforming the crystal into a pure white gem.

"Kaelith Maranthia," Lilith declared, her voice void of surprise, "affinity with all elements and a 95% refinement rate, an A grade."

Gasps filled the hall as students stared in disbelief. Fear and a sense of inferiority rippled through the crowd.

"A... A monster," one student whispered, unable to comprehend the magnitude of Kaelith's abilities.

"This must be some sort of cheating! How could anyone surpass her? How us she even a student?" another added, his voice tinged with desperation.

But Kaelith's expression remained mixed of annoyed,irritated, bored and disdain. She scoffed at the spectacle she had just caused. "Just some bullshits," she muttered under her breath. Without waiting for further instructions, she turned on her heel and marched out of the academy hall, leaving behind a stunned silence. "I don't need any weapons to fight,I'm leaving," she declared arrogantly, as she, leaves academy halls. 

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