Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Affinity Test (2)

As the students watched in weary silence, Lilith announced the next name, "Valeria Olyndra."

A high elf stepped forward, her long neon green hair flowing gracefully down her back, her pointy ears unmistakable. Valeria's enchanting, slim figure drew the eyes of many, though the class was already overwhelmed by the sheer number of powerful talents revealed today. She moved with an ethereal grace as she placed her hand on the crystal sphere.

The sphere glowed softly, revealing two colors intertwined within it—a gentle green and a vibrant yellow.

"Your affinity is Wind and Nature," Lilith declared. "And your ESR talent is 85%, an A Grade!"

A heavy silence fell over the class. Four A-grade talents in one year? It felt like life itself was mocking the other students, driving home their own shortcomings. It was a humiliation that weighed heavily on everyone, making them feel small and insignificant.

But deep down, most knew that elves were different. Elves, being closely connected to nature, had a natural advantage when it came to magical refinement. A-grade talents were common among their kind, though their population was scarce.

Lilith quickly moved on. "Next is Eldon Karthanis," she called.

A boy with fiery red hair and golden eyes stepped forward. A noticeable scar ran across his neck, adding to his striking appearance. Despite his strong features, there was something haunting about him.

Esdeath's eyes followed him closely, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Eldon Karthanis," she mused to herself. "The most hated character in Free Life Fantasy. Not because he was evil or villainous—no, he actually ends up joining Ethan's party. But the developers gave him a sci-fi twist, making him the team's sharpshooter. Rifles, snipers, guns... it should have been cool, but instead, he was like Sakura from Naruto—a trash character. He always missed his shots at the worst times, causing endless trouble for everyone else."

Her eyes narrowed, her thoughts darkening. "And the most important thing is, this is the person I'll have to kill first."

Eldon stepped up to the sphere and placed his hand on it. The sphere responded with a dull glow, revealing his results.

"Your affinity is Wind magic," Lilith announced. "And your ESR talent is 50%, a C grade."

The light faded, and with it, Eldon's hope seemed to dim as well. He looked down, visibly saddened by the result. A C grade was nothing compared to the talents that had been revealed before him. The disappointment was written all over his face.

Esdeath observed him with a smirk. "So even in this world, you're still a disappointment," she thought. 

Eldon glanced around, his golden eyes meeting Esdeath's for a brief moment. He quickly looked away, clearly uncomfortable under her gaze. He stepped back, trying to blend into the crowd. 

When Lilith called out, "Next is Claus Clandestine," a hush fell over the room. A girl with golden hair that shimmered like the sun and piercing green eyes stepped forward confidently. She was the future villainess in the game, the one who would later make Violet's life difficult.

Claus approached the sphere with an air of superiority, her gaze unwavering as she placed her hand on the crystal surface. The sphere began to glow with an intense light that flickered like a storm. 

Lilith watched the sphere carefully before announcing, "Your affinity is lightning, and your ESR talent is 70%, a B-grade talent."

A round of applause echoed through the hall as many students clapped, admiring her result. Claus allowed a small, satisfied smile to curve her lips, her confidence bolstered by the recognition. As she made her way back, her eyes held a glimmer of pride.

"Next is Ethan Rothslayer," Lilith announced, and immediately, every gaze turned to Ethan. The tension in the room grew palpable. He was the one who had topped the academy's written exam—what kind of results would he produce now?

Ethan walked towards the sphere slowly, his mind racing with thoughts. "Affinity, ESR talent... In my previous life, I thought these two things determined how far a person could go," he mused, a shadow of sadness crossing his features. "But later, I realized how naive I was. Affinity is nothing but a crutch, something that helps in the beginning. In the end, what really matters is your determination and the bonds you forge with the elements and the elemental spirits. If you work hard enough, You can become saint or a mage or specialize in any element, As for ESR talent, You can raise it by using rare essence stone who are capable of increasing ESR talent. "

With renewed resolve, Ethan reached the sphere and placed his hand on it. The sphere remained dim for a moment, then flickered weakly. Lilith's eyes widened slightly in surprise before she composed herself.

"No talent for any element and an ESR talent of 65%, a B-grade," she announced.

The hall was silent for a moment before Corin's mocking laughter cut through the air. "Pfttt... Haha... All bark and no bite!" he sneered, unable to contain his glee at Ethan's mediocre result.

But Ethan just smiled, unfazed. He had already expected this outcome and knew that it did not define his future. He walked back to his place calmly, without any hint of disappointment.

As Lilith called out, "Next is Esdeath Crimson," the room grew quiet, and all eyes turned toward her. The tension was palpable as everyone wondered what her affinity would be. If it were dark, many feared it might connect her to the demon king.

However, some, like Lilith, Ethan, and a few other teachers, knew better. They understood that having a dark element didn't necessarily link someone to the demon king, but it could still indicate something sinister. Ethan's thoughts echoed this, as he watched her closely. "I know dark element doesn't automatically mean she's evil, but if she is… I'll have to deal with her."

Esdeath, unfazed by the stares, stepped forward. "Affinity? ESR talent? What does it matter when you have a system," she thought with a smirk. She didn't care what the results would be. For her, true power wasn't in the element itself but in how it was wielded. "Element..You don't have to use them like tools or make friends with them, Creating an grea bond," she mused, a sinister smile playing on her lips. "You'll have to command them, like you're their superior, bending them to your will whenever and wherever you want."

As she approached the sphere, she couldn't help but think about the assumptions others were making. "Do they really think I'll get the dark element just because I have black hair? Fools, Do they even know what element demon king had?....Black hair doesn't mean dark element. Besides, I already know who has the dark element… Too bad. If I had gotten it, I would've been an overpowered character" She thought of advantages of dark element while placing her hand on the sphere, her expression unreadable.

The sphere glowed brightly, causing gasps around the room, but the results shocked everyone.

"Your affinity is Wind and Fire element, and your ESR talent is 55%, a C grade," Lilith announced., "Hmmm.. Not bad, She is an average, despite awakening at seventeen, Although I don't know what Lortell's reaction will be? " She thought with a small smile. 

The room erupted into whispers and laughter. "What the heck? I thought she'd get the dark element or something… What a letdown!" someone muttered. Others joined in, mocking her results. "Damn, I was scared of nothing,She is a human after all" a girl whispered in embarrassment. Luna, too, felt a flush of embarrassment creep over her. "Shit, now I look like a fool, running away from our room thinking she's a monster… What face do I show now?" she thought, biting her lip.

After Esdeath, the rest of the students lined up to place their hands on the sphere. One by one, they stepped forward. Some students managed to get C grade talents, while many commoners ended up with D grades, which drew some disappointed looks and murmurs among the crowd. Valeria Olyndra, who had earlier been revealed as an A grade talent, was promptly promoted from Class B to Class A. This stirred a mix of envy and admiration among the other students.

As the minutes ticked by, student after student went through the affinity test. The once eager crowd now felt the weight of the long session. The excitement that had filled the room earlier had faded into quiet exhaustion.

Lilith, who had been overseeing the entire process, showed clear signs of weariness. She let out a sigh and finally addressed the students, "Now, finally, it's time for weapon selection!" 


Tell me how many of you thought, Ethan or Esdeath will get A grade talent or special element? 

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