Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Off To The Academy

In a modest yet spacious bedroom, a girl with pale skin and dark red circles around her eyes slept deeply. As the first morning light poured in through the window, illuminating the room with a soft, golden glow, her eyes fluttered open. With a start, she jumped up, standing on the bed in an offensive stance.

"Who the fuck dared to attack me? Come out!" she shouted, her voice filled with determination and defense. But then she noticed the light streaming in through the window, and her eyes widened in surprise and realization. "Is it morning already?" she muttered under her breath.

She glanced around the room, her gaze sharp and probing, searching for anything out of place. But everything was exactly where it should be. "Strange... Very strange. I have full faith in my senses. Someone really came to my room last night, but why didn't I wake up? Don't tell me it's the work of an awakened person?" she thought, her mind racing.

As she pondered, her right hand's fingers unconsciously touched the fingers of her left hand. She felt a strange, slippery liquid, almost dried but still a little sticky. Her unease deepened, and she brought her fingers up to her face, inspecting them closely.

An uneasy smile spread across Esdeath's face. "Damn... Don't tell me I masturbated while sleeping?" she thought, a mix of embarrassment and disbelief coloring her features. The idea was so absurd and unexpected that she couldn't help but chuckle at herself.

With that puzzled thought, she climbed out of bed and stretched her limbs, feeling the tension ease from her muscles. She yawned, her mind still whirring with the strangeness of the morning. "Well, that's one way to wake up," she mused, shaking her head with a bemused grin.

As she moved about her room, she couldn't shake the odd feeling of being watched. She peeked under the bed, behind the curtains, and even in the closet, half-expecting to find someone hiding. "Alright, whoever you are, you've got me all paranoid now. Show yourself!" she called out playfully, though she was pretty sure she was alone.

She plopped back down on the bed, running her fingers through her hair. "Maybe I'm just losing it," she sighed. But then, a thought struck her, and she looked at her fingers again. "Or maybe I had one hell of a dream," she muttered with a smirk.

Esdeath shook her head, deciding it was best not to dwell too much on the mystery of her sticky fingers. "Time to start the day. Today I'll have to depart for the academy, right?" she declared, feeling a strange mix of amusement and bewilderment.

"Young mistress..." A slow, tentative voice came from the doorway. Esdeath's head turned sharply towards the sound. It was her personal maid, Mary, who appeared both fearful and determined. After all, she had her duties to perform despite her apprehension about Esdeath's temper.

Mary's legs moved quickly, almost as if propelled by an invisible force, and she reached Esdeath's bed, placing a neatly folded pair of clothes on it. "T-this is the uniform of the academy. Everyone is ready outside. Please wear this, and you'll be departing with Marquess's daughter, Claus Clandestine. Well then, b-bye..." Mary stammered out in a rush, her voice trembling. Without giving Esdeath a chance to respond, she hurried out of the room, eager to escape.

With an annoyed look, Esdeath glared at the clothes. It was a white shirt with a tie, a mini skirt, and pairs of bra and panties. Her eyes twitched as she picked up the skirt. "A skirt? Why do I have to wear a skirt, damn it...!" she yelled inwardly. But what could she do? It was the academy's rules, and for now, she didn't have the authority to go against them.

"And here this, bra and panties," she muttered, glaring at them with irritation. Then she sighed heavily, "Sigh... I have no choice, do I?" Whether she liked it or not, she was a girl now and had to wear them. She trudged to her shower room to change, but her mind was elsewhere.

As she passed the photos of Lortell Mariette, her body began to react, a flush creeping up her cheeks. However, her rational mind quickly intervened. "Ohh... I completely forgot. After I leave, someone will come to my room for cleaning or some other purpose, and they'll definitely see all this. It will cause a huge trouble later on," she calculated, anxiety creeping in.

Not wanting to take any risks, she decided to discard all the evidence. "Now, time for work," she muttered to herself, bracing for the task. She reached for the photos, but just as her hand was inches away, it stopped as if an unmovable force was holding it back.

"Shit... Don't tell me this Esdeath girl doesn't want to remove them?" she thought, frustrated. She put more strength into her palm, but her hand wouldn't budge.

Giving up on brute force, she decided to negotiate with the original owner of the body. "Listen, yandere-chan in me, I'm not removing them. Umm... I'm actually just taking them with me to the academy and placing them in my room. I swear!" She waited for a second, her heart pounding. Slowly, her hand moved towards the photos again. Miraculously, it worked, and she was able to discard them.

Esdeath let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. "Finally," she muttered, rolling her eyes at her own antics. She got dressed in the academy uniform, grumbling under her breath the entire time. "Stupid skirt, stupid academy rules..."

Just as she put on the skirt, she started rubbing her thighs together, a scowl forming on her face. "What the hell is this? I feel like I'm wearing nothing down there. How the hell do girls wear this?" she thought, a hint of anger bubbling up.

She couldn't help but imagine herself as a middle-aged man wearing a girl's skirt and bra. The mental image sent chills down her spine every time it popped into her head. "This is ridiculous," she muttered, shaking her head.

Compared to the skirt, wearing the bra and panties was relatively easy, but it still left her feeling uneasy. As she put on the white shirt, she left the front buttons open, giving a peek of her chest and the tattoos that adorned her skin. She put on the tie but left it loose, completing the look of a delinquent girl.

She checked herself in the mirror, adjusting the tie a bit since it was just way too loose, and smoothing out the skirt. Despite her complaints, she looked quite formidable in the uniform. "Well, at least I still look like a badass," she said with a smirk.

As she left the room, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and dread. "Off to the academy. Let's see what fresh hell awaits me there," she muttered, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief and determination.

With a mix of excitement and amusement, Esdeath walked out of the mansion. At the exit gate, her father, mother, a few maids, and many other people were gathered around a luxurious horse-drawn carriage.

Just as she got close, a girl wearing the same uniform stepped out of the carriage. It was Claus, the villainess of the game. Her eyes widened and a confused look crossed her face as she rushed towards Esdeath.

Upon reaching her, Claus started glancing up and down in a hurry. "I heard this morning that you awakened. Is that really true?" she questioned with utmost surprise, her gut instinct not wanting to believe it.

Normally, an average person would awaken at the age of twelve to fourteen, but it was the first time seeing someone awaken at seventeen. Who would even believe such nonsense? But after coming close to Esdeath, Claus already sensed mana in her and confirmed that Esdeath was indeed awakened.

"Hmph... Awakened, so what? Don't even try to compete with me!" Claus snorted, then turned back and sat inside the carriage once again.

Esdeath's parents were there, but Claus still showed no fear in acting this way in front of them.

Esdeath's mother came and hugged her tightly, tears starting to pour down as she cried. "Sob... Sob... Be happy there and make a lot of friends, okay? I'll meet you whenever you have time. Sob... Sob..."

"Urghh... I'm not going to die, dammit. It's just going to the academy. As always, they are so overprotective," Esdeath thought, feeling both touched and exasperated.

Her father, standing tall and stern as ever, gave her a nod. "Do your best, Esdeath."

Esdeath rolled her eyes but couldn't help a small smile. "Yeah, yeah, I will."

Just as she was about to step into the carriage, her mother handed her a small lunchbox. "Here, I made your favorite sandwiches. Don't forget to eat them."

"So the sandwiches are this girl's favorite?" She thought but she had to put the act, Esdeath's face flushed slightly. "Thanks, Mom." She quickly stuffed the lunchbox into her bag, hoping Claus hadn't seen.

As she climbed into the carriage, Claus eyed her suspiciously. "Sandwiches from Mommy, huh? How cute."

Esdeath scowled but decided not to respond, instead opting to sit back and let the ride begin.

The carriage rattled down the path, and Esdeath looked out the window, her excitement mingling with a sense of dread. "So much things going to happen,Let's just hope I'll stay alive till the end" she muttered to herself. 

She glanced over at Claus, who was already engrossed in a book, and couldn't help but smirk,"Just like her, I'll also come in contact with our dear main character,Main heroine and villains too," she thought, leaning back and letting the excitement of the unknown wash over her. "Let's see what this academy has in store for me."

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