Reborn as an Yandere : Yandere X Yandere

Yandere X Yandere

Meanwhile, in the Swann territory, within a modest commoner's area, a mother busily tended to her chores. The sounds of sweeping and the clinking of dishes filled the small house until they were interrupted by a young voice. "Mom... Mom, I'm going for a walk. I'll be back before night," called out her ten-year-old son from the doorway.

The mother turned, her face a mix of concern and annoyance. "Okay, but remember, don't climb the cliff of that mountain like you always do. How many times have I told you it's dangerous?" she warned, her voice stern.

The boy grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he lied, "Okay, I won't." With that, he turned and started towards the mountain. "Hehehe... Why shouldn't I go there? Standing up there gives the best view of the surrounding area. Besides, no one has ever fallen from there, and I'm not a child anymore," he thought defiantly.

Reaching the cliff, he paused, taking in the breathtaking view. The vast expanse before him was both awe-inspiring and thrilling. "What a great feeling," he thought, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and a sense of freedom. But the serenity of the moment was abruptly shattered.


"Huh?" he gasped as he was suddenly shoved from behind. Tumbling through the air, he twisted to see who had pushed him. His eyes widened in terror as he recognized Esdeath—her pale skin, dark red eyes, and jet-black hair were unmistakable. She was smiling, her lips curling into a cruel grin as she opened her mouth.

"You should have listened to your mother, kid," she said with a chilling chuckle.

The boy's scream was cut short as he plummeted to the ground. His body hit the rocky surface with a sickening thud, bones shattering on impact. Blood pooled beneath him, a stark contrast to the serene beauty of the cliff's edge. He died instantly, his young life extinguished without mercy.

Esdeath watched the scene unfold below her, her expression one of perverse satisfaction. "Huff... It's been two days since I killed anyone. My whole body was itching. Now I feel good," she sighed in relief. With a final breath of contentment, she turned away from the cliff and began walking back towards her palace, her mood lifted by the dark deed she had just committed.

With that, Esdeath returned to her palace, the sky already darkening into night. She entered the grand dining room, where a lavish meal awaited her. She ate quickly and silently, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the coming days. Once finished, she made her way to her bedroom, longing for the solace of sleep.

"Finally, this day ends. Tomorrow, I depart for the academy. So much work!" she murmured to herself as she leapt into her bed. Her body, weary from the day's exertions, sank into the mattress, and within seconds, she fell into a deep slumber.

The moonlight poured through the window, casting a silvery glow on her face. The night was tranquil, the palace wrapped in a hushed stillness. But as the clock struck midnight, Esdeath's finely honed senses tingled. Her eyes fluttered open, and she quickly sat up, her instincts screaming a warning.

"Someone's coming!" she thought, her eyes darting around the room. She didn't need any special abilities to detect a presence; a lifetime of danger had sharpened her senses to a razor's edge.

But then, a wave of overwhelming drowsiness washed over her. Despite being someone who could stay awake for a week if she chose, she found herself struggling to maintain consciousness. "I'm feeling so sleepy... my head is going blank," she mumbled. Her eyelids grew heavier and heavier until she could no longer fight it. She collapsed back onto her bed, succumbing to sleep.

As she drifted off, the sound of footsteps echoed through the silent room, growing louder with each passing second. A figure emerged from the gallery, moving with an eerie grace.

It was a girl with silver hair, dark red eyes, and pale white skin—Lortell Mariette, the arch-duke's daughter and a vampire. A wide grin spread across her face as she gazed at Esdeath's sleeping form. 

"Is that tattoos?, It is giving her even more enchanted body, " She thought lustfully. Her vampire fangs gleamed in the moonlight as she leaned in closer, her breath cold against Esdeath's neck.

With a predatory hunger, Lortell's mouth opened wide, and she bit into Esdeath's neck, sinking her fangs deep into her flesh. As she drank, the sensation was both painful and strangely euphoric, a mix of sharp agony and a dark, twisted pleasure. Esdeath's body tensed, then relaxed as Lortell fed, the vampire's lips stained crimson with her blood.

Lortell savored the moment, feeling Esdeath's senses flowing into her. The act was intimate, almost sensual, as if the vampire was drawing not just blood but something deeper from her victim,She was having extreme pleasure. As Lortell drank, she could feel Esdeath's strength, her resilience, and the fierce spirit that defined her. The sensation was intoxicating, sending waves of ecstasy through her body. Her face flushed, and a feverish heat spread through her, exciting her entire being. It was as if Esdeath's very essence was infusing her with a heady, powerful energy.

When Lortell finally pulled away, she licked her lips, savoring the last drops of Esdeath's blood in a lustrous manner. She watched as Esdeath lay motionless, her chest rising and falling in a deep, unnatural sleep. The vampire's grin widened, a glint of satisfaction and possessive delight in her eyes.

"Ahh~, as always, your blood tastes the best," she purred, her voice dripping with lust and obsession.

"Do you know why I came here?" she asked, though she knew Esdeath could not reply in her slumber. Her face turned serious, and her red eyes glowed with a dark, red aura. "I came this time to punish you!" she declared, her hand reaching for Esdeath's neck.

"You were going to marry that bastard," she hissed, her voice slicing through the silence of the room like a blade. "How dare you forget about our promise? I told you, you don't have to do anything—just stay by my side. I'll do everything for you, to the point where you don't even have to breathe. You are mine. Mine... mine... mine... mine..."

Her voice grew more unhinged with each repetition, the room's atmosphere growing colder and more oppressive. Lortell lifted Esdeath's head by gripping her neck, her touch both gentle and threatening. "But I said, don't you dare even look at someone else!"

"But...but...but...", she bit her lips, "How dare you even think of marrying someone else, huh?" she shouted, the force of her rage making the entire room tremble. Under normal circumstances, everyone in the palace would have woken up, but Lortell had already cast a spell, putting everyone in a deep sleep.

Suddenly, her expression shifted, a twisted, pleasurable smile spreading across her face. "But don't worry, this time I'll forgive you. Since you canceled the marriage, I originally came here to kidnap you and lock you in my room, so we could never be apart. But now, it's unnecessary!"

Her voice softened, taking on a sickly sweet tone as she caressed Esdeath's cheek. "You see, my darling, you belong to me and no one else. I'll make sure you understand that, even if it means I have to break you and remake you as my perfect doll."

But then, her expression shifted from a smile to one of concern and worry. "What? Do you think I'm angry at you?" she whispered to the sleeping Esdeath. Hugging Esdeath's head with her hands, she began scratching her hair violently. "No... No. How could I ever be angry at my beloved? This is a misunderstanding... a misunderstanding I have to solve. I have to solve this," she muttered to herself, her voice trembling with desperation.

She lifted Esdeath's head again and leaned in close, pressing her lips to Esdeath's in a rough, passionate kiss. Her tongue forced its way into Esdeath's mouth, colliding and rubbing against Esdeath's tongue. Their breaths mingled, saliva mixing as Lortell sealed Esdeath's lips with her own. The kiss was intense, a wild blend of possession and longing, as if Lortell was trying to consume Esdeath entirely.

The kiss seemed never-ending, filled with a fervent desperation that bordered on madness. Finally, Lortell withdrew her tongue from Esdeath's mouth, but not before licking her own lips with satisfaction. She ran her fingers over her lips, savoring the lingering taste. "How was that? I know you liked it," she purred. "I would love to make you a vampire too, but how could I do it without your permission? I'll wait until we become one."

Her voice was a twisted mixture of love and obsession as she gently laid Esdeath's head back onto the pillow. She brushed a stray lock of hair from Esdeath's face, her fingers lingering on the soft skin. "I was going to leave, but now because of that kiss, my body is heating up," she whispered in Esdeath's ear, her breath hot and tantalizing.

Lortell lifted one of Esdeath's hands, intertwining their fingers gently at first. Then, she spread her legs slightly, causing her mini skirt to widen. With a sudden, forceful movement, she guided Esdeath's fingers between her legs, pushing them inside her. 

As soon as Esdeath's fingers touched her most sensitive spot, Lortell moaned loudly, a shuddering gasp escaping her lips. "Mhmnn~ Ahh~, masturbating with my darling's fingers is the best," she panted, her soft moans escalating into rough, fervent cries of pleasure.

"Ahhh~ yes, that's the spot, just there," she yelled in ecstasy, driving Esdeath's fingers deeper, rubbing them right and left as she neared her climax. Her movements were frenzied, her body arching with each thrust of Esdeath's fingers.

"Nmmhh~, I'm coming, Ahh... I'm coming," she cried out, her body tightening, muscles clenching as waves of pleasure coursed through her. Her skin glistened with sweat, and her breath came in hot, ragged bursts. Finally, with a primal scream, she reached her climax. The bed and Esdeath's entire hand were drenched in a dense, hot, transparent liquid.

Lortell gave a gentle kiss on Esdeath's forehead, her lips lingering for a moment. "I'm really sorry, but tomorrow morning, my team and I have to go on a monster extermination mission. It will take at least three months. But don't worry, I'll try my best to come back as soon as possible. I'll also quit the academy and not enroll in the third year. And then... Hahaha, it will be our marriage, the start of our happy family," she whispered, her voice filled with both longing and determination.

Everyone knew that Esdeath's marriage had been canceled, but the news hadn't spread that she was also awakened. Lortell was making plans to quit the academy to spend more time with Esdeath, her obsession and love driving her decisions.

Lortell slowly sat up, her legs trembling from the intensity of her orgasm. Her eyes were wide, mouth agape with pure lust, saliva dripping as she longed for more. But it was already late, and she knew she had to leave. Tomorrow, she had to depart early, and there was no time to waste.

With a final, lingering glance at Esdeath, she whispered, "Until next time, my love." Then, she jumped out of the gallery and disappeared into the night, returning to her palace, her mind filled with thoughts of their next encounter.

This was the truth of Lortell Mariette. Just like Esdeath, she too was a yandere. Originally, in the game, when Esdeath's marriage was settled, esdeath had taken poison in despair. Nyx Crimson, unable to afford a high-rank healer, hired a low-rank one who couldn't fully heal Esdeath. The healer had said she could wake up anytime or never.

In the game, Esdeath had died within a few hours, leaving everyone in sorrow. But when the news of Esdeath's death reached Lortell Mariette, she flew into a rage. Unable to contain herself, she went insane. Without anyone's permission, she took her soldiers and slaughtered everyone in Swann. She also blamed Sancturiam, believing that if Sancturiam had never existed, her marriage would never have been arranged there. With this twisted psychology, she killed everyone in both Swann and Sancturiam in one night.

But what was the point of it all? Esdeath was dead, the person who meant everything to her, the meaning of her life, was gone. Lortell wanted to die. She took poison, slashed her head with a sword, and tortured herself every day. But the main weakness of being a vampire was that she couldn't kill herself. Suicide was impossible, and no one was strong enough to kill her.

That's why she started committing every evil deed in the empire, hoping to turn the entire empire against her. Finally, she was killed by the main character, finding peace at last.

But that was the game's story. This time, because of fable's soul entering her body, Esdeath woke up, alive and well. That was why Lortell never attacked Swann in the first place, confusing Esdeath as to why she hadn't been attacked, even though she had done nothing at all.

How could she have known that the only thing she had to do was stay alive? That she had already done. 


So now's the time I should ask this question...should I continue this series? 

If yes, I'll have to do alot of works, and I'm not even a slightest bit annoyed by that. 

Well many suggested me some yandere animes and i watched Engage kiss and Happy sugar life but still I think they aren't crazy enough, kind of like tamed yandere. 

I kinda wanted someone more crazy women like in the manga, "Do you think you could run after reincarnating, Nii-san? ".

I'm going to watch future diary then, if you have watched some crazy yandere anime and manga then tell me. 

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