Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

The One Above All!

*Vol.1: Tales of a God.

Chapter 10 - The One Above All!

Without further ado, enjoy the chapter peasant!

Pov. Thor.

"So... I thought you wouldn't communicate with me after the talking letter," I said confused.

"I never said that, I said that we would not communicate via letters…I never said that we would never meet again. Although while I'm here…I'm not either" said OAA smiling.

"... Has anyone ever said that you are a confusing person to understand?" I asked.

OAA just laughed.

"Hahahaha... In fact, there have been several who have said that to me... It's always fun to listen again." Said OAA, in a good mood.

In a way, I'm happy to see a familiar face from my previous life, even if it's the fake one... But there are things I need to ask first...

"…While I unnecessarily would like to know more about your eternal life…I have some questions I would like to ask…" I said.

"By all means, make yourself comfortable and have a seat," said OAA gesturing with one hand.

I was confused... I was in the emptiness of space, but after I blinked for a second... I was in a living room.

Omnipotence was scary... But it was still so OP!

I then sat on the couch that was behind me, while the OAA sat in an armchair across from me.

"…That was cool…" I said, smiling.

"Hehe...Thanks...But then, about the questions..." began OAA.

"Aren't you Omniscient too?" I asked confused.

I thought he was going to read my mind or something...

"Yes...But YOU would like to ask, not me...I may have all the answers to your questions...But you don't have all the questions for my answers" explained OAA.

I just wanted him to give easier-to-understand advice...

... Did he smile again? Oh yeah... Omniscience.

"Okay… Let's start with the basics… While I understand it was my stupid choice that brought me into this world… Why Thor? Why reborn as a god? I'm way off the canon because of that…" I asked curiously.

"Um...A better way to explain it would be this way...I chose to reincarnate you as Thor because it was easier for you to get involved..." said OAA.

"Involve me? With what exactly?" I insisted.

"…everything…" OAA replied.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

'Everything'? What kind of answer was that?

"Well…you, who have watched the 'Marvel' movies… know the capabilities of the time stone, right? I have that same ability... And much more. Before you even chose that door... I already predicted several realities, one of those realities you chose the door of heaven and 'lived' happily with your perfect world... But there is also another reality in which you choose the door of heaven and go crazy in your 'perfect' world because deep down you considered that world a big lie; after all, the 'perfect' for a man is to know how to live with his faults because that's the only way he will know his qualities..." explained OAA.

Okay... That was scary.

"So did I go crazy in some reality?… cool," I said.

"Haha... I suppose all human madness manifests itself in an unusual way... Or should I say... Unique" mused OAA.

"…Maybe… But back to the subject… If you knew which door I would choose… And chose for me to be reborn as Thor so I could get involved in the whole story… You still haven't fully answered my question ... Why?" I asked again.

Yes, he said he would like it if I get involved in the story, but I could do that if I reincarnate as any other race... So why be specifically reborn as a god? What kind of entertainment was this?...

"Hmm… How can I say… You… Intrigue me" replied OAA.

"... What?" I asked not understanding.

"…You see… The very concept of a god is unimaginable for a human. I then wondered what an immortal would be like with the soul of a mortal... A mortal soul with the eternity of a god... I was intrigued, I wanted to see this result... So I went to limbo, the place where repentant souls reflect on their life before finding the peace to move on, at first I tried to find the soul of any human, but it didn't work as they were too... Uninteresting; as I didn't want anyone with a selfish bent I immediately discarded them; so I proceeded with the souls who died being selfless and who had been in limbo for a while, when I offered the proposal they accepted, but I feel... Disappointed because of how easily they corrupted themselves with the new life... So I judged them according to their achievements... And I erased them" explains OAA.

Wait... 'Erased'?!... Better not to ask.

"But then…I found you. A soul lost in limbo, which died young... Who didn't regret your own life, but didn't want to move on because you wanted to enjoy more of your life... I was intrigued, considering the centuries you spent in limbo. That's when I knew you were the soul I was looking for… Your answer 'not knowing what I'd do if I got a second chance', just confirmed it…" replied OAA.

... I think I understand the entertainment he wants... What would an immortal being with a mortal's soul be like?... I feel like a laboratory experiment.

"I think I understand... You're the scientist and I'm the experiment..." I said impassively.

"In a way…yes, you're right. But I've never imposed my will on you...I've always let you make your own choices, I'm just...curious" said OAA.

"If you are Omniscient, why are you curious? That doesn't make sense," I said.

He just smiled.

"Well…I treat life like a good book…I must flip page by page. While I may know what you can become, I'm more curious to know what YOU want to be" said OAA with a smile.

I was silent... I really didn't think it was a bad exchange. He wanted some entertainment... And I just wanted to live more... Even if I have to live in this universe where fanservice is a law...

I would enjoy what else life has to offer me.

"Very well... I think it's time for me to leave... See you next time, fake Stan Lee," I said, getting up from the couch and heading towards the door, which I assumed was the exit.

I opened the door and could see Skidbladnir.

As soon as I got out the door started to close.

But I still heard Stan Lee's copy speaking one last time before the door closed.

"I hope you like your two gifts. And by the way... Who says I'm 'fake'?"

I turned around and saw that the door was gone and heard the echo of the holy word...


"Well…that was…as cool as it was troublesome," I said.

My current life has become a movie that the 'True One above all' itself is watching...


Wait... 'gifts'.

I looked around and found nothing... But the core I had in my hands was gone.

There was only one location that I didn't check.

The Skidbladnir.

I then headed towards Drakkar and on deck, I found the present.

My personal skull breaker

The Mjolnir.

It was the version from Record of Ragnarok... But with one difference, I could feel that there was nothing 'organic' about this thing. But then what will the awakened form look like? Hmm... Should I do the 'test drive'?

…Better not… At least, not before I build my project #7 – the 'ghost room', where I'll be able to unleash all of my divine power, without having to worry about drawing unwanted attention.

As soon as I picked up Mjolnir, I notice that it looked like its weight was as light as a feather.

I then saw that it had a little note taped to it.

So I read it.

{Here's one of your gifts, the hammer might be familiar... But it's different at the same time! It will have a very different awakened form, in addition to the ability to shrink!... For your other gift, you need to have a mirror to check it out, as promised you now have a true form! But power always has a price... In your case, it's the ability to think clearly. I have a good name for your true form, I call it: The Berserker Rage!; Good luck my son, I expect great things from you}.

That's what was written...

Wait a sec... Need a mirror to 'check it out'?

I soon ran towards Skidbladnir's inner forge.


- Timeskip: 30 minutes.

With some resources that I brought, plus the resources already available at the forge, I managed to forge a small temporary mirror.

As I checked my body and found nothing at first sight out of the ordinary... I knew I had to check my back, hence the mirror.

And as soon as I checked... There was something I didn't have before the conversation with the OAA.

A tattoo.

I suspected this was the 'seal' for my true form, which I honestly don't know when I would use... After all, the note itself had said that the price of power was my sanity...

Plus the name 'Berserker Rage' rang some alarms in my mind.

But I'll think about it more another time.

"Well... There's not much to do here... I think it's time to go back... But maybe I can 'catch' a few things along the way... A black star's heart can do a lot of things" I said.

So I turned the Skidbladnir towards the Milky Way and started my way back to Asgard... while picking up what I could on the way. It would be useful in the future in my own forge.


Pov. Third-person. (Location: Jotunheim)

A shadowy figure, wearing a black cape and with a hood covering his face, walked through the frozen lands of the realm of one of the oldest races... The Jotunns.

His destination was a castle of great proportions.

The giant door opened, as the figure entered the castle... The figure moved through the castle, being faced by several giants until reaching a large hall that had several chairs and tables of large proportions, all chairs were occupied by giants... But one chair stood out from the rest.

"…What do you want here?…" said a giant. Sitting on a chair, which looked like a throne.

"...Are you the one who rules this castle?" asked the shadowy figure.

"I am Útgard, ruler of this castle and the Jotunn race! Now... I'll ask you one more time, What do YOU ​​want here?!" asked the giant, now identified as Útgard.

"...If you listen to my proposal...Maybe a friend" replied the shadowy figure.

As much as the shadowy figure was unidentifiable... The only thing that wasn't covered was its mouth, which at that moment only had a smile.

That's it guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Remember to leave your honest comment.

Forgive me in case of any grammatical errors... I tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I still have no idea to link images in the paragraph... Somebody pls, help me!

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