Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

The red star!

*Vol.1: Tales of a God.

Chapter 9 - The red star!

Here is chapter 9!

Enjoy the chapter peasant!

One thing I will make clear, our MC was born in 4000BCE; so currently, the MC is 100 years old, so it is currently 3900BCE!

Pov. Third-person.

While Freyja wondered who made such a necklace... There was a hunt in the hall of Valhalla... The young god Váli, son of Odin, is known for his bloodlust in fights... Was hiding under the table.

"… Shit…I can't leave the hall without being noticed by someone…There's only one person who can help me right now…" whispered Váli.

Váli then made a simple communication rune; the one he was trying to contact was an old friend of Odin's children, and who helped Frigg raise them herself... She could be considered an older sister.

When the rune showed a sign of response, a Valkyrie figure soon formed.

"...Váli? What do you want?"

"Brunhild! I need help! I only have seconds; I know you probably don't like me very much after breaking your little sister Hrist's heart, but I really need your help! I don't want to end up with two broken arms again! Help me! Thor is drunk!" said Váli quickly.

"Hmm... You're right..." Brunhild replied reflecting.

A ray of hope flickered across Váli's face.

"So will you help me?" asked Váli hopefully.

"…What? No…I said you were right about me not liking you very much after you broke my sister's heart," Brunhild said with a small smile on her face.

"Eh?..." said Váli surprise.

"…By the way…Your 'seconds' are over," Brunhild said with a bigger smile, before ending the rune call.

As soon as Brunhild finished speaking... The table where Váli was hiding under it... was raised.

"*Hic* I found you~," said a voice with an innocent tone.

At that moment, Váli knew he would experience a world of pain.




Meanwhile, Freyja was still at the table with her parents and brother... Until a young god approached.

"Goddess Freyja... The poems about your beauty don't do justice to being in your presence... May I ask you for a dance?" said the young god in a confident tone. It was Kvasir, the god of inspiration.

"…Certainly, Kvasir," Freyja replied with a polite smile.

From the smile, some people could already consider that it would be another rejection of a suitor for Freyja's consort.

Don't misunderstand; Freyja enjoyed the attention the other gods gave her... She IS the goddess of beauty... But over the years, she stopped being interested. After all, they all had ulterior motives... She is the goddess of beauty as well as wealth and lust... She knew what they wanted, she always knew, it was easy to figure out intentions through one's thoughts... When Freyja would lean against a person, even if only a brief touch, she would feel their deepest desires.

But she wanted something more... She wanted someone to feel for her more than desire... Freyja was the goddess of love... But never in her 130 years did find anyone who saw her with eyes beyond greedy. Due to her having the title of most beautiful and richest goddess... She knew that most, if not all, male gods who had asked for her hand in marriage saw her as a trophy.

The irony... The young goddess Vanir didn't want to be 'wanted as a trophy'... She wanted to be loved.

But then during the dance between Freyja and Kvasir... Something interrupted the music and caught the attention of most of the guests.


The noise of an explosion resounded in Valhalla's hall... The cause?... A body collided with a wall at high speed, resulting in a large hole in the wall and a pile of debris on the floor.

And someone was walking towards the pile of rubble.

"*Hic* Get up brother~... I haven't finished teaching you how to punch properly~ *Hic* then get up, I'll make you learn a little bit about projectile motion '" said the person.

It was Thor who was walking slowly towards the pile of debris...

It was then that the pile of debris moved and showed that it was the god Vali. He didn't look good... It looked like his left arm and right leg had been broken... The armor that protected his chest had a mark that looked like a fist.

"*Coff* Thor... Did I need it all? I think you broke some of my ribs *Coff*" said Váli, while coughing up blood.

"If you're breathing *Hic* then you're fine~" Thor replied.

"...Shit... *Coff* I can bring you a barrel mead if you stop with that..." said Váli, trying to convince his brother.

"Hmm... You didn't convince me" said Thor, who then grabbed Váli's collar with one hand and lifted him off the ground.

"Thor!" A voice shouted.

Thor then looked towards the voice... It was Sif with two barrels of mead.

"Do you want?... Drop the body first," Sif said.

"Um…sweet nectar," Thor said.

Thor then released his brother and walked towards Sif...

It was then that the crowd dispersed... While two people took Váli's body and carried it towards a healing chamber.

The rest of the festivities continued as if nothing had happened.

After all... It was just another day in Valhalla...


- Timeskip: 1 day.

Pov Thor.

"Ow… What a fucking headache… I shouldn't have gone overboard on the mead…" I said rubbing my temples.

The hangover sucks... But that wouldn't delay my schedule!

I already took too long... It was time to make use of this stealth-flying ship and go get my partner!

I looked at the miniature Drakkar in my hands.

"Hmm... What's missing now are those hitting the road country songs" I said smiling.


- Timeskip: 5 minutes (Location: Asgard Palace).

Pov. Third-person.

"What did you say?!" resounded a voice in the royal room.

It was Frigg, who was sitting on the bed, who had screamed in disbelief... The cause of this was that Odin had returned from the last meeting recently between the leaders of the pantheons.

"…The new leader of the Greek pantheon… Didn't go to the meeting," said Odin.

"I don't like this Odin... He took power only a century ago and has already closed himself off from the world... Not even Uranus dared not attend the meeting... Should we expect a conflict?" asked Frigg worried.

"If there is... It is more likely that the territories of the Egyptians and Sumerians will be the most affected due to the proximity... We have nothing to fear. But I will insist on being prepared... But it's not from Chronos that I expect conflict..." replied Odin.

"...It's the Jotun, isn't it?..." asked Frigg.

"…Yes… They are braver…" said Odin wearily.

"…Your mother was a Jo-" Frigg start saying until she was interrupted by Odin.

"While my mother may be a Jotun... I am a king before a son" said Odin.

Frigg was silent... She knew the cruel relationship the Jotun Bestla had with her son Odin. And she knew what Odin was capable of... After all, it was Odin who brought the Vanir gods to their knees in the last war.

Odin only let Njord remain the leader of the Vanir and his future sons the title of prince because of politics.

"What happens now then?..." asked Frigg.

"...We'll prepare and wait... If I'm right... There will be a war again... I just hope we get it over with before it gets the attention of the other pantheons... We can't show weakness... Not with the leader of the Greeks showing that attitude..." said Odin.

Frigg could only agree... The situation was not good.


- Location: space.

Pov. Thor.

I think most of the kids in my previous life who dreamed of being astronauts... would live their dream right now.

Skidbladnir is very fast, much faster than the speed of light. I had already left the solar system in which Midgard/Earth was... And was heading towards the red dot... I knew my partner was out of this galaxy... But by the speed of this ship? I estimated that I would reach my destination in approximately 72 hours...

As much as I could just teleport to the location... I was pretty sure I wouldn't be 100% accurate. Not to mention the residual magic of the teleportation rune would alert the so-called 'primal deities' and I didn't want them to meddle where they weren't called...

That was a bad habit of the gods... to be intrusive and think you can do whatever you want out of being a god.

I refused to be that way.

The reason?... If there were some things I learned in my life as a mortal were:

- Every action has a reaction.

- And Murphy's fucking law.

... Also, I didn't want to be known as Zeus. Because while I wasn't very studious about Norse mythology... Greek mythology was another story...

Zeus was a good example not to follow... The future lord of the skies, and ruler of the Olympians... Had the bad habit of transforming himself and wanting to fuck everything that had a hole... I still remember the story that he turned into the rain just to fuck a woman...

Greek gods are strange...

It was better if I stayed away from the Greek pantheon... Even though the rapist shapeshifter wasn't born yet... I had a feeling that he and I would definitely NOT get along... Not to mention the others.

- Hera: the 'vengeful' wife... Who likes to get revenge on the innocent children of her cheating husband.

- Poseidon: Another rapist kidnapper, arrogant as his little brother.

- Ares: The man with serious anger issues.

- Aphrodite: The woman who started a war for the title of most beautiful.


And so the list goes on... I want to get away from this pile of shit.


- Timeskip: 72 hours later / 3 Earth days (Location: Space)

Pov. Thor.

When I arrived at my destination, I expected to come across a red 'star'... I was surprised that it's not exactly a standard star. It was a bright red nebula, with the 'shape' of a star... What scared me was the size of this nebula, it was easily bigger than the sun several times; plus there seems to be a lightning storm inside.

But I could feel it... It felt like it had a core... And the core was calling me.

"Finally... It's about time if I got you" I said smiling.

So I took a small chain and tied it around my ankle... Because I didn't want to get lost in the nebula, I thought I'd better use the idea Theseus had in the labyrinth... And if they accuse me of plagiarism, just remember...

It's not plagiarism if you do it first.

"Well… here we go," I said, before jumping off the ship.

I was going to leave the ship behind as I didn't want to damage it too much from the lightning storm in the nebula.

I spent my time going towards the core... And when I found it, I could only see a small white sphere with red details... It was the size of a baseball ball.

As soon as I got close enough I grabbed it... And then the giant nebula... It just vanished.

As soon as the nebula vanished... I heard a voice... And I remember that voice perfectly, even though it had been over 100 years.

"Hello there…" said the voice behind me.

"... The one above all..." I said smiling turning me towards the voice.

As soon as I turned around, there he was... Still in Stan Lee form.

"Ah!... I understood the reference," said Stan Lee/OAA, with a knowing smile.

That's all folks, I hope you enjoyed it.


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