Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 801

Vol 2 Chapter 765: Suppressed Inverted Guo Faction

Chapter 765: The Suppressed Inverted Guo School

“Is there no other way?” William Schiff said solemnly after a moment of silence.

“Sorry, I really can’t think of any other way! Also, take me to thank your father, Christopher has found a new job and can’t go to Citi! Goodbye!”

Feeling the alienation in the words, listening to the blind tone after hanging up on the phone, William Schiff’s face was covered with clouds!

A week ago, they felt they were winning, but now, in just a few days, the situation has taken a turn for the worse.

“The Bush family fell to Bruce Guo!”

Bush’s willingness to come forward for this matter naturally got enough benefits from Guo Shouyun, and this matter hardly needs to be guessed.

But after understanding it, William Shiv’s heart suddenly became cold.

Although in various conspiracy theories, the President of the United States is just a puppet of a consortium. But how can the power of a head of state be as simple as a puppet. Otherwise, the Roosevelt family and the Bush family, who have served as presidents successively, would not have played such an important role in American history.

Now with the support of the Bush family, coupled with the Roosevelt family, and a number of consortia including Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns, the advantages they had before disappeared in an instant.

But what made him more embarrassed than these was how the opposite person said this!

You know, the alliance they formed against Bruce Guo did not have any close connection with each other. I made all the money by shorting LinkedIn before, so that everyone has a little bit of unity. And now once the plan against Bruce Guo is likely to fail, they will never care about the plans of the Schiff family. Protecting their own interests from loss is their priority.

Just when William Schiff hesitated and couldn’t think of a way, someone in the conference room was already impatient, pushed the door and walked out.

“William, what happened?”

Steven Liping, despite his fiery temper, is no fool. Just by looking at William Schiff’s expression, he knew that something bad must have happened.

Look at him, and then look at the other people behind him whose eyes were fixed on him. After a moment of silence, William Schiff decided to tell the truth. Because the U.S. Trade Commission withdrew the news of the merger of Phoenix and Merrill Lynch, it was made public to the outside world. Even if he hides it now, they will know from the media in a few days. It is better to take the initiative to speak now than to let everyone be distracted by lying.

“Mrs. Snow just called, and the Trade Commission decided to withdraw the antitrust investigation against the Phoenix-Merrill Lynch merger proposal!”


“William, are you serious?”

Citi CEO Krampandit, who was standing behind him, took a step forward and his face changed drastically.

William Schiff nodded solemnly.

“Why? Didn’t you promise that John Snow and Connery were done?” Steven Liping asked.

“The president has stepped in!”

Everyone’s expressions sank!

“Should Congress impeach him, how can the president intervene in a business dispute?” Steven Liping said angrily.

Of course, no one thought Congress would impeach the president for such a trivial matter! Even Steven Liping himself understood that his words were just venting.

“Everyone, the current situation is very unfavorable for us, and we should discuss a solution as soon as possible!”

“There may be a chance for the hearing in three days!” Jeremy Dyer said solemnly.

Pushed by Vice President Cheney, Congress decided to hold the first hearing on whether the merger of Phoenix and Merrill would involve a monopoly in three days.

“That’s right! We still have a chance. If Congress vetoes the merger of the two sides, even the president cannot openly violate the resolution of Congress!” William Schiff said quickly.

Although he knew in his heart that there was little hope, even if there was still a glimmer of hope, he had to seize it. Otherwise, the people will disperse, and the team will also disperse.

The people who participated in the meeting exchanged glances, and although they nodded their heads and admitted William Schiff’s words, it was clear from their expressions that they were no longer optimistic about preventing the ‘Phoenix Merrill merger’.

Putting everything into his eyes, William Schiff sighed in his heart. In fact, he doesn’t really care whether it can prevent the merger of Phoenix Merrill, but his father does take this matter very seriously, and regards it as an important factor in his next move!

An originally depressing meeting ended in a more depressing atmosphere!

On March 8, 2005, Guo Shouyun temporarily bid farewell to his wife and children, and came to Washington from San Francisco to participate in the congressional hearing on whether the merger of Phoenix and Merrill Lynch involved a monopoly issue the day after tomorrow!

Originally, this matter only required Stephen Bryan and Michael Moretz to come forward. Coupled with the consortia he has won over, there will be basically no problem through this hearing.

But aside from the hearing, he has other things to settle.

John’s Cafe, a coffee shop located on the corner of Potomac Avenue in Washington, is one of thousands of ordinary coffee shops in the United States, just like its name. If anything, its thirty-year history is perhaps the only thing to be commended.

This coffee shop run by the old couple of John, because of its location is not outstanding, although the taste of coffee and donuts is relatively good, but in this era of marketing is king, except for some old customers, few young people choose here . They prefer to go to Starbucks or Deitch in the center of the street.

Guo Shouyun got out of the car, looked at the store, realized that he had not found the wrong place, pushed the door and walked in.

There are six or seven tables scattered in the store of about 80 square meters. The thick wood has suffered great wear and tear due to long-term use, but due to the long-term wiping, a layer of translucent clams has appeared on the surface. Light.

There are a lot of Elvis Presley posters and stickers on the surrounding walls. It can be seen that the owner likes this rock singer who was popular all over the United States in the 1960s and 1970s!

In this thick, quaint, western-style coffee shop, Guo Shouyun found the customer he wanted to meet.

He strode over and sat down in the seat opposite him.

“How did you choose this place?”

“do not like?”

“Not really. It just doesn’t feel like a place you can reach!”

“What do you drink?”

At this moment, an old man dressed as a white waiter came over and asked.

After a brief glance at him, “A cup of cappuccino, half sugar, thank you!”

“OK, just a second!”

“John, get me another latte!”

“Or the old rules?”


“I take back what I said before, it seems that you are really familiar!” Guo Shouyun said.

“You know that I graduated from the University of Washington Law School, and this is where I often worked during college. Later, even after graduation, I would occasionally come here to sit and sit. … By the way, the John family has run this coffee shop. For over half a century, their doughnuts are so delicious, you can try them!”

“Forget it, I really don’t have an appetite for donuts!” Guo Shouyun waved his hand and took a deep look at the person opposite, “Karl, do you have nothing to say to me except this store? ”

Karlov’s eyes jumped, and after looking at Guo Shouyun for a long time, he slowly shook his head.

“It’s too late to say anything! The mistake has been made and cannot be undone. As for the reason for the mistake, I think the people at Goldman Sachs have already told you!”

When he promised to put Goldman Sachs on the financing list of Phoenix Merrill Lynch, he planned to find out from his mouth who had disclosed his secret acquisition of Merrill Lynch shares.

When the name Karlov came out of Blankfein’s mouth, Guo Shouyun was very complicated.

More than four years ago, when he was still very weak, Karlov helped him a lot, especially in politics. The Pacific Group, Unocal, Phoenix and other companies have been able to develop so smoothly, thanks to Karlov’s escort.

So in order to reciprocate, he has multiplied the money invested by Karlov through the Thunder Fund over the years. Moreover, he also let his children recognize him as the godfather!

But it was such a friend who he thought was the most unlikely to betray him, but behind his back gave his most important secret to his enemy! Nearly hurting myself, my painstaking plan for more than three years has been in vain!

Guo Shouyun nodded slowly.

“Since you don’t want to say anything. Then I won’t ask any more questions. There is a word in the East called ‘cutting the robe and breaking the righteousness’, to describe the end of friendship. Today I will give you this word!”

Flower He slowly stood up.

“Karl, thank you for your help over the past four years, but I also hate your last betrayal. . . . Goodbye!”

“Bruce, please believe it. I also have a last resort!”

Guo Shouyun did not look back.

“Your difficulty is the status and reputation that you cannot give up!”

Looking at the figure striding out of the coffee shop, Karlov’s face showed a lonely color!

“Boss, this is the information you want!”

Back in the car, Wang Jue handed over a stack of documents.

After a brief glance, Guo Shouyun threw it back.

“Send anonymously to the prosecutor in Washington, D.C., I think he’ll be interested in this material!”

When the words fell, Guo Shouyun glanced at the figure still sitting inside through the car window, and there was a coldness in his eyes. A person who has betrayed himself, he can no longer let him stay in a high position with peace of mind. This is too much of a threat to yourself. So, letting him go is the best option!

“Karl, I won’t say sorry. You are the one who takes me first in this matter!” Guo Shouyun said silently in his heart.



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