Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 802

Vol 2 Chapter 766: Tiaohu Lishan

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-six tune the tiger away from the mountain

Richard Cheney walked into the office with a heavy heart. The change in the Phoenix Merrill merger situation was beyond his expectations. It used to be a victory a week ago, but now it has become no chance of winning.

But even if it fails, it’s not a big loss for him. He’s just the former president of Halliburton Energy, and he’s in for profit. Now, he has got most of the money that he should get, and even if he loses the rest, he still earns it, but the gains are not as generous as he imagined before.

“Dong dong…!”

Richard Cheney had just walked into his office not long when there was a knock on the door. It was his assistant who came in.

“Boss, the president is calling, I hope you can visit his office as soon as possible!”


Richard Cheney frowned.


“Did you say what happened?”


“Okay, I see. You go down first!”

The assistant nodded, turned and left. In the empty office, Richard Cheney’s mind raced. Combining what happened in the past few days, he roughly had a rough guess about the next meeting.

After simply tidying up his desk, he walked out of the room. As vice president, Richard Cheney’s official residence is not the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but Building One Observatory Loop. Of course, the two are not far apart. More than half an hour later, Richard Cheney was sitting in front of Bush Jr.

“George, are you looking for me?”

“Richard, here you are!…Sit down and talk!”

After waving his hand and motioning him to sit across from him, Bush said straight to the point: “Originally, I was going to pay a state visit to Japan the day after tomorrow, but the war in Iraq suddenly changed and I couldn’t leave temporarily. So I want you to go there instead of me. to Japan.”

“Japan!” Richard Cheney frowned slightly, looking at Bush Jr.’s deep eyes, “George, you can postpone it for a few days…!”

Bush interrupted his words with a wave of his hand, “The Marine Corps found the trace of S. Damm in the important town of Hanaigan in northern Diyala Province, Iraq. I want to stay and see this **** die as soon as possible. But this time the Japanese The state visit is related to the G20 meeting to be held in Tokyo in May. We must first communicate with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on issues such as trade and Japan-US military cooperation. Now that time is running out, we can only ask you to go to a meeting first. trip!”

“George, it’s better for Rice as Secretary of State to come forward than me!”

“Condoliza has gone to the UK to meet the British Prime Minister, that’s why I found you!”

Richard Cheney’s heart was heavy as he looked at Bush Jr. with a smile on his face. He is not a fool, and it is obvious that he was premeditated to go to Japan. Without him, a congressional hearing to examine whether the Phoenix-Merrill Lynch merger involves a monopoly would have to change its head.

Without him, a staunch opponent of high authority, naturally no one can stop the merger of Phoenix and Merrill!

“Okay, I’ll go!”

“Haha, Richard, I knew you would agree!”

Richard Cheney smiled wryly, Bush Jr. directly used national affairs as a weapon, and did not give him a way out at all. Moreover, the merger of Phoenix and Merrill was unstoppable in his view. Because before he came here, he had already received more than a dozen lobbying calls, all of whom were two-time political and business leaders in the United States, and among them were top figures like the head of the Morgan family!

As a shrewd politician, Richard Cheney wasn’t ready to stand alone when he realized that something was wrong. Anyway, he has done enough for Halliburton Energy, and he is not living up to his promise to them! A state visit to Japan is just the right time to get out of this vortex for a while.

After thinking about this, his heart became a lot easier.

“Thank you so much, George….Ok, next time I’m in San Francisco, I’ll treat you to dinner!…Ok, bye!”

After hanging up the phone, Guo Shouyun showed a triumphant smile on his face, and said to the three men he relied on: “Success! Richard Cheney will go to Japan the day after tomorrow, and the head of the hearing will be Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. Take over!”

“Great, without the stumbling block of Richard Cheney. The hearing is just a passing game for us!” Michael Moretz excitedly said.

Everyone here knows that Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, is a **** Bush Jr. Since Mr. President supports the merger of Phoenix and Merrill, he will naturally not oppose it.

“Now finally no one can stop us!”

Reuben Destein, president and chief operating officer of Phoenix Merrill Lynch, was also delighted.

“It’s still too early to be happy. As long as the hearing is not over, this matter will not really be settled. And the Schiff family and Citi, plus ING Group and Barclays Capital are not so easy to deal with!” Stephen Bu Lane said.

“Stephen, do you think there is anything else we haven’t considered?” Guo Shouyun asked.

“No, I just think that the alliance between the Schiff family and Citigroup is not so easy to deal with. After all, even if we win over Morgan, Bush and other allies, it is unknown how much effort they will really make. Therefore, we can’t be too happy.”

Guo Shouyun pondered for a moment and then nodded.

“Be careful! … By the way, this time the financing of 75 billion US dollars will be placed in the company’s account for the time being. No one will move without my order!”


Compared to Guo Shouyun’s relaxed chat atmosphere. The atmosphere in the conference room at the top of the Schiff family clubhouse was extremely solemn. Old Schiff, William Schiff, Citi CEO Cram Pandit, ING Group President and Chief Operating Officer Daniel Trotter, Barclays CEO John Varley, Halliburton Energy CEO Steven Lippin, six people sit together. They are also the core members of the entire league.

As for the quartet of Chevron, Comscat, General Electric, and Maersk, although they oppose Bruce Guo, they are more out of industry competition and not mixed with personal conflicts. Waste of time and energy. Of course, if Schiff and the Citi Alliance can still show them the possibility of a Bruce Kuo then they don’t mind offering support.

“Richard Cheney has called, and the president asked him to go to Japan for a state visit the day after tomorrow, so he can’t participate in the hearing!” Steven Liping said with an ugly face.

“So our operation failed?” John Varley said.

Steven Liping was about to nod when he was interrupted by old Schiff.

“No, we haven’t failed yet!”

After seeing that everyone’s eyes were attracted to him, “the one who succeeded Richard Cheney as the head of this hearing was Republican leader Mitch McConnell. Although this guy is a supporter of Bush Jr., he was in his early years. Once a Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist, it’s not easy for him to help Bruce Guo, a Chinese-American!”

“Gesell, is this true?” Steven Liping asked eagerly.

“Of course! She and I were both students at Williams Middle School at the time. Although the Three K Club he founded was banned by the school, it also made this guy a man of the school at that time!” Old Schiff’s eyes were full of A touch of memory.


“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and get this guy!”

“Steven, don’t worry, we still have enough time!”

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