Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 30

Geneva is seated on the bed when we enter the room. She points to the window just as I hear scratches against the glass. I open it up, hastily jumping back as something orange quickly darts inside. “What the—”



It startled me but now that I’m getting a closer look, this thing is adorable. At first glance, it looks like a miniature gargoyle from the Endless Cliff Realm, just barely reaching my knee. Except this little gargoyle doesn’t have any of the horrendous features they’re known for. It looks more like a little doll with big ears and bigger eyes. The arms are thin but well defined and it has a slightly pudgy stomach like it’s just had a good meal. Its skin is a bright orange-red that flows like its moving, its four eyes shining like rubies.

“Come ‘ere~” I hold out my arms, squealing in delight as it walks forward on its knuckles, a thick lizard-like tail swishing behind it. I grunt as I lift it into the air. Ugh. This thing is much heavier than it looks. “You’ve shrunk but I guess you didn’t lose any weight, huh?”

“Cooo.” The sound is slightly disappointed as Belolial, or at least the thing I really hope is the virtue, gives me a big-eyed look.

“Belolial.” She jumps out of my arms and into Geneva’s. “Lou, this is the form of an incompetent imp. You know our most basic relatives. These are the ones who take a divergent path to evolution. They gain their third affinity early but their coefficients freeze, so they remain rather weak. Good workers but since they cannot benefit from pacts, summoners do not know about them.”

I rush over to the desk in the room and hastily begin writing it down. This woman is just casually dropping priceless information within the summoning community. “Coefficient range? Temperament? Average size and weight? Preferences?”

Geneva rattles off the information, answering all my questions. When the page is full, I carefully tuck it into a drawer, grinning broadly. I can’t get paid for something like this but it’ll give me plenty of esteem and esteem is almost as good as gold amongst casters. People respect a competent caster more than the head of a noble family. It’ll certainly make my conversation with Marquis Guiness easier.

I turn around to see Belolial laying in Geneva’s arms, tail curled around her while her little hands hold Geneva’s wrist, sucking on my elemental’s finger.

“My. She’s about as cute as a baby forest panther.”

I squeeze my wife’s arm to express my agreement because if I open my mouth, I might squeal. Geneva pulls her finger away. “Our contract is complete. You’ll be Bell for now. Obey Lou as you obey me.”

“Coo!” Bell jumps out of her lap and walks back to me. I scoop her up without hesitation. Ah, this is the best. I will literally lift weights so I can carry her the entire day.

Kierra makes grabbing motions and I move away from her. As if that’d be enough to stop her. She quickly pulls me back by the hem of my pants and snatches Bell from my arms. “Hoh. I thought she’d be rough like stone but this is rather comfortable.”

“Coo!” [Return me to Master Lou, elf.]

Kierra holds a frowning Bell at arm length. “Now that’s not very friendly. And it’s just Lou.”

“Coo coo.” [I do not desire to be friendly with you. Release me.] Her tail whips angrily as her frown deepens.

With a shake of her head, my wife hands her over to my eager hands. “Bell’s so adorable. Is this really how incompetent imps look?” If it is, I need more of them. Like, half a dozen.

“No. We worked together.” Geneva gives me a big grin. “I’m glad you approve.”

That is a subordinate worth inspiring. In response, I hand Bell over to Kierra to hold and change back to my elemental form. I hold out a finger to Geneva. She doesn’t hesitate to snap her jaws, the digit disappearing behind her pearly teeth as she falls back onto the bed with a delighted hum.

I change back and take Bell back into my arms. Hehe. The little imp is drooling as she looks at me imploringly. “Do a good job Bell and there may be a treat in it for you.”

“Coo!” [I will dedicate myself to your service, Master Lou!] She wriggles with excitement and I squeeze her tighter. These damn succubi are going to make me die of cuteness. “Kierra, remind me what else I have to do today before my heart gives out dealing with these two.”

“Unfortunately, there’s nothing. But there’s something I have to handle so you stay and be spoiled by the pets.”

“Where are you going?”

“Hmm. That’s a secret for now. Don’t let them take too many pieces of you.”

The door closes on that bizarre warning. My wife is sneaking away without telling me. I should be worried about this…

Nah. It’s that deviant elf. It’s not like she’s going to find trolls in the capital. And really, I’d feel sorry for anyone who tries to start anything with her. Talk about a bad decision.

Shaking my head at the thought I flop down next to Geneva, settling Bell on my chest. “Let’s take a nap then.” A leg pushes its way between mine as Geneva latches onto me. I shiver as she kisses my neck. “Go to sleep, you. You’re not eating me.”

“Aw.” The lips retreat but she doesn’t move away. This is a little suffocating but it’s a nice feeling. I was half kidding about taking a nap but my eyes are feeling heavy. Ah, why not? Lazy days are the best and something tells me I won’t be able to enjoy them forever.


A messenger arrived at the hotel early the next morning to tell us that we were being summoned to the palace. When we arrive at the circular meeting room, I see everyone else has already arrived; the rest of the Tome family, Junior, Fen, Croust, Bastian, and the usual assortment of knights to keep the peace.

“Forgive me, Your Highness,” I say giving a deep bow. “It seems I’ve kept everyone waiting.”

“No need.” He waves for us to take a seat, giving Bell a curious look. “It couldn’t be helped when asking for your arrival spontaneously. Now that everyone’s here, we can put this matter to rest. Yesterday, we attempted to arrest Gordon Grimoire Senior to have him answer to his crimes. He died in armed resistance, which is more than enough evidence of his guilt. The final thing we need to discuss is reparations. Javarius Tome, you may speak first.”

Uncle practically jumps to his feet. Jeez. Why don’t you bounce and sing a little jig? The man could at least try to not be excited. “Thank you, Your Highness. My house has taken many losses. The damage to our estate, the injuries to our knights and servants. That’s without considering the sheer disregard they have shown for the honor of our kingdom. I will trust in Your Highness’ judgment in this matter.”

Sly, very sly. He basically just told the prince to put a price on his pride and the pride of the royal family. Cheh. The Grimoires are bleeding but Uncle won’t be happy until they’re done and scavengers have ripped the flesh from their bones.

Bastian nods gravely. “Gordon Grimoire Jr. Speak.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.” I ignore him and look at Fen, who is standing just behind him. As if sensing my gaze, she turns and gives me a quick smile before turning back around. “First, I would like to give the Tome family sincere apologies on behalf of my family," Junior says with sincerity I've never heard before. "My father’s actions are an insult to all of nobility.”

He lowers his head toward Uncle as he finishes talking. I’m not the only one in the room who is taken aback by his words. Has a Grimoire ever apologized to a Tome, let alone bowed to us? Impossible. Burning Earth would have to freeze over first.

“My family paid in blood to rectify the sins of my father against the crown,” he continues as he raises his head. “Though it may sound shameless, I can only offer you gold. I will take any amount Your Highness deems appropriate.”

That is not him. I’d wager an arm that Fen is telling him what to say right now. Junior is not eloquent, ever. Bastian is looking quite thoughtful. Time to make my move. Geneva, make sure I don’t trip over my words. I’m pretty sure I’ve got this handled but I won’t decline a helping hand.

“If I may speak, Your Highness.”

No end to the shocks today, I guess. Hold onto your seats people. It’s only going to get worse. “I would like to speak on behalf of the Grimoire family. Our two families have both been negatively affected by one insane man. It would be a continuation of the tragedy if this conflict weakened such a noble family. Rather, this is a time where our two houses should seek to mend our tense relations.”

I give the room a quick bow before retaking my seat. My family is looking at me as if I just turned into a troll, hehe. The other one who should be surprised, Gordon, has a stony expression. Fen’s had a talk with him then.

“As a member of your family has shown praiseworthy compassion and the Grimoires have demonstrated their allegiance to the crown, it would be disgraceful if I weren’t able to show leniency in this situation. I hereby decree that the Grimoires should reimburse the Tome family for any damage caused and pay an additional 1,000 gold crowns. With this, let the matter to be put to rest.”

“Thank you for your guidance,” Uncle and Junior reply together, one voice strained in an effort to hold off its bitterness.

“I, Bastian Kor Harvest, declare this inquiry closed.”

He stands and the rest of the room follows in his stead. The prince makes a move toward Junior, opening his mouth to call out to him, but the attempt is thwarted as Junior turns his back on him and marches toward me. He meets my eyes without a word before marching on. Fen lingers. “Hello, Lou. Please forgive his disregard. It is on my instructions as you don’t want people knowing of your control over the Grimoire family.”

“Hey, Fen.” I head toward the door and she falls in step beside me. “How are you? How is Junior?”

“Well. There is a bit of tension between Gordon and a few older members of the family. There is someone who has contracted a circle 4 thrall. Lady Belolial already spoke with her so she won’t participate in a rebellion but there are those who want to support him as head of the family.”

“And we can’t have that.”

“No worries. While Gordon Senior’s demise was an embarrassment, his legacy is still strong. Junior proved to be a reliable leader already so his father’s contacts support him, at least on the surface. With Lady Belolial’s orders, I have every succubi contracted to the family at my disposal so they have no hope of an armed struggle. They are nothing to be concerned about.”

We exit the palace gate and step onto the Grimoires carriage that is waiting. Gordon waits inside. He narrows his eyes as Kierra takes the place beside him while the two thralls take places on either side of me.

“…suppose I owe you an apology as well,” Junior says to her reluctantly.

“That’d be a nice, but I’m more concerned about what you do from now on.”

I clap my hands, drawing his attention to me. “Exactly. Since we’re all here, I’m sure you’ve gotten the gist of things from Fen. She tells me that you’re on board.”

“Not like I have a choice,” he grumbles. “Either fall in line or be destroyed. Besides, without your support, I doubt I could stay in charge of the family.”

“Then here’s to a happy alliance.”

“Quit it with the sarcasm. Let’s get on the same page. What do you want? I admit, you’re clearly not the same Lou as before but there’s no way you’d spare my family without expecting anything in return.”

“Obviously. You want me to be brutally honest? Fine. First, I want your money. Second, I want your influence to throw around where I please. Third, I want you to stop being assholes and lastly, change your name back to Mason.”

Junior had been nodding along with the conditions, scowling but not surprised. Until the last one. That caused him to flinch. “I can’t just change my name!”

“It’s not negotiable. You’re the head of the family. Make it happen.”

“Do you know what those old coots will do if I say something as ridiculous as changing our names? There really will be a rebellion!”

“Which you’ll win. What’s the problem?”

“Because there’s no point.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. There’s a very important reason.” I pause, letting him stew in his curiosity for several long moments before I drop my stern expression and grin broadly. “Because I want you to and it’s amusing. That’s the greatest reason in the world.”

He’s giving me a look that says I’m crazy. Idiot. You can’t argue with a godly being with a coefficient of over 5000. Kierra’s giving me a smirk. Approval from all the people who matter.

The succubi don’t count. They’d approve of anything as long as I throw them a treat.

Junior sighs deeply. “Whatever. I can’t deal with you. As long as I’m the head it doesn’t matter.”

“That’s the spirit. By the way, where are we headed?”

“For something to eat. Fen’s had me running around so much I missed dinner and breakfast this morning. I swear, my stomach is going to eat the rest of me if this continues.”

Ah, I sympathize with you. That feeling and I are intimately acquainted. Speaking of, it’s about time I fill up again, especially with my pets eating me. “Must be rough being bossed around by a thrall. If your ancestors could see you now~”

I grin at the suppressed anger on his face. I’m glad they convinced me to let him live. This is so much better. Thinking about him suppressing his anger for years, just like me, before finally giving up and accepting his lot in life is truly the perfect revenge. “Of course, it’s a big upgrade. The future of the Mason family is looking bright indeed.”


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