Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 2-Summoner’s Revenge-Part 31-Epilogue

Bonus chapter! A round of applause for the final chapter of Arc 2!

Geneva enters the room before us. I think it’s a little ridiculous but Kierra insists on it, practically forcing the practice onto me. Apparently, I need to start being aware of my safety and my contracted elemental is far more capable of defending herself than I can. Really though, who’s going to attack me in the capital? Inside the home of a marquis? There’s a limit.

Someone could make the argument that Marquis Guiness himself could attack me but he’s a merchant to the bone. Everything is about profit. It wouldn’t be very profitable to kill us…if he could.

Marquis Guiness gets to his feet as we enter his study. “Lady Tome, Miss Kierra. The two of you look well.”

“Thank you for accepting my request for a meeting.”

“No need to thank me. Please, have a seat.” He retakes his seat as we sit down. I rearrange Bell into my lap, smiling softly as she watches the marquis with rapt attention. My arms have toughened up with two weeks of carrying her around but I’m grateful for the relief. She’s as heavy as she is adorable.

“Would any of you care for some refreshments?”

“Perhaps some water.” I don’t care either way but it’s good to let him think we’re comfortable with him. No need to add tension in our conversation.

Marquis Guiness makes a hand motion. A servant practically manifests from the wall and exits out a small door different from the entrance to the study. I don’t even flinch. Everyone in my little group besides me, embarrassingly enough, noticed that servant on the wall, along with the other four just like him, the second they stepped inside.

The astute merchant on the other side of the desk notices our non-reaction but I don’t know what he thinks about. His face gives away nothing.

[He’s confirming his assumptions as to our combat ability and reassuring himself that the hidden knights are strong enough to protect him if anything goes wrong]

But you can’t hide your thoughts! Is it wrong to go digging in people’s minds? Yes? Too bad! Only an idiot would purposely deny themselves an advantage, especially in the backstabbing, treacherous world we live in.

The servant comes back carrying a tray that he sets in front of us before filling the three glasses with ice water. I take a small sip from my cup before handing it to Bell.

“You treat your elementals very well.”

“It is a partnership. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it. A sentiment I’m sure you can understand.”

“Very wise. Perhaps the Grimoires would not be in such a predicament if they followed a similar philosophy.”

As expected of him. He’s only been in the city for a day but he’s already apprised of current events. Junior’s fears came to fruition after all. One of his older cousins gathered support and staged a coup. It did not end well. He and his supporters showed up in front of Junior with their knights and succubi and demanded he relinquish control of the family.

Their hopes were swiftly dashed when the succubi turned on them, putting the favor firmly on Junior’s side. The upstarts were arrested and now Fen is leading him into systematically rooting out the last vestiges of their supporters.

“Every barrel has its bad apples. Now that Junior is taking control, I’m sure they’ll be cleaning up their act.”

“Strong words of confidence. I didn’t think the two of you got along.”

“Childhood disagreements. We’ve both grown and matured. More than lingering over something petty in the past, it’s much more important to come together for the future.”

“Hmm. It seems your family doesn’t quite agree with you on that.”

No, they do not. Uncle has been making the best of this event. The Grimoires grew by exploiting people’s greed and secrets. Unquestionably respected but not liked.

At all.

Uncle has been playing himself as the architect of their destruction and building a firm platform.

I almost forgot that the Tomes were once widely respected. Father’s Zero Affinity Theory is the most groundbreaking advancement in summoning in his lifetime, if not the century. Not to mention that we’ve made plenty of contributions to the kingdom in the past. We should be well-regarded but Grimoire Senior and his predecessors did their best to cripple our influence.

Let him have his fun. What is it Father used to tell me? A man thrives off his ambition. Between them, they’ve got many a broken dream. Riding this political wave has put a lot of life into them. Despite our current disagreements because I refuse to waste time with them, they are family. Seeing them prosper is good.

As long as they don’t go too far.

Callous as it might sound, Junior is more useful than they are. I won’t attack my family but I will protect him. It’s the same as protecting my wallet.

Not that the marquis cares about any of that. He got involved because the Grimoires are as much a threat to him as everyone else. Powerful merchants like him are bound to have a secret or two they don’t want discovered.

Secret techniques for his products, contacts, smuggling routes, client names. Those would go for a high price to his competitors.

“You know the game. There’s a lot of resentment between our families but at the end of the day, gold is king.” Which means profit reigns supreme. Over pride, over duty, and over love. In most cases. Cynical? Not at all. It’s just best to accept reality.

He smiles softly. “Gold is king, is it. I like that.”

Bet you do, you baby-faced viper. Ugh, you remind me why I wanted to escape into obscurity.

“Coo!” [This man is exceedingly calculating.]

Aren’t they all? I grab the empty glass from Bell. A servant quickly moves to fill it and I hand it back. Besides, I’m counting on that fact. We’ve done enough verbal fencing. Time to get to the whole point of this meeting. “Marquis Guiness, about my proposal. I was hoping you could sponsor me for entry into the Grand Hall.

“You may not know this, but I was originally meant to study there before my unfortunate accident last spring. My acceptance was a near thing and, not to insult them, but I doubt the masters at the Grand Hall would bother considering me unless the request comes from one of…recognizable station.”

“I see. A sponsorship to the Grand Hall. I didn’t think there was much they could teach you about summoning that your own father could not.”

I chuckle. “Indeed. It is our legacy after all. I want to participate in research.” I undo the top button of my tunic and pull out a small sheaf of papers. Need to make sure I get a nice bag to carry things in. “Specifically, I wish to hold many conversations and compile more information. It’s the original purpose of descendants of the Tome family. This is more than enough to sway the Head Summoner and I can pay my own way.”

“So, what you are asking for is my voice. Very well.” Marquis Guiness accepts the papers. “I would be glad to do something so small. In fact, it would reflect rather well on my house if I were known to sponsor such an astounding summoner.”

“Ah, not just me.” I turn to Kierra.

“Yes. Marquis, I would also like you to recommend me as a Foundation teacher to this Grand Hall. I’ll be counting on you to secure a great deal.”

Foundation refers to physical training for both casters and knights. Casting doesn’t require muscle but what is it they say? A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. Besides, the biggest weakness of casters is someone getting into a physical confrontation with them before they can throw out any magic.

The Grand Hall trains the best. That means their casters can at least keep up with knights.

“To sell me, you’ll need to know the perks.” She raises three fingers. “First, I have experience training soldiers and leading them into battle. Rather successfully. The reason being the second perk. I possess a pure physical affinity.”

He perks up. No human has a pure affinity but we know of them. There’s another term for pure physical affinity. Healing hands. They’re the best healers in the world. I can personally vouch for Kierra’s skill and her relentless teaching methods because of it.

[Lou, he’s practically salivating at Master’s worth to the king. He will undoubtedly help us.] Geneva, who has been sitting quietly to preserve her meek persona, casually speaks in my mind. Honestly, I could have figured that much out. Just delivering this information to the king will curry him serious favor. She could save anyone from practically any injury. Whether she agrees or not, simply knowing of her as an option is priceless.

Yet, Kierra throws in the biggest piece of all. “Third, I’ve heard that advanced classes take supervised trips to test their abilities. Maxine has mentioned that you inquired to my willingness to lead an expedition into the Enchanted Forest. As that is a place I am comfortable with, such could be arranged. Kill two drakes with one arrow.”

“I’m sure the Grand Hall will be delighted to have you.”

It’s the speed with which he agrees. The way he says it, the conviction in his voice. It leaves no room for argument. I have a feeling we will be attending the Grand Hall whether the people there want us to or not. Hehe. I’d say she got his attention. Not that she cares. She simply has business out that way.

“And you can forget about paying the entrance fee. As a sponsor, it’s the least I can offer you.”

Do you think I’ll turn down your charity? Because I won’t. “Very generous of you, marquis.”

“Think nothing of it. As a patriot, it would be negligent of me if I did not promote such clear talent. You can leave everything to me.”

“Then I’ll leave it to you.” We stand and he follows, grasping my outstretched hand. “I’ll take my leave now.”

“I’d love to share a drink... but seeing your imminent plans, you must have a lot to prepare,” he says cordially, reading my refusal through my polite smile.

“It is just as you say. Then, have a good day.”

“Always a pleasure, Lady Tome.”

I give him a quick bow before stepping from the room. Once in the hall, I let out a deep breath, a smile curling my lips. “Whew~ That went well, that went well. I knew it would but the actual event is still a little tense.”

Kierra chuckles beside me. “I think if we had asked for one of his children just then, he would have handed them over.”

“Coo.” [Another human enslaved to his greed.]

“Don’t be so hard on him, Bell,” Geneva says. Outside of prying eyes, she’s lifted her bowed head. “He may be a greedy man but he’s wise enough to turn it to his advantage rather than be devoured by it. That’s the most useful kind. Imagine all the tasty treats he could have access to. Lou, are you sure you don’t wish to make him a servant?”

“Bending people’s will selfishly is a big no.” Just, ugh, on so many levels. Destroying your enemies, yes. Anything goes in the name of self-defense. But fooling around in people’s head to get ahead? I draw the line. Especially against innocents. He may be calculating, untrustworthy, and cold, but he is still an innocent until I find out otherwise. “Besides, you’ve got me.”

“Coo coo~” [Master Lou is the best! Nothing on any plane can compare!]

“That so?” I say as I bring our cheeks together. She responds by holding onto me and wrapping her tail around my neck. It’s a defensive measure against Kierra who likes to ruin my fun by snatching her away. I swear my wife feeds off other people’s misery.

“If only she weren’t so stingy.”

I glare at Geneva but she gives me an innocent smile. Maybe I’m not being strict enough with her? She’s been making more derogatory comments lately. Sigh. It’s impossible to be angry with her though.

“Now, now.” As usual, Kierra’s the mediator. “It’s fine. Morality is not always a weakness. I’d be rather disappointed if she resorted to such disgusting methods.”

Haha. That might sound like praise to someone who doesn’t know her. I do, so I know that is clearly a warning thinly disguised as praise. She may be a deviant but she is prideful. “Besides, he is useful enough without putting him on strings.”

At her words, we all wear smiles that would worry anyone who saw them. The Grand Hall is where the best of humanity’s casters, inventors, and artisans come together. Its Grand Library contains all the accumulated knowledge in our history. If there is one place I can learn to fully wield my new potential, it’s there.

I wonder, how strong will I become with actual training? Cosmo had a monstrous coefficient. If I can obtain a portion of it through training, it’s only a manner of time before I become the strongest caster in the Harvest Kingdom. Not to mention the fact that I’m part elemental now.

What if, like Geneva and Bell, I can evolve after growing stronger? Would I become closer to that god-like existence responsible for my rebirth?

Just the thought makes me giddy.

I’m looking forward to the spring.

That concludes Arc 2, face-slapping. Now, we move into Arc 3, the obligatory academy arc! .Lou is eager to attend the Grand Hall and develop her strength. Look forward to training, new friends, and more shenanigans.

I want to thank all my readers for boosting this story, it's crazy watching those numbers tick up. Special thanks to my patrons who help me to keep writing. You're the best. With everyone's continued support, there are many arcs to come for RFTC and perhaps new series on the horizon? Stay tuned!

And, since its been awhile, praise Cosmo!

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