Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 34

As always, the Guiness Company building is spectacular. Though the gleaming gold and white insignia of a bird in flight draws the eye, it hardly stands out amongst the many magical advertisements. There is noticeably more security here as well, four knights in gold armor standing by the door.

Kierra, Geneva, Bell, and I disembark in front of it. I want to be surprised when the door is suddenly opened by a smiling Maxine the moment we step onto the gray pavement but, honestly, I’m not. The girl probably jumped down every flight of stairs in the building the second one of her knights spotted my crest coming down the street.

“Lou. What a surprise!”

Her hands lightly hold onto my shoulders as she leans forward, kissing me on the cheek. I stand there stunned like an idiot. That kind of greeting isn’t inappropriate but it’s something reserved for women who are close. I mean really close. Family close. Childhood friends, maybe. Not two people who’ve known each other for less than a year and converse mainly for business.

Don’t tell me she’s taking what Geneva said to heart? Damn it, I thought she’d be too drunk to remember that conversation. How’s my wife taking it?

…not good. Not good at all. People who don’t know her will just see a slight smile but I can feel the weight of her gaze as she takes Maxine apart with her eyes. Maxine hasn’t stepped over the line yet, otherwise she would have already acted, but the weight of her disapproval is heavy.

If the merchant notices, she doesn’t show it as she turns her smile to Kierra. “And Miss Kierra. It’s good to see you both. Look at me, wasting time in the doorway. Come on in, both of you.”

We follow her inside. This store is very different from the one in the capital. The room seems divided into two sides. One clearly for the students of the Grand Hall, the shelves stocked with books, papers, pens, snack foods, and cheap equipment. The other side seems intended for the more senior casters who find their way to the Hall, including more advanced equipment, artifacts, and raw materials.

There’s security in here as well, several knights standing around the room. As before, we step behind the register and there is a door leading to another room.

In the capital, the modest storefront hid a room dedicated to the Guiness Company’s cartography endeavors. Here, it seems to be a showroom. A dozen podiums are placed around the room. Atop them behind enchanted glass are several high-tier artifacts. How do I know? They have affinity stones, meaning those utilizing them don’t need to have the corresponding affinity. Simply provide the intention to activate it and a drop of mana.

Another clue would have been the well-dressed men and women surrounding the podiums. Some have the colorful, intricate clothes of nobility while others are dressed in powerful artifact armor. All of them are screaming wealth and power.

Numerous eyes turn to us as we walk by, a few lingering. I ignore them as Maxine leads us up a flight of stairs. There are several rooms here and she opens one to reveal an identical setup from the other store, a small seating area with an attached kitchen.

“Please have a seat while I get us some refreshments.”

I don’t hesitate to take her up on her offer. It doesn’t take long for her to come back with a tray with tea and snacks. “So, what can I do for you today?”

“Whoa, now. We don’t have to jump right into business. How’s the transition going? Judging from downstairs, business is good.”

Her smile stretches a little wider but it doesn’t reach her eyes. I can practically hear the polite spiel about to pour out and raise a hand to stop her. “Before you launch into your crap, remember who you’re dealing with. Just switch the subject if you don’t want to talk about it, geez.”

She jumps but then her expression relaxes. “That’s right. There’s no need to be on guard against you, Lou.” Hm. Don’t know if I should take that as an insult or a compliment. Oh, well. I guess I can let it go as she shows the slightest frown.

“To be honest, things are not great. My father made me an assistant manager here but the title is for show. The main purpose was to keep me in contact with the two of you. While I am very happy about that, my elder cousin is doing his utmost to strangle me here, refusing to allow me any room to take a piece of his business.”

“Uh-huh. Is that what that little show at the door was about?” Since I’m the only thing she can rely on here, she needs it damn clear that we’re thick as thieves, is it?

At least she has the decency to wince. “Ah. A little much?”

“A little,” Kierra responds. Her face gives away nothing but the slight shift in her voice is enough. Maxine winces harder, realizing she’s annoyed my wife.

“I apologize if I overstepped my bounds. There will be no more of that. I have enough to make my move now.” This time, her smile is smaller and carries a bit of malevolence, but it’s much more honest. “Many of those people downstairs are key members of the guilds in Quest City. My cousin is focused on pleasing the masters of the Grand Hall so I will make my niche dealing with the smaller hunter guilds. There is a lot of money to be made in the alchemy trade.”

“Good, good.” The more our pocket merchant achieves, the better off she’ll be. “How about living in the Grand Hall? Is it very different?”

“How should I say it? I feel…less secure here.” A noble admitting weakness? That’s a big no-no. Either she really trusts me, really doesn’t see me as a threat, or she is willing to open herself up because she knows I appreciate honesty. “This is a place where ability is everything. I am a mediocre caster at best, slightly better than a novice if we’re being honest. Surrounded by masters, the point is made very clear.”

A girl amongst giants. Not that anyone would dare harm her as the wrath of the Guiness Family would fall on them but that doesn’t change the fact that there are too many people here who can end her with a thought. “I sympathize.”

“Ah. I imagine things might be much the same for you. How is it, attending the Hall? Does it live up its reputation?”

“I am learning so I suppose so. I’ve yet to see all it has to offer. That’s something that’ll have to wait till after my initiate year, I suppose. But there’s plenty to do. Speaking of.” I lean forward, giving her my best smile. “We need some things from you.”

“Anything I can do.”

“The two things are related. Do you know a noble house of Pottoculli?”

“Pottoculli.” She sighs. “We don’t have much to do with them. They’re a part of the noble faction, which means they don’t take kindly to us ‘gold nobles’ who used our fortunes to obtain our titles. Generally, they’re all the same. They defend the status quo, protecting the power and prestige of the old families against anything that can threaten it.”

“Uh-huh. Would you say it is a good or bad thing such a family is contacting me?”

Her eyes widen as she leans forward. “That depends entirely on how you respond. If you pledge yourself to them, then everything is well. If not, then they’d most definitely suppress you.” Her eyes flick to Kierra. Hm. When she says it like that, I don’t think it’s Kierra who’s the problem but our current affiliation with the Guiness family. Ah, this is why I hate nobles.

“Great. Well, we’ve been invited to a party hosted by a member of their family. I was going to ask for your advice on a suitable present. Something that says…obligatory.”

She smiles, happy to hear I’m not considering partnering with them. Well, of course not. I won’t even pledge myself to my own house, you think I’ll bend over for a bunch of strangers because they can throw a few pages of their family’s lineage at me?

“I can prepare something. I would warn you to watch your back but I believe the two of you are perfectly capable of defending yourselves.”

You have no idea. “Kii?”

She puts down her teacup with a sigh. “I would like for you to procure several seeds and manabeasts for me.”

“That is not a problem but depending on the creature, the cost can become quite…extravagant.”

“Cost is not a problem.” Reaching into a pocket, she hands over a folded piece of paper. “These are the seeds that I need. As for the manabeasts, I would like to be notified when the whole corpse of a Rank 5 or higher creature is available. As fresh as possible, please.”

“May I know why? Some guilds refuse to trade without knowing the motives of their buyers.”

Huh? Couldn’t you just make something up? Just say you’re curious.

“Research.” Not a complete lie but a lie nonetheless.

“Very well. I will be sure to handle this. Where can—”

“Our new address is on the paper as well. If we’re not available, you can leave any message with one of the servants.”

We stand and Maxine follows, extending her hand. “As always, a pleasure doing business with you.”

I know what you're going to say.

Kierra, you HYPOCRITE!

To be fair, Kierra didn't actually mean anything she said about sleeping around. It was just to rile Lou up. Lou knows that as well but can't help letting it get to her, which is why Kierra does it. However, she already said that it is the role of one another to chase away those they deem unsuitable. Right now, Maxine doesn't meet our elf's standards. 

What are those standards you ask? Well, can you guess?

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