Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 35

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We waste a bit of time on the main floor to show off for Maxine until an employee comes with a smooth wooden box. I don’t bother to check the contents, not caring if the party’s host likes the gift or not. I have a goal to complete and after that, who cares.

By the time we’re finished, the sun is starting to set. Unfortunately, that means no more time to scout around the market. Preparing for a party takes time.

We make quick time back to the house. The first thing is to hop in the bath as running around has me covered in dirt and sweat. Ah, this will probably be the best part of the night. How sad.

Geneva summons enough water to fill the tub while Bell pours in bath oils. The air is quickly filled with sweet smelling steam. A quick wash to get the dirt off and then I eagerly sink into the water, sighing as the heat relaxes my tense muscles. “Dammit, why can’t I spend my whole day off like this? It’s called Restday, for saints’ sake.”

“What would Master say at this moment?” Geneva chuckles as she begins washing my hair. “Ah. Don’t pout.”

“I can if I want to. Mm.” Her fingers feel amazing. They apply just the right amount of pressure. Somehow, the simple touch is making me go limp all the way down to my toes. A little more of this and I’ll say screw the whole night and go to sleep. “I have to go hunt down some asshole trying to kill me rather than enjoy my time with all of you.”

“You should learn to enjoy your battles, Lou. Something tells me there are many in your future.”

“That is that and this is this.”

“Close your eyes.” I obediently follow the instruction as she rinses out the shampoo. “Then, before you have to deal with all that unpleasantness, let me cheer you up.” One of her hands leaves my hair and trails across my cheek. Sends nervous shivers down my spine and I squirm away.

“No need for that.”

She doesn’t let me get far, putting a gentle but immovable hand on my shoulder. “Why, my summoner? I know you think about it. After that display the other night…” I can feel her hot breath on my ear as she whispers to me. “You steal little bites but shy away from the meal when I know you’re hungry for me. Starving for it. Tell me, what’s holding you back?”

“Why do you care so much?” I retort, trying to ignore the heat in my body. “Don’t tell me you’re attracted to me?”

“Would that be so hard to believe?” I shudder as her teeth graze my ear. Oh, saints give me the strength. “I like you, Lou. You amuse me and more importantly, you intrigue me. With my long lifespan, that is not easily accomplished. More importantly, I want to be close to you.”

Her lips move downwards, kissing along my neck. “I want you to desire me the way I desire you. To be utterly consumed by the hunger how I am consumed by mine.”

“Eek!” An embarrassing sound passes through my lips as she bites down but I don’t care, hurriedly scooting away from her. Geneva pouts at me from the edge of the bath and I feel a wave of guilt. No, no! She’s dangerous! I might not be able to handle Kierra but at least I don’t need to worry about her turning my mind inside out!

“That! That’s exactly why I don’t want to get too close. You will eat me alive.”

“Mm. That’s true.”

“Don’t just admit it!”

She shrugs, flashing me a big grin. “I am who I am. And you appreciate honesty, yes? I don’t need to pretend around you. You’ll come to me eventually.”

Saints, she says it with such confidence. I want to throw back a snappy argument but I’d be lying if I said she was anything but right. It’s hard enough right now when I know it’d be a bad idea. The ache between my legs is very demanding and could care less about my good reasons.

“But for now…maybe something a bit less, hm, threatening?”


I turn around to see Bell on the side of the bath, watching me intensely. My sweet little imp. Like Geneva said, she has a much less oppressing presence. To the point there are times I forget she is a powerful virtue, the second strongest evolution of succubi.

Her eyes never leaving me, I watch as my adorable imp starts to grow. Her figure becomes full and seductive, the molten skin darkening to a soft brown while her eyes remain full of fire. Two black horns sprout from her head, smaller nubs between and around them forming a kind of crown. With her strong brow and fine features, it’s as if someone sculpted a queen and then breathed life into their art.

“Master Lou.” Her voice is deep but still feminine. It’s magic, literally. I don’t just hear it, I can feel each syllable. “Allow me.”

I swallow harshly. Even if I want to voice a rejection, which the saints know I don’t, I don’t think I could get it past my dry throat. I’m a doe held transfixed in the predator’s gaze as she stalks toward me, knowing escape is pointless.

The water hisses when she places a foot in but it soon calms as she makes her way to me. In a matter of moments, she’s in front of me. A hand gently opens my legs and she moves between them, placing her hands on either side of me as she leans forward. Putting us skin to skin. Or skin to stone.

“Touch me. I know you want to.” Her invitation is light. Dare I say, even innocent. “You’ve never held back before and there’s no need now. I’m still your adorable Bell.”

That’s right. She’s bigger now but she’s still the little imp I carry around in my arms.

A hand shakily reaches up to stroke her head the way I always do, moving through her wax-like hair and before I run my nails around the base of her horns the way she particularly likes. I relax when her eyes close, her expression clearly showing how pleased she is. “My Bell.”


With her offering herself to me, I find the courage to wander. My hands move down her neck and across her shoulders before circling around to cup her breasts. Mm. The weight is what I expect and while her skin feels harder, it is smooth and pleasant to the touch. It even gives when I press against her nipples, teasing them with my fingertips.

She hisses, arching into me. I lick my lips. “Do you feel it? I mean…”

“The way a woman made of simple flesh would?” Her eyes seem to be glowing brighter. “Oh, yes. It would be quite an ordeal if we offered ourselves for carnal pleasure while unable to enjoy it.”

She takes one of my hands and guides it down, letting me trail her literal rock-hard abs before pushing it between her legs. The wet lips are both familiar and exciting. And the heat. Saints, it’s like sticking my hand into an inferno. I’m amazed I’m not being burned.

“Shapeshifters, my dear master.” Her whisper has a hint of humor. “I am as woman as I want to be.”

“Oh.” I’m quickly losing interest in the details as my fingers explore her. Finding her entrance, I bite my bottom lip and push a finger in. There’s practically no resistance but her muscles clench around me like a vice. Saints, I love that feeling.

Groaning in appreciation, I pull back and slide another inside her, taking my time as I search for that spot that’ll make her scream.

She didn’t lie to me. As my fingers stroke her, she arcs toward me, hips bucking as she fucks my fingers. “That’s it.” Her voice sounds even sexier when she’s panting. That has to be for my benefit but damn me if it isn’t working. My opposite hand goes around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I’m starting to lose the last holds on my reason.

“You’re so, ahhh, so good. More, Lou. Give me more~”

She moans as I add a third finger, her hips moving faster. It’s so damn hot inside her. I’m starting to think it’s some kind of magic, because I can feel that heat spreading towards me, flushing my body and making it more sensitive. I have to hold myself back from moaning every time our bodies brush each other and my head feels dizzy. It’s amazing but I can’t help wondering—

A kiss interrupts my thoughts and steals my breath away. I part my lips and a tongue that feels heavier than normal moves to twine with my own.

After a moment of us kissing between her gasps of pleasure, she pulls back, a clear strand of saliva connecting us before it falls against my chin. “I can feel your doubt. Do you want to know just how much I am enjoying this? How good you make me feel?”

“Oh fuck, yes.” I am far beyond the point of worrying about possible addiction to these succubi by now.

I feel her push against my mind and then I feel the pleasure. Every time I move inside her, a bolt of pleasure races down my spine, making me squirm. Only an echo, just enough to frustrate me but more than enough for my voice to leak. To cover the embarrassing moans, I latch onto one of her breasts, licking and suckling like I’d die if I’m pulled away.

A hand twines in my hair, holding me against her. “Yes, Lou. Take me. I’m yours. I’ll give you everything~”

With her dangerous whispers in my ears, I double my efforts, wanting, no, needing to feel her ultimate surrender. She responds to both my thoughts and my actions, her movements becoming more frantic. “I’m cu—ahh! You’re going, hah, to make me, haah ahhh…”

My thumb moves, teasing that sensitive nub above her lower lips. The reaction is immediate. Her body stiffens as she lets out a scream that nearly drives me over the edge myself, hands grabbing me with a grip that is just short of painful. Even with her body below water, I can feel the flood of her climax.

To make it worse, she doesn’t hold back. I feel the full force of her pleasure but I also can feel her magic grab ahold of my body. Damn virtue and her damn physical affinity! No matter how much my body screams for it, that glorious peak is denied to me, trapping me in sweet agony as I feel her relax against me.

I may not be able to read minds but I can hear the amusement in her voice as I squirm in her hold. “Something the matter, Lou?”

“You know damn well.” My hands go to her shoulders, pushing her away from me and guiding her to kneel. “…you don’t need to breathe, do you?”

The grin she gives to me is absolutely wicked. “Not if I don’t want to.”

She needs no more prompting, kneeling in the water between my legs. I can barely hold back my excitement as a pair of strong hands part my legs, putting them over her shoulders as she leans forward. I can feel her hot breath and my eyes reflexively shut, waiting…


Fucking seriously? Why? My anticipation becomes mixed with frustration as I finally feel her touch. Not where I want it but as gentle kisses across my thighs. “Oh, for saints’ sake…”

“What’s the matter?” The head temptress appears at my side. Those pink irises are filled with bad intentions as she smiles at me.

“She’s teasing me, dammit.”

“Why are you letting her? Who’s the pet here, my summoner?” Geneva turns my head and kisses me deeply. “If you want it, you simply need to command it,” she whispers against my lips.

Here lies the road to the pit the Grimoires fell in or worse, becoming a puppet to these succubi. Saints know what she’s planning by guiding me into these murky waters filled with power. Can I keep the few morals I have left or will they turn me into a hopeless deviant?

Guess we’ll find out.

My hands go into the water, grabbing her two largest horns. I move her head exactly where I want it. “Bell. Stop fucking around and make me cum.”

[Everything will be as you wish, Master Lou.]

“Ohhh.” Her tongue is so long, reaching places I don’t think a tongue is meant to reach. And it’s strong. Rather than licking, its strokes along my walls are deep and intentional. She curls it, hitting that sweet spot. I might have jumped out of the water if she didn’t have a hold on my legs. And it’s so damn hot! I feel like my insides are melting as I endure the onslaught.

I don’t even try to hold my voice back, letting it echo off the high ceiling as I throw my head back. Geneva is there to hold me, starting up those dangerous whispers again as I tremble beneath my voracious lover.

Can you ever look at Bell the same?

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