Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 21

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The most important thing about meeting Cecilia is that no one gets the wrong idea. It’s already presumptuous to appear on her doorstep without forewarning. A king wouldn’t do such a thing as it is plain rude. For someone of a lower status, like myself? Eh. There’s some leeway as I’m not a man. That wouldn’t go over well with anyone but, with my reputation, it’s very close.

This has to be seen as something clean from all angles. I already plan to be on my best behavior. My clothes reflect my intentions, as I bring out the more formal wear. Another one of Kierra’s creations, a dark green shirt with a high, circular collar, long sleeves with gold rimmed cuffs my hands are partially covered by, and gold buttons with intricate leaf motifs carved into each one, with black pants. Amazing what that woman comes up with. I don’t care what anyone says, I am the best dressed noble in this place.

“Here you are, my summoner.”

Geneva enters the bathroom, tail swishing. She stops beside me, wholly absorbed with my reflection, and puts down a tray. I glance over at the clack of it being sat on the counter, staring curiously at the gleaming silver comb and the colorful glass bottle. “What’s this?” I ask, picking up and swishing its contents. A drink? I’m not so much a degenerate to throw one back before lunch.

My succubus chuckles. “No. Something to tame your mane.”

I snicker. Mane, is it. True, after cutting it, my hair has become…puffier.

“Master prepared it.”

“Erm.” My unease is entirely warranted. Everything in my bride’s garden is toxic, to some degree. I have stood by with a stiff smile as she explained to me how a beautifully vibrant flower can produce a poison that rots away flesh and plucked berries that can make someone violently retch until their stomach tears from the force.

“Should I tell her you’d rather not use it?” she asks with a devious smile. Knowing full well there is only one answer to such a question.

Gathering my courage, I unscrew the top of the bottle. My lips are twisted in a grimace as I pour the oil into my palm, half-expecting it to burn a hole through my skin.

Instead, a powerful woodsy aroma spiked with something exotic and spicy to the senses assaults my nose. I breathe in deeply, letting out a languid sigh.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Mm.” I’m no stranger to perfumes but they tend to be heavy-handed, floral disasters. Too strong and rather offensive as the noblewomen bathed in rivers of the stuff to drown out the other women, creating a smog of potent smells.

This is subtle but re-invigorating. Like the first breath outside the walls of a city, the fresh air clearing away the stagnant smells of life cramped inside walls.

Leave it to my wife to come up with something like this. I resist the urge to shake my head as I rub the oil through my hair, the comb easily taming my unruly locks with its assistance.

“What do you think?” I ask, turning to face Geneva with my best smirk.

Her tail whips faster in amusement. “Very dashing, my summoner.”

“Was hoping for irresistible but dashing will work.” I walk out of the room and reflexively bend down to scoop up my imp at her excited “Coo!”

Bell is similarly in her best, which is her normal lovable self. Don’t care what anyone says, she’s going to be the second best looking in that room. Geneva follows me to the door and hands over more gifts. With a box of homemade confections, really isn’t anything she can’t do, a bottle of spirits because it’s the only gift worth giving, and Bell on my shoulder, I’m ready to charm some women.

For the first time, the doormen at the Gold Dorm don’t look at me with skepticism. A quick glance at my clothes and a proper glare of someone who knows they’re better than everyone else and the doors are opened. Not a moment taken to ask my name. Amazing what a proper display of wealth can do.

“Bell, do you know her room?”

“Coo!” [Yes, Master Lou.]

“Lead the way. Oh, say hello to Miss Talia. We are kind of visiting her home. Let her know that if this wraps up quickly and she has the time, we could spare a chat.”

[Umphrieltalia requests to know our purpose here.]

“Mm. No harm in sharing.”

Bell pauses a long time. Starting to get a little worried. I jostle the imp. “Problem?”

[Avoiding one. She wanted to accompany us. I explained why it would be bad for several reasons. Then she wondered why she would want to do such an illogical action. I pointed out that she was most likely jealous, thinking that you had set your sights on another woman before her. She is finding the emotion to be a novel experience.]

“Oh.” Really starting to wonder about the kind of life Miss Talia has lived up until now. She seems, ah what’re the right words here? Unacquainted with emotion and human behavior. She clearly can understand it, as she saw through me in a moment, but has no idea how to handle it when it comes to herself. Makes me think she’s lived a very, very sheltered life. Which wouldn’t be that surprising if her mental affinity was discovered at a young age.

[She will be waiting for you to finish.]

“Good. The—”

[Cecilia’s room is that way.]

I follow Bell’s direction to the second floor. From Miss Talia I learned that the building is divided by both status and gender. Men on one side of the building, women on the other. The higher the floor, the higher the status, the better the room. The fourth floor, where Miss Talia’s room is, has only two other rooms, one of which is occupied by the prince.

As the relative of a duke, Cecilia is on the third floor, which isn’t too bad. Nothing like my, or rather Kierra’s, estate, but I guess it has to be nice enough to satisfy noblewomen accustomed to the finest luxuries the Harvest Kingdom can offer.

Outside her door, I take a brief moment to primp, getting an approving coo from Bell before I knock. A moment later, the door is opened by Fina, dressed in the black, frumpy dress and white apron she wore before.

It’s strange. Because of Bell, I feel like I’m far better acquainted with these complete strangers than our brief encounter would imply. Poor thing looks shy enough to sink into her shadow if I take my gaze off her and I feel my heart being tugged. Hesitant brown eyes meet mine and I put on a friendly smile. “Hello. Lourianne Tome. I was hoping to have a word with your mistress?”

“One moment, Lady Tome.” The door is closed. With a thought, I shift my ears to that of a wolf. Bell could easily tell me what’s happening on the other side of the door but I’m determined to improve myself.

“My lady, Lourianne Tome is here to visit you,” I hear Fina’s quiet voice say.

“Hoh?” a playful voice answers. “How…unexpected. Likely come to grovel for me to save her from the big, scary prince.”

Excuse me, you…hmph. Shouldn’t think of a woman that way. I am not embarrassed to say I grovel before my wife but you’re delusional if you think you’re on the same level.

“Very well. Let her in. I find myself lacking in entertainment. Whatever else is said about her, she is good for shaking up the boring normality of high society.”

“Right away, mistress.”

I change my ears back and paste on my smile as the door is reopened. Fina bows. “The mistress will receive you now.”

“Thank you.” I hand over my gifts as I enter.


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