Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 22

As expected, someone of Cecilia’s status is granted more than a room, though nothing she’d want to brag about. The first room is decorated with a round table with two chairs off to the side and a comfortable armchair in front of a fireplace. One with symbols carved all around it. A magical fireplace? Suppose it makes sense with the expensive looking rug in front of it. Would hurt to have that go up in flames because of a stray ember.

Three doors. I’m guessing bedroom, kitchen, servant’s room. Bell?


Mmhmm. Have to say, she has good taste. Noble décor tends to lean toward the ostentatious. This is expensive for sure but the designs are subdued to give the room a more ‘I live here’ look rather than ‘I spent more on my tablecloth than your family earns in a year’ look. Lots of warm colors.

Cecilia is waiting at the table. She rises as I approach, extending her hand. Erm. Normally, I would be expected to curtsy. She’s treating me like a nobleman? Doesn’t matter much to me but, hm. Is she mocking me? I feel like I’m being mocked.

Bowing, I grab her hand and plant a light kiss on her fingers before straightening up. “Cecilia, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.” My eyes flick over her. I seem to have caught her off guard, as she is dressed in a simple white dress with thin straps holding it up. Very much comfort clothes and quite distracting with the amount of skin on display.

Hm. She just greeted me like a nobleman but being dressed like this in front of a man would be scandalous. Is she trying to make me uncomfortable? Seeing if there’s any truth to the lecherous rumors surrounding me? “You look radiant,” I greet, taking care my eyes stay on her face.

“The pleasure is mine. You are quite the character these days.” She sits, waving for me to take the seat across from her.

“I’m proud my name proceeds me.”

“Indeed. Then what can I do for the famous jester of the hall?”

Ouch. I manage to hold back my wince, turning it into a laugh. “I’m sure you can imagine. Prince Samuel and I seem to have developed a terrible misunderstanding between us. I would very much like to fix it. I hoped you might be able to give me some insight into the matter.”

She raises a hand to her mouth and chuckles behind it. “A misunderstanding you say.”

Yeah, yeah. I understand that he hates me for trampling all over one of his Traditionalist Faction’s goons but I can’t outright call him a petty bastard, now can I? “An incredibly unfortunate one.”

Fina arrives at the table carrying a tea tray. She sets the cups before us along with the cookies baked by Geneva. I lift my cup to taste the brew. Ew. Compared to what my elemental serves, this is dishwater. I’m really getting spoiled. Drowning it with sugar and milk barely helps.

Across the table, Cecilia lets out an exclamation after biting into one of the treats. “Amazing! How are they so soft?”

“I have a talented cook.” Gastronomy, as Geneva called the art of cooking, is a highly undervalued skill in the Harvest Kingdom. The most important things someone looks for is freshness and mana density, as both are thought to increase someone’s mana pool.

Traditionally, commoners use far more spice and seasonings, the strong herbs used to cover the taste of slightly rancid meat or vegetables about to rot. Frankly, my tongue was dead before it tasted the succubus’ cooking and she has it firmly under her sway now.

Geneva has a whole room dedicated to whatever mysteries she uses in the kitchen, including the thing she called yeast that’s in those cookies, and half the garden for her personal usage.

“These would not be amiss served in the palace! You must introduce the chef to me. I would love to have the recipe.” She takes another bite of the dessert with clear relish.

“Perhaps next time I shall host you.” I sip my tea, resisting the urge to push her to answer. There’s no need to hurry. I have to remind myself that a blade isn’t actually hanging over me.

After Cecilia finishes two more, she turns her attention to me. “How did you meet your wife?” she asks, picking up another treat and settling into her seat like a child about to be told a story. “Everyone wants to know. The two of you are such an…unusual pair, for many reasons.”

This is not the time for you to be getting your rocks off. Answer my question first, damn woman! “Haha, it’s nothing too extraordinary. A simple magical accident landed me in the Enchanted Forest. She helped me back home.”

“Yes, I’ve heard that version before. How quaint. But what about what you don’t tell everyone, hm? For example, what exactly was the nature of this ‘magical accident’ that stranded you so far away? And what happened during the months you were gone? Surely it didn’t take that long to simply cross a border.”

“The forest is a dangerous place.”

“I understand your reticence but there is no need. We are friends, are we not?”

That’s your way of saying that if I want your help, I need to suck up to you, isn’t it? This meeting is becoming annoying. I adjust Bell in my lap, rubbing the base of her horn as I debate how I want to handle this. “I was on my way to start education at the Grand Hall during the spring when our carriage was attacked by a caster calling himself Crowley Cain. He had designs to use me to power a spell beyond his means.”

“My. How are you alive?”

“Kierra has a physical affinity.”

“How fortuitous.”

“Incredibly.” Though I suspect the glorious and glossy Cosmo did not drop me as randomly as I initially suspected. “The time it took us to return here included my recovery time.”

“So, your relationship developed as she nursed you back to health. You must be more charming than you look to woo an elf while on your sickbed.”

More charming than you’ll ever find out. “Thank you.”

“It’s surprising. You could be the star of the show and yet you hardly make any appearances among our peers. Perhaps you have a different group you wish to impress? Perhaps elven nobility?”

I shake my head with mock regret. “I’ve never been to the elven continent.”

“I find it rather surprising your wife wouldn’t want to visit home, at least once, before immigrating to a continent where none of her kind are.”

“I did raise the issue, of course. It would only be polite to meet my extended family. Unfortunately, elves are not welcoming to strangers in their homes.”

“More’s the pity, I suppose.” Her dramatic sigh says she doesn’t believe me. “And what is that strange creature that has been clinging to you? I’m never seen anything like it before.”

I look down at Bell. “This is Bell. I am a summoner and she is an elemental summoned from Burning Earth.”

“Burning Earth! The home of the succubi?” Her eyes turn suspicious.

“One in the same. Please relax. Bell is an imp, not a thrall that features in most of the rumors that you are calling to mind. Her abilities lie in the physical affinity mainly, their kind acting as servants and minions for the more powerful succubi.”

“I see.”

Reaching up, I set Bell on the table and hand her my teacup. Cecilia’s lips turn up into a smile as the imp sips from the cup in a refined matter. No one can resist cuteness. “She’s harmless.” Unlike the prince I need you to get off my back.

“I suppose I’ve made you wait long enough.” Cecilia leans forward, eyes narrowing. I get a distinct feeling of a hawk eyeing prey. “Prince Samuel is not an unreasonable man. Unfortunately, he is prone to his whims. Simply trying to talk him out of it is likely to make him dig his feet in.” Like a child? Or a donkey? “You will have to deal with his attentions for a bit but I can whisper a good word. A woman who can deliver such an excellent gift deserves at least that much.”

“I appreciate it.” I don’t try to hide my relief as I let out a loud sigh. Heh. This is the first step. Now that she’s shown a willingness to help me, a few concurrent visits and ‘accidental meetings’ and we might become friendly enough for me to infiltrate their little group.

“Tell me, Lou. Where do you see yourself in ten years?”


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