Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 55-The War Begins!

Chapter 55


Tsunade coughed as the dust cleared, her body seared in pain, as she looked down and saw that one of her legs had been absolutely demolished, yet she bit through the pain as she looked around her in search of Akihito.

"Akihito! Akihito!" she screamed, ignoring her own pain as she tried to search for the young daimyo.

"" she heard a faint murmur from the side, and she pushed herself to the side, and her eyes widened as they saw the blood pooling on the ground.

The young boy was pale, and covered in dust, and without an arm. His whole arm had been disintegrated, with no sign of an injury, much like her own leg, and she saw him grunting in pain as she felt a number of chakra signatures surround them.

Signature she found too familiar.

"Tsunade-sama! Daimyo-sama!" the ANBU blurred around her and the young daimyo.

"Bring him to me!" she ordered immediately as she roused her own chakra and cut off the blood supply to her lost limb, stopping the bleeding.

"Now!" she screamed as the ANBU captain finally brought him to her, as her hand glew the characteristic green as she began to heal his wound first.

"We have been betrayed, Tsunade-sama, Daimyo-sama. We need to retalia..."

"No," Akihito gasped out through the pain as he pushed himself up with his other hand.

"Stay down, you idiot!" she barked at him and saw him relent as he looked at the ANBU guard captain.

"Kiri, no. My brother would not do something as stupid as that. This is not Kiri's doing," he said.

"But daimy...."

"He is right," she added and saw the ANBU captain turn towards her as she turned away from them and towards the gaping hole in the roof, or more specifically, at the chakra approaching them.

"This jutsu. I am sure I recognize it. This is not an ordinary technique. It is a Kekkei touta, one which only one shinobi alive today can use," and her words were proven true when a solitary figure descended down from the gaping hole.

"You are nearly as astute as your teacher, Princess," the old man began. His chakra cut an imposing figure as he floated in the air, his hair white, and a characteristic kage hat atop his head, with the symbol 'stone' inscribed on it.

"It's him. The Fence sitter, the Third Tsuchikage," the ANBU commander realised as him and his team came forth and stood infront of her and Akihito, whose condition was far worse than she had realised.

"Indeed, though I am disappointed that Hiruzen did not accompany you all on this trip," he taunted as he looked at her.

"He would have made it a lot more fun than you Princess. You simply stand no chance against me," he said tauntingly as she gritted her teeth.

"My lady, you need to get away! We shall buy you time. Please take the daimyo-sama and run!" the ANBU commander added as he took out his tanto, and she knew that such a thing would be futile.

Minato had not come to their aid, which meant that this attack was planned, and since Iwa alone did not hold enough power to pull off such an offensive, they left only one village with which they could ally themselves.

Kumo. And that explained the absence of Minato, for if Ohnoki was here, that meant that he was here as well. The only shinobi capable of matching Minato in his speed. The Forth Raikage, Unruly Ay.

Running away would be futile, and they still did not know how Kiri would react to this. They could attack Konoha on suspicion as well. There were too many variables. She looked into Ohnoki's eyes and smirked.

"We will see about that," and looked at the ANBU.

"That will not work. Just buy me some time," she said as she bit into her thumb and looked straight into Akihito's eyes.

"Do you trust me?" she asked him as the ANBU captain and his team began to engage Ohnoki.

"," Akihito answered with a cough, and that was all she needed as she cycled through a set of handseals and placed her hand on him.

"Reverse summoning Jutsu!" in a cloud of smoke, Akihito's body vanished, and a small part of Katsuyu appeared in his place.

"What is going on, Tsunade-sama?" the giant slug questioned.

"We were attacked during the parley. Akihito was injured heavily. I need you to keep him alive by any means," she asked, and the slug nodded.

"We will do our best," and with that, she delved into the massive store of chakra kept hidden under the seal on her forehead and felt her body lighten as chakra overflowed her chakra networks, flushing her full of life and power as the various wounds on her body began to heal.

"And Katsuyu," she turned towards the Slug as she felt her leg begin to regrow in seconds.

"Yes, Tsunade-san,"

"We might need to try that thing," she said gravely.

"Are you sure, Tsunade-san? You have not mastered it yet," the slug questioned worriedly. She nodded as she stepped forward with reinvigorated energy, the ground cracking under her feet as she glared at the floating form of the Third Tsuchikage.

"Yes, I am sure."


FUSHIO SUZUKI-The Water daimyo

"I said enough," he shouted as the clamor in the room died down, as he stood surrounded by Kiri nin, all of whom were looking suspiciously at the Konoha nin around them.

"My lord, please, give us order, and we will take them down; Konoha has betrayed us," his ANBU commander asked as the sound of explosions rocked the area.

There was fighting going on outside, and his heart was racing as he thought of what to do.

Was it true? Had Konoha and Akihito truly betrayed them, should he have given the order?

A thousand questions, yet no answer.

"My lord, your directions," and as he looked at the apprehensive faces of the Konoha nin around him and at the faces of the Kiri nin he decided to make a final stand for peace. He decided to take a leap of faith as he exhaled and

"Stand down," he ordered, seeing his men turn towards him with wide eyes.

"But my lor..."

"Unless we are sure that Konoha has indeed betrayed us, I will not issue that order," he said resolutely, his voice steely, as he looked at the Konoha men.

"I hope that you will put down your weapons as well, as a show of good faith," he asked, and the Konoha nins hesitated until they did just that, as the tension in the room lessened.

And then, in the next second, it happened as he saw the wooden wall behind him break, as a bluish blur rushed towards him.

"Watch out, my lord," but before he could do anything, he saw a kunai race past his head before suddenly he felt the ground vanish from under his feet, and he found himself at what seemed to be the roof of the empire.

The suddenness of the movement surprised him, as he had to push down the nausea as he turned towards the man who had taken him away, the yellow Flash. Konoha's yondaime Hokage.

"Namiakze-sama," he said as the man's eyes continuously darted around the clearing, which had been turned into a war zone.

"Iwa and Kumo have joined hands and have attacked us. Both the Tsuchikage and Raikage are here alongside one of Kumo's jinchuriki," he began gravely, and his heart lept out at those words, for he felt all this effort on his and Akihito's part turn to ask in front of him.

"This is a disaster," he added tiredly, frustrated at this all.

"It is," the Hokage agreed, as he saw the very man who had attacked him break out of the castle as a Konoha nin's body was sent crashing out, his arm cut off as he left a trail of blood.

"We have been thrust into another Great War," the Hokage added as he turned to face him.

"This area is too dangerous. Evacuation in these circumstances is not possible, though I have a solution," he added as he looked him in the eye.

And he realized what he was asking him of.

"Your teleportation technique," and the man nodded.

"Indeed, I can send you to Konoha, where you will be safe and also be able to inform the men of what has happened there. Your Mizukage has sent a messenger to Kiri as well, but we do not know whether it will reach the village or not," the Hokage told him, which was a grave decision.

One that would need for him to trust Akihito and Konoha implicitly, it was a decision that could backfire massively. Yet these were perilous times.

"Where is Akihito?" he asked, asking of his brother, and seeing the Hokage's lips thin.

"He was injured in the initial attack. His condition is precarious, but he is under Lady Tsunade's protection. She will not let anything happen to him," he said before he suddenly turned away from him and raised his kunai.

"I am going to need you to decide this quickly, Suzuki-sama," the man said as he watched that blue blur rush towards him once more.

And then, with a steeled heart, he looked at him and made his call.

"Do it," and immediately, the man touched him, and he felt his vision shift, before suddenly eh felt his feet land on solid ground once more.

The disorientation finally won, and he bent down and emptied the contents of his stomach on the wooden floor of whatever place he had been sent to.

And as he finished, he looked up and found himself surrounded by masked nin, as a man with black hair and quite a recognizable face stared at him with a cautionary gaze.

"Who are you? And how did you get into the Hokage's office," the man asked.

"My name is Fushio Suzuki," and he saw the man's eyes widen at his command as he raised his hand, and the masked nin backed away instantly.

"I am the water daimyo, and I come bearing grave news," he began the heaviness of the words he was about to utter a bit too much for him.

"The parley was attacked by a joint force from Iwa and Kumo. As we speak, both Kiri and Konoha nin are facing both the Sandaime Tsuchikage, the Yondaime Raikage, and one of Kumo's jinchurikis," he finished.

And he felt the implication of those words hit as the ANBU backed away and some of them gasped as well, as the jounin commander of Konoha clicked his tongue.

"I am afraid war has been thrust upon us once more."

"Get me Lord Third and Fugaku immediately," the man commanded as a few masked nin vanished.

"And sound the alarms as well," he finished firmly.

"Konoha is at war once more."


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