Reborn in a daimyo’s court-Naruto SI

Chapter 56-We are Kages!

Chapter 56


Minato watched the water daimyo vanish as the lighting cloak-coated form of Yondaime Raikage crashed to his side, yet by then, he was already gone and appeared to the side of the man.

With the daimyo gone, they no longer had a defensive liability and could force them to do as they wished.

"You have grown faster, Namikaze," the yondaime Raikage praised him as he stood tall and glared at him.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?" he questioned sharply as he pulled out his kunai and saw the carnage all around him.

"We have stopped your village from making a mockery out of us. Konoha cannot be allowed to disturb the balance," the man snarled as his lightning cloak buffed up and lightning arched across his body.

"It is you and Iwa who have disturbed the balance. Konoha has only ever sought peace," he answered.

"I spit on your peace," the Raikage snarled as Minato raised his kunai.

"I spared you and your brother the last time we stood face to face, hoping that we could make the world better," he said, and the man scoffed.

"I will not show you the same mercy again," he said, and with that, he vanished, as the lines between himself and the Raikage blurred. Yet this time, he would show them why he was called the yellow devil.

Minato's true ability lay not in his ability to face a singular opponent. No, his true utility lay in causing absolute chaos on the battlefield and with his kunai and seals spread all over.

He blurred behind enemy nin as the Raikage tried to chase after him, yet to no avail, and then as Kumo and Iwa nin continued to dwindle, he could feel the tides of battle turn when suddenly he felt a massive build-up if chakra from the location of the Mizukage.

He teleported to the formula he had left on her only to find the two tails jinchuriki transformed with a red chakra cloak around her. Her features turned feline as she lept on the ground on all four and gathered a massive chakra ball infront of her.

"Hokage," the Mizukage gasped as she nursed a wounded arm.

"The daimyo-sama has been evacuated and is safe. Konoha and Kiri are now in an official alliance," he said, and she nodded as she cycled through a set of hand seals and turned to face the blurred form of the Raikage rushing towards him.

"Namikazeee!" the man snarled.

"Lava Style: Great Melting River!" She then showed a literal river of hot molten lava at the Raikage, who was forced to jump back.

"Mizukage-sama, then we need to retreat. We need to pull back into our own borders," her aide Ao added as he faced a Kumo nin with a giant sword.

"No," the Mizukage spoke resolutely as she turned towards her men.

"I will not abandon you and my men like this," she spoke.

"But Mizuka..."

"Then I believe I may have a plan," he said as he saw the jinchuriki gather a massive volume of chakra into her mouth.

"Tell your men to retreat. You, I, and Tsunade-sama shall cover their retreat," he said.

"But you will be outnumbered!" the man spoke worriedly.

"You forget yourself, Ao," the Mizukage sama added as she gave him a nod, agreeing to his plan.

"We are not regular shinobi," she began as she joined him on the side and chastised her subordinate.

"We are the pride of our villages, and we are those who carry the fates of our villages on our shoulders. We are Kages," she said as she cycled through a set of handseals.

"Send the signal. Begin the retreat!" she said as Minato's hand glew an ominous blue as he threw a kunai towards Kumo's jinchuriki.

"Suiton: Hidden in the Mist," and with that, the Mizukage doused the area in thick white mist, yet before it could thicken, a blue blur erupted above her.


From the front, the two tails Jinchuriki fired her own attack as well.

"TAILED BEAST BOMB!" Minato leaned down as he ran straight at the jinchuriki, gathering his own chakra in the hand behind him before he threw forth another kunai.

"Ninpo: Double Flying Raijin!" and with that, he vanished and appeared right above the two tails' jinchuriki, while the Mizukage was replaced by the tailed beast bomb rushed towards her.

"RASENGAN!" and with that, he thrust down at the jinchuriki's back.


And then, as he pushed him down, grinding his chakra into her back, he was able to remove the cloak and reach her skin as he removed the Rasengan and tried to put an end to this farce.

"Eight Trigram..."

But he was too late.

"Get away from her Namikazeeeee!" and with that shout, a blue blur appeared right above him.

Unruly, Ay was injured, and one of his arms lay limp by his side as he appeared above him.


And Minato could do nothing but jump back as he vanished once more and appeared beside the Mizukage herself, who was coughing up blood.

"I apologize. He was just too fast," she said, and he shook his head.

"It's ok, this is just beginning!"



Ohnoki was a shinobi who had lived through the times of Hashirama and Madara themselves; he had fought in Three Great Wars and, until a few years ago, had held Iwa together singlehandedly, carving a future for his village in the face of the overwhelming might of the other great nations.

Yet, all his efforts ended up in failure with the end of the Third Great War, in which, despite their initial victories, Konoha would manage to gain the upper hand because of the actions of a single shinobi.

That damned yellow devil had single-handedly routed one of their massive battalions, dealing them a blow they could hardly recover from, and so Iwa was forced to concede and offer terms.

And yet to his frustration Konoha would agree to those lenient terms, giving them a way out, and though they had coined it as them being afraid of the power of Iwa's elites, the truth was Konoha had little to fear from them.

At this point in time, Konoha was the village with the highest number of S-ranked nin, with that damned Monkey at the helm, followed by his three students, and then the lastly that Uchiha brat and that damned Yellow devil.

Five S-ranked nin followed by a slew of elite jounin who would no doubt grow up into monsters themselves.

Konoha was simply too strong, yet Iwa had taken a massive hit in the last war and so when the daimyo had ordered them to join hands with Kumo to attack this meeting, he had been sceptical.

An alliance with Kumo was a bold idea, one that would help them somewhat balance the scales against the alliances Konoha was building with Kiri and even in Ame.

Yet this attack was not a good idea. Not at all, and with every passing second as he saw the Senju Princess defeat his men while keeping him at bay.

"CHAAAAA!" Tsunade Senju punched the Stone dragon heading straight for her, as one of his nin slashed at her neck, she avoided the slash with a step back, yet the kunai did cut her across neck, yet she remained unbothered by the attack and crushed the jounin's head with a single punch.

"Why do you attack us? Do you have any idea of what you set forth? Of how many will die because of your actions today!" the Senju princess snarled at him as her wounds healed again.

The healing reminded him much of her own grandsire, and though she was nowhere near the level of Hashirama, her seal-less healing bore much resemblance to that monster.

And he did indeed know of what he had set forth. Yet he was a kage and, despite his reservations, was forced to consider the orders of their daimyo, who had grown much paranoid of the growing influence of the land of fire and their daimyo.

And then with how Kumo had gained such vital intel about the location, and had shared it with them, there was little he could do to push back against such a plan, despite his own hesitations.

"I have done what I believed was best for my village," he said as he watched his men surrounded her. He brought together his hands, rousing his chakra.

"Konoha must be stopped lest you become too powerful and ask to develop a hegemony," and with that, he pulled back his hands as a luminescent cube glew between them.

"Particle Style: Atomic..."

He saw her look around, trying to carve a path out for herself, yet she was surrounded. Suddenly, she saw her eyes land on him, and he heard the sound of lighting crackle.

"HOLD HER DOWN! MAKE SURE TSUCHIKAGE-SAMA'S ATTACK HITS!" his men shouted as they reached for her.


"Dismantling Jutsu..."

And then he heard the sound of birds chirping as he pushed his attack at the Senju Princess, who had somehow jumped straight at him. He saw his attack cut off her legs, yet she remained unbothered as she appeared straight above him and pulled back her arm.

"CHAAAAAA!" and he was forced to defend himself as she punched him with all her might.


He was sent railing into the ground, his whole body taken aback by the sheer force of the attack.

"You! Those hair, you are him!" he heard his men snarl as he coughed up blood. One of his arms was broken, and he could barely see out of one of his eyes, yet he was a kage.

He looked up and found, the leg-less form of Tsunade Senju hit the ground. As his men tried to surround her, a young shinobi pierced through them, zooming across the area as if a flash of lightning before he came to a stop infront of her, his hair a silvery white, a mask covering the lower half of his face.

At the same time, in one of his two eyes, a red Sharingan spun ominously.

"You are him. The one who blew up the Kanabi bridge," the Iwa nin gasped as he came face to face with Konoha's youngest monster.

"You are Hatake Kakashi, the White Fang's son, the Copy Ninja," another one of Konoha's monsters, son to another monster, thankfully a dead one, for if the White Fang were alive, he doubted they would have stood a chance at all.

Ohnoki fought through the pain and his dwindling reserves as he raised his only working arm and pushed his chakra into it.

"Particle Style:..." he coughed up blood as he felt his reserves fall, as Hatake fought off the Iwa nin, trying to keep him away from the Senju Princess, whose wounds were healing a bit slower.

"Get out of the way, Hatake!" she roared, but it was too late now.

"Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!"



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