RE:Born – Necro

Ch 84 – Cumming Clean [16+]

"But... Nec..."


"If you were that person... How can you be this you?"

"That... is a great question."


"You see... I wasn't supposed to be."

'This story is getting more interesting by the second...' Ace thought, recollecting the conversation of mere minutes ago. While she appreciated that she was the first of the two to know about it, the lengths she knew were... limited. Rather, all she knew was that Necro was in fact a second coming of another person. Nothing more, nothing less... And this was a minute long conversation after she got turned... 'What does this mean?' she thought to herself, realizing another thing. 'Does she intend to turn her too?' she thought, biding herself in envy.

"I tried to use a very advanced magic to evolve from being a human... but it failed... to some extent, that is."

"How can that be? Magic doesn't fail half-way. It either works or it doesn't." Ace interjected, interrupting the flow. In the meantime, while Necro looked up to think about the answer, two knobs tickled her chest as Mary rose up, kissing her cheek, before sitting back on her side.

"I thought it had... but..." Necro lifted her hand above the water, looking at her pale skin as she turned it in front of her eyes. "it seems it just took me a while to realize it."

"Huh?" Ace was further confused. What did she mean?

"You see... I thought it had failed, and reincarnated me as a person... But this body is undoubtedly that of a vampire."

"I don't get it... What does that have to do with your magic failing or succeeding?"

"Vampires are also undead."

"... Are they?" Ace was not convinced, but a voice she didn't expect to hear confirmed it.

"They are. Holy magic is very effective against vampires." Mary confirmed Necro's words, making it clear she wasn't lying.

"I didn't know..." Ace murmured, acknowledging her shortcomings... "But if you are so powerful and, even more so, a reincarnated undead, why the hell did you need us to fight that wolf?!"

"That... I... I don't really know. Rather, I'm not the same person I used to be."


"See... I have some memories of my time as Soleir... But I'm not him."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm Necro. I was always Necro. I just remember the memories of that guy Soleir, some of them, that is."

"So... you mean?"

"I... was too scared to cast magic... It was my first time fighting, you know?"

"Haaah~... So that's what you mean... Guess you're still human after all."

"Oi! Ace! What did you think I was?"

"An otherworldly monster capable of destroying the very foundations of this world."

"Stop it! You're hurting my feelings!"

"Hehehe... Sorry, I'll stop teasing you... But why are you telling us this?" Ace asked. Oddly, Mary was just hearing this conversation without saying a word. Necro didn't mind this though, since she trusted her.

"Well... long story short, I wanted to come clean with you two..." Necro said, looking down. Ace was confused as to why Necro looked so sad, but her next words painted a clear picture. "I've been hiding all this from you... I lied to you, and cheated on you..."

Ace struggled to find words to answer, but Mary didn't have to think twice. But instead of words, she answered with a kiss.

Necro cried, as Mary's hands caressed her face, their bodies intermingling underwater.

"None of that matters. We love you, more than anything. And I, even more than Ace, owe you my life." Mary spoke, smiling wholeheartedly, her eyes turning a clear shade of red.

"Then... I need to match your feelings." Necro bit her lip, her blood dripping into her own mouth, before kissing Mary.


Mary's heart stopped.

She held her chest in pain and terror, but Necro's grip stopped her from leaving the kiss.


She felt her heart beat just once, before a feeling she'd never felt before invaded her body through her tongue.


Her mind went blank, as her body felt lighter than a feather, and completely powerless... and she passed out.

"What... did you do to her?" Ace asked, trembling, as Necro's presence increased for a second.

"The same thing I did to you, but a little different."

"... You turned her?"

"Not quite. She's still a human."

"... What then?"

"I made a contract with her."


"You see... There's one thing few people know about vampires. They are not simple monsters."

"Not monsters?" Ace asked, confused.

"Yeah..." Necro stood up, Mary's sleeping body in her arms. She left the bath, laying Mary on a towel, before hopping back in. "See... the vampires stem directly from something as old as the world."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes. Vampires are the children of the night-bringer."

"Are they really—"

"Shhhh!" Necro made her way through the water, her index finger over Ace's lips. "The walls... they have ears."

She moved her hand down, sliding it over the valley of Ace's bosom and down her navel, making her shiver. As her hand slowly approached Ace's groin, Necro snapped the fingers of her other hand, sending a visible wave through the air around them.


"A small sound barrier, so that the walls can't hear us speak."

"How can you cast magic without circles?!"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Demons don't need to externalize circles to create magic." reaching lower in between Ace's legs Necro stared deep into her eyes, as a moist moan left her lips. A pair of magic circles appearing on her pupils, and sending waves of pleasure through Ace's body. "See?"

"Hyaumm~ Yeshhh! I—I Shee, I shee... AAAAAHHH~!"
"Haah, Haah, Haah."

"It seems my magic control has improved amazingly... And I remember a lot more about using magic... I need to explore this stuff later." Necro muttered to herself, looking at her fingers, while Ace catched her breath after cumming almost instantly.

"Nee~cky..." A cheeky voice called her back to reality. Ace's voice.

'How did she recover this—' Necro raised her head in a hurry, only to see a pair of glowing red eyes staring into her soul.

"It's my turn now."

Family problems got me away from writing for a bit. This are still crazy, so updates are a bit unstable.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.