RE:Born – Necro

Ch 85 – Doggo Girl?!

"Ace?" Necro's eyes widened. Ace's appearance had changed dramatically. Not only that, her aura was different. Her presence had grown.  "Are you okay?" she asked, seeing a broad grin grow on Ace's face.

"I'll return the favor?" She smirked, her fangs glowing in the faint light of the bath room.

"Ace? You're scaring me," Necro said, sitting down into the water, as the berserk demon walked up to her.

"Don't sweat it. I'm just gonna make you feel real goo~d..." Ace leaned down, pinning Necro against the wall of the bath.

"Ace! Haah~" she moaned, as the girl's tongue slid down her neck. Necro's head was spinning, her body burning in an odd passion.

Ace smirked, pulling herself away from Necro for a second, and sliding her leg in between hers.

"Did you like it that much?" she asked, half jokingly. Her eyes glowed red, enough they seemed to be emitting their own light, and in their pupils, the same two magic circles glowed, albeit more faintly than they had in Necro's.

"I—Haah~—Hate when you do me like this"

"Eh... Why is that so?" Ace shot back, licking her lips as she watched Necro's face distort in pleasure, her fingers smoothly riding over her clit.

"Because—" With a loud splash, Necro turned the tables, pushing Ace down while she pressed her lips against Ace's. "You're mine, not the other way around," she smirked.

"Hmmm~!" Ace let out a muffled protest, mixed in with a moan, as Necro's fingers slithered their way up the inside of her thighs, and into her. "HHHHMMM!"

"What is it?" Necro asked, backing off a little bit.

"I couldn't fucking breathe!" Ace yelled, rising a bit and pulling Necro's body down, making her sit on her lap. "Wanna take this somewhere else? My fingers are starting to get wrinkled."

"Oh... right..." Necro kissed her lips, softly this time, before rising up above the water. Ace's mouth opened in awe and lust, as she watched Necro's figure slowly rise, the waterline slowly licking over the surface of her body, down her shoulders, breasts, waist; slowly unveiling the silky white skin, once hidden by the almost magical distortion of light brought up by the run of the mill bathwater. Necro turned to the side, showing the entranced Ace the side of her contours, and her beautiful figure from another angle, "Are you not coming?"

"Ah... sorry. I had my attention elsewhere for a second." Ace shook her head, bringing herself back from the lands of her own desire, before also rising from the water in a hurry.

Necro smirked, realizing what had just happened, her confidence in her own body rising by another notch, just from Ace's lovely reaction. "Oh, what do we do with Mary?" She asked, realizing they had forgotten something major. The girl laid down sleeping on the edge of the room.

"Don't worry about it. Can you take her armor and stuff though? I can handle carrying her."

"Okay, I'll check that t—" Necro froze in place. Leaving the room through the wooden door, the sight she had at the dressing room was... amusing to say the least. 'This girl...' Necro thought to herself, as she stared at the widened hickory eyes in front of her. Her hair was a little bit under her shoulder, a very beautiful wavy caramel that was a sight for sore eyes. Her face was soft like that of a child, but her complexion made it clear that she was much older than that; maybe around her age even. But long story short, this girl was semi-naked.

"Is something wrong?" Ace's voice sounded from behind her, as she slowly made her way out of the water, after checking Mary.

"Yes, it's all good. I just thought of something. I'll be right there, take this," The girl flinched in fear as Necro's hand passed inches from her face, grabbing a pair of towels and throwing them over at Ace. "I'll bring both of you's clothes."


With Ace taken care of, Necro closed the door behind her, pushing her body closer from the girl, who was sat on the floor, her legs still wide as her juices slowly dripped onto the wood below. It was clear what she had been doing.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Necro asked softly, staring into her eyes from a tiny distance. Her eyes flashing in a menacing red, while the girl's glowed in a pinkish hue Necro was completely unaware of.

"Y—yes. I'm sorry. You were too b—hmmm~!" The girl moaned and rolled her eyes, as Necro's tongue invaded her mouth, while her fingers scooped her dripping fluids back into her.

"Don't make any noise. You want her to know you're here?" Necro asked, releasing the girls lips, while she still breathed ragged from Necro's fingers inside her.

"Sowwy~!" the girl apologized, looking up to Necro with eyes like those of a puppy, fearing reprimand while still yearning for its master's touch.

'Odd...' Necro thought to herself, realizing something didn't quite feel right. This girl... she didn't feel human.

"Hmmmp~!" the girl moaned in pleasure as Necro once again shut her mouth and thrusted her hand in her. But this time, there was a different purpose. Trace amounts of Necro's mana merged with the girl's, giving Necro a clear picture of her Mana flow. 'There it is.' Figuring the source of the oddity, Necro broke through the transformation magic, her hand reaching towards the ribbon on the girl's hair, slightly above her head. "No~! Not there! If you touch that place I will—" Necro's heart began throbbing. The girl's body contorted as Necro pulled on the ribbon. Necro was not sure whether it was caused by the ribbon-pulling itself, or what she was doing to the girl's body, but either sufficed. Necro smiled inwardly knowing she'd dominated the eavesdropper so easily, but a sense of wariness washed that feeling away in a second.


Necro started feeling a soft fur touching her thighs. 'What the fuck?! An animal-kin?!' She thought to herself, thinking weirdly along the lines of the girl hiding... but it was weirder. Necro flinched as she pulled her hand out of what was clearly not a human girl. 'What the fuck?!' she thought to herself, backing away, as she realized this was not a person.

"What the fuck is a fox doing here?!" She voiced out loud, as she looked at what used to be the girl's face, that was now a full fledged... no... this wasn't even a fox. It was a caramel brown like that of a hunting dog, with the slender appearance and head of a fox, but the build of a wolf. 'The heck have I gotten myself into?' Necro thought to herself, thinking of what was next, before the door behind her opened.

"The heck are you—Is that a dog?!"

I am fucking back~! 
Well... kinda. Either way,

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