RE:Born – Necro

Ch 86 – Beware of Doggo’s Father


"Necro! What the hell is happening here? Why's there a dog here?"

"Ummm... when I came here it was already here, It seemed to be in trouble so I helped it and put it to sleep..."

"... Did you really?"


"God dammit! Fine! Now, get the stuff and help me dress Mary up. Bring the dog upstairs too."


"Didn't you help it? Tomorrow we check with the inn people if they know whose it is and, if not, we can use a tracker to get ourselves into the woods safely."

"Oh... I see..." Necro brooded this conversation over, glancing at the sleeping canine on the ground as she thought of what would happen when she woke up... After all... she recognized those eyes. This dog was the innkeeper!

'Think of it... she was dressed before turning into a dog... Her clothes—nowhere...' Necro blinked a couple times, trying to keep herself together on this weird turn of events, before turning onto the wall and storing all their items, except for basic clothing... Dry basic clothing.

"Oi... Necro... What do you think you're doing? We can't just walk up to our room naked."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Eh~to..." Ace fiddled with her fingers, her thighs sliding over each other in embarrassment, "I don't want anyone else to see me, just you."

"Oh, really? What about Mary, then?"

"I've already told you she doesn't count, okay!" Ace raised her tone, irritated.

"Hai, hai. Chill. But go on a towel, we don't have dry clothes that people can see."

"Oh... right... but why not use magic do dry and clea—"

"I said, we don't have dry clothes."

"Hiiie—" Ace shrieked, trembling at the pressure on Necro's voice. 'Why is she making me do this?' she thought. Whereas in Necro's mind, this was but a bit of teasing. After all, If the innkeeper was... free enough to be in the dressing room masturbating, there's probably not many customers.

The two walked back into the bathing room, dressing Mary up with the minimum amount of clothing. After all, they'd strip her when she woke up anyways. Wrapped in a large towel, that kinda pricked her skin from not being the best quality, Ace crouched, pulling Mary's body over her shoulder in one swift motion.

"Eh..." Necro watched in awe, realizing Ace's strength had grown incredibly. "Since when could you carry her like this?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Huh? Since tonight, of course. Did you not realize your physical strength changed?"

"... Did it?"

"God... how clueless can you be?" Ace rolled her eyes, standing up while carrying Mary over her shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

Necro watched in silence as she slowly made her way through the room, and into the anteroom where the dog was laid. 'What will she think if she knows...' Necro once again brooded over the dog thing. 'Now that I think of it... didn't Mary know the innkeeper? Did she know of this?'

"Necro? Aren't you coming? You don't know where our room is."

"Ah... Yeah! I'm coming!" Necro rushed behind her, walking into the anteroom and leaning down to check on the girl—now dog. Since she was quite large, Necro carried it in front of her, like in a princess carry. "Where is the room then?" She didn't stop a second to realize she was carrying the human sized dog without any effort whatsoever.

"Like heck do I know. We have the key but it says nothing either... I'll go to the front deck and ask the innkeeper."

"I... see." Necro responded calmly, while internally panicking. What would she do if the innkeeper was asleep in her a— 'She woke up?!' Necro panicked, seeing the dog slowly roll its head towards her, opening it's eyes slowly. She blushed, as the dog's eyes widened in shock. But contrary to what she expected, the dog didn't jump or anything, instead cuddling its head on her shoulder.

"Let her go to the front. Dad's already there taking care of everything since it's me offtime now." A sweet voice resounded in her ear very softly... but it didn't seem to be coming from the dog. Rather, it sounded like it was coming from all around her. "DON'T GO AFTER HER! He'll kill you if you go there carrying me like this." Necro froze on the spot, more not wanting to be in a fight than being afraid of the guy, after all, a mere human couldn't—wait... the dog wasn't a human. What the heck was the dog's father?! Such thoughts crossed her head like a storm.

"You not coming?" Ace asked, walking out through the hall.

"No... I'll go upstairs and wait for you in the hall. I don't want to cause a fuss for having a dog in here."

"Oh, I see. I'll be right there then." Turning her head away while speaking, Ace rushed towards the front desk. Despite carrying Mary, she didn't even look inconvenienced by her weight at all. And despite her being quite slender, Mary was tall and fairly strong, her muscles weighing in a fair bit.

'Now that I think of it...' she looked down for a second. "Are you okay? You feel very light for your size..." She muttered to the dog, while walking towards the stairs.

"W—What!? I weigh exactly what I should! I'm very fit and proud of my body, ok?!" Again, the sweet voice ringed into her eardrums, but this time, way more energetic.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean it like that... it's just you feel very easy to carry, that's all."

"Hmpf! It's just that you are too strong and powerful and—Wwawawawa~! What the heck am I saying!? Oh my, I must be going crazy, I'm so red. Oh my."

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