Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 908: federal nationalization

? Shouyun’s remarks are a bit untrue. You must know that during this period of time, the two improvements, especially the large amount of economic assistance from Tehran to Baghdad, a large part of which was motivated by Moscow. Among them, Guo Shouyun My role is critical

Now when it comes to the grasp of international relations, especially the conflict of interests between the four major forces of China, the United States, Russia and the European Union, Guo Shouyun is very clear in his heart. Therefore, according to his estimation, the relationship between the two countries is approaching at this moment. And the decision of some OPEC oil-producing countries to commit to reducing crude oil production is in line with Washington’s interests to a certain extent. After all, the EU is more dependent on oil in the Middle East than the Americans. To a certain extent, it will have a great effect on the economic development of the EU region.

An important point is that after the Kosovo War, Washington’s international strategy has undergone a great change. They continue to suppress the rise of Russia, suppress the economic development of the European Union, step on the Middle East, and plan to kick from time to time. In the face of this situation, Washington’s foreign energy has been extremely effectively dispersed. Guo Shouyun wants to part ways with Washington. Based on his own interests, he wants to focus his diplomacy on Beijing, then he is afraid Retaliation from the US? To be honest, he is really not too worried now. After all, as a person with memories of his previous life, he is very aware that the biggest trouble for the Americans has already appeared. Since being ousted by the Sudanese government three years ago, it has become unscrupulous. Years ago, he first planned the bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and then attacked the USS Cole destroyer, which caused a lot of trouble for the US government. Of course, it seems that these things are not the most deadly for Washington. Guo Shouyun learned through his intelligence network that the “Qaeda” underground network founded by “Uncle” is now very powerful. At the same time, according to the previous life In memory, the World Trade Center in New York seems to have entered the countdown to the end of its life. As long as it persists for another year, Washington will be mired in the quagmire of the war on terror. the so-called enemy

“Big Brother,” after carefully pondering what Big Brother said, Dongting can be said to have benefited a lot. It is not easy for her to serve as a member of Parliament in Canada. The main point is that she is not very sensitive to politics. If it weren’t for the huge financial backing, those old fritters in the Conservative Party might not have bought the account of a yellow-haired girl like her. The most important thing is that at this stage, the Conservative Party intends to negotiate a merger with another Canadian opposition party, the “Canada Alliance”. Whether Dongting can seek more political interests in the process of merging the two parties depends on her. Has there been any good performance at this stage?

Then again, for a woman who is not very sensitive to politics, how can she get her own political points? On this issue, Steve came up with an idea for her, that is to go to Russia to seek Guo Shouyun’s help. In other words, just like Dongting herself said, she came to the Far East this time to “talk about business”—indeed, she came to talk about business. And while talking about business, it is naturally a good thing to be able to develop one’s own international political vision.

“What? Do you want me to give you more details?” After seeing his sister calling out to him, a hesitant expression appeared on his face. Guo Shouyun couldn’t help but feel a little funny, and he asked softly, “Xiao Ting, you You know, this kind of thing is very sensitive. Big brother is no longer a mere businessman, but the political participation of the Far Eastern Republic of the Russian Federation. In this case, similar to these sensitive topics, I can’t be too much with you. Thoroughly, otherwise, I am leaking state secrets, and it is treason, hehe.”

“Look, eldest brother used to be famous, but now his identity is different, and even stingy has a grand excuse,” Dongting was slightly taken aback, and then laughed to Steve.

Steve smiled without saying a word. He naturally wouldn’t think that Guo Shouyun was really as stingy as Dongting. If he didn’t say it, it was just the huge sum of money that Dongting made when he started a business in Canada. I’m afraid it wasn’t a stingy big brother who was willing to spend it. It is no exaggeration to say that people who want to have a relationship with this “stingy big brother” today are estimated to be able to line up from Moscow to Washington.

Different from Steve’s thoughts, Guo Shouyun did feel a sense of guilt towards the little girl in front of him. He felt that he might have been too stingy. Back then, he beat the little girl to Canada. Since then, she has what you did over there

Basically, he seldom cares about being a little bit lighter. He calls it a little bit more serious. Maybe this is just letting her fend for itself. The little girl was able to get to this point, Guo Shouyun thought that he really didn’t help much, of course, except for the factor of money, but in the eyes of the Guo brothers and sisters, what else can money get now?

“Big brother.” Dongting obviously didn’t know what the two men were thinking about. She gently placed the “big girl” who was sleeping in her arms in the seat. Then got up and sat down beside the big brother. said softly. “I also know your troubles. So. Those things that might cause you trouble. I won’t let you interfere. But this time. I’ll be back this time. There are still some things that need your help. This one It’s important. It’s about my future development in Canada, so to speak.”

“Is it an issue in Canadian politics?” Guo Shouyun smiled. Reached out and gently scratched on his sister’s nose. said. “Go ahead. No matter what it is. As long as the big brother can help the ground, I will make you get your wish.”

“Big brother. This is what you said. Don’t go back.” Dongting smiled.

“Look at you. When did Big Brother stop talking?” Guo Shouyun laughed dumbly.

“That’s good. I’ll just say it straight.” Dongting was also polite. she said directly. “I heard that the integration of political forces in Moscow has come to an end during this time. And Zyuganov won the victory in the federal election a week ago. It has been publicly announced that it will include various resources related to national resources, such as opening and exporting. Real estate. Reintegration into the federal system of nationalized land”

“Public announcement?” Guo Shouyun interjected with a smile. “It’s funny. I was in Moscow a week ago. And now Vladimir they’re in charge of Gennady’s publicity. What did he announce in public. I don’t seem to have a reason not to know?”

“Oh, big brother, you’re talking to me again,” Dongting said angrily, “Anyway, Zyuganov has this plan, you don’t care if he announces it publicly or just hearsay.”

“Hehe, it seems that the intelligence work on the Canadian side is also doing a good job,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “Yes, Gennady has this plan, and this plan has also been supported by the political forces of all parties in the federal government. In fact, this is not a secret. I think in the first half a month, the relevant parties should report it. Do you know why my brother is so busy during this time? Let me tell you, my brother needs to raise money now, the Federal Central Bank We can’t get so much money to recover the relevant shares controlled by the multinational consortium, and we have to come forward to help Moscow, so if you plan to ask the big brother for money at this juncture, the big brother may not be able to do anything.”

“Look at your stingy, who said they wanted money from you,” Dongting rolled her eyes and said sullenly, “Also, not only will I not ask for money from you now, but I am going to give you money, to be precise Moscow sends money.”

“Oh, there is such a good thing?” Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently, “But I think it’s okay, although your dragon is rich and powerful, but once you spend billions to fill this black hole, I’m afraid it will also hurt your vitality. Well, if you are planning to invest, then there is no need. Most of Moscow’s decision-making, although big brother can’t make a final decision, but in the Far East, I still have some weight in the new round of nationalization of federal state-owned resources, only However, the main equity is nationalized, and then transferred to a federal consortium that is inclined to Moscow for operation in the form of leasing. As for the Far East, because of the special situation, the bidding-based sublease process after nationalization is It is omitted, so if you want to invest in energy, come to the Far East, I will give you the greatest convenience.”

Guo Shouyun’s remarks are a little vague. According to the agreement reached between Zyuganov and the oligarchic group, all projects belonging to the federal government that belong to state-owned resources will be fully nationalized in the next year. The specific process is as follows: The Federal Central Bank, the National Commission for Natural Resources, the Federal National Consortium Industrial Group and other institutions have invested in the recovery of the right to operate natural resources such as oil, steel, forests, non-ferrous metals, etc., which were originally “entirely privatized” during the privatization process. After this process of sovereign recovery, the federal side will once again bid for sublease to lease these operating rights in the form of shares to an industrial group controlled by a federal legal person.

After completing this second step, the state-owned shares of the Federation will occupy more than 50% of all state-owned resource development projects. At the same time, those private enterprise groups competing for leases can only master these state-owned resource development projects. management rights, but not ownership.

Make up today and tomorrow. )

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