Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 909: reflection

?As mentioned earlier, in the various laws of this world, there is a thing. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union ten years ago and the democratic radicals took over the state power, the new federal rule, including Yeltsin, was in order to stabilize its political position. , at the economic level, it has made all possible or even impossible compromises to the big capital. At the same time, in order to create an interest group that supports its own national policy in the shortest time, the so-called middle-class group, the Russian Federation They have adopted the so-called shock therapy that is not in line with the actual national conditions of the federal government. To put it bluntly, they are consolidating their dominant position by selling out the public interests of the country. ***Update the latest novel chapters*

As the most sincere supporter of shock therapy, the young Gaidar may have just tried to flatter the Kremlin, or he really wanted to lead the Russian Federation out of economic difficulties, but in any case, when he implemented this shock therapy , obviously going the wrong way. According to his privatization plan, the federation took three steps: first, liberalizing prices; second, fiscal, taxation and financial reforms; third, promoting the privatization process on a large scale.

Taking Guo Shouyun as an example, let’s see what the consequences of Gaidar’s three moves of privatization have brought about: first, the liberalization of prices has caused the Federation, which was already facing a serious shortage of basic consumer goods and various materials, to have a very short period of time. There is a situation of skyrocketing prices, and in this process, which type of people is most likely to obtain huge commercial profits? There is no doubt that smugglers like Guo Shouyun are the most profitable. The same is true of historical facts. Looking back, the Guo Shouyun brothers and sisters entered Blagoveshchensk in the Far East from Harbin. The first business they did was smuggling, and it was smuggled tobacco and alcohol and other commodities that were in short supply in the federal government. The general environment of the federation at that time was that Gorbachev’s new thinking reform disrupted the ideological system of both the military and political parties of the Soviet Union, and the trend of thought with corruption as its main content was spreading throughout the Soviet Socialist Union, while those in the Far East The military generals are looking for a “lease” for their own power, and Guo Shouyun, who is engaged in smuggling, is obviously their best partner. In this way, after the completion of a power rent-seeking, Guo Shouyun obtained the huge protective umbrella he dreamed of. He not only used his own capital to smuggle, but also began to smuggle with loans from the Far East Central Bank. Coincidentally, separated by a river, China was in the most ignorant and critical period of reform and opening up. The lack of the system and the loopholes in the legal framework gave birth to a large number of special characters like Sun Hongyu. This kind of person has an official background, and is very flexible and powerful. Because he can get more “government approval notes”, this kind of person has become the best source of smuggled goods. Therefore, in the next period of time, Guo Shouyun was digging the “socialist corner” of the Soviet Union on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was digging into the hollow crotch of China’s economic reform system. However, heavy industrial products and related natural resources have been unsalable for a long time. The other is that the market for daily necessities is huge, so that there is a wasteful situation to a certain extent. At the same time, there is a wide market for heavy industrial products. The combination of the two will undoubtedly provide Guo Shouyun with the greatest room for profit, thus promoting the crazy accumulation of his capital. It is blunt to say that during that period, his personal assets increased by geometric multiples. This exaggeration. ? It’s really not an exaggeration. In the early 1990s, the slogan of the bad guy in the Sino-Russian trade was: make it 5 million a week, and this kind of bad guy is just the kind of guy who carries a fiber bag and drags his family to the old Maozi site.” The small role of “Fighting the Autumn Wind”, and how did Guo Shouyun have a huge trade convoy in the territory of China and Russia, and there are only three open smuggling trade routes. The KGB Far East Bureau, the Far East Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Far East Military Region jointly His smuggling activities are escorted, and the military supply depots in the Far East have become his warehouses for hoarding smuggled materials. Not only do his smuggling convoys pass the federal checkpoints without inspection, the border inspection forces must provide them with the best convenience, and even It is no use to provide services such as security **** for the team. Guo Shouyun is not doing smuggling trade alone. Standing behind him is a whole set of state machinery. It squeezed the life savings of nearly ten million people in the Far East. At that time, the Guo Group actually monopolized the entire Far East consumer goods market. For a simple pack of cigarettes, the Guo Group was priced at 65 rubles. One pack, there will never be a pack of 64.9 rubles in the market. It seems difficult to estimate how fast a business like this can accumulate wealth.

Well, after a year of smuggling trade and power and money transactions, Guo Shouyun has accumulated enough capital, and at the same time, he has also incorporated the entire power level in the Far East into his network of relationships.

It was at this time that Gaidar’s second reform measure came. The implementation of finance has caused a large number of institutions in the Far East, including the military and government departments, to have long-term funding difficulties. In this case, in order to maintain their own To survive, the most important thing is to protect their own power. Those powerful figures in all aspects have to move closer to the big chaebol, the Guo Group. While receiving large amounts of financial assistance, they also sold their own more Multiple powers; tax system reform, for the Guo Group, under the protection of the power network, the federal high tax policy has no impact at all, but at the same time, those industrial and mining enterprises and industrial groups in the Far East have suffered extinction. In order to evade responsibility and plan for the rest of their lives, a large number of heads of state-owned enterprises began to collude with the Guo Group, selling the state materials they had at a low price, and even giving them to Guo Shouyun for nothing. ; Of course, in the second stage of the reform process, the biggest impact on Guo Shouyun is the reform of the financial system. If the smuggling trade has allowed the Guo Group’s assets to grow exponentially, then the establishment of the Far East Commercial Bank, especially After the operation of the four major state-owned banks in the Soviet Union was stopped, the growth rate of Guo’s group’s assets cannot be described in any words. An empty sub-bank with total assets of only a few million rubles directly controls nearly a thousand rubles in the Far East. The life savings of tens of thousands of people, the profits contained in them, can only be described by the word horror.

After going through the turmoil of price liberalization, tax system and financial reform, the federation is in chaos in the market environment and financial system, and the crisis of inflation is imminent. Once inflation occurs, the devaluation of the ruble is inevitable. At this juncture, Gaidar can’t wait to start the reform of private ownership. He does not seem to realize that the federal central bank has completely lost control of the ruble currency, and the commercial banks formed by major consortia have emptied most of the assets of the former Soviet Union. , these financial oligarchs don’t even need to unite, and they can easily defeat the entire Federal Central Bank with one side. As for the devaluation of the ruble, it is even a piece of cake for them.

At this time, there seems to be a problem. The oligarchs control the economic lifeline of the federation, especially the financial channels. What influence does it have on the privatization reform of the federation? For example, the federation is like a desert, and the privatized state-owned enterprises are the only lake in the desert. As residents living in this desert, the citizens of the federation could only regularly enjoy one of the lakes. A scoop of water, they are not happy to drink, but they will not die of thirst. Now, in order to implement privatization, the federal government has completely released the lake. They announced that anyone who has utensils can go to this mutual benefit to grab water and drink, but it is a pity that after the previous stage of reform , the residents in the desert have pawned all the vessels that can hold water, and now it is not the federal government that can provide them with vessels, but the oligarchs who are eyeing this lake. As a result, the right to distribute water resources is still in the hands of these oligarchs. They generously distributed a colander to the residents in the desert, while themselves, driving a tanker in a frenzy. Water from the lake. Seriously, if this process of water separation can last longer, those inhabitants in the desert may be able to live for a while longer, but unfortunately, in order to reflect their selflessness, the federal government expressly stipulates that the water in the lake The water must be cleaned up within the specified time, and not a drop of water is left. Therefore, those who have waterwheels can naturally reserve more water resources. As for those poor creatures who only have a colander, their fate is quite miserable.

In this way, after a period of time, the oligarchic group has accumulated enough water resources, and the water in the lake has been completely divided. In the hands of the federal government, apart from those powers, there is nothing that can be transferred out. It was precisely at this time that the fooled desert residents finally realized that the colander in their hands could not hold even a drop of water at all, and they could die of thirst at any time, which made them extremely angry. Although the colander can’t hold water, it’s still an object, and it’s worth two dollars if you buy it. Therefore, the residents who feel empowered do not hate the oligarchs who gave them the colander, but hate the oligarchs who gave them the colander. Any affordable federal government, driven by this kind of anger, wants to make a statement, settle old accounts, and drive those corpses in the federal government out of office.

There is no doubt that this sentiment of theirs just met the needs of the oligarchs, who looked away from the dry bottom of the lake and aimed at the point of power in the hands of the federal government. A war finally broke out.

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