Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 911 - China and Russia

?Brother, do you mean that my idea is feasible? “Dong Ting asked with a face that couldn’t wait.

“Of course it’s feasible,” Guo Shouyun said with a smile, “since she’s my Guo Shouyun’s sister, what idea is not feasible in the federal land? Well, you can go back to Ottawa and make some specific statistics, and get involved in the land. Make a list of the consortium in this idea, and then, don’t come to me, go directly to Moscow to find Yelena, let her help you manage it, and find a way to submit the letter of intent to the White House. As for the future, I will I don’t need to tell you in detail, I believe Yelena will do it for you at that time.”

“That’s great, big brother, I love you to death,” Dongting cheered, put her arms around Guo Shouyun’s neck, and gave him a hard kiss on the left half of his face.

“Naughty,” Guo Shouyun glanced at Steve, who was smiling and said nothing, wiping his cheeks wet with spittle, then looked at the lipstick smeared on his fingers, and blamed helplessly, “It’s all so big. People, why are you still so crazy, and you’re not afraid of Steve’s jokes.”

“He dares,” Dongting shook her eldest brother’s neck vigorously, and said with a grin, “Don’t forget, you are my eldest brother. You are crazy in front of you, and it is the turn of others to laugh at you?”

Glancing at Steve, who had a smirk on his face, Guo Shouyun knew in his heart that his little girl was obviously the opposite of Shoucheng. Although the little girl seemed innocent, she had a good grasp of emotions, at least when it came to men. She has nothing to lose in her hands.

“Mr. Guo, we have entered the sky over Vladivostok,” the navigator’s voice came from the loudspeaker on the front side of the cabin while the siblings were laughing. “The air checkpoint asked us about our destination. .”

“Let’s go directly to the beach,” Guo Shouyun said, leaning up, pressing the red button on the side of the door, and raising his voice.

“Okay sir,” came a screeching noise from the loudspeaker, then quieted again after the navigator made a simple reply.

From Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, it takes more than an hour by helicopter, but for Guo Dongting, in this more than one hour, she has gained too much, it is precisely because she has According to Guo Shouyun’s promise, three and a half months later, an economic and trade group consisting of twelve large multinational conglomerates in Canada, led by Prime Minister Chretien, went to Moscow for a five-day economic and trade visit. Subsequently, the two sides signed a series of agreements. Economic and trade cooperation projects, and it is precisely by virtue of these projects that Canada’s investment in Russia has expanded rapidly, and the two sides have rapidly expanded cooperation in the fields of energy development and satellite communications. At the same time, as the coordinator of this series of cooperation, Guo Dongting has completely established a firm foothold in the Progressive Conservative Party. As a Canadian MP from the party, she not only has her own strong financial support behind her, but at the same time, She has also received strong support from a business consortium. Compared with Guo Shouyun, her political future is obviously more stable and peaceful.

Just when Guo Shouyun and his younger sister arrived in Vladivostok by helicopter. Liu Haitao, President of Beiyuan Group, has been away from Far East for a long time. Once again on 6 Khabarovsk. no doubt. Compared to Beijing where the weather is clear and sunny. The weather in the Far East has been really bad these two days. Especially for Liu Haitao. In such weather. He had to endure more pain and suffering—in the years of “decentralization”. He contracted the troublesome rheumatism. therefore. Every cloudy and rainy day. The pain around his left shoulder and his left knee would be unbearable. In the past when I was young. This pain is over. But over the years. On the one hand, it is hard work. On the other hand, he was depressed. At the same time, with increasing age. His ailment just got worse.

Seriously. Since entering the new year. Liu Haitao’s life was very difficult. Beijing is facing a new round of power transfer. And coincidentally on this port. There is another astonishingly big case in the south. Unfortunately it is. in this case. The Beiyuan Group also seems to have an inexplicable relationship. as group president. Liu Haitao was double-gauged for a week last month. Fortunately it is. He himself had nothing to do with it. Although it is said that he has been sitting in the position of President of Beiyuan for six or seven years. But Liu Haitao thinks he has no guilt against his conscience. In addition to those salary bonuses given above. He has never touched a penny of dirty money. Family of four. Although living on earth is not poor. But definitely not rich. So. He has a good reputation in his own circle.

But then again. The position of President Beiyuan is too special after all. A person with a clean and honest style is not necessarily a dungeon in this position. to this. Liu Haitao is also well aware. At the beginning of the year, someone reported him to the Disciplinary Committee. This is not to say that something really went wrong with him. But someone was going to move him. To move him a place. Originally.

Thought he would not get into too much trouble this time. But if you want to wash your body with dirty water. I am afraid it is not so easy. But luckily it is. Just at this time. An encrypted telegram from the Guo Group came to save him. It is clear. This telegram is from Sun Hongyu. The approximate content of which. That is to say, Guo Shouyun has already mastered the absolute initiative in Moscow. The left-wing and left-leaning coalition political blocs are led by the leader of the Russian Communist Party, Zyuganov. A compromise with the Russian oligarchy. Zyuganov’s appointment as federal president is inevitable. There will be major adjustments in Sino-US, Sino-Russian, and US-Russian relations. At this critical moment. In order to push the joint relationship between China and Russia to a new level. Beijing should pay full attention to the important bridge that Beiyuan and Guo can play between the two countries. Make the best choice in a targeted manner.

Perhaps it was because of the passive situation that resulted from the fall of Sun Hongyu. This time Beiyuan did not make any adjustments to the group’s personnel issues. Liu Haitao, who once dealt with Guo Shouyun and got along well with him to a certain extent. He became the best person to reconnect with the Guo Group. The original voices that questioned him. It also naturally disappeared in an instant.

shortly thereafter. News from Moscow. It confirmed the credibility of Sun Hongyu’s encrypted telegram. The Chechen war begins. The Kremlin gave way. The Big Five teamed up again. Zyuganov wins the new presidential election of the Russian Federation. The most surprising thing for Beijing is. Guo Shouyun, who used to have no political experience in China. Even with absolute public support. Elected as the second president of the Far Eastern Republic of the Russian Federation – as a Chinese. He has truly established himself in Russian Federation politics.

As two neighboring powers with closely related national interests, Beijing has always paid close attention to the political situation in Moscow. For those experts who specialize in Russian political issues, the regime change in Moscow this time is too fast, and its degree of change It can only be described as dazzling. No one thought in advance that the democratic radicals who had been working hard in the Russian Federation for ten years would be so vulnerable. During the whole process of regime change, Moscow has not seen the most There were no political riots, not even a single sound, in the usual public demonstrations and demonstrations. The firewall of the Kremlin was conquered by the oligarchs. What kind of mystery is hidden in this, Beijing does not know, but one thing they know is that for the Chinese side, this is a big opportunity, as the left-wing leader of the Russian Communist Party, Zyuganov He has always been hostile to the United States and other Western countries, but at the same time, he is very fond of socialist China. In this case, the oligarchic group that really controls the political situation of the Russian Federation elects him to come to power, and its potential intention may be to hope to go Sino-Russian joint diplomatic line to resist a series of pressures such as NATO’s eastward expansion and international containment.

Subsequently, in order to further confirm their guesses, Beijing conducted a series of tests through the embassy in Moscow. In the end, they got a benign feedback. A secret note from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs showed that the new president was in After taking over, he will be the first to visit the CIS countries, and then, after completing his state visit to Kazakhstan, he will start a one-week friendly visit to China from Almaty via Beijing.

A few years ago, after Yeltsin officially became the President of the Russian Federation, the first stop of his visit was also the CIS countries. After that, the second stop he chose was Washington. There is no doubt that at that time, the Russian Federation’s The diplomatic focus is on the United States, and this time, Zyuganov made Beijing the second stop of his state visit, which shows that Beijing has become a crucial link in the international relations of the Russian Federation.

After that, just a week ago, Sun Hongyu, the core figure of the Guo Group, who has always been in charge of the group’s Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan affairs, secretly arrived in Beijing. As a result, the relationship between Beiyuan and Guo, and between Moscow and Beijing , opened a new chapter – in this chapter, Sun Hongyu mentioned for the first time that “Moscow hopes to establish close cooperation with Beijing in the fields of science and technology, defense, energy, nuclear industry, aerospace and other fields” At the same time, this is also a major issue that Zyuganov needs to discuss when he visits China in a few months.

For Liu Haitao, he has been waiting for this day for many years, but, in the past, due to the differences of interests between Beiyuan and Guo’s on many issues, the cooperation between the two sides after Sun Hongyu’s resignation was basically carried out. In the stagnant situation, and now, the turning point has come, he thinks that he can’t miss this good show anyway.

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