Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 912 - Sun Liuhui

?Ning had targeted China, Russia and India nearly a century ago, and argued that “the development of China, Russia and India will determine the future of the world.” The reason why great men become great men is that their vision and thinking are far-reaching, and naturally they are not the same as ordinary people. By comparison, Moscow’s strategic adjustment of its foreign relations this time is due on the one hand to the rise of left-wing political forces, and on the other hand, because the “one-sided” foreign policy oriented towards the West advocated by democratic radicals in the past has entered into A dead end, Russia’s diplomatic space has shrunk dramatically after a decade of turmoil, and Moscow even feels a suffocation in the international family. w Therefore, as early as a few years ago, Primakov publicly proposed a foreign policy commonly known as the “double-headed eagle”. He suggested that Moscow should adopt a relatively tough foreign policy towards the United States and other Western countries on the one hand, and the other The Chinese side has done everything possible to seek diplomatic support in the East. To put it bluntly, the strategic adjustment of Moscow’s foreign relations during this period was basically expanded from Primakov’s diplomatic suggestions.

Before Liu Haitao’s appearance this time, several important leaders of relevant parties in Beijing had talked to him one after another. According to them, the current Sino-Russian relationship has reached a critical moment. In the past few years, due to domestic, Due to international and many other reasons, the development of Sino-Russian relations has largely fallen behind India-Russia relations. For the nuclear project cooperation between the two countries, India and Russia have reached a series of cooperation agreements. This includes Russia’s aid project for the construction of India’s nuclear power plants, and the international community is now paying a lot of attention to this. On the one hand, it has greatly expanded its international influence, which is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone. Furthermore, in terms of military affairs, India and Russia now seem to have the intention to jointly develop technologies related to the “Brahmos” cruise missile, which fully shows that the cooperation between India and Russia in the military field is also taking place in Beijing. Front.

In a word, the international environment that Beijing is facing is quite complex. From the perspective of international security, the alliance between China and Russia, and even China-Russia and Central Asian countries must be put on the agenda as soon as possible. The grand strategy of Sino-Russian relations has good opportunities. First, the Russian left-wing forces have mastered the Kremlin. Second, the oligarchic alliance that plays an important role in Russian politics has always had close ties with Beijing. In the past few years, this connection has been interrupted due to many contradictions, but after all, the old people who have contact are easier to deal with than the strangers who have no experience in communication. We must grasp the line of the Guo family, which is very important for Sino-Russian relations. grand strategy is crucial.

Although the weather in Khabarovsk was unpleasant, and the pain in the joints was also very strong, these did not affect Liu Haitao’s good mood. He knew that this trip to the north would directly affect his political future. Among them, Guo Shouyun’s statement occupies an absolutely important position. Looking back now, the work that Sun Hongyu did back then was indeed not easy. At least in the exhibition history of Beiyuan Group, this woman should enjoy a special honor, without her There will be no Beiyuan today, and of course, there will not be a large number of people who benefit from Beiyuan. It’s a pity that this woman’s fate is not very good. She is not in the right moment. In other words, if Guo Shouyun’s power rises a few years earlier, or if Sun Hongyu can stay in Beiyuan for a while longer, then this is the case. The credit should belong to her, and no one can take it away. But having said that, Liu Haitao felt that what he valued was not necessarily what Sun Hongyu liked today. Although he left Beiyuan, he has now become one of the core members of the Far East Guo Group. Said, she doesn’t have to be so fettered, and she doesn’t have to worry about someone behind her back, so ah, for a person, one blessing and one misfortune are often indistinguishable.

The gray Cherokee slowly drove into the Russian border checkpoint, and the secretary who accompanied him jumped out of the car, took the formalities issued by the consulate, and went to the checkpoint to go through the transit formalities. Sitting in the car, Liu Haitao looked out through the car window, and happened to see a white container truck passing through the site. The large characters scribbled on the side of the container made him feel an unusually warm feeling—— “Beiyuan Logistics”, this is the logistics fleet of Beiyuan Group running in China and Russia. This team was established in 1994. During the years when the relationship between Beiyuan and Guo was tense, its operation had been at a standstill. Now, the relationship between the two sides has been rebuilt, restored and then rapidly warmed up, and the team has been busy again. Woke up,

Just as Liu Haitao was looking around through the car window, the secretary who had just descended quickly walked back, and behind him were three Russian soldiers. The one at the front is the border guard captain.

“Mr. Liu Haitao?” The captain walked to the side of the car and stopped. He first glanced at the inside of the car, then smiled and gave Liu Haitao a military salute.

“Yes, may I ask you,” Liu Haitao said suspiciously.

“That’s right,” said the captain with a smile, “I received an order from the division headquarters half an hour ago. Colonel Remanev ordered me to welcome Mr. Guo here. We are responsible for taking you to Mr. Guo’s residence, ah, Mrs. Guo is waiting for you there, and she has just returned from China.”

“Oh, then I’ll bother you.” Liu Haitao smiled and nodded.

“Mr. Liu is too polite. This is what I should do.” The captain said politely. Then turned around. Got into a gas jeep that just drove over.

The captain said “Mrs. Guo”. Naturally, it meant Sun Hongyu. Liu Haitao understood. here in the Far East. Especially those who have some power in their hands and are relatively close to the Guo Group. They all know more or less the inside story of the Guo family. And in this one. There were several women around Guo Shouyun. It is the one that appears most frequently among the various topics. Because the interests of the Guo family are closely related to the interests of the power strata in the Far East. Therefore. those powers hold. He also attached great importance to the status of the women in the Guo family. at this point. This is especially true within the military. In the Far East officer class. There are only two ways for everyone to call Nina. One is General Nina. Another is Mrs. Nina. And these two titles are emphasizing the status of Nina herself. As for the other women. The name is not the same. Or Miss Nikita. Or Mrs. Guo. Anyway, they are deliberately embodying something.

The border control in Russia is notoriously dark. But then again. Their “black” is not indiscriminate. At least in this part of the Far East. There is no border guard general. Dare to put the black hand on the Guo Group. Take the captain in charge of welcoming Liu Haitao as an example. His ability to pluck wild geese is well-known in the area of ​​Honghe Port. In the words of the traders who come and go. This guy is a typical person who does as much for as much money as possible. under his nose. If this benefit is not delivered in place. Don’t even think about doing business here safely. Today, this situation is obviously a bit special. With Sun Hongyu’s words. This kid’s hands are even longer. Also have to shrink back honestly. Otherwise to words. He lived comfortably for four or five years. I’m afraid it’s coming to an end.

Because there are border guards to open the way ahead. It didn’t take long for Liu Haitao to arrive at Guo’s Villa from the border checkpoint. And when they rushed to the interior of the villa area. Sun Hongyu was already waiting in the living room.

For Guo Shouyun. since entering Moscow. His life is undoubtedly boring. On weekdays, it is piled up like a mountain of official business. Keeping him busy. So much so that she took advantage of the opportunity when her younger sister Dongting came over. He needs to take time out to relax. But then again. Inside the Guo family. It was obviously not his man who was the busiest during this time. Including Sun Hongyu. The women of the Guo family have been very busy these days. Just a week or two. Sun Hongyu made several round trips between Beijing and Khabarovsk. It’s hard to come back home now. **I haven’t had time to sit still. There were two groups of guests who came to the door one after another.

Previously. That is, when Liu Haitao just entered the checkpoint. A group of guests came first in the Guojia villa area – a large group of dignitaries from the Far Eastern Republic government and parliament came. Everyone said there was something important to discuss with Guo Shouyun. But everyone. In front of Sun Hongyu, he refused to explain what he wanted to say. For these people. Although Sun Hongyu is the same as Guo Shouyun. They are all Chinese. But the problem is. They can accept Guo Shouyun as the president of the Far Eastern Republic. However, they were unwilling to include Sun Hongyu in the core system of the Far Eastern power hierarchy. This mentality may sound odd. But it must be considered from the point of view of interests. It is also easy to analyze thoroughly. For these Far Eastern authorities. Guo Shouyun is a supreme being to safeguard their interests. Say it bluntly. They are now rich and prosperous. It was Guo Shouyun who brought the land to them. on the contrary. Sun Hongyu was an existence who shared the benefits with them. under these circumstances. Sun Hongyu wanted to gain the approval of these officials. How can it be an easy task?

Fortunately, although Sun Hongyu is arrogant and arrogant, she is not an unreasonable person. The most important thing is that she herself is not very interested in things in the Far East. In her opinion, she now firmly grasps the relationship with Beiyuan. The most important thing is the relationship between China and Russia, and then playing a significant role in Sino-Russian relations.

(There are a lot of things in the past two days, the update can’t keep up, and it will return to normal tomorrow.)

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