Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 913 - Little Victor\\\'s life experience

? Reborn oligarchs

Negotiations between Hong Yu and Liu Haitao. . qβ5.c0m was apparently launched under secret conditions but as the head of the Guo family. Guo Shouyun in Vladivostok. Absolutely aware of this. To know what is happening on the ground in the Far East now. In particular, who did the core figures of the Guo family come into contact with? Can’t hide from his eyes. This includes the encrypted telegram that Sun Hongyu secretly communicated with Beijing a month ago.

Now for a lot of things. Shouyun opened one eye and closed one eye. the most important is. What Sun Hongyu did. It was exactly what he wanted to see otherwise. Sun Hongyu’s encrypted telegram never came out, and it was obviously not so easy for Liu Haitao to secretly enter the Far East. In general. Entering Moscow. Especially after reaching a formal compromise cooperation plan with other giants. Guo Shouyun’s heart relaxed. The sense of crisis that I can feel in those moments of the past. also to a large extent to understand. Therefore. to him. Life is hard work right now. But relative to the past. He was more comfortable. Speaking without hesitation. Since the moment it entered the Far East ten years ago. The relatively peaceful life he longed for is what it is now.

Liu Haitao stayed in Khabarovsk for nearly a week. period. He met Guo Shouyun, who was returning after seeing off his sister. The two sighed all night in Guo Shouyun’s private study. Specifically what to say between them. Irrelevant outsiders probably will never know. Even after returning to Beijing. The memo submitted by Liu Haitao to the State Security Department. No outsider has seen it. It was destroyed after it was circulated to the nine members of the Politburo Standing Committee. Not even the bottom file was left.

But it was also after the secret conversation in the study this time. The connection between the Beiyuan Group and the Guo Group began to gradually withdraw from the core of Sino-Russian exchanges two years later. Also at the end of 2001. Liu Haitao left Beiyuan Group and was transferred to the National People’s Congress.

After him, he became the president of Beiyuan Group. Is a man with a deep military background soon followed. to mid-2002. Beiyuan Group has carried out its first internal reform since its establishment. Most of the companies engaged in Sino-Russian trade under the original set name were separated. At the same time. Including Shen Kong, the six major state-owned military factories in the mainland were merged into the collection name. thus. Beiyuan, renamed as “China North Group”. Officially become an arms import and export trading company under the control of the military.

The month after Sun Liuhui ends. Seems to be a fairly busy initial contact period for China and Russia. On May 12, Prime Minister Chernomyrdin of the Russian Federation led a government delegation to visit Beijing. During the four-day visit, the heads of a series of departments, including the newly established Federal Arms Import and Export Trading Company, the Federal Ministry of Defense, had three consecutive rounds of consultations with relevant Chinese representatives. The two discussed several issues such as the technology transfer of the Su-27 fighter jet and the Sino-Russian “Peace Envoy oo1” joint military exercise. But it became a step consensus.

Sino-Russian bilateral relations are getting closer and closer. It has brought more variables to the current complex international environment.

In the United States. The Clinton administration is approaching the last minute of his term. Because in the past few years to time. Far East political forces supporting Russia. This further complicates the situation in Northeast Asia and Central Asia. In particular, a full-scale revival of left-wing political power in Russia. And in the domestic political arena has been subjected to countless attacks. At the same time, the US security services and intelligence services. Several plans to deal with the changing situation in the Russian Federation have been secretly introduced successively. This includes a series of plans to assassinate Guo Shouyun. It’s just that. Guo Shouyun is different from Castro after all. The former is not a dictator of a country. He is a businessman. And he is a businessman with great political influence in Russian politics. Wharton can’t seem to find any excuse to stop the mouth of the world to assassinate him. So take such an extreme strategy. Washington is also worried. finally. A large number of assassinations planned by US intelligence and national security services. have not been implemented.

Unlike the situation in the United States. in Latin America. The rise of left-wing political forces in Russia has also had profound political implications. From the second half of 1999. The Latin American left-wing movement is in full swing. to 0304. This red stream continues to sweep across Latin America. in Brazil. The rise of the left-wing Labour Party led by Lula. to the second half of 2002. The party’s victory in Brazil’s national election. Lula himself became Brazil’s first truly working-class president; in Mexico. The left-wing Democratic Revolutionary Party has also grown in strength. And became the third largest party in Mexico; in Argentina. Kirchner, leader of a new generation of center-left Peronists, was elected president in May; in Ecuador. Gutierrez, the leader of the left-wing party “121 Patriotic Association”, won the election in November 2000. Elected President; in Chile. Lagos 2 on center left

Elected President. Come to power; El Salvador’s Farabendo Marti Liberation Livia Socialist Movement Guatemala National Revolutionary Union and so on and so on. This series of Latin American center-left political forces. Basically, they all rose in this period.

Although there are various reasons for the rise of the Latin American leftist movement. is in this. After a decade of economic and political turmoil, Russia has taken the realistic path of a left-wing re-leadership of the country. It was indeed a great inspiration.

actually. Just when the former Soviet Union fell into the abyss of disintegration. A range of countries in Latin America. They are also undergoing social changes that are unique to them. A large number of the original dictatorship was overthrown by the liberal and democratic fighters supported by the Americans. For example, the Argentine Galtieri military government that dared to fire on the British and started the Falklands naval battle. Another example is the Institutional Revolutionary Party of Mexico, which has been in power in Mexico for 71 years. And after the overthrow of the original dictatorship. those new governments. Without exception, they adopted the same national policy as Russia. The economy pursues a liberal trade policy with comprehensive private reforms. Political propaganda, democracy, freedom, diplomacy, comprehensive pro-Americanism, and so on. that’s all. After two decades of democratic reforms. Latin Americans suddenly realized their so-called reform. Ben didn’t take any grades that could make me feel a little comforted. opposite of this. Their economic development has fallen behind the Asia-Pacific region. under the impact of the wave of globalization. Latin America’s economic status is increasingly marginalized. At the same time, the long-standing social problems in Latin America began to emerge. in the mid to late nineties. Almost all countries in Latin America are in the midst of social unrest. Most importantly. After the overthrow of a dictatorial government that was identified as a Communist Party. The democratic politicians on the stage seem to have become more greedy: Argentine President Menem and Droua were indicted for alleged corruption; Venezuelan President Perez was impeached by the parliament for **; Nicaragua’s President Aleman was arrested for ** Sentence: o years in prison and so on. All in all. They seem to be telling people a truth. All parties advocated and implemented by the “Washington Consensus”. It does not seem to apply to the relatively backward Latin American regions. Based on the economic and technological gap. If Latin American countries run behind the American **. The end result is only one – becoming a dumping ground for American goods and a source of cheap raw materials.

that’s all. After seeing Russia back on the left after a “lost decade”. Latin America’s left-wing resurgence. It appeared naturally. same. with this step. Americans’ backyards are on fire. This directly affects the trend of the international political pattern in the following ten years.

Of course, at this time Guo Shouyun couldn’t think of the revival of the left-wing movement in Latin America. seriously. Even thought of it. He probably has no interest in researching it either. After all, he is not a leftist. Even to some extent. His stance is also at odds with the left. Just like in Venezuela. After the left-wing President Chavez came to power. First, take tough measures to weaken the role of the market economy. At the same time. There was also a forced redistribution of means of production such as land and factories. Such a move would be implemented in Russia. Wouldn’t that be equivalent to taking Guo Shouyun’s life?

the most important is. During this time, Guo Shouyun could not take out too much experience to consider international political issues. He now has to pay close attention to the formation of the new government work team of the Far Eastern Republic. There is also a private matter to mobilize enough people to deal with – the business of little baby Victor.

After a long secret investigation. The intelligence agents Polaninov sent to Afghanistan to investigate finally brought useful information. After they secretly provided Tully with a large amount of weapons and ammunition. In the end, it was the partner of the Taliban government. thus. After more than two years of investigation. Little Victor’s life experience was found out a clue. According to the reports of those intelligence officers. Little Victor’s life experience may be related to a small Pashtun tribe called Tuche in northern Afghanistan. When the tribe resisted Su’s intervention”, it was wiped out. However, a surviving woman, after listening to the information about Little Victor from intelligence personnel, claimed that Xiaojia was probably her daughter. In order to confirm the reliability of this information, the intelligence personnel suggested to adopt the method of DNA identification.

But unfortunately. It was on the afternoon that Guo Shouyun received the news. Little Victor, who has been quite docile all these years, suddenly fell into a state of rampage. She wounded several guard soldiers in the villa area. Left alone.

The birth of this thing. While Guo Shouyun was anxious, he also understood one thing – little Victor is likely to have recovered his sanity long ago.

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