Red Alert 1895

Chapter 107

Chapter 106 – Ceasefire Agreement

The imperial envoy of the imperial court and the special envoy of Japan were quickly driven away, and Wang Guorui had to be surprised that Japan was so “naive”. Japan thought that as long as the imperial court made an order, Wang Guorui would obey, because they believed that Wang Guorui was a loyal minister of the Qing court. This reminded Wang Guorui of a saying in later generations, people are afraid of officials, officials are afraid of foreigners, and foreigners are afraid of people. Sometimes the armed forces of the people were even more powerful in fighting against foreign enemies, and the foreigners were frightened, so they actually asked the officials of the Manchu Qing Dynasty to order the armed forces of the people to stop resisting. However, the Manchu and Qing courts feared the foreigners like a tiger, and obviously immediately ordered the civilian armed forces to stop resisting. As a result, the foreigners successfully obtained the results they wanted without firing a single shot. I have to say that this is a very speechless situation and a cyclical process that is difficult to explain. However, Wang Guorui was the one who wanted to separate Taiwan after all, and naturally he would not stop the orders of the Manchus, so he directly sent them away.

“Master Wang, the commander of the Japanese army has sent a special envoy, hoping to discuss with you a temporary ceasefire!” someone reported.

After hearing this, Wang Guorui also knew that the Japanese army could not hold on anymore and wanted to cease fire. Wang Guorui guessed that the Japanese army might have made two-handed preparations. On the one hand, they asked the Manchu Qing to send special envoys to force Wang Guorui to surrender. Planted, authorized Kawakami Cao Liulai to sign the ceasefire agreement.

“Commander of the Chinese, our Imperial Japanese Army came to take over Taiwan, and you actually prevented our Imperial Japanese Army from receiving Taiwan, causing huge losses to our Imperial Japanese Army. You must immediately stop fighting our Imperial Japanese Army , and then wait for my Great Japanese Imperial Army to deal with it!” said the Japanese envoy.

But Wang Guorui was speechless, what kind of guy is this, he is so stupid. Even though he had an absolute advantage on the battlefield, he still spoke so loudly.

“Slap!” Wang Guorui slapped the so-called special envoy’s face, and said, “Listen to me, you Japan is invading Taiwan this time, and we are protecting our homeland. How dare you talk about aggression like this Righteous words are really nonsense. If this is the case, we don’t need to talk, just keep fighting!”

“My lords, don’t say that. Since everyone wants a ceasefire, we might as well put aside our disputes and discuss peace talks together!” said a young man in his thirties.

“Who are you?” Wang Guorui asked.

“I’m Gu Xianrong, a Taiwanese gentry!” said the young man.

Wang Guorui snorted, “This time, it’s because you are an exchange officer sent by the Japanese army. I won’t kill you! But if I meet you in the future, I will definitely kill you!”

And Gu Xianrong trembled for a while, obviously because he was very afraid of Wang Guorui’s words. Because of course he now knows that Japan is about to fail, and his traitor is really going to be liquidated. At that time, he will be unlucky, so what will happen to him? He originally thought that the Japanese army was coming menacingly, but now the Japanese army has been defeated, which is obviously too incredible. He cooperated with Japan because he wanted to save his wealth and life. But now that Japan has failed, I am afraid that he is not human inside and out.

“Okay, let’s hurry up and discuss the ceasefire agreement! The result of this war is no longer a problem that we can solve. We have to report it to the country and let the country send a commissioner to solve it in person. However, before that, we We might as well discuss the ceasefire. In this war, both of us have paid a great price, so our commander, Kawakami Caoliu, does not want us to continue to die, so we should achieve a ceasefire as soon as possible. Then the specific matters will be left to the central governments of the two parties. Send a commissioner to deal with it personally.” The Japanese army envoy said.

The envoys of the Japanese army also softened a lot. Who made them frustrated on the battlefield, so they had to take the initiative to be soft. Their supply line has now been cut off, and they have been compressed into the Taipei generation by Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui can annihilate them at any time. Therefore, they have to give in, or they will die. So the Japanese envoy was still very arrogant at first, but this kind of arrogance was forced out, so Wang Guorui didn’t have to be afraid of him at all. After Wang Guorui exposed their situation, he didn’t dare to be arrogant. This means that there is no strength behind it. So I had to voluntarily surrender.

“I suggest that we temporarily suspend fighting for fifteen days, and then wait for the country to send commissioners to deal with our war. As for how to deal with it at that time, it has nothing to do with our army. So, please stop the fire as soon as possible, and then You provide us with some military supplies.” The Japanese envoy said.

And Wang Guorui immediately said: “If you want to supply, there is no problem. You can spend money to buy food supplies for one meal per person, then we will ask for one tael of silver.”

“How could it be so expensive? Is this bird’s nest or abalone? You’re extorting!” the Japanese envoy said angrily.

The price Wang Guorui offered was really ridiculous. To think that a meal for one person would cost one or two taels of silver. This is simply ridiculous. In future generations, it will cost at least several hundred yuan, but this is only in exchange for a meal for one person. Of course, it wouldn’t be surprising how expensive the meal would be if you ate and drank a lot, but this is indeed an army, where can there be any bird’s nest and abalone to eat? This made the Japanese army very angry, and it was obvious that Wang Guorui was extorting money.

“I’m just blackmailing, what can you do to me?” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui is still really blackmailing. With such a good opportunity to blackmail, how can he be worthy of his Chinese conscience if he doesn’t blackmail! Now that the Japanese have fallen into my hands, of course we must exploit them well, these are all good things!

“We are marching outside, where can we get so much money?” the Japanese army envoy said.

“You can exchange weapons. For example, cannons, war horses, and even various weapons can be traded, so we can reach a deal.” Wang Guorui said.

The Japanese army envoy immediately said: “I can’t make the decision without authorization. I have to go back and ask the commander for instructions. As for the second thing we will discuss next, which is about the ceasefire between our two sides. Our commander suggested that the two sides can cease fire for ten minutes.” Five days, waiting for the domestic commissioner to come and deal with our affairs.”

“Fifteen days? Why should I cease fire? You are already the turtle in our urn!” Wang Guorui said.

“Although it is easy for you to annihilate us, you have all formed a deep hatred with our Great Japanese Empire. Therefore, once our navy of the Great Japanese Empire can blockade Taiwan at that time, I am afraid that you will not be able to go out. ’” said the Japanese envoy.

The corner of Wang Guorui’s mouth twitched, these Japanese soldiers still had two brushes, and he could see that he didn’t want to make a death feud with Japan so quickly. Who let himself have no navy, so he had to take the initiative to compromise? If you have a powerful navy, then the devil will kill him.

And then, the Japanese army envoy also took the initiative to bring a person, saying: “This is James, the Taiwanese consul of the British Empire. Now he represents the consuls of various countries in Taiwan. I hope that our Imperial Japanese Army and your army can cooperate with each other.” Ceasefire for fifteen days.”

“Your Excellency General of China, on behalf of the consuls of various countries in Taiwan, I hope that China and Japan can temporarily cease fire and then sit down to negotiate. Regarding the future ownership and destiny of Taiwan, it should be a peaceful negotiation, not continue to war, and the lives will be burned. Yes. In this war, both sides have suffered enough casualties, so it is better to sit down and negotiate peacefully.” James, the British Consul in Taiwan, said.

After hearing what the British consul said, Wang Guorui knew that the British probably wanted to act as a mediator again, and gained a lot of benefits in this way. However, he also wanted to see if Wang Guorui would follow his script.

“A 15-day ceasefire is fine, but we will sign a ceasefire agreement, and then the consuls of your countries will witness it together. At that time, no one can violate it, understand?” Wang Guorui said.

The British Consul James immediately agreed: “Our British Empire is willing to be a witness, and the consuls of various countries are also willing to testify to supervise the ceasefire between the two If anyone dares to defy, it means that our British Empire will not be released. In my eyes. I am confident that the prestige of my British Empire still exists in the world.”

James didn’t say much about this issue. He believed that as long as there was an agreement witnessed by the United Kingdom, there would naturally be no problem. The face of the British Empire still has to be given, so he believes that neither Taiwan nor the Japanese army dare to disobey the agreement witnessed by the British Empire. What’s more, this incident has nothing to do with the British Empire, he just wants to ensure his own safety. Now the consuls of various countries are in the consulates, and they are all afraid that the flames of war will burn on their own heads, so they naturally don’t think about continuing the war. As for the next step, they just hope that this war can be accepted, and then wait for specific domestic orders. Which side to support at that time depends on domestic orders.

Soon, a ceasefire agreement was successfully signed under the witness of the consuls of various countries. And then, both sides also started a 15-day ceasefire, waiting for specific domestic commissioners to deal with it. It is foreseeable that the next war is coming to an end, and everyone can keep Taiwan. After a year of hard work, we have finally realized our idea of keeping Taiwan, and we can all breathe a sigh of relief.

And Wang Guorui showed a very sinister smile when he looked at the wet-inked agreement. (To be continued.) xh118

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