Red Alert 1895

Chapter 108

Chapter 107 – Loopholes In The Protocol

After the ceasefire agreement was signed, Wang Guorui immediately called all the officers. When the officers heard that the ceasefire agreement had been signed, they felt relieved. And next, everyone can prepare to keep Taiwan, which can be regarded as Taiwan’s hero. At that time, everyone was waiting for the reward. It may even be possible for Taiwan to exist independently, instead of continuing to be attached to the Qing Dynasty. Of course, what kind of status Taiwan intends to exist at present remains to be studied.

“Everyone, once the ceasefire agreement is signed, then we can gradually cease fire. However, next night, we will immediately bombard the Japanese army with 155mm caliber heavy artillery for three hours!” Wang Guo Ray said.

“What? Didn’t I cease fire?” Zhu Yuan asked.

And Wang Guorui immediately pointed to the ceasefire agreement that was still wet, and said, “Look, the official ceasefire time stipulated in this ceasefire agreement is at twelve o’clock in the morning today. What do you think?”

But Hu Wei and Chen Liyan immediately exclaimed: “So it is!”

Seeing that they understood, Wang Guorui also showed treacherous smiles.

And here in the Japanese army, the Japanese army also breathed a sigh of relief. Because they have signed a ceasefire agreement with Wang Guorui, and finally lifted a major threat. Otherwise, Wang Guorui could attack and destroy them at any time, and they would all be annihilated. Their supply line had been cut off, and they would not be able to break through, so they would definitely not be able to last long. As for the next step, the current Japanese army is just thinking about going home quickly, rather than thinking about continuing to attack Taiwan. Therefore, the current Japanese army is relieved to see the signing of the ceasefire agreement, and it can be regarded as a solution to a heart problem.

“The ceasefire agreement has been signed, and we finally breathe a sigh of relief!” said a Japanese team leader.

Next, the Japanese army couldn’t help but many people walked out of the trench immediately, and then started a bonfire party. They were very grateful that they could survive this war. The loss of the Japanese army this time was very huge. If they can survive, it means that they can go home and reunite with their families.


With the sound of cannons, a large-caliber heavy artillery shell fell into the crowd of Japanese soldiers, and as a result, dozens of Japanese soldiers were blown up at once. The sudden shell shocked them all, and they were not prepared at all. Because they have signed a ceasefire agreement with Wang Guorui, it should have ceased fire. But now there are still shells falling, which surprised them very much. As a result, more than 1,000 people were killed in the first round of shelling.


The Japanese army quickly wanted to run back to the trench to hide, but they didn’t know that this kind of large-caliber heavy artillery could completely shock them to death. Hiding in the trenches is of no use. So the large-caliber heavy artillery is still bombarding, which is obviously surprising.

“What’s going on? Are we not suitable for the Chinese people to have signed a ceasefire agreement? This is a ceasefire agreement signed under the witness of consuls from various countries. Why are they still firing?” Kawakami said angrily.

Wang Guorui’s heavy artillery roared, which made many Japanese officers very angry. They had clearly signed a ceasefire agreement, but Wang Guorui continued to bombard them here with heavy artillery, which made them at a loss. They immediately called James, the British consul, hoping he would give an answer.

“I don’t know what’s going on, I’ll wait for their artillery fire to stop, and we’ll question them immediately!” James said.

And this shelling lasted for three hours. These large-caliber heavy artillery caused heavy losses to the Japanese army. More than 3,000 people were killed on the spot, and more than 1,500 were disabled. 5,000 people were lost in one fell swoop. The envoy of the Japanese army and the British consul James came to Wang Guorui with anger, hoping that Wang Guorui would give them an explanation.

“Why do you violate the ceasefire agreement without authorization? We have signed the ceasefire agreement, and this ceasefire agreement was signed under the witness of the British consul Mr. James. You dare to violate it so much. What does this mean? You are belittling Mr. James , despise the British Empire?” The Japanese envoy asked.

The Japanese army moved James, the British consul, out. Hope to get the British on their side. The British Consul James also looked very bad, because they thought they had witnessed the ceasefire agreement, and someone dared to violate it, which obviously made him very angry. I represent the British Empire. But representing the most powerful country in the world, how could they tolerate someone violating the ceasefire agreement they witnessed? If the agreement witnessed by the diplomats of the British Empire can be violated at will, then how will the British Empire mess up in the future!

“What do you mean by this? This ceasefire agreement was personally witnessed by me, the Taiwanese consul of the British Empire. How can you violate it casually? If you don’t give us an account of the British Empire, then don’t blame our British Empire for not giving you face !” James said.

And Wang Guorui said calmly, “I didn’t violate the ceasefire agreement!”

“What? Then how did we die!” the Japanese envoy asked.

Wang Guorui said, “What time is it?”

James looked at his pocket watch and said, “It’s twelve o’clock in the morning at night!”

“Then what time was it when we fired the cannon just now?” Wang Guorui asked back.

“Nine o’clock in the evening!” the Japanese envoy said.

“That’s obvious. We didn’t violate the ceasefire agreement!” Wang Guorui replied.

James smelled it. What Wang Guorui meant was that they shelled before the ceasefire agreement came into effect, which meant that the ceasefire agreement had not officially come into effect, so Wang Guorui and the Japanese army were still at war. This means that both of them can actually attack each other, so it is reasonable and legal for Wang Guorui to bombard the Japanese army. Wang Guorui didn’t violate the ceasefire agreement. He fired before the ceasefire agreement came into effect, and when the ceasefire agreement was about to take effect, they immediately stopped shelling, so this can be regarded as complying with the agreement.

“What a treacherous guy!” James thought in his heart.

James has been in China for so many years, and this is the first time he has seen such a treacherous and cunning guy. If this kind of exploiting loopholes in the agreement happened in Europe, then James would not feel any surprise, but it is a miracle that this kind of thing happened in the East. Ever since East-West exchanges, it has always been the West who exploited loopholes in the agreement, while the East rarely did so. But now that Wang Guorui is exploiting loopholes in the agreement, it’s hard for James to say anything. After all, they are also signing an agreement, and now the domestic situation is unclear, so it is not easy to favor one side.

“Do you know? We fired before the ceasefire agreement took effect, so we did not violate the ceasefire agreement, so you say we violated the agreement, that is unreasonable.” Wang Guorui said.

And the Japanese envoy immediately said angrily: “Believe it or not, we will send artillery to bomb you right away?”

“Sorry, the ceasefire agreement has come into effect now. If you bombard us, you are breaking the agreement. This is an agreement made by the British Consul, Mr. James. Please don’t violate it. If you violate it, you are defying the British Empire.” .” Wang Guorui said.


Originally, the Japanese envoys thought that they would be safe if they joined Britain, but now they were plotted against by Wang Guorui. After this bombardment, 5,000 people were lost in this way, and the loss could have been avoided. Wang Guorui was really vicious enough to make them dumb. If they dared to take the initiative to break the armistice agreement, let alone whether they could defeat Wang Guorui’s army, but said they violated the armistice agreement, it would be despising the so-called British Empire. So this dumb loss, they had to swallow it.

But the Japanese envoy returned to the Japanese military headquarters full of helplessness, which caused the Japanese military headquarters to explode immediately.

“General, let’s fight! Is that the loss of five thousand people?” Gui Taro said Excellency, Commander, let’s fight! We cannot swallow this breath! “”yes! Commander, let’s fight and teach these Chinese people a lesson! “…

These Japanese generals began to shout for Kawakami Cao Liu to order the attack, but Kawakami Cao Liu showed bitterness on his face. The Japanese army has been mixed to this point, so what else is there to fight? And once the Japanese army took the initiative to attack, it would have violated the ceasefire agreement at that time. This is a ceasefire agreement witnessed by the British. If they violate it, it may be difficult to obtain the next support of the British. Japan hopes that the British can come out to help them say a few words, so that they may have a chance to obtain Taiwan. If the British don’t support it, I’m afraid there is no hope at all. Japan wants to rely on its own strength to be unable to obtain Taiwan, but only hopes to rely on the British to come forward and let Wang Guorui hand over Taiwan.

If you violated the armistice agreement witnessed by the British this time, it would be tantamount to pushing the British away, which would definitely be very detrimental to yourself. Now Kawakami Caoliu has thought about the general international trend, instead of thinking about Taiwan. If the British Empire does not support them to return this Taiwan, then they will have no way to return it. If the British Empire is willing to support them, then they still have some idea of taking Taiwan, which is the most important thing. (To be continued.) xh118

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