Red Alert 1895

Chapter 129

Chapter 128 – Administrative System

Just after Wang Guorui finished the meeting on military reorganization, he immediately went to another meeting room to hold a meeting on the construction of the administrative system. Because of the war, the construction of the administrative system has not been greatly changed. After all, if there are still reforms during the war, it will be a big blow to the vitality. Therefore, in order to prevent accidents in the war, Wang Guorui did not reform the civil service system. Now that the war is over, it is natural to make a change to Taiwan. Because Taiwan has now become a special administrative region, if the management model of the past is still followed, it may have a great impact. Moreover, the management methods in the past are also backward, and another more advanced method must be used.

“Everyone, today we will discuss the administrative system established under the leadership of the Governor-General of Taiwan, that is, the establishment of an official system for civil servants. We in Taiwan must follow the example of the West and establish a more mature civil service system so that we can better exert our administrative effectiveness. .And we must first establish our administrative system in Taiwan. First of all, I plan to set up an institution under the leadership of the Governor of Taiwan. Our Taiwan will be divided into two systems, one is the Taiwan Governor’s Office led by the Governor of Taiwan, and the other is the Taiwan Administration Taiwan’s Governor’s Office is responsible for macro-strategic decision-making, while Taiwan’s Executive Yuan is responsible for specific implementation. The president of Taiwan’s Executive Yuan is directly appointed and entrusted by the Governor of Taiwan, and the Governor of Taiwan generally cannot directly intervene in the affairs of the Executive Yuan. Only after a major mistake in the Executive Yuan can the dean of the Executive Yuan be removed directly, and then ordered to reorganize the Executive Yuan. From now on, all orders from the Governor’s Office must be countersigned by the Executive Yuan before they can be passed.”

And Wang Guorui said this about the division of labor between the Governor of Taiwan and the Executive Yuan of Taiwan. And everyone knows that Taiwan’s Executive Yuan is actually the person responsible for specific administration. And if the governor is the emperor, then the Executive Yuan is the prime minister in charge of specific affairs. However, Wang Guorui had also agreed in advance that even he, the Governor of Taiwan, could not directly intervene in the affairs of the Executive Yuan. This made many people breathe a sigh of relief. After all, if Wang Guorui is a powerful governor, then the president of the Executive Yuan may be changed like a revolving door.

Of course, Wang Guorui knows that if the head of a government changes frequently. That’s probably not a good thing for a country or region. And Wang Guorui knows that the Taiwan administrative system he is currently establishing is largely a miniature version of when he will establish a country in the future. In the future, the establishment of the national administrative system will probably be enlarged according to this version, so we have to pay attention to it. In order for the country to function normally in the future, it is still necessary to establish good rules and then stabilize the candidates for the Executive Yuan.

And Wang Guorui also knew that if he became emperor in the future. The general trend of the whole world is also a constitutional monarchy, so Wang Guorui doesn’t think he can escape this fate. Therefore, if he chooses to be the governor, it is enough to manage the macro affairs well. If he becomes the emperor in the future, he only needs to be responsible for the macro affairs, and he should not interfere too much with the affairs of the lower government. If I get too involved, I’m afraid it will cause a backlash from the civil servants. Although Wang Guorui was not afraid when he was alive, revenge might mean revenge on his descendants. Therefore, it is necessary to establish good rules from the beginning, and not to intervene too much in specific administrative work, so that many problems can be avoided.

As for Wang Guorui’s plan. In fact, it is a combination of the current foreign systems, one is the presidential republic, and the other is the cabinet system. The UK has a cabinet system. The United States has a presidential system. But Wang Guorui made a comprehensive analysis and found that neither of these two kinds of products were suitable for him. After all, I will definitely rule the world in the future, so I am naturally unwilling to be a person who has no rights at all and accepts the mercy of the cabinet. However, the presidential system is not suitable. If I become an emperor and still interfere in everything like the presidential system, I am afraid it will have a great impact on my future generations. Let your descendants follow suit, and in the end you may suffer a violent rebound from civil servants. Instead, he overthrew his own descendants.

Therefore, Wang Guorui adopted the “semi-presidential system” of later France, so that the transition can be relatively good. This system can well balance the rights of the emperor and the prime minister in the future, so that there will be no problem of disintegration. In this way, in the future, as a king, he only needs to be in charge of the military, diplomacy, and final judgment on major events, while the government is responsible for daily affairs. Most of the things can be left to the government to make decisions, and only the most important things will be asked to be decided by the monarch. In this way, no matter what happens, the power of the monarchy and the power of the prime minister can check and balance each other, so as to ensure that one’s descendants will not be too mischievous, and can also ensure that even if they misbehave, they will only temporarily lose power at most, and will not cause a domestic revolution. . This means that the flexibility of the semi-presidential system is very good, and it will not cause collapse.

“Your Excellency, what offices are there in the Governor’s Mansion and the Executive Yuan?” Someone asked.

Wang Guorui took the initiative to say: “There is a military committee under the Governor’s Mansion, and the Governor himself serves as the chairman of the Military Committee. Under the Governor’s Mansion, there are the General Office of the Governor’s Mansion, the Office of Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Office of Personnel, the Office of Propaganda, the Office of Supervision, and the Supreme Court of Taiwan. .And these departments are directly under the management of the governor, and the candidates are all appointed by the governor.”

The structure of Wang Guorui’s Governor’s Mansion is actually an imitation of the structure of the party committees of later generations. First of all, he brought together military power, personnel power, propaganda power, supervisory power, and judicial power under the management of the Governor’s Office, which is equivalent to controlling almost all major powers, which can ensure that major powers are in the hands of the Governor. . And those Executive Yuan are only attached to the Governor’s Mansion, at most they are just a “Super Director”. This can ensure that the Governor’s Mansion, that is, after becoming the emperor in the future, there will not be too many changes. And as long as you have a good grasp of the macro, you don’t have to worry about what the Executive Yuan under you can do.

As for the so-called “International Liaison Office”, it is because Taiwan is still nominally within the territory of the Qing Dynasty and is not an independent country, so it does not have corresponding diplomatic rights. Therefore, a “Foreign Friendly Liaison Office” was set up to deceive oneself and others. But now many countries in the world, especially the United Kingdom, regard Taiwan as a region that exists on an equal footing with the Manchu Qing. Naturally, they will not care about this nominal matter, and foreign devils pay more attention to actual interests rather than The so-called name.

And when those future civil servants heard this, they knew that Wang Guorui had deprived him of all his main rights, and the president of the Executive Yuan only had the right to execute. But this one also makes many people tempted. After all, there is still a lot of flexibility with the right to execute. Because Wang Guorui also promised that as long as the executive director did not make a big mistake, he would not be able to dismiss the executive director at will, so it was very safe. This is obviously more secure than those military ministers and cabinet bachelors who were replaced like a revolving lantern in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Although this guarantee was just a verbal promise from Wang Guorui, it was better than Manqing who didn’t even have a verbal promise. As for the next step, the corresponding rules must be gradually established from the system.

“Next, the Executive Yuan will set up a dean and several vice-presidents. The General Office of the Executive Yuan is responsible for assisting the Executive Yuan in charge. The Executive Yuan also has agriculture, industry and commerce, education, civil affairs, finance, and construction. , Transportation and other bureaus, the directors of these bureaus are nominated by the president of the Executive Yuan, and then handed over to the governor for review. However, in principle, the governor will not veto the candidates, unless there are major misdemeanors or criminal records of dereliction of duty, otherwise the governor We will not easily veto candidates for subordinate bureaus.”

Hearing Wang Guorui’s guarantee, this made many people even more After all, if you can become the executive dean, it is equivalent to being able to take a group of team members to take office, so the power is still very powerful. Considerable. Although there are no personnel rights, judicial powers, supervisory powers, etc., at least they can guarantee many important rights. The executive power of these lower levels has also been handed over to the Executive Yuan, so they can feel at ease in this way, and there will be no problems. With a relatively stable administrative organization in this way, the country’s policies can be well implemented in this way, and the executive head will not be replaced like a revolving door. Of course, Wang Guorui knew that in the last years of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen changed dozens of prime ministers in a row. How could the state administration be well implemented under such circumstances? Therefore, Wang Guorui also set up a rule that even if the executive director is not 100% in line with his own ideas, he cannot be replaced casually. This will set a very bad example for his future generations, and it will be very dangerous.

“Next, I will appoint Ouyang Xuan as the executive dean, and he will be responsible for forming the executive yuan. The term of office of this executive yuan is five years.” Wang Guorui said.

This Ouyang Xuan name looks like a girl, but she is a pure man. He used to be the county magistrate of Hengchun County in Taiwan, but now he has stayed and worked in Taiwan and has not returned to the mainland. According to Wang Guorui’s observation, he is the most enthusiastic anti-Japanese official in Taiwan, and he has no bad deeds at ordinary times. He also died in the process of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war in history. He is a patriotic person, so Wang Guorui Rui appointed him as the Premier of the Executive Yuan, responsible for the formation of the Executive Yuan. (to be continued)

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