Red Alert 1895

Chapter 130

Chapter 129 – German Ambassador

“Your Excellency, the German Minister to China sent a message to the Taiwan Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries, saying that about three days later, Hai Jing, the German Minister to China, will come to Taiwan and meet with Mr. Wang. I hope that Wang will Your Excellency, you can receive it!”

The Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries is actually Taiwan’s diplomatic department, but it has just changed its name, and this Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries is currently headed by a middle-aged man named Yao Wendong. ebook. jiangcao. This Yao Wendong is probably in his forties, but he is very experienced. Like Wang Guorui, he was born in a donated class, that is, he bought an official with money to become an official. Afterwards, he served in many positions, trained in many positions, and later served as a diplomatic official on a mission to Japan. Later, he once asserted that Japan would inevitably threaten China, and he collected all kinds of information about Japan, the number of regular army reserves in Japan, the types and models of naval ships, etc. He collected them and gave them to the mainland, and that year was the Sino-Japanese War Ten years before the war. But at that time, it was not taken seriously, so all his work was wasted.

During Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War, he served as a lobbyist for Taiwan, but he was not able to bring support to Taiwan. However, with the help of Wang Guorui, Taiwan took the initiative to defeat the Japanese army. He did not achieve much. But this is not his fault. At that time, the international situation in Taiwan was unclear, and the British also supported Japan. In addition, the central court of the Qing Dynasty also abandoned Taiwan. It was normal for foreigners not to support it.

As for the establishment of a special administrative region in Taiwan, he came to Wang Guorui on his own initiative to recommend himself and asked Wang Guorui to give him a position. And Wang Guorui took a look at his resume. This resume is not simple. Not only has he stayed in many positions, but he also has a very strategic vision. Ten years ago, he correctly recognized the Japanese ambitions and served as a diplomat. In addition, some intelligence collection and analysis capabilities are also very good, so that they are completely qualified for the leadership of a diplomatic department. This kind of knowledge has an understanding of various subjects, and can be familiar with foreign countries and have a strategic vision. He even has a certain intelligence gathering ability, coupled with years of experience as an official, this is simply a “Minister of Foreign Affairs” sent from heaven! Therefore, Wang Guorui immediately appointed him as the director of the Department of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries, in charge of Taiwan’s foreign affairs department.

“See you!” Wang Guorui said.

Three days later. Wang Guorui had just received the German Minister Hai Jing at the Governor-General’s Office in Taipei, which had just moved to Taipei.

“Minister Hai Jing, what is your business here?” Wang Guorui asked.

And Minister Hai Jing immediately said: “Governor Wang, congratulations on defeating the Japanese army this time. The Japanese army is a student of our German army, and you can defeat our German army. This is really not easy! I have heard a lot from the Japanese. The officer said, Taiwan’s army has advanced combat thinking, advanced weapons, and a super female warrior, which compares with our German road bureau.”

“It’s nothing to be courteous, it’s either **** or robbery!” Wang Guorui thought inwardly.

“Governor Wang, originally we shouldn’t care about the war between you and Japan, and although they are our students, we are two countries after all, and we, Germany, have no idea of directly interfering in foreign disputes. However, we But I heard from many Japanese military officers that you used many of our German rifles in the course of the war with them. Even our Germans are still researching this kind of rifles, but when it comes to you, they are actually listed. Installed it? However, I want to say that although we have not installed these rifles, we have applied for patents for many spare parts. As for you…”

Hai Jing went around for a long time, that is to say, this patent issue. What Hai Jing said about the patent means that the Germans applied for the patent. If there is no authorization from the Germans, it cannot be used casually. And no matter how Wang Guorui produced it, it must have not been authorized by the Germans. The rifles produced by Wang Guorui also violated the international law on patents. So it was bad luck for Hai Jing to come to see Wang Guorui.

Wang Guorui immediately realized that this was a problem. This patent issue cannot be circumvented internationally, because after all, this patent can be said to have affected the entire era of the industrial revolution, and even the entire development of human civilization is related to the Patent Act. Because of the patent. Scientists and engineers can gain wealth through research, and with the stimulation of wealth, they can continue to invest in research, further stimulating scientific development and social progress. And Wang Guorui also had to admit that the foreign devil’s patent bill is indeed a good thing, and China should learn from it.

But Wang Guorui produces this German rifle. It is true that it has not been authorized by the Germans, which is tantamount to infringement. This patent is a very important issue. If Wang Guorui does not abide by the regulations of this patent now, then Wang Guorui’s Taiwan will apply for a patent for any new technology in Taiwan. At that time, countries will not recognize this patent. Patents are mutually recognized. If Wang Guorui does not recognize foreign patents, then the foreign devils will retaliate and refuse to recognize Wang Guorui’s patents, so Wang Guorui will lose a lot. What’s more, if the patent regulations are violated, the bad habit of disrespecting scientific research results will inevitably be set off in my own country in the future, and it will be a great blow to those scientific workers. Once such a trend is formed, it will be difficult to develop scientific research in Wang Guorui’s territory.

“This grandson is not kind!” Wang Guorui complained in his heart.

Wang Guorui organized the language in his mind, and then said: “We express our deep apologies to the Germans for this matter. As for the losses caused to you Germans this time, I am willing to make up for it. However, our Taiwan region has just After a war, we were very poor. So we really couldn’t afford the money, and since we in Taiwan couldn’t compensate, then please ask Minister Hai Jing to punish us in accordance with international laws. I am the mastermind of this matter, please Minister Hai Jing Come and punish me, I am willing to accept the trial of the Germans!”

“Shameless!” Hai Jing paused in his heart.

Wang Guorui has said so much, but in the final analysis it is just one sentence, whether you want money or not, you have one thing. Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Guorui to be willing to take money to compensate these Germans, because if he was willing to pay, it would be a big blow to the Germans. So in order to avoid losses, they can all accept punishment. Since Wang Guorui, the governor of Taiwan, is the mastermind, he should be sentenced according to German law. But Wang Guorui is an official of another country after all, and he is also the leader of a region, so it is not easy to bring Wang Guorui to trial!

After all, Wang Guorui has an army of tens of thousands, and the firepower of this army of tens of thousands is not weak, so Hai Jing has to obey. He learned about Wang Guorui’s firepower from the army. Even the German army would be beaten to the ground with such fierce firepower. Let’s not talk about the quality of those squadrons, let’s just say that this firepower can completely overwhelm the German squadron.

Therefore, unless the Germans are willing to dispatch hundreds of thousands of troops across the country to “capture” Wang Guorui, they will not be able to take Wang Guorui away. But will the Germans come to Wang Guorui’s bad luck for the so-called patent fees? So, this is basically an unsolvable problem. So Wang Guorui’s so-called acceptance of trial is just nonsense. And Wang Guorui just wants to lose the money, anyway, whether Wang Guorui wants money or not, there is one thing, you can figure it out. But the Germans really have nothing to do with him. After all, it is impossible for the Germans to attack Taiwan for a patent fee.

Wang Guorui understood the problem a long time ago, so he naturally chose this method to renege on his debt. Anyway, it’s not that Wang Guorui doesn’t want to take the responsibility, it’s because the Germans didn’t come to pursue him, that’s why it happened. And Hai Jing also doubted whether this Wang Guorui was still the leader of a region, and he was actually such a hooligan.

“Okay, okay, we have no idea of asking for these patent fees from However, we have heard from the officers of the Japanese army that you have a lot of good things in Taiwan! Compared with those light artillery , can directly hit the trenches. Moreover, you and the Japanese army fought in the trenches, but created a new type of combat mode. The combat system and various weapons you invented are enough to advance the entire world war mode by dozens Year! And we have heard about your light artillery and various advanced weapons. Therefore, I am here to ask Governor Wang to agree to authorize us to produce this light submachine gun and that light artillery .”

Of course, Wang Guorui knew that these foreign devils were worthless, so how could he have a crush on his little Taiwan? It’s not that there are benefits here in Taiwan, and it’s a benefit that the Germans can appreciate. The Germans are currently the number one army in the world, and they must be very interested in the changes in army tactics and weapons. When the Taiwanese army was fighting the Japanese army, a batch of advanced weapons and various advanced tactics emerged, which made the Germans feel that they were lagging behind. There are many German military officers in Japan as instructors, so the Germans quickly learned the tactics of the Taiwan army, so of course they came to learn. The armies of all countries in the world actually prefer to learn, and those who know that they are lagging behind must improve. Especially in Europe where competition is fierce, it is necessary to learn as soon as possible when new weapons and tactics come out. And only the Manchu Qing government, whose brains were filled with water, would be so conservative and unwilling to make progress. (To be continued.) xh118

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