Red Alert 1895

Chapter 132

Chapter 131 – Military Cooperation (Part 2)

After Wang Guorui and Hai Jing finished discussing about military cooperation, Wang Guorui came to the Taiwan Military Academy for inspection, and Li Fusheng, the executive vice president of the Military Academy, took the initiative to welcome Wang Guorui. Li Fusheng used to be the head of the regiment, but now he was transferred by Wang Guorui to be the executive vice president of the military academy, but he was actually in charge of the affairs of the entire military academy. I only came to the military academy when I was a child, and it is usually managed by the executive vice president.

“My lord, our military academy has recruited many students from ordinary soldiers. They are all quick-witted and quick-witted people. They will come in to learn our military knowledge, and then enter the army to serve. Currently we have There are more than three hundred students, but there are fewer instructors.” Li Fusheng said.

What Li Fusheng said is also a huge problem, that is, there are too few instructors in military academies, or in other words, there are too few people in the army who are qualified to be instructors. First of all, Wang Guorui’s army is filled with a large number of clones, and it is still possible to let them lead a small army to fight, at most, it is to carry out some basic training step by step. But the basic training is for training soldiers, and training officers must use another method, which is not available to clone soldiers. Therefore, it is necessary to use natural person instructors, but there are too few natural persons in the army who are qualified for the position of instructors.

The main reason is that in the past, those officers were all from the green battalion. The literacy rate of these green battalion soldiers is too low, and there are not many literate people. Although they have learned a lot on the battlefield before, this is just experience, and it is too much to pass on this experience to ordinary people. There have been many famous generals since ancient times, but why are there so few who can turn their experience in leading troops into paper-based books on the art of war and pass them on to future generations? In fact, it is a culture, and there are various methods of imparting knowledge. A good scientist is not necessarily a good teacher, this has been proved by facts. Therefore, the military does not have their own cultural knowledge, so it is simply impossible for them to pass it on to those students with a lower cultural foundation. And all this is a question of cultural level. The cultural level of the squadron is too low to be able to summarize the experience on the battlefield on paper, and then pass it on to future generations of officers.

“Don’t worry about the instructors. We have invited a group of Germans to be instructors. And we will also send some instructors to the Germans to teach them new tactics. And then our place will be staffed by Germans. As instructors, our instructors will go to Germany for exchanges, so that the two sides can complement each other.”

“The reason why we want Germans to be instructors is to let the Germans bring over their rigorous style and fine traditions. Our army has risen too fast, and its foundation is not very stable. There is no long-term Good traditions, not enough to affect the style of the army. Even many troops still have the atmosphere of the green battalion in the past, which is very bad, so we must strictly manage it. Of course, it is useless to just punish, we must We must start from the root, starting from these new officers at the grassroots level. These students will be our officer successors in the future, so we must start from them. This can gradually improve the atmosphere in our army.”

The reason why Wang Guorui invited the German instructors is because the German instructors are currently the best army instructors in the world, not one of them. The German instructors’ basic tactical skills and various military styles are very good, even better than the current army under Wang Guorui. In Wang Guorui’s army, many officers came from the green battalion of the Qing Dynasty in the past. Although these green battalion officers have no major problems, there are many minor problems. But these small problems add up to a lot, which is also a very huge problem. So these problems must be corrected, otherwise the army will have problems sooner or later. The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in an ant nest. This lesson must not be ignored.

Therefore, from the perspective of the officer’s style and various conditions, the German instructors are very good. They have solid basic knowledge and can pass it on to their own army for learning. And Wang Guorui’s army rose too fast. Although there are very advanced tactical ideas, but the most basic things are not solid. This is like a building that is tall but whose foundation is not deep enough. Although such a building looks very glamorous for a while, who knows when it will collapse. So if you want to lay a solid foundation, you must invite some instructors from the outside to help you solve the affairs of these low-level officers.

Of course, this can also be slowly consolidated on its own. But this time is too long. Without enough time, the foundation cannot be laid. And if you want to finish it quickly, you can only ask a foreign teacher. So Wang Guorui discussed with the German minister Hai Jing, and the two sides carried out military cooperation. The Germans sent instructors to help Wang Guorui train grassroots officers, which was very helpful for Wang Guorui to consolidate the foundation of the army.

“That’s really great. I’ve heard of the German army. It’s the number one army in the world. It would be great if they could be our instructors,” said Li Fusheng.

However, Li Fusheng quickly asked: “Then we also want to send instructors to Germany? Go to Germany to be instructors? Isn’t it learning?”

“Yes, our people also went to Germany as instructors, and then taught their junior officers our new tactics. The Germans appreciate our new tactics very much, so they want our instructors to teach them new tactics, which can also be done Let them learn the most advanced tactics in the world.” Wang Guorui said.

And Li Fusheng was also surprised when he heard this, because he didn’t expect that the Germans would actually like them. In this era, Chinese people go to learn from foreigners, and they have never heard of military officers going to study abroad, but they have never heard of foreigners coming to China to learn new tactics. This is simply too surprising. Even Li Fusheng, as the executive vice president of the Taiwan Military Academy, has never heard of this matter. If it wasn’t for their Governor Wang Guorui personally speaking, he wouldn’t believe that his army could let the world’s number one army learn from it.

“You have to remember that our army is not as bad as others think. Our army’s tactics, the world’s number one army, and the German army have to follow suit, so you can imagine that don’t think that gringos must be advanced Yes, we are actually slightly ahead of them now. As long as we can keep ahead of them, then we can definitely defeat them!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui and Hai Jing reached an agreement, that is, the two sides will send instructors to each other’s military academy to teach each other. The Germans are mainly helping the Taiwanese army catch up on those basic military knowledge, and the Taiwanese instructors will go to Germany to teach the experience of these trench warfare offensive and defensive warfare. Since Germany knew how the Japanese army failed, they have also seen that the Japanese army has made a big step forward. The Japanese army suffered a great loss from Wang Guorui, but it was not in vain, which directly improved their tactical thinking for decades. And the Germans, who were many instructors in the Japanese army, naturally knew what happened, so they were also very interested in Taiwan’s military tactical thinking, and they all wanted to learn it. Both Japan and Wang Guorui learned so much after the war. If the Germans took the initiative to learn from Wang Guorui, they would definitely gain more.

Germans are not as proud as the British, they are very rigorous. And they would never lose face and be ashamed to ask. After the sand table deduction, they knew that Wang Guorui’s tactical thinking was very advanced, so they took the initiative to ask to learn. And Wang Guorui took the opportunity to discuss with the Germans about the exchange of instructors, which made both parties feel satisfied. Wang Guorui needs German instructors to lay a solid foundation, and the Germans also want to learn Wang Guorui’s new tactics, so that both sides can get what they need.

As for Wang Guorui’s willingness to give the tactics to the Germans, it was because even if he didn’t hand them over to the Germans, the Germans would soon be able to learn them from the Japanese, at most at a slower speed. No country in this world is a They must all be inquiring about relevant tactics with the Japanese. Therefore, Wang Guorui took advantage of the current situation to conduct some preliminary transactions with Germany, so that the exchange of instructors between the two sides can obtain the greatest benefits. Otherwise, when the gringos learned these things from the experience and lessons of the Japanese, they would not need Wang Guorui to send instructors to teach them. At that time, Wang Guorui would lose the opportunity to quickly consolidate the foundation of the army.

“Master Wang, from now on we don’t need to be afraid of foreigners, the world’s number one army will learn from us, then we are afraid of a ball!” Li Fusheng said immediately, and even burst into foul language in a moment of excitement.

And Wang Guorui also nodded silently, the so-called “oceanophobia” of these guys finally disappeared a lot. In the late Qing Dynasty, and even in later generations, there was a lot of fear of foreigners. Those Chinese soldiers defeated the foreign army in the first World War, but they had the courage to fight their own insurgents. It has to be said that the so-called “oceanphobia” was at work. They think that foreigners are destined to be powerful, and in their hearts, foreigners surpass them a lot, so they feel afraid.

But now that the world’s number one army has to learn tactics from him, it seems that he is not that bad. This is to restore their confidence, so that they can gradually see themselves as an army at the same level as foreigners, which is very helpful for their morale recovery. (To be continued.) xh118

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