Red Alert 1895

Chapter 133

Chapter 132 – Digging The Corner Of Beiyang Wall (Part 1)

Mainland China, Shandong, Weihaiwei, some people got drunk in taverns.

“When I was on the Zhenyuan ship, why was I afraid of the Japanese pirates? It was all those mediocre officials of the court who actually deducted the funds of our Beiyang Navy, making it impossible for us to fight the Japanese pirates. And that old lady in the Forbidden City, I want…”

“Brother Niu, speak carefully, speak carefully!” Someone immediately persuaded.

But that brother Niu snorted: “Hmph, be careful? Now that the Beiyang Navy has been disbanded, we have no place to go, and the imperial court no longer wants us. The brothers are all scattered, and my Zhenyuan ship has also been destroyed. The Japanese pirates have been captured, how can I have the face to meet the elders in my hometown? I have no face to go back, I can only live here for a day!”

“Hey, the imperial court! A province in Taiwan can defeat more than 100,000 Japanese troops, but our mainland has hundreds of thousands of troops, but why can’t we defeat the Japanese army?”

“Yes, Taiwan is powerful. The governor of Taiwan, Wang Guorui, was able to beat the Japanese army to the brim. My old cow convinced him! This is a hero. Why wasn’t he in our mainland at that time?” said the old cow.

And many people also sighed, obviously a little disappointed that Wang Guorui was not in the mainland. If Wang Guorui had been on the mainland at that time, perhaps the civil war would not have ended like this. And these people were the sailors of the Beiyang Navy at that time. The Beiyang Navy was defeated by the Japanese army, and now all the ships of the Beiyang Navy have been captured by the Japanese army, and these sailors have nowhere to go. Many of these sailors are sailors in the Beiyang Navy, and they know nothing but fighting. And this time the battle was lost. They also don’t have the face to go back to see the elders in their hometown. Some people also started to buy drunk everywhere, hoping to numb themselves with alcohol. It has been more than a year since the Beiyang Navy surrendered, but the day when the Beiyang Navy surrendered was always in their minds. It’s a haunting nightmare.

On that day, they were defeated by the Japanese army, and they have no ships since then. And those steel battleships are their second homes, and now that their own homes are gone, of course it makes people feel extremely painful.

“Heroes, I heard that you are heroes of the Beiyang Navy. I admire you very much. I will take care of your drink today!” Someone said immediately.

“Huh? Who are you?” the old cow asked.

And this person immediately said: “My name is Zhou Chen, and I am from the Hongmen!”


In this era. Many people at the bottom of the society have heard of the Hongmen, and the Hongmen is powerful, with hundreds of thousands of people. But these people are all scattered, and they have serious habits in the world. It is a kind of party. And now this man who claimed to be Hongmen came to find him, which surprised the soldiers of the Beiyang Navy. These Hongmen and the army have always been difficult to deal with. After all, these Hongmen belonged to the ancient underworld. Naturally, the imperial court and the army did not like them very much. Moreover, Hongmen has always secretly taken anti-Qing as their mission, so naturally they are not very recognized by the court.

“I just heard from you guys that you are very dissatisfied with the Japanese army?” Zhou Chen asked.

And those sailors immediately said: “We have a deep hatred with the Japanese!”

“Oh? If there is a chance for revenge, are you willing to go?” Zhou Chen asked.

The old cow immediately asked: “Who are you? I’m afraid you are not an ordinary person?”

“Haha, that’s right, I’m not an ordinary person. I’m from Taiwan.” Zhou Chen said.

This Zhou Chen, he was also a small leader in the Taiwan Tiandihui, and was later incorporated into the General Intelligence Administration. And now he is sent to the mainland by Liu Feng from the General Intelligence Administration. Perform a special task. His task is to recruit these sailors from the original Beiyang Navy, and then go to form Taiwan’s naval force. As for the fact that Tiandihui is actually connected with each other, Wang Guorui asked Liu Feng to borrow the relationship network of Taiwan Tiandihui in the past, and quickly and smoothly covered Zhou Chen to the mainland, so that he could start his own work.

Since Wang Guorui wanted to form a navy, he naturally needed naval officers. However, it was impossible for Wang Guorui to train naval officers for the time being. After all, it takes several years for a mature naval officer to succeed. And where does Wang Guorui have time to train like this, the day lily will be cold after he trains. So he adopted an important human resource tactic of the previous life’s enterprise – poaching. If you want to say where there are sailors in the country. That is nothing but the mainland. The Beiyang navy in the mainland had just suffered a defeat. Most of the warships either sank or were captured by Japan, so those sailors were also “unemployed”.

And once these sailors lose their jobs, they are very miserable. After all, what they have learned is the ability to fight, and other livelihood skills have been lost. Once they enter the society, it may be difficult to find a suitable position to work. What’s more, they were all officials in the army. If they returned to work for others, they would not be able to figure it out in a short time. And the salary and treatment can’t be compared with when they were sailors, which makes them drink and get drunk all day long.

At this time, Wang Guorui could just send someone to recruit these sailors, and then let them come to form his own naval force. At that time, these sailors will be mature sailors, and they will be fine without additional training. It may even be possible to recruit some naval officers, and then send them to Taiwan as naval officers, and then rebuild a stronger fleet. These officers are all ready-made, and they are the essence of the navy cultivated by the Qing Dynasty for many years, but now Wang Guoruike just came here to poach the wall.

Since ancient times, poaching has been a very good method. First of all, you don’t need to train talents yourself, and you can use them if you poach them directly, which saves a lot of training costs. On the other hand, directly poaching is equivalent to reducing the number of talents for competitors or potential competitors, so that you can increase your own talents. Isn’t your own advantage even greater when one is ebbing and the other is changing? Of course, the most important thing is that the sailors of these Beiyang Navy are Chinese, they are people of the same language and the same race, so it is easier to dig into the wall. And they have a grudge against Japanese pirates, Wang Guorui is famous for resisting Japan, so it is easier to win their hearts as Wang Guorui’s anti-Japanese hero. On the whole, it is a fast, efficient, and low-cost method to poach the corners of the Beiyang Navy.

“Several, since you have no ships now, that means you have no way to make a living. Then we in Taiwan welcome you who dare to fight the Japanese pirates head-on. We are about to form a navy in Taiwan, and we need you who are skilled in operating ships. , and people who are familiar with the navy. As long as you are willing to go, we are willing to reuse it. At that time, Lord Wang will definitely give you high-ranking officials and generous salary? Even, don’t you hate Japanese pirates? Japanese pirates killed many of your comrades-in-arms brothers , don’t you want to avenge them? I can tell you the truth here, we in Taiwan have nothing to do with the Japanese pirates. Sooner or later we will have to settle the account with the Japanese pirates, so if you are willing to join our Taiwan Navy, then We can definitely settle the score with the Japanese pirates!” Zhou Chen said.

“However, people in the imperial court say that Taiwan is a rebellion!” Someone said hesitantly.

But the old cow immediately said: “Treason? What are you afraid of? It’s rare that Taiwan dares to fight with Japanese pirates, so what do we have to be afraid of? What’s more, Taiwan is a special administrative region. Whether it has become independent and established a country, we are just in the same country Inside, it’s not hard to give one’s life to anyone anyway? If Taiwan dares to fight Japanese pirates, so what if we follow Taiwan? The imperial court doesn’t dare to fight Japanese pirates now, so we’ll go find someone who dares to fight Japanese pirates. What’s the point? “

It has to be said that Wang Guorui’s strategy in this special administrative region is still good. After all, if Taiwan is really able to become independent, it will not be easy to poach the wall. At that time, there will be people who split the country in the country. First of all, the smart nation will not stand up for justice. And if the so-called territory of the Qing Dynasty can be preserved, then there will be no psychological barriers for the various domestic elites to seek refuge in Taiwan. After all, it is China’s land, so who is it not to take refuge in? Anyway, it’s just living with different governors, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

“Brother Zhou, many of us are not doing Do you think we can go to Taiwan together?” Lao Niu asked.

“Welcome, we welcome! We welcome all sailors who are willing to go to Taiwan together, as many as we want. As long as you are willing to go, we in Taiwan will be responsible for paying the travel expenses and help coordinate your family members to go there together. As long as you are willing, we will I can arrange it for you. My Hongmen identity is real, and I have a very rich network of connections, so I can help you send your family there!” Zhou Chen said.

Zhou Chen’s Tiandihui network can mobilize relationships, send the families of those sailors to Taiwan through the scattered Tiandihui organizations in the mainland, and solve their worries. And with these sailors, not only will there be enough sailors, but these sailors can gradually become reserve students of the navy, and then gradually train officers. These sailors are all natural persons, and they have much greater potential than those of the Red Police. By then, many officers can be produced, and they will come to recruit him when they are unemployed. Many of them must be willing to go to Taiwan. Regardless of whether it is from national hatred or their own interests, joining Taiwan will definitely have great benefits, so they are all willing to go to Taiwan to serve, so that they can help their comrades who died in the Sino-Japanese War of 1899-1995 to avenge their comrades and find the Japanese to avenge their shame.

The benefits given by Wang Guorui at home are not low, so many people are willing to join in. Even, they also launched the comrade-in-arms relationship in the past, and many people will join together. (to be continued)

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