Red Alert 1895

Chapter 146

Chapter 145 – China? Qing?

When Sa Zhenbing got off the boat, he was not in a hurry to meet Wang Guorui, he planned to investigate everywhere. But another group of people, that is, those international students were also gradually sent to Wang Guorui’s Taipei Governor’s Office, and then Wang Guorui was going to meet these students. And there are more than two hundred of these students, this group is already the fifth batch of people sent, and every group of people Wang Guorui also received a collective interview, which is considered to be important to them. Of course, appropriate appeasement should also be carried out, so as to avoid their conflicts.

“Hi everyone, I am the deputy director of Taiwan’s Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries. My name is Li Enfu. I also returned from overseas half a month ago. Thanks to Mr. Wang, I was appointed as the deputy director of the Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries. At present Specially responsible for the work of you returnees!” Li Enfu said.

However, some international students obviously have a very bad attitude. They were all kidnapped by Wang Guorui and collude with local snakes. Of course, their attitude towards Taiwan is very bad.

“Go call Wang Guorui over here!” Someone immediately shouted angrily.

“Who called me?” Wang Guorui asked.

And the young man immediately said angrily: “Wang Guorui, do you still have the Qing Dynasty in your eyes? You are so self-respecting, separatist, and do not listen to the imperial court. Are you still a loyal minister of the imperial court?”

“Of course I am not a loyal minister of the court, I am a loyal minister of China!” Wang Guorui still replied.

“Do you still have the Qing Dynasty in your eyes? Do you want to protect China instead of the Qing Dynasty? Don’t you have the Qing Dynasty in your eyes?” the young man said angrily.

Wang Guorui immediately asked, “Who is he?”

“Master Wang, according to the roster, his name is Yu Xunling, and he is the second son of Yu Geng, the court’s minister in France. This time, he asked to return to the country on his own initiative. We didn’t care, and we didn’t expect him to scold you. Because according to what you said, Mr. Wang As I said, Manchurians can also ask for it, so there is no need for us to reject a person who volunteered to come to Taiwan. But I didn’t expect that he would come to scold you?” Li Enfu said ashamedly.

But Wang Guorui said without worry: “How can anyone be satisfied in this world? So being scolded by others, you can’t be more normal!”

“You said I don’t have Qing Dynasty in my eyes? Then I want to ask you. Do you still have China in your eyes?” Wang Guorui asked rhetorically.

“The Qing in your mouth, when facing foreign countries, also calls itself China. The Qing is just what we say internally. And internationally, it is also recognized that our so-called Qing is China. You don’t recognize the so-called Qing Dynasty. And you say that you are protecting China and not Qing Dynasty, but how narrow-minded are you? You don’t have China in your eyes at all, because you only have the narrow Manqing in your heart That’s all. You are narrow-minded. But let others be as narrow-minded as you, what’s the point of this?”

“If what I know is not bad, even if you are the so-called bannermen, even in foreign countries, you still call yourself Chinese. There is no single self-proclaimed Manchu or bannerman. And you all call your motherland China, and there is no Specially claiming to be the Manchus. But now you say that I protect China but not the Qing Dynasty. It is conceivable that you have no so-called China in your heart. In your eyes, the Manchus are also foreigners?”

“In China, there has always been a distinction between Chinese and barbarians since ancient times. Barbarians and barbarians are Chinese when they enter China. As far as I know, even the vast majority of banner people have integrated into our China, and they all regard it as China from the heart. People. But there are still a small number of stubborn people. They think they are Manchus, not Chinese, so how do you ask me to respect you? Those people do not have China in their hearts, which means that they have not been able to integrate into it, but it is Mu Monkey and Crown only claim to be Chinese? Since they don’t consider themselves Chinese, then we can’t afford them in China!”

Wang Guorui strongly criticized this Yu Xunling’s statement. He claimed that Wang Guorui protected China but not the Qing Dynasty. This obviously meant to separate the Qing Dynasty from China. In fact, Wang Guorui also knew a lot about the mentality of the lower-level Manchus in this era. The life of most of the lower-level Manchus is not very good, although they still call themselves Manchus. But in fact, many of them have even forgotten the Manchu language, and even the so-called living conditions are not as good as some Han people who are slightly better.

They all consider themselves Chinese, so the lower-level Manchus don’t have too many problems. China has been a multi-ethnic country since ancient times, and the most important thing is that it will not deliberately exclude a certain ethnicity. But those nobles in the Qing Dynasty were arrogant. Thinking that he is a Manchu aristocrat, he is naturally superior to others. However, those low-level Manchus have been completely sinicized, and many of them have even intermarried with Han people in private. Although it is said that Manchus and Hans do not intermarry, this was completely a dead letter by the end of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the lower-level Manchus have actually been sinicized long ago, and the real die-hards are only the high-level nobles, especially the royal family.

And Wang Guorui could rule the whole country even one day. Nor will they massacre and retaliate against the Manchus on a large scale. After all, they are already Sinicized, and many people have intermarried with the Han people. And what Wang Guorui wants to deal with are those Manchu nobles who do not regard themselves as Chinese and do not want to fulfill their obligations as a Chinese. Obviously, the Yu Xunling in front of him did not regard himself as a Chinese, but as a member of the Qing Dynasty. In his heart, the Qing Dynasty and China were completely separated.

“I’m just following what you said, protecting China but not the Qing Dynasty, so what?” Wang Guorui snorted coldly.

“You are rebellious!” Yu Xunling said angrily.

“I’m rebellious? Since ancient times, Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming have called themselves China. What’s the problem with this? Why did you say that the Qing Dynasty is not the same as China? That’s because you didn’t regard yourself as a Chinese at all. , that’s why there is such a result? And look at your so-called banner people, which foreign student doesn’t claim to be Chinese? They have already regarded us Han, Manchu, and Mongols as Chinese in their hearts, but you don’t And as long as I am doing things that benefit hundreds of millions of people in China, I will do them. And those things that harm the interests of hundreds of millions of people in China, to protect the interests of a family, or even a very small minority, then I will I won’t do it.” Wang Guorui said.

“You have no father and no king!” Yu Xunling said angrily again.

“A man without a father and no king? Then you Qing emperors, and so many royal families, do you think of yourself as Chinese? If they don’t think of themselves as Chinese in their hearts, why should I have him in my heart? Then Over the years, you have ceded so much land and compensated so much silver to foreign countries. Have you ever felt heartache? The emperor you talk about dare not fight foreign countries for the benefit of his own royal family and a very small number of Manchu dignitaries. So many years , even if you can really fight once, will foreign countries have the ability to defeat us? And your emperors dare not fight at all, because if they fight, it will inevitably cause them to lose power. And once they lose power, it will definitely make us The Han rise up and take revenge on your emperor.”

“You are all afraid of revenge from the Chinese, which means that you don’t regard yourself as Chinese at all.”

Of course, Wang Guorui pointed out the fact that those Manchu dignitaries did not regard themselves as Chinese. From the original history of the revolution, those Manchus did not resist the revolution too much. In their eyes, it is also a country changing dynasty. That’s all. Ordinary Manchus are not afraid that the Chinese will retaliate against them, because in their eyes there is no difference between themselves and the Chinese, isn’t retaliation against them just retaliation against themselves? This shows that ordinary Manchus have regarded themselves as Chinese, and they are not really worried about the loss of the throne of the Aixinjueluo family, even if the Han people take power again, they will not worry. But only those nobles of the Manchu nationality have worried that they will be retaliated for so many years. This is enough to show that they regard themselves as “foreigners” and “aggressors”, and they have not sincerely integrated themselves into this country, so they are very afraid that people in this country will retaliate against themselves.

“What I am against is only those Chinese rulers who do not consider themselves Chinese, not completely opposed to a certain domestic nation. As for those rulers who do not regard themselves as Chinese, they are doomed It is gradually dying out, this is the general trend. This is the common wish of countless Han, Manchu, Mongolian and other Chinese people in China, because they do not feel any pain in betraying China’s interests.” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui expresses his attitude here, that is, he will not specifically target a certain minority, but those rulers who do not regard themselves as Chinese. Since they don’t regard themselves as Chinese, there is no need to be loyal to them. And these are all to appease the mentality of those ethnic minorities. After all, China has coexisted with multiple ethnic groups since ancient times, and they have coexisted peacefully since ancient times. And if you specifically target the Manchus, I am afraid that other ethnic minorities will also be very chilling.

What’s more, in fact, many Manchus are already indistinguishable from Han people, and they have even married each other. If you want to kill them with a butcher’s knife, you can only chop your right hand with your left hand. Isn’t it self-mutilation in the end? What Wang Guorui wants to attack are those high-level rulers who refuse to integrate into China, and do not regard themselves as Chinese, and betray China’s interests without heartache. Especially the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty, they are the biggest die-hards, and they are unwilling to integrate into the die-hards of China, so it will naturally be an absolute blow. (To be continued.) xh118

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