Red Alert 1895

Chapter 147

Chapter 146 – Mixed Race Loli

Wang Guorui’s previous declaration about China and the Qing Dynasty reassured many people, especially the Manchus. After all, they knew that Wang Guorui was a traitor, but now they were kidnapped by Wang Guorui, and their future was uncertain. But now they know that Wang Guorui is not targeting a certain ethnic group, but those Manchu nobles who do not regard themselves as Chinese, which makes most ordinary Manchus feel at ease. As for those Manchu nobles who don’t regard themselves as Chinese, then they will die! As for the ordinary Manchus, their life is actually not very good. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, they did not appear to be too noble. The vast majority of Manchus had long been reduced to the same level as the Han people. Coupled with cultural integration, they actually did not have much feeling for the change of dynasty. After all, they They have changed from those with vested interests to the ruled, and they are no longer the ruling class. On the contrary, those Manchu aristocrats who do not consider themselves Chinese are the ruling class, and these must be defeated.

“Enfu, how are you doing in Taiwan?” Wang Guorui asked.

And Li Enfu immediately replied: “Not bad, I am very satisfied with my current identity and work.”

Li Enfu is really satisfied with the present, and to be precise, he is very satisfied with Taiwan. Taiwan’s army is very elite, its weapons are very sophisticated, and its industries are gradually developing. Hundreds of thousands of skilled workers are undergoing corresponding training, and an industrial system can be built in less than a year or two. At that time, once the industrial system is complete, it will be of great help to the strength of the country. At that time, the country will no longer be bullied when the industrial system is completed. And Li Enfu, as a foreign student who has studied abroad for many years, how could he not know that foreign countries rely on some industries? So he saw the completion of Taiwan’s industrial system, so he was very happy.

“Li Enfu, let me visit your house today, how are you doing?” Wang Guorui said.

“If Mr. Wang doesn’t dislike my humble home, then let’s go together!” Li Enfu said.

Li Enfu brought Wang Guorui to his home. In fact, Wang Guorui had granted this property to Li Enfu. During this period of time, due to the influx of a large number of people in Taiwan, a large number of houses were not able to be built quickly, so many ordinary people lived in military tents. And Taiwan is like a large tent area. As for those who have fixed properties, most of them are of relatively high status, or those international students have dormitories. And only those high-level talents who go out and return to Taiwan to work can have a house with a single family. And Li Enfu is the deputy director of the Office of Friendship and Liaison with Foreign Countries, and Wang Guorui also has some impressions of him, and they have heard of him in later generations. So a house was specially approved for him.

“Daddy, are you back?” Two little girls said outside Li Enfu’s house.

“Isa? Daddy is back! Daddy’s boss is visiting our house today, why don’t you go play?” Li Enfu said.

And Wang Guorui saw these two little lolita, at most about ten years old, and they were mixed race lolitas. The hair of these two lolis is black with gold. And the eyes are green, the skin is very fair, and the figure is also plump than many Chinese girls of the same age, with the appearance of many Westerners. This Wang Guorui knew that Li Enfu’s first wife was an American, and she was a western blonde beauty. So their daughters are also mixed-race loli, and now they are brought back to Taiwan by Li Enfu.

But the only pity is that at that time Li Enfu wanted to fight for the rights and interests of the Chinese people, and in the end he insisted on going to the western United States. At that time, Li Enfu was already a middle-class man in the United States, and he married an American as his wife. In fact, no one regarded him as a foreigner. However, he did not forget his roots and chose to help the Chinese cry out. This made his wife very dissatisfied. Therefore, they later chose to divorce. His current wife, who was married later, is a Chinese woman, and she still supports his career.

Since then, he has been working in the newspaper office, shouting for the Chinese while working. But the effect was very poor. After all, he did not get the support of the motherland, nor did he get the recognition of the local Americans. He has not been able to change foreign countries’ impressions of Chinese people. This is also caused by the country’s insufficient strength, and it cannot be reversed by one person. Later, he saw Wang Guorui’s advertisement for recruiting foreign students, which made him see the hope of a strong country. So this will allow him to come back to work as soon as possible. Li Enfu also brought back his two young daughters, who were twins who looked almost identical.

“Mixed-race twins, that’s the rarest of the rare! And she’s such a beautiful little loli. You can tell at a glance that the future will be a beauty embryo. Li Enfu is still a handsome pot, so her original American wife should also be a beauty, Otherwise, how could such a beautiful loli be born?”

“Li Enfu, your two loli, oh no, what are the names of your two daughters?” Wang Guorui asked.

Wang Guorui almost habitually said the title “Lolita” in his previous life. But then it changed immediately. However, in this era, there is no such thing as a so-called loli, but there is only the title of Lolita. Lolita in this era does not refer to little girls.

Li Enfu replied: “Their English names are Yisha, the eldest daughter’s Chinese name is Li Li, and the youngest daughter’s Chinese name is Li Sha.”

As soon as Wang Guorui heard it, he knew that it was named after their mother, and their mother was called Elizabeth, so they just picked out a few words from the middle to name them. But this is enough to explain Li Enfu’s feelings for his American wife. Unfortunately, they have different ideas and naturally have to part ways. But from a woman’s point of view, which woman would support her husband’s unrealistic behavior? Given the weakness of China in this period, it naturally won’t be valued by too many foreigners. But everything about Li Enfu seemed to be in vain. And Li Enfu is a fan of the authorities, and his wife is also an American, so bystanders are clear. Without a strong motherland, it is impossible for the Chinese to have sufficient status in the world. But Li Enfu still worked hard to do it. I have to say that he is a bit stupid. He even bragged about his wife for this, but he is cute and stupid. In this era, too many such “stupid” people work together to revive the country. If these “fools” are missing, the country will have no hope of prosperity.

“Are you Daddy’s boss?” Li Li asked.

“What? Don’t I look like your daddy’s boss?” Wang Guorui asked.

Li Sha immediately said: “You are younger than Daddy, how can you be Daddy’s boss?”

“You’re too young to be a leader?” Wang Guorui asked again.

“Anyway, I’ve seen Daddy’s leaders, and they are all older than Daddy!” Li Li said.

Of course, Wang Guorui knows that many children think that they can be leaders only when they are older. After all, children rely on their age to lead younger children, so they subconsciously think that leaders must be older. So they thought that Wang Guorui was too young, at most around twenty years old, to be their father’s leader, which was unbelievable.

But Li Enfu immediately corrected: “Old age does not necessarily mean that one can become a leader. Those who have never learned before are teachers. As long as they are talented, why can’t they be leaders?”

“Then should I call you the leader uncle, or the leader brother?” Li Li asked.

Wang Guorui became amused, and took the initiative to say: “Then you can call me brother leader!”

“Master Wang, what should I do? If you become their elder brother, then I am not…”

What Li Enfu meant was obvious. If Li Enfu became his daughter’s brother, wouldn’t that mean he became Wang Guorui’s elder? So Li Enfu didn’t dare to do this, which made them feel a little disrespectful to their boss. However, he didn’t know that Wang Guorui had other thoughts in his heart.

“What’s there to care about? I’m only about ten years older than them, so you don’t have to worry too much about it. Anyway, it’s okay to be of the same generation, so you don’t have to worry about it.” Wang Guorui comforted.

No one knows that Wang Guorui, who is at most twenty years old, has a heart of a strange course he is not suitable to be the elder of these two loli, after all, these two loli are even slower Slow down for some time. Wang Guorui is still very interested in playing lolita. Especially this kind of mixed-race loli, that is the real rare species. For this kind of mixed-race loli, based on the idea that she cannot be missed, Wang Guorui will raise it slowly in the future, so that she can be raised and harvested in the future.

“Li Enfu, as such a young girl, you must maintain nutrition. You can see how thin they have become. From now on, I will take some from my own income every year to help you supplement nutrition for your daughter, and then let They are white and fat.” Wang Guorui said.

“Well, thank you sir!” Li Enfu said.

Li Enfu didn’t know at all that Wang Guorui’s sinister intentions were really good intentions for Wang Guorui! But Wang Guorui smirked in his heart, this Li Enfu might be his future father-in-law. Now Wang Guorui has started to book his daughter, but he doesn’t know it at all, isn’t this very interesting? If Li Enfu found out that Wang Guorui had thoughts about his daughter when he was ten years old, would he be so angry that he would kill Wang Guorui? All this is unknown. (To be continued.) xh118

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