Red Alert 1895

Chapter 148

Chapter 147 – Reform And Reform (Part 1)

“Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, the emperor’s great cause has been accomplished!”

In a side hall of the imperial palace, a person congratulated Emperor Guangxu excitedly, apparently having very good news for him. When Guangxu heard this voice, he was also very excited, because he was very familiar with this voice, so he really wanted to get good news from him.

“Kang Aiqing, he agreed?” Guangxu asked.

This man was Kang Youwei. He returned to Beijing and congratulated Emperor Guangxu on the news of persuading Wang Guorui to support the reform. This made Guangxu very excited. Because he has always wanted to regain his rights, but the old lady Cixi never gave him this chance. And he also thought of the reform and reform, and then through the reform and reform to obtain changes and regain the imperial power. As for other things about constitutional monarchy and democracy, he simply regarded it as farting. He just wanted an opportunity to regain his rights, and there was no other reason.

But in China, although there are some enlightened officials, it does not mean that those officials are willing to completely overthrow the country to carry out reforms. They are just willing to reform, and then carry out reforms that are in their interests and will not damage their interests too much. As for completely overthrowing the past system and then re-establishing a new system, this is not what they want. Therefore, no one in China is willing to support the reform, and if the reform cannot be passed, then it is impossible to regain power.

In this case, Guangxu needs a powerful foreign aid. The governors in the imperial court are not very good. Unwilling to support his reform. So he set his sights on Wang Guorui, the new governor of Taiwan, and Wang Guorui is not a queen party, nor is he a person with vested interests in the mainland. And he is strong, not weak. So Guangxu set his sights on him, hoping that Wang Guorui could support his reform, even if it was just solidarity, it would be very good.

“What price did you use to convince him?” Guangxu asked.

If too much price is paid, Guangxu will also feel heartbroken, so Guangxu is very concerned about the price paid.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that my daughter has become his concubine. However, it’s my honor to be able to serve the emperor.” Kang Youwei said.

Guangxu breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t expect the matter to be solved so easily, and it was solved by a woman. He didn’t expect that Wang Guorui was actually a womanizer, and he supported himself for a woman.

“Kang Aiqing, since you have sacrificed even your daughter for me, I will never let you down!” Guangxu said.

And Kang Youwei was so grateful, it was obvious that he had great expectations for his future, which made him feel promising. Isn’t this what high-ranking officials do, and benefit and benefit?

Less than twelve hours after Kang Youwei returned to Beijing, Emperor Guangxu promulgated the “Decree on Ding Guoshi” on reform and reform, which was more than a year earlier than the original edict issued in history.

“Over the past few years, Chinese and foreign ministers and workers have paid attention to current affairs, and have advocated reform and self-improvement.  …”

The eloquent Dingguo Shizhao with hundreds of words was quickly transmitted to the whole country through telegrams. And this edict made many reform parties boil immediately.

“Long live the emperor!” “Long live the emperor!” “Long live the emperor!”…

Numerous reform parties across the country also began to shout, obviously celebrating the start of the reform in the Qing Dynasty. And Wang Guorui’s success in resisting Japan made many people think that there was something wrong with those big bosses in the imperial court. So I think it was their incompetence that caused the court to be defeated by a small pirate. By this time, many of these people believed that China was stronger than Japan. After all, Wang Guorui could defeat them in a single province, so China should be stronger than Japanese pirates. And the reason why they lost was because the country was a group of incompetent people, and it was all because of the army. It is all because of the corruption and backwardness of various systems. And they all want to use this reform to achieve their own interests, and then allow themselves to gain power. Then step on those “incompetent people” to gain power. And many of the Reform Party are also a group of opportunists, even their big boss, the Emperor Xu, hopes to regain power through this speculation, and then let himself truly feel what it is like to be an emperor.

“My Qing Dynasty must reform the old system, otherwise our Qing Dynasty will not be able to revive at all. And countless fatuous bureaucrats in the imperial court are occupying official positions. We must ask the emperor to re-establish a new official selection system, and then re-elect some outstanding officials. All unqualified officials will be dismissed.”

“Our Qing Dynasty needs to train strong soldiers, otherwise we can’t even defeat the Japanese pirates. Our Qing Dynasty’s military equipment is weak, so we must train strong soldiers to defend our Qing Dynasty, otherwise our country will be ruined!”

“Yes! We still need to develop a variety of industries and make the industry stronger, so that we can make our country rich and the people strong!”

With the implementation of this edict, countless reform parties also began to run around in the streets, apparently wanting to promote their political ideas. And following the emperor’s order, it seems that the whole world has begun to reform vigorously, and countless young people are very excited about these reforms, because they think that if they can do well this time, they might be able to have one after helping the emperor regain power. If it is done by an official, then it will really be the glory of the ancestors. And at that time, I can get a lot of benefits, and I can completely become a high-ranking official and rich salary.

This is what they think. Few of them understand what is going on with those industries and the army. In the eyes of those scholars, craftsmen are just ordinary pariahs, and those troops are also a bunch of idiots, how can they compare with scholars like themselves? As for those strong industries and training elite soldiers, it is just a way for them to gain political capital, and they don’t really want to do it well. They think that as long as this gimmick is thrown out, it can attract popularity. And years of stubborn thoughts are not so easy to solve. After all, except for a small number of people who participated in the reform and reform, the others are all young Confucian students. And those things that Confucianism has learned over the years are all discriminating against soldiers and workers and businessmen, so they are just used as a gimmick, and they don’t really want to make it better. Their real purpose is to take advantage of this opportunity to gain political capital and official positions, and then glorify their ancestors.

In the Summer Palace, everything about the outside was reported to Cixi.

“Queen Dowager Lafayette, the world has been in chaos for the past two days. The Reform Party seems to have gained the backing of the emperor and started to make trouble one after another. And they said they want a constitutional monarchy, they want to abolish officials, and then train strong soldiers. And…” Li Lianying I am explaining one by one.

“Okay, okay, these are just repeating the same old tune. What is a constitutional monarchy? Isn’t it that the Han people want to regain power and take back our Manchurian country? It’s called a constitutional monarchy! Hmph, if once a constitutional monarchy is established, then we The Manchus will all be counterattacked by those powerful ministers, and then we will all be wiped out! Our Aixinjueluo family had a lot of blood debts to the Han people. Once we give up our rights, they will be willing to let it go Us? A constitutional monarchy is a way of death. And the Ai family has long known that the emperor does not really want to change the law, but just wants to regain power.”

Cixi has been an old fritter for many years, so it is natural to see that Guangxu doesn’t really want to reform the law, or that he doesn’t want to reform the law subconsciously. He just wants to regain power through reforms, and the reforms that can be led by him will eventually become a great emperor. But Cixi is not optimistic about Guangxu, this is not simply because of the hostility between the queen party and the imperial party. Because Cixi has already seen the world clearly, this is not something that a certain emperor can order to solve, especially the Manchu emperor is even less likely to be able to solve this problem.

“Queen Mother, these are just jumping clowns. They don’t have any military power in their hands, and they don’t have any strength to support them. They are just jumping up and down without any real skills. Now the major governors in the world They also didn’t express their position, they didn’t express their attitude. None of the eight major governors in the world supported them, so our general situation is set, and we don’t need to be afraid of those jumping clowns at all.” Li Lianying said.

Manchu Qing currently has eight governors who are responsible for managing eight large territories in the country. These governors can be said to be local power factions. In the deformed political ecology of the late Qing Dynasty, the local power factions are more powerful than the central military ministers. big. So as long as no one from the local power faction supports those reformers, then you can rest assured.

As for Taiwan, Li Lianying ignored it intentionally or unintentionally. Because Taiwan, a special administrative region, was like an independent kingdom in the late Qing Dynasty, and Taiwan’s establishment in the Qing Dynasty was not a legal establishment at all, so Li Lianying also subconsciously ignored Taiwan. Moreover, they also agreed before that the local central government cannot send officials to serve in Taiwan, and Taiwan is also a taboo in the court, and few people will mention it. And they don’t take Taiwan seriously, after all, in their eyes, Taiwan is only their own territory in name. A special administrative region like Taiwan was already blatantly rebellious to ancient officials, so naturally they were not taken seriously.

“Queen Mother, it’s not good, Taiwan Governor Wang Guorui announced his support for the imperial court’s reform and reform!” Someone hurried over to report.

“What?” “Crack!”

The precious cultural relic teacup in Cixi’s hand fell to the ground, and Cixi was obviously shocked by the news. (to be continued)

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