Red Alert 1895

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 – Ethnic Affairs Management Committee

When Wang Guorui returned to the Taipei Governor’s Office, he brought a new woman with him, that is, Chen Lin, the daughter of the leader of the Cao clan, a branch of the Gaoshan clan. And along the way, Tan Ya didn’t have a good face towards Wang Guorui, instead she was very cold. Not only was Wang Guorui not angry, but he was still a little happy in his heart. After all, Tanya is jealous, and a woman’s jealousy means that she has you in her heart! If she’s not jealous, it means she doesn’t care about you at all. So don’t be afraid when you meet a woman who is jealous, the most fearful thing is that she is not jealous of you at all.

Wang Guorui sat down on the position of the Governor of Taiwan, and then began to say: “I plan to set up a new department under the Governor’s Mansion, called the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee. This committee is responsible for the management of ethnic affairs, and its status is about the same as that of Taiwan. In the past, the Lifanyuan of the imperial court. However, the Lifanyuan is a vassal state and has diplomatic functions. The Ethnic Affairs Management Committee does not have diplomatic functions, but simply handles ethnic affairs, especially ethnic minorities. This nation The affairs management committee is responsible for formulating some regulations suitable for ethnic minorities, as well as supporting the local economy of ethnic minorities, studying the culture of ethnic minorities, and supervising whether there is any discrimination or harm to the interests of ethnic minorities in various places. And the establishment of minority schools can make more More ethnic minority compatriots can go to school.”

Wang Guorui said that the establishment of the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee is actually a continuation of Wang Guorui’s ethnic policy. Many people in later generations believed that the Chinese government was too kind to ethnic minorities, and even reversely discriminated against the Han nationality, the main ethnic group in China. But in fact, for the protection of ethnic minorities. This is actually the case in any civilized country. And Wang Guorui has seen a situation in the United States in later generations, that is, many college students in the United States choose to mix multiple ethnicities when filling in their ethnicity, that is, mixed blood. And many Chinese and East Asians also choose this way. Because it is easier to get into those prestigious schools.

This is actually not because Chinese or East Asians are discriminated against, but because Chinese and East Asians have done so well, which puts too much pressure on East Asians to compete within their own ethnic groups. If East Asians want to enter a prestigious American school, they must be more than 100 points higher than those blacks to be able to enter a prestigious American school. And blacks can definitely enter the same prestigious school with a score of more than 100 points lower than that of Asians, which can be said to be preferential treatment for Africans. Asians, on the other hand, because their grades are so good on weekdays, they all become internal competitions, often scoring much higher than other races. To be able to enter a prestigious school.

This is the case in many countries that claim to be civilized, and they have certain preferential treatment for ethnic minorities. So Wang Guorui sees foreign countries as well. It also feels a lot more balanced for those ethnic minorities in China who have a certain degree of low preferential treatment. This is a condition that a civilized country must have, that is, it will not oppress ethnic minorities. It’s just that what is done in China is more obvious, it is to add points to ethnic minorities, while in foreign countries it is to lower the admission requirements. There is actually no practical difference between the two, but China has done it more obviously, which makes many people in the country feel dissatisfied.

Although all countries have certain social discrimination against blacks, they have indeed done a good job in education support. After all, being able to get support in education will be of great benefit to the future development of the entire ethnic group. If the education received by nature is not as good as that of others, then the whole nation will sink more and more. And if there is long-term discrimination, it will be detrimental to domestic stability. Moreover, in Wang Guorui’s future China, the vast majority of ethnic minorities will not have a large-scale blood debt to the Han people. On the contrary, there are many typical examples of getting along well, so you might as well support them in this way. Because the living conditions of his mother are relatively poor, and all kinds of education are also relatively poor. So proper support is still necessary. But when it develops to a certain extent, then these policies can be cancelled. After all, later generations of China also canceled these bonus points or various preferential treatments when the minority areas developed to a certain level. This is just for support, not as a permanent superior treatment.

“Master Wang, there is only one Gaoshan ethnic group in Taiwan at present, should we establish this ethnic affairs management committee?” Ouyang Xuan asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: “It is necessary. Don’t we need to open up in the future? After we open up, there will inevitably be many ethnic minorities joining our rule. In this way, our ethnic problems will inevitably be seriously exacerbated. Therefore, this kind of ethnic affairs The organization must be established as soon as possible, and then accumulate experience. If there is a certain amount of experience accumulated, it will not be chaotic in the future. Otherwise, after we develop in the future, all kinds of problems will explode in unison, and I am afraid that we will all have to deal with it. At a loss.”

“Then who is the director of the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee going to appoint?” Ouyang Xuan asked.

Wang Guorui said: “Let Ms. Chen Lin be in charge. She is from the Gaoshan nationality and belongs to an ethnic minority. And in the future, all ethnic affairs management committees will also be held by ethnic minorities. We in Taiwan do not restrict Ethnic minorities are involved in politics. In the future, ethnic minorities can also pass the civil service examination to join our government team, and then gradually rely on their own efforts to get promoted. Moreover, government agencies at all levels cannot discriminate against ethnic minority officials, and everything is fair to the Han people. You don’t need to give too much deliberate support, it’s fine.”

If you want ethnic equality, you must allow ethnic minorities to be officials, and they must be real officials, not the kind of chieftain officials. Only when everyone is able to do this, can ethnic minorities feel that Wang Guorui is fair to them, and what ethnic minorities actually want is not any special consideration, but a kind of “fairness”. Whether it is special care or deliberate discrimination, it is actually unlikely to please those who are psychologically sensitive. For example, for the disabled, if you take special care of him, it will be thankless. Therefore, as long as the process of being an official is truly fair and non-discriminatory, and can be properly supported in education, those ethnic minorities will take the initiative to support their own ethnic group after becoming an official, so that the realization of ethnic equality can be achieved more smoothly . After all, if people of their own ethnicity don’t work hard, they cannot be supported by the pity of the Han people alone. Even if they want to be supported, they must be supported by themselves. If it is a Dou who can’t afford it, then there is no need to support it.

“Husband, you asked me to be the yamen of the ethnic affairs agency? I have never managed it!” Chen Lin said hesitantly.

But Wang Guorui said indifferently: “You have no experience, you can learn slowly, isn’t everyone born with experience?”

“But I don’t know Chinese characters!” Chen Lin still said.

“Then let Kang Tongwei teach you, she is also my woman, we are all a family. Since you are all a family, it is also possible to let her teach you Chinese characters.” Wang Guorui said.

Chen Lin knew that Wang Guorui really wanted to support her as the director of the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee, and this could also be said to be an emphasis on Chen Lin and the Gaoshan people. And Chen Lin also felt that this might be an opportunity to fight for some benefits for the Gaoshan people. After all, when she came to Wang Guorui, her father had already told her to fight for the benefits of her own group. And this Ethnic Affairs Management Committee really made Chen Lin feel very good, and it was very in line with her idea of wanting to fight for some interests for her own ethnic group. And this Ethnic Affairs Management Committee, in fact, is it not the most important channel for ethnic minorities to express their voices in the political arena? Ordinarily, ethnic minorities seldom have a voice in politics, and as a result they are discriminated against and their interests cannot be guaranteed.

And Wang Guorui has also seen a situation in foreign countries, that is, Chinese people rarely participate in politics in foreign countries, so they cannot express their voice in politics, and in the end their interests have been damaged. This Chinese is equivalent to a minority in a foreign country, but if a minority cannot make its own political voice, it means that it cannot protect its own interests at all, which is a pity. Therefore, Wang Guorui established the Ethnic Affairs Management fact, it is also to let the ethnic minorities play their own voices, so as to ensure the interests of the ethnic minorities, and also ensure the harmony of the country and the ethnic groups.

“Okay, husband, I am willing to accept this task.” Chen Lin agreed.

And Wang Guorui also nodded and said: “Okay, next I will choose some people from the foreign students to help you. Although you may be able to get their support by relying on your identity as my woman at the beginning , but you also have to learn as soon as possible, and then make yourself competent for this job. If you are not competent for a long time, it will not only damage your own reputation, but also my reputation. If you cannot be competent as soon as possible, then you It may not be able to effectively fight for some interests of ethnic minorities at all.”

And Chen Lin also secretly vowed that she must learn Chinese characters as soon as possible, coupled with the ability to learn administration, otherwise she would not be able to complete the task her father entrusted to her. Since the day she became Wang Guorui’s woman, she has her own tasks, hoping to please Wang Guorui to benefit her nation. But now he found that being the director of the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee can actually help her own ethnic group directly and effectively, which is her best choice. Even this method is more effective than trying to please Wang Guorui in the back house. After all, it can be administered reasonably and legally, so it’s better to blow pillows in the past! (to be continued)

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