Red Alert 1895

Chapter 160

Chapter 160 – Empress Gong Ganzheng

When everyone dispersed, Ouyang Xuan stayed behind.

“Ouyang, do you have anything to say?” Wang Guorui asked.

Ouyang Xuan immediately said cautiously: “Master Governor, is it not appropriate for you to appoint Miss Chen Lin to be the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee?”

“Oh? You don’t agree with the establishment of the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee?” Wang Guorui asked.

And Ouyang Xuan immediately said: “No, that’s not what I meant. I think it is necessary to set up the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee. However, I think it is not suitable for Ms. Chen Lin to be in charge. Let someone else be in charge. Let Anyone can do it, but Miss Chen Lin is not suitable to be in charge of this matter!”

“Why? Didn’t I say that Chen Lin can learn slowly and don’t have to worry about any talent issues? Why not allow it to learn a bit, after all, no one is born to manage fighting!” Wang Guorui said again.

Ouyang Xuan thought for a while, and said without any concealment: “My lord, recently, some people in our yamen under the Executive Yuan began to circulate that Mr. Wang likes to use women to manage affairs, and also likes to use his own women to manage military and political affairs. From the very beginning, Ms. Zheng Hong served as the Minister of Military and Political Affairs, and now she has become the Director of the General Political Department of the Army. Then Ms. Kang Tongwei also served as your secretary and took the post of Chief of Staff. You must know that the secretary of this kind of emperor is called the Minister of Military Affairs in the court, but in the former Ming Dynasty, it was an **** who was in charge, and they were all men. In earlier dynasties, scholars were used to be in charge of the copywriting affairs around the emperor. And this kind of The positions are all positions that many civil servants can meet but can’t ask for. Many people hope to be able to take the position next to Mr. Wang. But Mr. Wang actually appointed a woman to take the position, which made many people dissatisfied. Even Mr. Wang They have all expressed in private that they want to take over Ali, Kang Tongwei, as the director of the office. This is even more disappointing to many scholars.”

“And now that the Ethnic Affairs Management Committee has been established, no one will have any objections if another man is in charge. But Mr. Wang, you still let a woman be in charge, and your woman is in charge. I’m afraid it will make people Many people are dissatisfied. The so-called thing is only three, from Zheng Hong at that time, to Kang Tongwei later, to this Chen Lin. It has been three times. So I am afraid that many people will have opinions by then, and you will have it, Mr. Wang. …”

“Is the harem meddling in politics?” Wang Guorui finally said.

Ouyang Xuan nodded. It can be regarded as agreeing with Wang Guorui’s statement. It was only then that Wang Guorui realized that the people below were dissatisfied with appointing their own women to serve. In the eyes of these traditional people, women should do housework at home and take care of their children. Don’t come out and think about politics. At this time, the domestic feudal ideology is also very serious, even if they study abroad. Even, even the current Western countries have not been able to give women too much suffrage.

We must know that women can really participate in politics on a large scale. It was only after the end of World War II. At that time, women’s minds were liberated, and then women were more enthusiastic about going out of the house and taking social responsibilities. At that time, the whole society allowed women to participate in politics. So in the 21st century, it is not uncommon for women to participate in politics. Rather, it is a very broad matter. And many countries in the world also have many women in politics, even in later generations of China, there are women who have become national leaders. Even Wang Guorui believed in later generations that even if China had a female head of state one day, this would not be a big surprise.

But here it is, after all, the nineteenth century. Even before the twentieth century, everyone was very disgusted with women’s participation in politics, even foreigners. Wang Guorui is not surprised that everyone has such thoughts, but feels quite normal. But they didn’t know that Wang Guorui also had his own difficulties in his heart!

Wang Guorui is a time traveler. I came to this world with no relatives and no sense of belonging. Even the mother and elder brother of this body. For him, they are all relatives in name, and during this period of time, Wang Guorui went to see his so-called mother besides routine, but each time it did not exceed five minutes. So he couldn’t feel a sense of belonging at all, and Wang Guorui, a person in this world, was always on guard in his heart. This is the generation gap brought about by the later generations and the ancients, and there is a big gap in the hearts of both parties.

In this case, Wang Guorui doesn’t trust outsiders very much, so he can only find another way to make himself trust. And my own woman can actually be more trustworthy than those outsiders, because once a woman in ancient times, especially a Chinese woman, becomes a man’s woman, she is very loyal to this man, even if she is not sincere. If she likes this man, she will be more loyal to him. This is the ancient feudal ideological education.

So in this case, Wang Guorui doesn’t have a strong sense of belonging to this world, especially he is somewhat wary of people in this world. Under such circumstances, let him choose as much as possible the person he can trust, that is, himself. woman. So Wang Guorui also put his woman in an important position, so that he can feel at ease. First of all, Wang Guorui asked Zheng Hong to be the director of the political department of the army, so as to ensure that the selection of officers and ideological education would not be disturbed by other factors. And the office is his most important assistant, Wang Guorui plans to let Kang Tongwei take over in two years, this is also a means for his woman to hold an important position.

Wang Guorui asked her woman to go into politics to help him manage. In fact, the main reason is that she is wary of people in this world. But for her own woman, this kind of psychology can be much less. The lesser harm is the lesser of the two, that’s why Wang Guorui chose his woman to serve in politics and the army to help him manage his affairs.

“Ouyang Xuan, I really didn’t expect that you still have such feudal thoughts. What’s wrong with women? Can’t women be able to do things, can’t women be able to manage things well?” Wang Guorui asked.

And Ouyang Xuan immediately said cautiously: “But, doing this is a rooster in the morning. A rooster in the morning is a sign of the country’s ruin!”

“Do you also believe the nonsense of this kind of feudal scholars? They are shirking responsibility and shifting the subjugation of the country to women. They can continue to enjoy wealth and wealth with peace of mind. Are your thoughts so narrow? It’s not right for women to interfere in politics. There are no good examples! Don’t talk about the far ones, let’s talk about the closer ones. The Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang in the Qing Dynasty was also a woman who took part in politics, but didn’t she also lay the foundation for the so-called Kangxi and Qianlong prosperity in the end? Also, there are many in history. Young women can manage politics well, so why don’t you talk about it? Therefore, there is no necessary connection between the decline of the country and women’s meddling in politics! So don’t say such nonsense that a rooster sitting in the morning is a sign of the country’s ruin.”

“Also, go and tell everyone that this kind of feudal thinking will be removed from my head as soon as possible. We want to build a country where everyone is equal. Why do men have suffrage and women don’t? Don’t tell me I haven’t yet. Thinking about it, it seems that I want to set up a women’s federation to protect women’s interests from being violated. I even want to consider recruiting some female civil servants, so that women can participate in politics more.”

Ouyang Xuan felt that she was committing a crime on her own, and it was fine if she didn’t say anything, but now Wang Guorui actually took the initiative to set up an organization to protect women’s interests, so that it would not be easy for those big men to bully women. Moreover, even Wang Guorui wanted to recruit some female civil servants, which means that women occupy a lot of official resources, so that those men who want to be officials can’t wait to kill this Ouyang Xuan? Everyone would not think that it was Wang Guorui’s idea, but everyone would think that it was Ouyang Xuan who gave Wang Guorui an idea. After all, Ouyang Xuan stayed alone in Wang Guorui’s office, and now Ouyang Xuan was self-defeating. Ouyang Xuan is afraid that she will be blamed for Wang Guorui.

“I just want to say something now, this is a new era, don’t bring in the things of the old If anyone puts these stale ideas into work, they should get rid of them as soon as possible. I just said If you don’t change your mind, you can change people!” Wang Guorui said.

Ouyang Xuan thought to herself: “That’s all, I’m still wise and safe!”

Ouyang Xuan didn’t want to say any more. Wang Guorui said “change people if you don’t change your mind”. That’s not threatening him. Will he be replaced? Therefore, in this case, it is better to be wise and protect yourself.

And Wang Guorui knew that this trend of opposing “harem meddling in politics” must be suppressed, otherwise more and more people would definitely oppose him. And Wang Guorui knew that he might not be able to completely eliminate Hougong Ganzheng in this life. On the contrary, he still supported Hougong Ganzheng. After all, he was too lonely in this world and lacked trust in people in this world. So on the whole, his own woman is more trustworthy. In addition, Wang Guorui is a later generation, and his thinking is much more open than that of the ancients, so he can allow his woman to enter the officialdom. As for my next generation, at that time, I no longer need to rely on my own woman to help manage it. After all, various systems have been on the right track at that time, and there is no need for such unconventional means. Moreover, decades later, women’s participation in politics has also been allowed by everyone, and at that time, there was no need for too much support. (to be continued)

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