Red Alert 1895

Chapter 189

Chapter 189 – Military Expansion

Wang Guorui finally breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the Taiwan-French contract signed with French Minister Shi Alan. This time, the acquiescence of France’s occupation of Vietnam was exchanged for France’s interest in China’s support for maintaining suzerainty. In fact, it was just an exchange, but Wang Guorui didn’t really acknowledge France’s occupation of Vietnam, he just acquiesced. As for when the acquiescence expired, it depends on when he can develop to the point where he is not afraid of the French. . Although Wang Guorui was able to occupy Vietnam, the overall strength of the French is still very strong. If they are really pushed into a hurry, then I am afraid that they will really mobilize all of them to attack Taiwan next. Taiwan’s strength is not yet the opponent of the fully mobilized French, so it cannot stimulate the French too much.

“Today, the purpose of our meeting is to discuss our armaments. First of all, we currently have an army of four divisions in Taiwan, about 60,000 people. There are also four naval detachments. The novel `www`huzud` has about 7,000 people. There is also a marine division with 10,000 people. And our Taiwan has a total of about 77,000 troops. But…”

When everyone heard the “but”, they immediately raised their hearts. Everyone didn’t know what Wang Guorui meant, because the most important thing was after the “but”.

“However, for these 77,000 people, although it is not a problem to protect themselves, there is still a huge pressure to expand outward. Although we can defend our Taiwan, it is impossible to expand outward. So we must have more troops!” Wang Guorui said.

And everyone finally smelled it, and Wang Guorui was about to expand his army. Although there is no problem with the 77,000-strong navy and army maintaining Taiwan, it is still beyond their capabilities to attack. Even if they directly attack the mainland, they will not be able to quickly sweep the mainland, after all, although the army is elite. But the number of people is too small. A small number of people naturally means that it is impossible to effectively occupy the territory and suppress the place, so this is the situation where Taiwan has more than enough defense and insufficient development. But now that Wang Guorui wants to take the initiative to expand the army, everyone should start thinking.

“Governor Wang, Taiwan has just developed. We really don’t have much money to support the army!” Ouyang Xuan said.

But Wang Guorui immediately said, “I will pay for this military expansion myself, so you don’t have to worry about it!”

During this period of time, Wang Guorui used various means to embezzle a lot of money from the Executive Yuan, but Ouyang Xuan didn’t know about all this, so Wang Guorui had the money to complete the military expansion task. As for the next step, Wang Guorui will take the initiative to expand the army, and then go to open up land to obtain resources.

And when Ouyang Xuan heard that Wang Guorui paid for it herself, she wouldn’t say much. Because Ouyang Xuan is not completely opposed to the expansion of the army, because he also knows it during this time. Taiwan has reached the point where it must expand outward. If it is not able to expand outwards, it will be impossible to maintain Taiwan’s subsequent development. Many factories have stopped recruiting workers, and some have even started laying off workers. However, a large number of migrants have no land, but if the factory does not accept them to work, I am afraid that they will all end up in a situation of lack of food and clothing. And all of this is a matter of resources. Taiwan has no resources, no resources that can sustain development, so it must expand outward.

Now Taiwan. In fact, to some extent, it is the same as Japan in the late World War II. It knew that launching the Pacific War was an act of drinking poison to quench thirst. But if they don’t drink this poisonous wine, they will die immediately. And if he drank it down, there was still a slight chance of surviving, and he was forced to fight. And now Taiwan is somewhat similar to Japan during World War II. If you go on like this, you will definitely starve to death, so you might as well take a gamble. Then get yourself a good result. However, the current Taiwan is not Japan during World War II. Now Taiwan has Wang Guorui’s red alarm system, so it has a great advantage over Japan.

Ouyang Xuan would not object to the expansion of the army and then go to open up. But the reason why he objected was only from the standpoint of a civil servant. All civil officials must oppose the expansion of the army. This is the confrontation between civil and military officials. Once the army expands, it means that the power of the civil servants will decline, so Ouyang Xuan, as the leader of the civil servants, naturally has to oppose it. This is a coping-style objection, and he doesn’t really want to object. He just wants to deal with his subordinates, and then he can give an explanation to his civilian officials, explaining that I have already opposed it, and it is not that I want to support the expansion of the army.

“Now, I announce that our Taiwan Army will double in size. Then the expanded troops will expand from four divisions to eight divisions,” Wang Guorui said.

And those officers were even more elated, because this time the army expanded from four divisions to eight divisions at once, which is equivalent to twice the expansion of the army. This is equivalent to doubling all the official positions at once, which is really great news for them. There are more official positions, and there are more and more opportunities for promotion for middle and lower-level officers. Originally, such things as official positions are a carrot and a pit, and if you occupy this position, others will not be able to be promoted. But now that the army has doubled in size, so many officers who usually cannot get promoted may be promoted by one level at least, or several levels at most. So those mid-level and lower-level officers are very happy, especially the deputy positions of the divisions, or the chief of staff also want to take advantage of this time to obtain the position of a division commander, and thus become one of the highest levels of the Taiwan army.

“Master Wang, since the army has expanded, can our navy also expand?” Ye Zugui, chief of staff of the navy, asked.

Wang Guorui shook his head and said, “No, this time it’s just an expansion of the army. The current navy is enough to defend Taiwan’s waters, and there is even room for expansion, so there is no need to expand the navy for the time being!”

And Ye Zugui felt a burst of disappointment, because now Taiwan’s navy is strong enough. The Japanese dare not provoke them, and the Far East fleets of the British and French countries are not opponents of the Taiwan Navy. Therefore, Taiwan’s navy is already sufficient to become the hegemon in East Asia, and there is really no need to continue to expand. The army is different. The army is the main force to expand and occupy the territory next, so the army must expand, otherwise it will not be able to occupy more land.

And Hu Wei, the chief of the general staff who was born in the army, also smiled. Because in his eyes, the Army has finally surpassed the Navy this time, and it still belongs to the most important branch of the military. You must know that the current number of troops in Taiwan is more than 70,000, and the army accounts for 60,000. But judging from the status inside, it seems that the status of the army is obviously not as much as that of the navy. The army has 60,000 personnel with four divisions, but the navy has 16,000 personnel with five divisions. You must know that each of the four naval detachments of the navy has only about 1,500 people, but they are all at the division level. So this naturally makes many army officers very puzzled. The number of the navy is only one tenth of his own, but the level is the same. This seems to discriminate against the army. The navy has five division-level establishments, while the army has only five, which makes the army a little dissatisfied.

And now that the army has finally expanded again, it has doubled in size at once, that is, eight division-level establishments, which makes them feel relieved. The army is finally ahead of the navy again in terms of organization, so that it won’t feel inferior to the navy in the future. Moreover, the number of the army will be about 120,000 in the future, which is still much more than the more than 10,000 people in the navy. The power of the army has expanded again. This is Hu Wei. He was born in the army, so he naturally has to consider the interests of the army.

This kind of competition for interests between the army and the navy must inevitably exist. Wang Guorui of Taiwan knows that the current situation in Taiwan is also a bit complicated, because Taiwan is an isolated island, and it must have a strong navy, otherwise it will not be able to protect its own safety. However, according to the guiding ideology of the Taiwan military, all of their future goals will be to attack the mainland until they can unify the mainland, so that they can realize the great cause of unifying the country. A unified country requires a strong army. In this way, there are two contradictions, which must exist in the dispute between land and sea.

Wang Guorui had already prepared for this point. Because he knows that Taiwan is similar to Japan now. On the one hand, as an island country, it must have a strong navy. However, Japan has formulated a mainland policy, so that Japan has to develop the army, but in the end it has to let the army and navy fight.

Today’s Taiwan is completely a replica of Japan during World War II. However, although Wang Guorui knew this, he was not too worried that the army and the navy would completely fall out. Because Taiwan’s Wang Guorui has a stronger resource advantage than Japan. He has a red police base and can produce more weapons and equipment at the cheapest price. In this way, the battle between the army and the navy will be reduced to a minimum. After all, everyone can be satisfied, and there is no need to abandon the interests of one party of the army and navy to satisfy the other. This is also Wang Guorui’s capital, because Wang Guorui has a red police base, and can use one-tenth of other people’s money to manufacture corresponding weapons and equipment, so that the battle between the army and the navy becomes unnecessary, because Wang Guorui has money! So Wang Guorui is a local tyrant, so he naturally doesn’t care about the conflicts between the army and the navy. Anyway, he just spends money on them until they can wear a pair of pants. As long as the mainland is occupied, can’t all the resources support the expansion of the army and navy? (to be continued…)

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