Red Alert 1895

Chapter 190

Chapter 190 – Chain Reaction

Following an order, Wang Guorui’s army began to expand violently. 【sogou, 360, soso search free download novels】The red police base began to mass-produce soldiers, and then prepared to join the army as ordinary people. And those who are responsible for recruiting the Red Police soldiers are actually Red Police soldiers, and under the leadership of the two beautiful heroes, Tanya and Natasha, it’s just a cutscene. At the same time, natural person soldiers also began to recruit. As the conscription order was issued, many people in Taiwan who had no jobs joined the army one after another.

Because of the rising prices of various resources in Taiwan, not only did various factories not continue to recruit workers, but some small factories with weak anti-risk capabilities continued to lay off workers. Some people in Taiwan began to lose their jobs, but the number of immigrants continued to increase. The land distribution in Taiwan had already been completed, and there was no extra land at all. Under such circumstances, Taiwan’s unemployment rate has remained high, reaching about 10%. You must know that once the unemployment rate exceeds 8%, it will be very fatal. And if the unemployment rate reaches 10%, it is already very dangerous. And now Taiwan’s unemployment rate has reached 10%. If we don’t find a way to stimulate employment as soon as possible, then Taiwan will lose the support of the people. And the source of all this is also a problem of resources, because the price of resources is high, which has also caused the unemployment rate to continue to increase. So it is necessary to expand the army and then expand the power.

However, the high unemployment rate has also brought about the enthusiasm of the common people to join the army. Many unemployed people in Taiwan also consider joining the army as a choice because of the high social status of the Taiwanese army. It is a very good job with a high income. Now the unemployment rate in Taiwan remains high, so naturally some people think about being able to join the Taiwan army. Find a job where you can earn a living.

“Governor Wang, what exactly are you trying to do?”

Philippe, the French consul in Taiwan, heard that Wang Guorui was going to expand his army, so he came over immediately and wanted to question Wang Guorui what he wanted to do. And now that Taiwan has signed the contract with the French, Wang Guorui should not be able to attack Vietnam, but now Wang Guorui has accelerated the expansion of the army, which makes them feel incredible. What exactly is this trying to do. This Wang Guorui actually expanded his army just after the treaty was signed. Isn’t this a slap in the face of the French? So Philip, the French consul, naturally had to find a way to come and question him. Ask Wang Guorui what is going on.

“Consul Philip, I have no intention of attacking Vietnam. You can rest assured that I will touch your French tiger’s ass? Our military expansion is only to protect our current interests. It is not thinking about expanding. So, You can rest assured that we are only doing it for self-defense.” Wang Guorui said reassuringly.

“Really?” Philip asked again.

“Really, it’s more real than real gold!” Wang Guorui replied.

Philip also left full of thoughts, because he only believed three points in Wang Guorui’s words. The reason why Philip didn’t continue to question Wang Guorui was because he knew that even if he did, it wouldn’t have any effect, because people wouldn’t tell him. So although Philip didn’t fully trust Wang Guorui, he also left. It’s useless to stay here any longer. However, at this time another person came again, obviously this person did not have such a good temper.

“Wang Guorui. Are you going to commit infidelity?” Yu Geng shouted.

When Yu Geng heard about Taiwan’s military expansion, the first thing he thought of was that Taiwan was going to attack the mainland, because Taiwan’s military expansion was also aimed at attacking the mainland, otherwise what goal would Taiwan have? So Yu Geng first thought that Taiwan’s military expansion was for the purpose of attacking the mainland, and for Yu Geng, a banner man like Wang Guorui, a Han Chinese who was about to rebel. He knew that if Wang Guorui rebelled, he would be unable to stop it. But he was a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty after all, so he naturally wanted to come and reprimand Wang Guorui for his rebellion. Even if he was killed, he didn’t have any complaints. So now he also began to come here to scold Wang Guorui, obviously wanting to reprimand Wang Guorui for being a rebel, and put Wang Guorui on the side of criticism, so that Wang Guorui’s rebellion would be the same as the law of heaven.

“Send this Yu Geng back to the Taiwan Office and ignore him!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui didn’t have the heart to talk nonsense with this Yu Geng. Anyway, this Yu Geng was sent by the Qing Dynasty to communicate with Wang Guorui. If there was nothing wrong, Wang Guorui would ignore him. And if it wasn’t for the sake of seeing his daughter’s future beauty and talent, Wang Guorui wouldn’t be interested in him. Wang Guorui is interested in his daughter, but not in him! So it’s not a thing to have someone send him back directly, anyway, let him scold people outside his Governor’s Mansion.

What made Wang Guorui most angry was what happened next, and Allen, the British consul in Taiwan who had just taken office, also came to the Governor’s Palace immediately.

“Governor Wang, our British Empire is very satisfied with the current Chinese central government. Our British Empire has a very close relationship with the Chinese central government, and our British Empire has many important interests in China. Therefore, our British Empire will never allow anyone to influence In the interests of the Chinese central government, any act of seizing the power of the Chinese central government without the permission of our British Empire is illegal. And our British Empire will not recognize it. If someone really wants to illegally acquire China If the rights of the central government, then we will definitely stop it,” Allen said.

The corner of Wang Guorui’s mouth twitched. This Alan said so much, but in the final analysis it was just one sentence, that is, the British will not sit back and watch Wang Guorui seize the central power in China. Once Wang Guorui seized the central government, I am afraid that the British will not recognize it, and even send troops to prevent Wang Guorui from seizing the power of the Chinese central government. Because the British knew that if Wang Guorui seized the power of the Chinese central government, he might be able to reform the country next. At that time, with China’s vast land and abundant resources, it will be easy to accumulate a large number of powerful troops, and it will even be easy to develop many industries. With these industries, it can be used as a basis to resist the aggression of various countries, and even fight for world hegemony in turn.

The foreign devils are deeply aware that China is actually short of nothing at present, that is, it lacks a wise leader. And Wang Guorui is also a wise leader, so the British will not allow Wang Guorui to seize power in China. If Wang Guorui was only in Taiwan, then the British would not say anything, but once Wang Guorui wanted to seize the power of the Chinese central government, the foreign devils would desperately stop him. So these foreign devils just want to restrict Wang Guorui to Taiwan, a place with few resources, so that Wang Guorui will lose his development potential.

But now that Wang Guorui is going to expand the army, these foreign devils are all oversensitive, thinking that if Wang Guorui wants to seize power in China, the British will bring everyone together to persuade Wang Guorui not to rebel.

“Consuls, please have a big heart. I have always been a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, and I will not rebel!” Wang Guorui said righteously.

Those foreign devils and consuls cursed in their hearts, this Wang Guorui really opened his eyes and told nonsense. If Wang Guorui is a loyal minister, then there are really no traitors in this world, and what Wang Guorui said is completely tarnishing the word “loyal minister”!

“It’s good that you are like this! Anyway, our British Empire will not sit back and watch the mainland government fall, because we have many important interests in the mainland.” Allen said.

After the foreign devils left, Wang Guorui’s face became very scary. The expansion of the army this time actually caused a chain reaction among a large group of people, and the foreign devils even started to feel scared. Although he really had no intention of attacking the mainland this time, he was also very angry at how these foreign devils bullied him. Originally, this was all China’s internal affairs, but these foreign devils were so rude and came directly to interfere. And they have no idea of not interfering in the internal affairs of other countries at all, they are so blatantly interfering in China’s internal and they don’t feel that there is any problem. This is the double standard of Western foreign devils. The foreign devils themselves are of similar strength, so they pay attention to non-interference in each other’s internal affairs. But once a country is weaker than itself, they will not pay attention to non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, and directly become a big country chauvinism.

The reason why Wang Guorui did not dare to start a war with the foreign devils was because Taiwan’s overall strength was still too weak. Although Taiwan has a barely passable industrial base, it has no resources. If Taiwan goes to war with the foreign powers, the navy of those foreign devils can completely block Taiwan, even if they don’t need to fight head-on with Taiwan’s navy, as long as they block Taiwan and prevent any resources from being imported into Taiwan. Moreover, Taiwan is surrounded by colonies of foreign devils. If Wang Guorui dares to go to war with foreign devils, the resource providers around An will not continue to sell resources to Wang Guorui, and Wang Guorui will not be able to persist at that time. So all of this is a problem of industrial resources, which made Wang Guorui dare not fight the foreign devils.

The reason why the foreign devils did not take the initiative to attack Taiwan is because there is no benefit to be gained from destroying Taiwan, and the loss is also very huge, and the gain outweighs the loss. That’s why the foreigners didn’t directly attack Taiwan, but if Wang Guorui took the initiative to attack the mainland, I’m afraid these foreign devils would try their best to stop it. Therefore, if Wang Guorui wanted to attack the mainland, he had to fight a real **** battle with these foreign devils, otherwise he would not be able to solve the problem of unifying the country at all. (to be continued)

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