Red Alert 1895

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 – Got Fucked

“Your Excellency, Chief of Staff Chen, we have all been fooled by the Dutch!” Li He shouted.

Li He interrogated the captives at sea, only to find that they were all raped by the Dutch. The Dutch were deliberately abandoning the navy and using it to cover the army. And Li He checked the Dutch troop carriers, and they were all empty, without a single army soldier. The Dutch army has long since stopped following the navy, and they have already gone to other places.

“My lord, the Dutch army did not come with the navy. Their army has already landed in Kedapang, and then plans to attack us by land. Their navy is mainly used to attract the attention of our navy and cover the army to land. , and then attack us by land.” Li He said.

And Chen Liyan immediately opened the map, and saw that the Dutch actually chose to sacrifice the navy so that the army could land. And Chen Liyan immediately felt that the situation was not very good, because the Dutch landed by land, then they would go all the way north, and then attack Dongwanlu. Although this road is not fast by sea and land, it is more stable. There is no Taiwan navy to intercept and attack, so they can go all the way to Dongwanlu to attack Taiwan Marine Corps, so as to strive to attack Taiwan with superior forces. Marines.

“My lord, all of us have been fooled by the Dutch. The Dutch telegram clearly stated that they were here to attack Dongwanlu, but in fact they had already landed the army in Ketapang, and the navy brought an empty troop carrier. Continue to go north. After walking for a while, we encountered our cruiser detachment. Their navy intentionally pestered our cruiser detachment to prevent our cruiser detachment from intercepting their landing force. In this way, our cruiser detachment failed for no reason. The Dutch navy fought for several hours, and at that time the Dutch army had already landed. In the end, they may have all rushed towards our current East Wanlu.”

Wang Guorui immediately realized what the Dutch wanted to do. The Dutch were not stupid, but very smart! They may have calculated that Taiwan has conquered the Riau Islands, and then it will have almost occupied Dongwanlu. As early as more than ten days ago, after the Dutch had just received the news that Taiwan had declared war on them, they would immediately start preparing to count Taiwan. And they knew that the Riau Islands were undefendable, and after they calculated the navy’s voyage. They found that their navy led the army to land on Kalimantan Island, so they would not be able to land in the room smoothly. Instead, it will be intercepted by the Taiwan Navy.

The Dutch know that when their navy is covering the army’s troop transport, that is the most dangerous time for the Dutch. Once intercepted by the Taiwan navy, not only will the navy lose everything. Even the army has to enter the sea to feed bastards. So the Dutch have already calculated all the time, and they will soon know what their plan is.

The Dutch are not stupid, they don’t think their iron-ribbed warships can withstand Taiwan’s steel warships, so they chose another way. That is to use the navy to pester Taiwan’s navy and then cover the army’s landing. After the army landed, the navy collectively surrendered, and Taiwan suffered a dumb loss.

Taiwan originally wanted to wipe out the Dutch navy and army at one time, but now it only wiped out the navy, but not the Dutch army. The Dutch navy is just some iron rib warships. There is no value at all. In the eyes of Taiwan, these iron-ribbed warships are simply a pile of garbage, and they actually used these iron-ribbed warships to attract the attention of the Taiwan Navy, so that the Taiwan Navy did not attack their army. Prevent the army from landing, so that the Dutch army will land naturally, and then they all surrender immediately to avoid unnecessary losses.

“If I had known that their army was not on those troop carriers, then I should have broken through those broken ships and attacked their landing craft! This has wiped out their army. If we come back and destroy their navy, then we have won this battle ” Li He said angrily.

And Li He saw the Dutch troop carrier. Subconsciously, he thought that the Dutch army should be on those troop carriers. He didn’t even think that these troop carriers were actually empty, and there was no Dutch army at all. And Li He subconsciously believed that as long as the Dutch navy was wiped out, those troop carriers could be slaughtered at will, so there was nothing to worry about. For the Dutch naval battle this time, their dealing with the Dutch navy was secondary, and their main goal was to deal with the Dutch army. As long as the Dutch army is wiped out, those navies will not be taken seriously. However, the cruiser detachment subconsciously believed that the Dutch navy was covering the army, so they had to destroy the navy first to destroy the army. This is also normal thinking, but in the end it was discovered that this mistake was outrageous. The Dutch were completely sacrificing their navy to cover the landing of the army. In this way, when the Taiwanese cruiser detachment was fighting the Dutch navy, the Dutch army had already completed the landing, and then quickly headed overland to East Wanlu.

“Yes, if we had known earlier, we wouldn’t have thought about annihilating the Dutch navy and army together, but now they have given up on the navy and chose the army as the last means of fighting us. This is really unexpected.” Chen Li Yan said.

And then everyone can easily deduce the plan of the Dutch, which is to sacrifice the navy to complete the army, and then let the army go from south to north of Kalimantan Island, and then attack all the way to Dongwanlu. At that time, with Taiwan’s 15,000 troops, it will face more than 100,000 Dutch troops. This will be an absolute disadvantage in terms of military strength. But the Dutch have enough numbers, and the Taiwanese army has enough firepower. At that time, the Marine Corps may not have the advantage in numbers. At that time, the firepower will be exactly the same as that of the Dutch, so neither side will be able to please. Therefore, the outcome of both sides is still unknown.

The Dutch know that their navy has no hope of defeating Taiwan’s navy, so they want to win a game against the army. In this way, the Dutch army has the advantage in numbers, while Taiwan has the advantage in firepower. In this way, the firepower of both sides is actually They are all about the same. In this way, the Dutch are tantamount to narrowing the gap between the two sides again, so that the Dutch can completely fight against Taiwan’s advance force Marine Division. Therefore, at that time, it might be possible to drive Taiwan’s troops into the sea.

“Okay, since this is the case this time, it’s good to learn the lesson. In the future, we must be careful. Although the Dutch have fallen, they are not without talent. After all, they have accumulated hundreds of years of background, and some Talent is nothing. So our situation is not that bad this time, since they are attacking from land, our marines are not vegetarians, our firepower is much stronger than theirs, and it is not certain who will win the battle!” Wang Guorui said.

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Guorui to get entangled in this aspect. After all, the matter had already happened, so what else could be done. So the best way is to get through this matter as soon as possible, and fight the Dutch as soon as possible. After all, there are more than 100,000 Dutch people. Although they are large in number, their firepower is not as fierce as their own. On the whole, although I have a small number of people, my firepower is fierce. In this way, it is really not certain who will win the battle. This is the reason why Wang Guorui has the guts to fight them, and this is the best way for now. Now that the navy is no longer able to participate in combat, the Haiju Marine Division still has to participate in combat. Only by defeating the Dutch can this place be truly occupied. And according to the situation, the Dutch have already dispatched troops from the country. If they come to join forces with the Dutch army in the colonies, there may be more than 300,000 Dutch troops. This is also very detrimental to I hope to defeat the Dutch army of more than 100,000 colonies as soon as possible, so that I can free up my hands to occupy more territories, and finally I can support the Dutch again. Troops fight.

“Let the marines rush to the south immediately, engage in a decisive battle with the Dutch army as soon as possible, and eliminate them as much as possible, so that we can let the follow-up troops come over to occupy a large number of territories as soon as possible! As long as we annihilate the hundreds of thousands of Dutch troops The army, then it will be much easier for us to take over the next two, and we can have time to wipe out those rebellious natives.”

Soon, Li Yuanhong led the marine division to the south of La Liga Mandan, hoping to find the more than 100,000 troops that intercepted and wiped out the Dutch. And this time the army in the rear has not yet arrived, and it is estimated that it will take another week for the first, second, fifth, and sixth divisions of the army to arrive, but the Dutch have already taken the initiative to attack, and they can only rely on the limited strength of the marines Annihilate the enemy, so as to prevent the enemy from taking the position captured by the Marine Division again. If the Marine Division is defeated, the so-called Nanyang Military Region can only retreat again and return to the Riau Islands to defend. At that time, once the Dutch occupy Lanfang again, they can manipulate the country of Lanfang at any time. At that time, I am afraid that Wang Guorui’s excuse to help Lanfang restore the country will disappear completely, and he will not be able to continue the war with Lanfang as an excuse. Then I am afraid that this war will lose its political excuse, which will be very detrimental to Taiwan’s politics. Therefore, Lanfang cannot be lost, and if you want to avoid the loss of Lanfang, you must defeat these Dutch troops that have already landed. (to be continued)

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