Red Alert 1895

Chapter 219

Chapter 219 – Coerce Natives

In the south of West Kalimantan, more than 100,000 Dutch troops are heading north, and then the commander of the Dutch East India Army, Adenauer, immediately began to issue orders. √∟,

“Immediately order those native leaders to come to see me!” Adenauer said.

Soon, the leaders of the indigenous tribes that the Dutch met along the way began to come to meet Adenauer, the commander of the Dutch East India Army. And they all know that Adenauer is the commander of the Dutch army, and the Dutch in the East Indies are like an overlord, and Adenauer is a giant, and even the Governor of the Dutch East Indies wants to give him face. And these natives of the colonized people didn’t dare to resist at all. Since Adenauer summoned them, they dared not not come. If you don’t come, then these more than 100,000 soldiers are not vegetarians!

“General, do you have anything we can do for you?” a native leader asked.

“How many people are in your tribe?” Adenauer asked.

“Our tribe is one of the few large tribes around here, with more than 10,000 people!” said the indigenous leader.

“Okay, hurry up and bring all the people from the tribe, and then fight the Taiwanese with us!” Adenauer said.

And the native leader was obviously a little shocked when he heard that Adenauer wanted to drag all his tribe’s population to fight. Isn’t this Dutchman too cruel? They have heard that the Chinese are calling, but they are not too scared psychologically. Because they saw that these Chinese are very cowardly and incompetent, they are not worried about what the Chinese can do to them. Anyway, the Chinese are all cowardly and incompetent, so they should not be afraid of them. Even if the Chinese come to rule, in their eyes, they must pay attention to these aboriginals, because they are the actual rulers here. And they all think that the Chinese are cowardly, and it might be better if the Chinese are allowed to rule. At that time, not only will they not be exploited by the Chinese, but they will be able to deprive the Chinese of many benefits.

This is not impossible, because the “benevolence and righteousness” of the Chinese has been heard all over the world and their ancestors. The Chinese will not plunder these aborigines, but will give them many things as gifts. Even if the Chinese are bullied, their motherland will not stand on the side of the Chinese. Instead, they will acquiesce that these natives bully the Chinese and don’t care about the Chinese. In ancient China, it was actually very common to favor foreign countries. If foreign countries committed crimes in China, as long as the crimes were not too great, they could be pardoned on the grounds that they were “ignorant” barbarians. Even foreigners who kill people in their own country can be given a light sentence. This is the so-called show of etiquette. And at that time, the common people were able to understand it, and this may be the kind of thinking that is the best in the world in ancient China. But in later generations, the common people would not allow foreigners to be given light sentences. This may mean that they have been bullied for more than a hundred years. So I became very sensitive.

And this kind of situation, in the eyes of many foreigners, especially overseas people, is simply a fool. At present, Taiwan has not carried out large-scale aboriginal aboriginals, and a small number of killings have not spread so far. Therefore, the natives in the distance think that instead of letting the greedy Western colonists like the Dutch become the overlord, it is better to let the Chinese fools come over! After all, not only will these idiots of the Chinese not abuse them, but they will also offer up their ancestors and feed them with their own blood and sweat, so of course they hope that the idiots of the Chinese will be the emperor.

By the time. If they don’t have enough, they ask the Chinese, and the idiots of the Chinese will definitely tighten their belts and save money to satisfy them. Then use it to show the grandeur of a big country. Then they killed the Chinese and robbed the wealth of the Chinese, and they didn’t have to be executed, instead of killing a Dutchman like now, they are often severely punished by the Dutch colonists. And in them, they just give some native products tribute every year, and then the Chinese will give them innumerable wealth worth several times or even dozens of times. Of course they will do this kind of business.

so. Many aborigines still like Chinese fools to rule here, and they are very dissatisfied with the Dutch. Although they dare not blatantly resist the Dutch now, they don’t want to help the Dutch fight the Chinese, after all, they know how powerful the Dutch are. But now the Dutch actually want their tribal population to follow the Dutch to attack the Chinese, and the tribal leader is unwilling to say anything. Because the population is their lifeblood. Don’t these tribal leaders survive on the sacrifices of their subordinates? But now they are actually asked to follow and beat the Chinese, isn’t that just letting them be cannon fodder? They will definitely not do it like cannon fodder. If their own tribe suffers too many casualties, the lost sea will be their own wealth!

“Don’t you know that if the Chinese come, they will retaliate against you? How did you treat the Chinese back then, wouldn’t they retaliate against you now?” Adenauer asked.

But the native leader said indifferently: “No, the Chinese are extremely cowardly, and they will not retaliate against us at all. If they dare to retaliate against us, then we will give them a good look! The Chinese are all weak and incompetent guys, what’s the good Scared?”

And Adenauer was immediately speechless, if Taiwan was a weak and incompetent guy, would they still declare war on the Netherlands? Since they dared to declare war on the Dutch, it all shows that they are completely different from the mainland. Taiwan and the mainland are completely two kinds of Chinese regimes. And they all know that Taiwan wants to expand and then colonize Nanyang. If Taiwan didn’t want to fight Nanyang to obtain land, and then relieve population pressure and resource problems, then how could they come to attack Nanyang? So now Taiwan is completely colonizing, which is no different from the Dutch.

But these natives are so stupid, they naively think that the Chinese are good people, and they cut their own flesh to feed them. And Adenauer has heard of this rumor in Indonesia, because it has been passed down from these indigenous ancestors, so these younger generations also think that the Chinese are still like this. If the Chinese still have this attitude after decades of aggression, then I am afraid that Adenauer will think that the Chinese can last for so many years? Taiwan’s thinking is not the same as that of the mainland at all. Taiwan is an out-and-out predator, and they will not be the same as in the past.

“Let me tell you, I won’t talk to you, are you going to hand over those tribes to me?” Adenauer asked.

Adenauer didn’t intend to settle it with a too good attitude. Anyway, since these natives were so shameless, he wouldn’t be polite. Anyway, these natives are also some untouchables, and it is their honor to force them to serve as cannon fodder for noble Dutch people like themselves.

“I won’t give it!” said the leader of the indigenous tribe.


Adenauer took out his pistol and shot at the leader of the indigenous tribe, and the leader of the indigenous tribe immediately burst into death.

“Hmph, immediately order me a regiment to pull out the population of their tribe, and then walk in the forefront and serve as cannon fodder for us!” Adenauer said.

Adenauer directly captured those natives as cannon fodder, which could prevent them, the noble Dutch, from reducing a lot of casualties. And then the Dutch needed a lot of cannon fodder, and then charged at the forefront for them, consuming the ammunition and energy of the Taiwanese army, and then the Dutch finally came to clean up the mess.

“Order, order the troops, go all the way to collect the population of those tribes, and then if they are willing to hand over the population of the tribe, it is considered cooperation, and there will be rewards in the future. If they are not willing to hand over the population of the tribe, then I will kill them all! Those tribes Leader, if you don’t cooperate with us, you will definitely be killed.” Adenauer said.

In the eyes of Dutch colonists like Adenauer, the lives of these natives have no value at all, so they don’t cherish them at all. Anyway, they can consume the bullets, shells and energy of the Taiwanese army, and that will have the best This is the mentality of the colonists, who don’t cherish the local aborigines at all, and treat them as Some exploited manpower is also used as consumables.

“Hmph, the number of these natives is too many, and it is necessary to reduce consumption. If I don’t have much reason to consume these natives at other times, but now that the Chinese are here, then we can also use them to consume them.” The ammunition, energy and physical strength of the Chinese, and the Chinese are used to consume the natives, so that we will not lose money!” Adenauer thought sinisterly.

Adenauer also had the idea of taking this opportunity to consume those natives, because there are too many natives in Indonesia, tens of millions, which is several times larger than the population of the Dutch. The Dutch actually had the same mentality as the Manchus. They only had more than 100,000 people in Indonesia, so their ruling foundation was very weak. And they are also worried that these natives will rebel together, and they will be unlucky at that time. The Manchu Qing was worried about the rebellion of the Han people, so they tried to reduce the population of the Han people, and often took the opportunity to consume the Han people. And this Dutchman also thinks the same way, using Taiwan’s attack on Nanyang this time, and then using Taiwan’s army to consume the indigenous population, this will also allow them to reduce their population.

Usually the Dutch dare not carry out massacres, but this time they use the hands of the Taiwan army to carry out massacres, and it is also possible. This is a real plan that kills two birds with one stone, and Adenauer admires himself very much now that he can think of such a good solution. (To be continued..) u

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