Red Alert 1895

Chapter 220

Chapter 220 – Undefeated Way

“Report–a large number of indigenous people are found coming to the north. There are more than 200,000 people! And there are more than 100,000 Dutch troops driving them away. There are so many people that we can’t count them. Mr. Li , What shall we do?” said a reconnaissance staff officer of a marine division.

Li Yuanhong broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this. He didn’t expect that these Dutch people would actually coerce the natives to fight, which was simply using the natives as cannon fodder. The Dutch didn’t underestimate the Taiwanese army. They had a total of 120,000 people and their overall firepower was no less than that of the Marine Division, and they arrested a large number of indigenous people as cannon fodder. This is obviously very smart. With his ass, Li Yuanhong could think that the commander of the Dutch army wanted to use a large number of natives as cannon fodder to consume the Marine Corps’ bullets, shells, and even physical energy. When everyone is exhausted from fighting for a long time, that is when the Dutch go out in person. At that time, the marine division may be in a very dangerous situation, so that they may also cause failure at that time.

“These foreign devils are really vicious!” Li Yuanhong scolded.

And then, a lieutenant colonel walked up to Li Yuanhong and said, “Mr. Li, we can’t go on. If we go on, I’m afraid we will all be defeated. Now the enemy has hundreds of thousands of people. Although they Most of the weapons are backward, even cannon fodder. But these cannon fodder are all individuals. They can consume our ammunition. At that time, I am afraid that if we continue to move forward, then we may be very disadvantaged. Once we continue to move forward , in a flat and open place. It is easy to be surrounded by the enemy by taking advantage of their numbers.”

“Song Yang, what do you think?” Li Yuanhong asked.

This Song Yang was one of Wang Guorui’s half-students at that time. He is now the deputy chief of staff of the Marine Division, and his rank has also been promoted to lieutenant colonel. And Li Yuanhong knew that Wang Guorui had taught him, and Song Yang also paid more attention to it. The others are also battalion-level major officers, and most of them have no actual positions. However, he has already obtained the rank of lieutenant colonel and is the deputy chief of staff who has obtained the actual position. So his status is still relatively high. Li Yuanhong must also pay attention to his opinion.

“Mr. Li, I found out that the terrain here is flat, and fighting on the plains is often beneficial to the side with more troops. In ancient times, it was said that ten would encircle it, and if we continue to move forward, it is easy for the enemy to use twenty times more troops on flat ground.” At that time, we may only be able to break through. Not only will we suffer heavy losses, but we will even be forced to retreat. Once we retreat, the Lanfang Republic will be controlled by the Dutch. At that time Our political reasons can easily disappear, and it is very unfavorable to us at that time. And our army will not be able to arrive until a week later, so we are the only marine division on Kalimantan Island in a short time. Therefore, we do not It is possible to get support, and it will be very disadvantageous once we are surrounded.” Song Yang said.

Li Yuanhong also began to hesitate a little, whether to move forward. If move on. I’m afraid they will be surrounded. And if you don’t move forward, you will probably face the enemy’s active attack, and at that time, it will also be the result of facing their encirclement. So this is very detrimental to them. So on the whole, Li Yuanhong couldn’t move forward, nor could he retreat. In case of retreating, the Dutch are pressing harder and harder, it will be very unfavorable to them. And the Marines can retreat, but where can they retreat? Once retreated too far. Abandoning the Lanfang Republic means that Taiwan’s Nanyang strategy has completely failed. By the time. Lanfang might not be able to develop Nanyang either. On the contrary, it will face huge population and resource pressure, which is also very dangerous.

“We can’t retreat. Once we retreat, we will be finished.” Li Yuanhong said.

“Unfortunately, the number of our artillery is much less than that of the army. They are mainly light mortars and grenades. For those heavy artillery, we only have a 75mm artillery battalion. The heavy firepower is not enough. !” Song Yang said helplessly.

Song Yang’s words also touched Li Yuanhong’s heart. Although the marine division is known as the elite in the army, they also have one of the most important problems, that is, they do not have as many heavy firepower as the infantry division of the army. Each division of the Army Infantry Division has an artillery regiment, while the Marine Division has only one artillery battalion. Because the Marine Division needs to move fast and attack quickly, and cannot carry too many heavy artillery to slow down the speed of action. However, as compensation for firepower, their fire support at the grassroots level is the best among all armies. They have six mortars in each company, and each platoon has a grenadier squad, which ensures their The grassroots firepower is sufficient. And the submachine guns are also the most in the Marine Corps. There are a thousand submachine guns in the Marine Corps. Almost every officer and non-commissioned officer can get a submachine gun for self-defense and cover on the battlefield. In the army, each division only has two hundred, which are usually used by special units belonging to the division, and even units that want to dispatch submachine guns have to be approved by the division commander himself.

This is not because Wang Guorui is stingy, but because the submachine gun consumes too much bullets. Of course, it wasn’t that Wang Guorui couldn’t produce bullets, but the main reason was that even if he had bullets, he couldn’t supply them. With the transportation capacity in the late Qing Dynasty, it was simply not enough to support the use of a large number of automatic weapons. So if this kind of automatic weapon is popularized on a large scale, but the transportation ability cannot keep up, it will be impossible to use at all. Therefore, the Marine Corps has a thousand submachine guns, which is the only one among all the troops. Therefore, the firepower of the Marine Division at the grassroots level is still good.

“How can we win? We don’t have heavy artillery, so we can’t achieve a good bombing effect. And our biggest advantage is the advantages of rifles and light artillery, but how to use these light artillery to achieve the best results? If we can It is not impossible to win by using these light artillery to the extreme. But the Dutch are not fools, they must limit the advantages of our light artillery, but how can we break through their limitations?” Li Yuanhong also thought to ask .

At present, the marine division has an advantage in light weapons, so Li Yuanhong soon thought of using this advantage to gain benefits, but Li Yuanhong didn’t know how to use this as an advantage. After all, if once surrounded by 360 degrees, I am afraid that how to attack is the idea of the Dutch, and it has nothing to do with them. At that time, I am afraid that too much ammunition will be consumed, and it will be useless. Moreover, with such a huge army, the Dutch also have cannons. If I take the initiative to defend according to the traditional method, I am afraid that the heavy artillery of the Dutch will be able to bombard very hard. At that time, my side will also suffer. .

“Mr. Li, if there is a way for us to win, then I don’t have it. But we can make the soldiers undefeated!” Song Yang said.

“Oh? What are you going to do?” Li Yuanhong asked.

If it can remain undefeated, then it is not impossible. As long as it lasts for a week, then Taiwan’s army will be able to reach Nanyang, so that as the army lands on Kalimantan Island, such an army with four divisions and 60,000 fierce firepower, I am afraid that the Dutch will have to eat it next. Big loss. So as long as we can persist until the army arrives and lands, the crisis of the Dutch will be solved by itself. At that time, we could settle the score with them, and let more than 100,000 Dutch people fail completely. After all, the more than 60,000 armed Taiwanese army is exempt from visas, and their more than 100,000 Dutch soldiers have no advantage in firepower. They either choose to be annihilated or surrender. So as long as you persist until a week later, the army will arrive.

Song Yang whispered in Li Yuanhong’s ear, and Li Yuanhong showed a look of amazement on his face, obviously feeling very amazed by Song Yang’s method.

“Sure enough, it’s really a good way. Although this method may not be able to truly defeat the Dutch, it will definitely not be a problem if we persist until our army arrives and lands! At that time, UU Reading The Dutch will be in trouble. ” Li Yuanhong said excitedly.

Song Yang also immediately said: “Although this method does not have much possibility of winning, but it is guaranteed to be undefeated, so there is no problem.”

Soon, the Marine Division began to retreat to the west, that is, the coast of Kalimantan Island. They didn’t go directly to fight against the more than 100,000 Dutch troops and the more than 200,000 native cannon fodder, because they knew that it would be a big loss to directly face those hundreds of thousands of cannon fodder.

“What do those Chinese want?” Adenauer wondered.

Adenauer didn’t know what the squadron was doing to retreat to the coast. He had some guesses whether these Taiwanese soldiers wanted to go to the coast, and then let the warships greet them and leave? If the squadron leaves, then their mission this time will be considered over, and the Dutch will be able to defend Nanyang.

“Don’t care about them, if they don’t leave, then we will force them away!” Adenauer said.

“Commander Adenauer ordered, continue to move forward, chase the squadron and drive the squadron into the sea!” The Dutch messenger shouted. (to be continued)

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