Red Alert 1895

Chapter 232

Chapter 232 – 11 Smash (Part 2)

When some orderlies, under the protection of the guards, brought those small boxes to the aborigines, let the aborigines draw lots. And many aborigines didn’t want to draw lots, but were shot dead on the spot, and then another aborigine was captured from another place and came back to continue to add numbers. In short, 8,600 aborigines must be selected by lottery, and then executed by shooting. And this result is either certain death, or a 90% possibility of survival, so this must be decided. So as long as they are not fools, they will choose the 90% hope of survival.

“Oh, long live!” A man who had drawn a yellow wooden stick was very excited, obviously saving his life.

And then, many people who got the yellow wooden stick felt very lucky, because they were all able to survive.

“No, no, I want to draw lots again, draw lots again!” a native exclaimed.

But the black bamboo stick that he didn’t hold firmly in his hand also said everything, he was the one who was going to be taken to be shot.

“Take it down!”

And this guy was immediately put down and guarded. Of course, some people would resist, but they were quickly shot dead on the spot. However, these people who were killed were not included in the number. They would all have to choose one of his relatives and friends to come out to fight. And those who got the live lottery also pointed out the family members of the aborigines very happily, and were then pulled to replenish the position of the death penalty.

Next, the 8,600 natives were also drawn out, and then they were brought together to an open space, and in front of them were a large number of cold weapons such as swords, swords, and sticks.

“Take it!”

The Taiwanese army immediately forced the aborigines who were about to be executed to pick up a cold weapon, and then let them have a cold weapon in their hands. And those natives didn’t know why they had to let themselves pick up cold weapons. Then they were all forced to take up cold weapons, and then they were forced to the other side, ready to line up.

“Okay, now they are not unarmed people! They are all troops now, and they are all rebelling against us. With weapons in their hands, they are ready to rebel against us!” Li Xiaodong said with a wicked smile.


The smoke from a camera rose, and then the photo was frozen in one palm. And this photo shows those aborigines holding cold weapons, which means that these aborigines are not innocent people, but also a group of brutal opponents holding this cold weapon and preparing to resist and kill their own army. And the Taiwanese army will inevitably have to fight back for “self-defense”. Are they allowed to kill?

“Hey, this is for us not to bear the eternal infamy in the future. So we can only do this!” Ya Dian said helplessly.

Li Xiaodong also said: “In the future, in order to prevent us from being criticized and insulted by future generations, and from those who don’t understand us, we have to worry about those foreign devils using this kind of thing to talk about things, so we can only do this!”

Wang Guorui for these foreign devils. It must be very careful. You must know that many foreign devils in later generations also use the so-called “human rights” to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries, and then use human rights as a reason to take precedence over sovereignty, and then go to war. Now Taiwan’s strength is not strong enough, although there is going to be a killing, it is inevitable to keep a hand. So they will also leave evidence to explain how “helpless” and innocent they were at that time. In this way, the foreign devils have no reason to use this as an excuse to intervene in this matter.

“Hahahaha. We are all a bunch of hypocrites!” Li Xiaodong laughed at himself.


A soldier fired a shot and killed a native with a cold weapon. While the other natives watched this scene, they were all shocked in their hearts. They know that now the Chinese are going to start shooting.

“We have weapons in our hands, let’s fight them!” A native shouted.

And the other natives also began to despair, because they knew that they were going to die soon, so they might as well try their best. After all, there is still a glimmer of hope of survival in desperate efforts, and with cold weapons in their hands, it is inevitable to resist. If they don’t have weapons. That would not inspire them to resist. And with cold weapons in their hands, it can be regarded as arousing the sense of resistance in their hearts. This made them want to fight against their mortal fate. Therefore, they began to attack the Taiwan army with various cold weapons. I want to fight desperately with the Taiwan army.

Ya Dian looked at this scene and said, “The aborigines are so cooperative with us, so our play will be more realistic!”

Ya Dian didn’t take the resistance of the natives seriously, because these natives were armed with cold weapons, which were nothing compared to the dozens of machine guns in front of them. As long as these machine guns fire together, the natives will surely die. Although these aborigines are a group of “sorrows” in ancient terms, this era is no longer the era of relying on mourners to win. This era is all about the era of fire machinery industry. It is impossible to completely defeat the enemy. Even if it was the revolutionary army of later generations, although their weapons were backward, they chose guerrilla warfare, which reduced the Japanese army’s weapon advantage to the extreme. So if you fight head-on, even the revolutionary army will definitely not be the opponent of the Japanese army. After all, the difference in weapons affects the factors of war that are getting higher and higher.

“Submachine gun ready!”

“Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka…”

There were puffs of chemical smoke and flashing lights. These were photos of the indigenous people charging the Taiwanese army. At that time, there will be photos of these aborigines charging at the Taiwan army, which can explain why the Taiwan army would shoot in the past. Anyway, this kind of thing is also used to fool Chinese people and foreign devils. This is just an excuse, which is meaningless. But for these natives, they are also hard to escape the fate of death.

“The enemy is already 100 meters away, open fire!”

“Da da da da…”

More than a hundred submachine guns began to fire alternately, and then the indigenous people with cold weapons were killed and slaughtered on their way to charge, so that they were all “heroes”, heroes of the Indonesian natives, and they were fighting against the Chinese hero. But do these make sense? Although they are all heroes, they are all rebels in Taiwan’s military, and they should all be killed

When the more than 8,000 aborigines were all shot to the ground by the submachine gun, the submachine gun also stopped firing. And then, of course, there are still many indigenous people who did not die.

“Help me! Save me! Save me!” Many indigenous people who were injured but did not die immediately also cried out.

“Master, do you want to save them?” Someone asked.

“We don’t have all the medicines, how could it be possible for those two enemies who saved us?” Ya Dian said.

“Well, I understand. We have suffered heavy casualties in recent battles, so we don’t have enough medicines to save people!” The staff officer immediately replied.

On the other hand, many soldiers immediately surrounded these wounded natives and prevented anyone from coming to help them. Anyway, the Taiwanese army will not kill those injured natives. After all, Taiwan is “benevolent” and will not kill wounded soldiers. However, because Taiwan does not have enough medicinal materials, there is no need to rescue them. Of course, Taiwan also listed this place as a military restricted zone, prohibiting anyone from passing through, so soldiers were sent to protect and guard it. As for the wounded indigenous soldiers who “trespassed” in the military restricted zone, they could only be temporarily detained. As for whether they would die from serious injuries, that was their own business.

“Reporting to Mr. Wang, we have wiped out 8,600 indigenous armed forces. They charged with cold weapons. In order to avoid casualties of our own soldiers, we were forced to shoot the enemy after a long period of persuasion. And because we have no medicine, so It is impossible to treat those wounded captives. This is because of our incompetence, which caused all the wounded captives to be injured and died. Therefore, because Li Xiaodong and I were unable to heal the wounded captives of the enemy in time, the image of our Taiwan army was seriously damaged. Adult punishment!”

This letter was sent back to the headquarters of the Nanyang Military Region of Dongwanlu, and then Wang Guorui personally gave instructions.

“Well, in view of Ya Dian and Li Xiaodong’s failure to treat wounded soldiers in time, it has caused great damage to the reputation of our Taiwan so we must be punished. Ya Dian and Li Xiaodong will be dismissed and retained, pending punishment Punishment for meritorious service. I hope you can continue to perform meritorious service in your position and atone for your crime with meritorious service!”

Wang Guorui’s instructions were all completed, and they were soon sent to the front line. As for being next to Wang Guorui, the woman Tanya watched Wang Guorui behave like this.

“Hmph, they really deserve to be the soldiers you brought out, they are all hypocrites!” Tan Ya snorted.

Tanya is right, the actions of Wang Guorui and Ya Dian Li Xiaodong are also out-and-out hypocrites. Obviously I have already done it, but I have to do everything possible to find reasons for myself. Hey, I am looking for all kinds of reasons and excuses. Anyway, it is so that those foreign devils have no reason to use this as an excuse to find Taiwan’s bad luck. As for the people in the country, they don’t know what their troops have done abroad. Anyway, in the hearts of the people, these troops are all honorable soldiers, not butchers who kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Just when Wang Guorui wanted to rest, a staff officer of the navy came to report.

“Report, Li and the captain of the cruiser detachment ordered me to come and report something to Mr. Wang. The Dutch army and the British mediator have come together!” said the navy staff officer. (to be continued)

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