Red Alert 1895

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 – Pull The Tiger’S Skin As A Banner

Strait of Malacca, a huge fleet came to the Strait of Malacca. The Strait of Malacca is also the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, which belongs to the Netherlands, and the strait in the middle of the Malay Peninsula. This Strait of Malacca is almost the only way for trade between the East and the West. Eastern transportation has enabled Japan, a country that is extremely short of oil resources, to maintain its status as the world’s top economic power. The Strait of Malacca is currently the only way for the world’s most profitable trade between the East and the West. If anyone can control the Strait of Malacca in this era, it will definitely almost control the world.

Wang Guorui is also very jealous of the Strait of Malacca. But he knows that the Strait of Malacca is not something that he can covet. If he dares to occupy the Strait of Malacca, I am afraid that the local powers all over the world will unite to deal with him. Even if China becomes strong enough in the future, Wang Guorui will not dare to completely control it. After all, this is a powder keg between the East and the West. If he dares to move the Strait of Malacca, he will probably offend the entire Western world. Wang Guorui still can’t afford it!

“Mr. Henry, I am asking you British people to help us decide this time. The Chinese are too unreasonable this time. It is really unreasonable for them to invade our Dutch colony. So I ask Mr. Henry to help us decide. We, the Netherlands, uphold justice. Also, for the 200,000 troops behind me, I also ask your British ships to help cover it, and then send it to Kalimantan Island.” Bruce, the army commander sent by the Netherlands, said.

And the British Henry immediately said: “Okay, I will definitely not let the Chinese succeed easily. If they want to extend their hands into Nanyang, it depends on whether our British Empire agrees!”

“Please!” Bruce said.

And about fifty kilometers away. Li He led the cruiser detachment to sail towards the Strait of Malacca, and then Li He immediately snorted coldly: “I really treat us like nothing, a group of ordinary troop carriers, just casually bring a few ordinary small gunboats and want to pass through Malacca Strait. I don’t even look at who owns the Java Sea now, and I want to send troops over here. Then first ask our cruiser detachment if it agrees.”

Li He’s lookouts had already seen a large number of troop carriers of the Dutch Navy about tens of kilometers away, and those troop carriers did not bring battleships or cruisers to cover them, but directly brought some small gunboats as protective ships. And if you want to pass through the Strait of Malacca so boldly, this really doesn’t put Taiwan’s fleet in your eyes. So Li He naturally wanted to take the opportunity to wipe out the Dutch army. If he could wipe out the 200,000 Dutch army at once, that would be a great achievement! The last time I tried to annihilate the 120,000 Dutch Army was unsuccessful. But now that the Dutch have come with a troop carrier of 200,000 troops, it is necessary to send them to the sea to feed the **** as much as possible.

“Go ahead!” Li He shouted.

Soon, the two sides began to face each other, and then Li He’s cruiser guns were quickly aimed at the distance, and then the Dutch also spotted the Chinese warship. But what is strange is that they were not afraid, and rushed directly in front of the cruiser.

“Aim, give me…” Li Hegang wanted to order the launch.

“Captain Li, wait a minute!” said a bridge staff officer.

“What’s going on?” Li He asked.

The bridge staff immediately said: “Captain Li, you can’t fight!”

“What? Can’t fight? What are you kidding?” Li He asked.

“Captain Li, go and see for yourself!” said the bridge staff officer.

Li He used binoculars to cut down the Dutch troop fleet in the distance, although there were no large warships as protection. But there were more than 20 small gunboats around them. This kind of small gunboat with a displacement of several hundred tons, Li He was sure that even the secondary guns on his cruiser could shoot one at a time. This kind of small gunboat is not a problem for Li He to the cruiser detachment. But what Li He was afraid of was not this, but the national flags flying on those small gunboats.

Those small gunboats are hung with the British flag, which means that these small gunboats are British warships. However, Taiwan and the British did not declare war. If Li He wanted to attack the Dutch troop carrier, he would inevitably attack the British small gunboat. But if the British gunboat is hit, I’m afraid it will be really troublesome. Although these twenty small gunboats only have a displacement of more than 7,000 tons. Even these small gunboats are not strong in combat effectiveness and cannot be used for regular combat at all. At most, it is the existence of inland river escort.

But as the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Although these small gunboats are weak, they are not worth mentioning. But when he hung the old British flag, the meaning was different. If Taiwan dared to sink these British gunboats, it would be tantamount to war against Britain. At that time, I am afraid that the Dutch will just laugh from ear to ear, and even the British will take the initiative to collude with many European countries to attack Taiwan. At that time, it may not be the “Eight-Nation Allied Forces”, I am afraid that the Eighty-Nation Allied Forces will also come out.

Wang Guorui is deeply aware of the British’s fear of him. If there is a suitable time and the right time and place, the British will never let go of the idea of gathering a large number of countries to destroy Taiwan. The reason why the British didn’t take the initiative to gather countries is because European countries have their own conflicts, and then they get involved with each other so that the British can’t do it. In addition, even if the United Kingdom destroyed Taiwan, the price of the army’s life would definitely not be less than 100,000. As long as the British did not faint, they would never take the initiative to pay more than 100,000 for a “little” Taiwan. fatal. Even if the British government wants to fight, the spokespersons of the capitalists in the parliament will not agree. Paying a huge price but only being able to obtain a Taiwan with few resources, the British capitalists have no brains!

But once Wang Guorui sank the British gunboat, the meaning would be different. At that time, the British will think that they have been greatly insulted, and they will definitely take the opportunity to declare war on Taiwan! At that time, Britain had reason to get the parliament to agree to declare war on Taiwan, and then gather the country to destroy Taiwan. At that time, Taiwan will really face a very huge crisis.

“Order the cruiser to come forward and confront them. But without my permission, you can’t fire!” Li He said.

The cruiser detachment passed by immediately, and then aimed their guns at the troop carriers, and the British gunboats also aimed their guns at the Taiwanese warships. The Taiwan Navy is not afraid enough, because these small gunboat shells can’t threaten themselves at all.

“I am a mediator sent by the British Empire government. My name is Henry. I am responsible for mediating the war between Taiwan and the Netherlands. I hope that peace is the most important thing for both sides, and then we can discuss it together!” Henry said.

But Li He didn’t speak, just looked at these gunboats, and said, “What’s the matter with these gunboats?”

“Hehe, in order to mediate everyone’s fight, we must dispatch some warships to separate the two sides, and then we can continue talking after everyone has landed on Kalimantan Island!” Henry said.

As for Li He Shen, he could only send relevant news to Dongwanlu via wireless telegram.

“Mr. Henry, the Chinese don’t know how to shoot?” Dutch general Bruce asked.

“Hehe, if they dare to shoot at our warships, wouldn’t that be in line with your ideas in the Netherlands? If they dare to shoot at our warships, it would be a declaration of war on our British Empire. That’s what I hope for this time!” Henry said with a smile .

While in Dongwanlu, Wang Guorui looked at the telegram, and immediately slapped the table angrily: “These british guys are trying to pull the strings!”

When the people present saw the telegram, they also said: “The British are really shameless!”

The meaning of the British is obvious, that is, to use their own British ships to cover the landing of the 200,000 Dutch army. After the Dutch army landed, the Dutch had a total of 320,000 troops on Kalimantan Island. This is enough in terms of numbers, and the overall strength is not necessarily lower than Taiwan’s more than 70,000 troops. strength of the fighting force.

“Li He asked us, do we agree to shoot down those British gunboats?” asked the communications staff officer.

“You can’t fight! This is a conspiracy by the British!” Liu Xue said immediately: “If we fight, the British will have a reason to declare war on us. At that time, we will probably It faces siege from many countries.”

When Wang Guorui heard this, he immediately realized that this was a conspiracy by the British government. Although the causal government also has the idea of declaring war on Taiwan, because once Taiwan unifies the mainland in the future, it will be a huge threat. However, it was difficult to pass the parliament. After all, such a big matter as a declaration of war had to pass the parliament.

This situation is somewhat similar to the United States during World War II. Obviously the president and the government wanted to go to war with Japan, but domestic isolationism prevailed, so they could not pass the parliament. As a result, it was later said that the United States deliberately let Japan attack Pearl Harbor, and immediately took the opportunity to declare war. But the current situation is so similar. The British government wants to go to war with Taiwan, but it cannot pass the parliament. Therefore, the British deliberately used some small gunboats as bait. If Taiwan dared to sink it, then the British government had every reason to persuade the Parliament to declare war on Taiwan.

“Damn it, sooner or later I have to settle the score with the British!” Wang Guorui said.

Now Taiwan’s strength is not enough to be able to start a fight with the British, so it can only recognize the British’s bias. Next, the war still has to test the strength of the army. (to be continued)

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