Red Alert 1895

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 – Pig Teammates (On)

“Governor Wang, hello, I am the envoy of the British Empire to mediate the war between Taiwan and the Netherlands. My name is Henry. △, this is the diplomat sent by the Netherlands to negotiate. His name is Frings. Because we all It’s in Europe, so the journey here was relatively smooth, so we came here together.”

This Henry speaks very well. He didn’t mention that the British Empire and the Kingdom of the Netherlands wear a pair of pants, but they hinted to Wang Guorui that they are both in Europe, so they belong to European countries and are of the same kind. people. Wang Guorui, on the other hand, belongs to an Asian country, and is not of the same way as a European country. And Henry’s meaning is very obvious, that is, to imply that Wang Guorui and the UK are on the side of the Dutch this time, so that Taiwan can think clearly whether it wants to be an enemy of the British Empire.

“Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi, you really deserve to be a diplomat of a big country. There are so many meanings in a sentence. And there are words in this Chinese language, but he is very proficient in it, which is no less than the level of many Chinese people.” Wang Guo Ray thought.

The Dutch diplomat Frings immediately shouted: “You Chinese, quit Kalimantan immediately, or we Dutch will be rude to you!”

However, Wang Guorui calmly said to Frings: “Mr. Frings, you came here from Europe in a hurry, you should go take a shower and change clothes before we talk about it!”

Hearing Wang Guorui’s words, Frings blushed as red as a monkey’s butt, obviously extremely ashamed and angry. Because he himself peed his pants, and now Wang Guorui knows about it. If I wet my pants outside, I am afraid it will become the laughing stock of the Dutch, and it will even spread throughout Europe, and my family will be ashamed. Although this was done by Wang Guorui with his power, whether it is in the East or the West, diplomats are under power. That is also a normal situation, so getting off the horse is not an excuse to pee your pants. So if this matter spreads to Europe, then Frings may really be ashamed.

“I’ll take a shower and change clothes first!” Frings said.

Frings quickly changed under the leadership of Wang Guorui’s orderly, took a shower and changed his clothes, and then came to Wang Guorui again like a dog, and then sat down on Wang Guorui with a very serious face. around.

“Our great Kingdom of the Netherlands warns you that you Taiwan must withdraw from Indonesia, our Dutch colony. Otherwise, we, the Netherlands, will punish you with the most severe punishment! At that time, let alone you are driven out of Indonesia, even you Taiwan will have to Attacked by our great Dutch army, and then bring you to justice and send you to our Kingdom of the Netherlands for trial! At that time, you will definitely be sent to the gallows to be hanged. And…”

This Frings began to chatter about how to “dispose” of Wang Guorui, how to sentence Wang Guorui, and even began to explain to Wang Guorui what they would do after Wang Guorui died, and how to deal with the Taiwanese. How to retaliate against the Taiwanese. Then there were bursts of chatter, trying to show off the strength of the Dutch.

“Yawn, have you finished? I’m sleepy!” Wang Guorui said.

“What? Are you not listening? You are despising me, and I am a diplomat of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. You are despising our Kingdom of the Netherlands. You will regret it!” Frings shouted.

Wang Guorui finally couldn’t bear it anymore, and immediately asked Henry: “Are all Dutch people at this level?”

The Englishman Henry was also ashamed and angry. He really wanted to kick this Dutch idiot out. It is really miserable to have such a person as a teammate. But thinking that it is still impossible to leave the Dutch. After all, the British came to mediate in name this time, not to fight. Since it is mediation, it is supposed to be impartial and neutral in name, so it is not easy for the British to kick this Dutch idiot out, they have to let him stay here. If the Dutch are directly driven away, it is not mediation. It was the British who betrayed the interests of the Dutch.

But Henry also scolded Holland, why did he send such an idiot to cooperate with him, and his words were so unreliable. He actually talked about how to deal with Wang Guorui and Taiwan after he captured Wang Guorui in the future, and then seemed to hope to use these things to warn Wang Guorui. It seemed that Wang Guorui was already meat on their chopping board and could be slaughtered at will. But do these make sense? They didn’t capture Wang Guorui at all, let alone attack Taiwan. With their strength, let alone attacking Taiwan, the possibility of capturing Wang Guorui is very low.

But the British are very pessimistic about the Dutch. If the Dutch are strong enough, the British will not come to “mediate” and let the Dutch drive the Taiwanese away. But now the Dutch are not strong enough, so the British are allowed to mediate. But now this Dutch diplomat Frings is so stupid, he said so much nonsense without a single word. He said so much in front of Wang Guorui how to deal with Wang Guorui, how to deal with Wang Guorui when the time comes, and then what to do with Taiwan. But these are not interesting at all. Let alone whether they can be done or not, they have nothing to do with him as a diplomat. But this idiot who is a diplomat is talking so many useless things here, how did this guy become a diplomat.

“The Netherlands is really in decline. It has fallen into such a situation of cronyism. Even the upper class can’t select a few talents. This guy is definitely relying on the shadow of his father’s shadow, but such an important matter is actually so important. An idiot was sent, this time the Netherlands is really in danger.” Henry thought to himself.

And Henry also thinks that this mission is not very fast. His opponent is Wang Guorui from Taiwan, who is powerful and seems to be the overlord of East Asia. However, the strength of the British in East Asia is not enough to contain Wang Guorui, so political means are very important at this time. But there is a military strongman in front of him, and a pig-like teammate behind him, so Henry feels that this mission is very difficult for him. After all, foreigners also know that the combat power of a pig-like opponent against their side is not addition, but division!

“Mr. Frings, I want to tell you that Taiwan is here to help our Lanfang Republic recover. They are our vassal states. According to international practice, they are also our protectorates. You should know what a protectorate is. , the British also have many protectorates, right? The strategy of protectorate has been in China for many years, and our organization for the customary protectorate is called Daduhufu, and I have just been appointed as Nanyang Daduhufu Great Protector, so I have an obligation to help our protectorate to uphold justice. The Dutch destroyed our protectorate Lanfang Republic, so we have an obligation to help the Lanfang Republic restore the country.”

“Fart, the so-called Lanfang Republic has long since perished!” Frings shouted.

And Wang Guorui also immediately retorted: “What fart? We also obtained some documents from the Lanfang Republic, which were written in both Dutch and Chinese, which shows that the Lanfang Republic still existed until a few years ago! But your chargé d’affaires in China actually said that Lanfang had perished, so we could only send troops to check it out. Later, we found out that you Dutch invaded the land of our Lanfang Republic, so we naturally want to help Lanfang restore the country! “

And Frings also yelled at the guys in the Indonesian Governor’s Mansion. These guys are really stupid, and they even left a tail at that time. That is to say, Lanfang has not been publicly destroyed. If Lanfang was actually destroyed more than ten years ago, the Lanfang Republic would also be publicly destroyed. This is an excuse to intervene in Nanyang affairs. But at that time, the Dutch were worried about the “big country” of the Qing Dynasty, so they were not able to actively and publicly perish for a while, and then they still ruled in the name of the Lanfang Republic. However, when Wang Guorui wanted to intervene in Lanfang, the Netherlands was forced to disclose the result of Lanfang’s Originally they thought that doing so would make Wang Guorui give up, but Wang Guorui had already made preparations. War on the Netherlands was immediately declared on the spot.

Once the war started, Wang Guorui immediately landed on Kalimantan Island, and caught the Dutch by surprise. And if they knew that Taiwan was coming to attack, they could have the country come to support them as soon as possible, or they could mobilize all their troops to the Riau Islands before Wang Guorui landed on Kalimantan Island. As long as they hold the Riau Islands, then Taiwan’s army will not be able to further attack. You must know that if the Dutch occupy the Riau Islands, it is equivalent to inserting a nail in the battlefield. At that time, even if Taiwan can occupy Nanyang, it will have to be careful of this nail in the rear.

However, Taiwan’s declaration of war was too sudden, and the Riau Islands were lost just after the declaration of war, thus missing the best opportunity to contain Taiwan’s plan. So Frings also scolded those Indonesian colonial governors in his heart, why didn’t he declare Lanfang’s demise as soon as possible, so that Wang Guorui couldn’t find a reason at all. If Wang Guorui can’t find a reason, it’s probably impossible to reach out to Nanyang.

However, this Frings still overlooked something, that is, there is no excuse for the crime, as long as Wang Guorui wants to open up Nanyang, even if there is no excuse for Lanfang, he can find a suitable reason. But Frings, a diplomat, didn’t understand this, and he still blamed the people in the Governor’s Mansion, which is also putting the cart before the horse. (To be continued..) u

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