Red Alert 1895

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 – Pig Teammates (Below)

“Governor Wang, I think that since the Lanfang Republic invited you to Nanyang, can you let us meet the chairman of the interim government of the Lanfang Republic, and then discuss how the Lanfang Republic can establish its own country independently and freely in the future? Things? At that time, our British Empire will recognize Lanfang, and we have already recognized the Lanfang Republic in the previous power-on. So I think that the Lanfang Republic should be able to establish an independent country, but it needs other countries to protect it. Can you let Shall I go to meet the officials of the Lanfang Republic?” Henry said.

Henry’s idea is very simple, so he also wants to meet Liu Enguan, the so-called interim government chairman of the Lanfang Republic, so that he can get on line with him. At that time, the United Kingdom chose to incite Liu Enguan and Wang Guorui to rebel, which could achieve the purpose of weakening Taiwan’s political justice. Although Lanfang seems to need Taiwan’s protection in everything, it cannot do without Taiwan’s protection, and even their government may be a puppet government. But anyone who becomes an official does not want to be in power, and if he becomes the leader of a country, he is even more unwilling to be a puppet.

So Henry just hoped to incite that Liu Enguan to oppose Wang Guorui, which might have a miraculous effect. Although Liu Enguan has no military strength and cannot contain Wang Guorui in terms of military power, he is a target of justice. With it, Wang Guorui can be regarded as just. If there is no Lanfang, then Wang Guorui is afraid that the justice of this war will be greatly reduced. At that time, once Lanfang rebels, the so-called Lanfang Republic publicly declares that Taiwan is an aggressor, and Wang Guorui is really not a human being. At that time, Wang Guorui will either take the initiative to retreat and make compensation, or he will face the collective criticism of Western countries. even. If Wang Guorui can’t handle it well, it will give the British a reason, and I am afraid that the British will gather coalition forces from various countries to attack Taiwan.

And everything is rooted in Lanfang, as long as Lanfang can take the initiative to turn against Taiwan and say that Taiwan is an aggressor. That’s half the deal. Henry’s calculations are very good. He thinks those officials in Lanfang will agree. After all, the British Empire is the most powerful empire on earth. In this era, if the British Empire can support whoever seizes power, the success rate is still very high. . And if Liu Enguan is smart enough, he should choose to cooperate with Britain.

But Henry knew. This Lan Fang was just an excuse to stop Wang Guorui, once they were used, it would be useless. At that time, it was possible to kick them and let the Dutch destroy them.

When Wang Guorui heard this, of course he knew the purpose of the British. So I just wanted to say no, but the “pig teammate” Dutch diplomat Frings also took the initiative to speak.

“Mr. Henry, we in the Netherlands will never recognize the so-called Lanfang Republic. Lanfang Republic is an illegal country. The establishment of Lanfang Republic is illegal. In this world, only China recognizes it, and it has not been recognized by us in the western world. Therefore, it is illegal. Therefore, Lanfang is not a legal country.” Frings said angrily.

And Henry couldn’t help covering his face. Obviously, he is completely speechless about his “pig teammate”. Can this birdman learn history? When Lanfang established the country, it was more than a hundred years ago. At that time, there was no formal large-scale communication between the East and the West. And at that time, the industrial revolution in the West had just begun, and not many people could travel long distances to the East. The exchanges between governments are far inferior to the development of the private economy, so the establishment of a country in the East in that era did not need to be recognized by the West. This is also recognized by Western countries, and Western countries also directly recognize the establishment of Eastern countries. After all, the Western world could not influence the East at that time.

so. This Frings denies Lan Fang’s legal rights on the grounds that the so-called Western world has not recognized it. This is simply absurd. This is like a person making mistakes before the age of eighteen. Then wait until he is 18 years old to try again according to the law after 18 years old. You must know that crimes before adulthood can be mitigated, and the punishment is based on the age at the time of the crime. The time of arrest will not be used as the basis for punishment.

Therefore, the establishment of countries established in the East more than a hundred years ago does not need to be recognized by the West, and the West will directly recognize it. But what Frings means is that more than a hundred years ago, the establishment of Lanfang’s country had to be recognized by the Western world, but at that time, where could the Western world recognize it.

According to this theory, didn’t each of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in China need the recognition of the Western world to be able to establish a country? Isn’t this nonsense! So Henry was almost stunned by this Frings. He didn’t understand some international rules, and he didn’t even understand the history clearly, so he copied it mechanically. This was so bad that Henry, a British diplomat, almost vomited blood.

“Mr. Frings, the British Empire believes that the Lanfang Republic should break away from China’s protection and then establish a country independently. And they came to Kalimantan Island first, so they should be an independent country. They should be freed from China’s protection, and then they can discuss their own fate with the Netherlands through them, and then agree on the status of both parties!” Henry said.

But Frings was still furious: “We will never recognize this Lanfang Republic, our Kingdom of the Netherlands will not recognize it, let alone discuss the status of both parties with Lanfang! If so, we would rather go to war. Destroy these rebels!”

Henry took a deep breath, he looked at Frings viciously, and then suddenly wanted to slap him. Frings, this extremely stupid guy, can’t he see that now Lanfang is also under the control of Taiwan, and the so-called Lanfang Republic is just a “leather bag” republic? If there is no Taiwan, then they are nothing.

If Taiwan can be forced away, then this so-called Lanfang Republic will be vulnerable. The goal of the British is to drive away the Taiwan forces represented by Wang Guorui, and then the Lanfang Republic is not allowed to be pinched by the Dutch like dough! However, all of this is based on the concept that Lanfang is a sovereign country. If Lanfang was Taiwan’s protectorate, then Taiwan would probably have a reason not to leave. But if Lanfang is a sovereign country, then Taiwan has no reason to station troops here. Once the British give up Lanfang at that time, isn’t it just letting the Dutch take care of it?

This is a method of solving the problem without a single soldier, and it is a method that does not involve bloodshed. But the Dutch are so stupid that they can’t even use a political trick. As long as they temporarily recognize Lanfang, with the help of Britain and the Netherlands, they will establish a seemingly decent sovereign country, and Taiwan will naturally be forced to leave. At that time, it was easy to “merge” Lanfang and the Netherlands again. Isn’t it a smooth annexation to become one? But the Dutch didn’t even make a nominal compromise for the time being, instead they would be so stubborn.

And Frings said that through war, but the British are not optimistic that their Dutch can defeat Taiwan. Since there is a bloodless method, why not use it? But this Frings is really stupid, so stupid that he is so stupid that he stubbornly opposes such things. There is no tacit understanding in cooperating with Henry so much, but they often come to take the initiative to disrupt the stage, which makes Henry very angry.


Henry cursed, and then left the scene immediately. He couldn’t stand this pig teammate anymore. If he stayed here, his IQ would be lowered by this guy. This guy is too irritating, and his IQ is so low, it is really a miracle in the diplomatic world. Henry has given up cooperating with him, and then Henry plans to use his own method to solve the Taiwan issue. Henry would rather face Wang Guorui, a “god opponent” with a powerful army, than keep a “pig teammate” by his side to hold him back. Keeping him can only lower his IQ, and then destroy the situation he finally formed, so Henry doesn’t expect to be able to cooperate with him, and even hide as far as he can!

Wang Guorui looked at this Frings and laughed heartily. This Frings is really a “Friend of Taiwan”! Originally, Henry had his own plan and it was the plan that threatened Taiwan the most. What Taiwan currently lacks the most is not a military force, but an unstable political foundation. In fact, Taiwan’s political foundation is somewhat unstable in this war, and everything is an excuse to attack Nanyang under the pretext of Lanfang. But once there is no excuse for Lan Fang, then they will not be able to stand politically, and I am afraid that they will withdraw their troops.

The military is always a continuation of politics, so if Taiwan cannot get a reasonable excuse politically, it will become inevitable to withdraw its troops. So Henry’s plan was not wrong, but this Frings didn’t cooperate, which made Henry sit on wax instead. If Frings can take the initiative to cooperate with the United Kingdom, “recognize” Lanfang as a sovereign country, and then put pressure on Taiwan together, then although Taiwan may not immediately withdraw its troops, the political pressure will suddenly increase. At that time, if several countries are gathered together again, the political pressure Taiwan will face will be unprecedented.

But the Dutchman was stubbornly uncooperative and unwilling to “recognize” Lanfang as a sovereign country, which in turn made it impossible for the British to gather other countries to come over. After all, Indonesia is a colony of the Dutch. If the Dutch don’t say this, then the next plan will not be completed. But the Dutchman was so stupid that he refused to “admit” Lanfang temporarily, so Henry’s plan could not go ahead.

“Sure enough, it’s the pig teammate, killing people!” Wang Guorui thought. (to be continued)

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