Red Alert 1895

Chapter 237

Chapter 237 – Battle Will Start

The negotiation between Wang Guorui, Henry and Frings has completely failed, which means that Taiwan and the Netherlands will not use peaceful means to resolve this issue. They intend to solve the problem through negotiation, so everything depends on military operations to truly subdue the other party. Copy website visit And this time the Dutch have mobilized almost all the troops that can be mobilized by the whole country, and Taiwan has also mobilized 70% of its own troops. Almost both sides have placed an important bargaining chip. If the Netherlands loses, they will lose their last colony, and the Netherlands will decline even more from then on. And if Taiwan loses, Taiwan will be subject to joint economic sanctions by various countries. Although militarily, Western countries cannot impose military sanctions on Taiwan in a short period of time, economic sanctions are inevitable. So Taiwan had no resources at that time, and the economic and employment pressure on the island was huge, so Taiwan would inevitably face civil strife, or even die. But once Taiwan uses **, I am afraid that Taiwan’s good image in the hearts of the people will disappear. At that time, the people also think that Taiwan is worse than the Manchu Qing. After all, the Manchu Qing could still make a living by renting tenants, but Taiwan had no way out.

Therefore, both sides are unwilling to lose this battle, and both sides have used their breastfeeding strength to fight. So both sides began to send troops to the front line, trying to send a large number of troops to the front line, and then prepare for combat. Taiwan is from north to south, while the Netherlands is from south to north. The two sides have formed a confrontation in the middle of West Kalimantan.

Both sides have adopted trench warfare. After all, since Taiwan was fighting Japan, it has also used trench warfare on a large scale to deal with the enemy, and this trick has been learned by national armies around the world. The difference is their use of trenches, how fast they are built, and how much they understand the skills of trench warfare. If you don’t understand it, you will naturally be unlucky. As for the method of cracking trench warfare, that is, only China can crack trench warfare well and effectively at present, while other countries have some weapons that are not complete. For example, shotguns and flamethrowers, Western countries do not have advanced weapons. Western countries are stepping up research and development, but it is difficult for them to get it out.

Know that making one or two special things is completely different from mass manufacturing. According to the legends of later generations, if China is willing to invest heavily in future generations, let alone fourth-generation fighter jets, sixth-generation fighter jets may be able to be manufactured. But industrialization is a big problem, if industrialization cannot be achieved. All that was in vain. Being able to produce very little does not mean being able to produce in large quantities. Although Western countries can produce shotguns and flamethrowers. This does not mean that they can be mass-produced. In fact, Taiwan is not able to produce it, but it was invented by Wang Guorui and was recognized by the Red Alert system, and then it was able to be produced from the system.

“Dig quickly, so that we can enter the battlefield as soon as possible!” Chen Liyan said.

And the four army divisions are digging trenches vigorously, and then prepare to use them for combat. As for the marine divisions, they were all on alert to avoid a sudden attack by the Dutch. On the whole, Taiwan’s trenches are still dug relatively well. After all, although there are not that many of them, the small number of them means that there are fewer trenches to dig. Although the Dutch had more than 300,000 people in the confrontation, they had to dig more trenches when they had a larger number. This is also a very important issue. So on the whole, the two sides are actually comparable, but the Taiwanese army has an engineer shovel, which can use a variety of methods to dig, and the speed is not just a little faster. And for the Dutch. They dug trenches much more slowly.

It’s not that the Dutch didn’t think about attacking suddenly, but they were also a little bit cautious. If the Dutch attack and sneak attack, I am afraid that once they are repelled, they will not be able to fight back. It would be extremely dangerous to attack the enemy sneakily before the trenches were dug. If it succeeds, it’s okay, but if it fails, I’m afraid it will face a bad end, and it will definitely be chased by the enemy and defeated. This is either a big win or a big loss. Certainly not what the Dutch needed. A normal general would not take risks easily. A general would take risks because of unavoidable circumstances. Normally speaking, he should focus on stability. As a war, the first priority is not to seek victory, but to seek invincibility first. Only if you are undefeated, can you have the opportunity to find the enemy’s loopholes and attack the enemy fiercely. War is actually just a pursuit of invincibility. It’s not a way to fight the enemy to win.

“Deputy Commander, we have observed the weaponry of the Dutch, and their weaponry should not be as good as ours. Because although their rifles are similar to ours, their rifles are Mannlicher 1888 rifles. I have a general understanding of rifles. Although this rifle is a good type of rifle many years ago, their performance is not very flattering. This kind of rifle is very difficult to eject, and the ejection effect is very unreliable. They are almost Every time you shoot, you need to use your fingers to pull out the bullets. This will have a great impact on them, and I am afraid that it is a very headache for them. Unlike the Mauser we use, the Mauser is very reliable in ejection, and The accuracy is good and the hit rate is very high. It is a very good rifle. But this one was invented by the Germans. It is a pity that we did not make it in Taiwan. Our rifles are much more reliable than theirs, and we don’t need to pick them often. Out of the shell, so our fire pen they violently.”

“As for light and heavy weapons, we can have a full four army artillery regiments, and there are various machine gun grenade grenades and other weapons for fire suppression support. The news we have heard about the Dutch is the Dutch The weapons used are also a mixture of various artillery. But they also have their advantages, that is, although the number of artillery is mixed, the number is relatively large. Their army of more than 300,000 people can probably have six The number of artillery regiments is a little more than ours. But in terms of comprehensive combat effectiveness, it is still about the same after firepower deduction.”

“However, the advantage we can occupy is the low-level firepower, such as mortars. The Dutch have not been able to produce mortars, and their grenadiers are still under research. As for heavy machine guns, the Dutch are currently They also tried to find ways to purchase, but almost every infantry division of them only had one platoon of heavy machine guns. Of course, it’s not that the Dutch didn’t want to use this. According to what we know, they actually couldn’t afford it. A Maxine heavy machine gun is also It just requires a high price, and they consume too many bullets, so they can’t afford heavy machine guns with such fierce firepower. Unlike us, our heavy machine guns have almost enough bullets, so don’t worry. Really I admire Lord Wang, I don’t know where he went to buy such cheap weapons, it’s almost cost price.”

“In the end, their various individual equipment is not as complete as ours. Our individual equipment has five or six times the combined firepower of the opponent, so although their number is five or six times that of ours, we don’t necessarily have to be afraid. They. In this era of war, the emphasis is on the ability to project firepower, not manpower. If their manpower does not have enough firepower, they are just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, meaningless!”

After listening to the intelligence staff’s analysis, Chen Liyan also nodded. In this war, Taiwan actually has a better chance of winning. Now Wang Guorui has handed over all the military affairs to Chen Liyan, and Wang Guorui went to keep an eye on that Henry himself. That Henry is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so we must keep an eye on him so that no problems can be caused to him. The current division of labor between Wang Guorui and Chen Liyan is that Wang Guorui is in charge of politics, and Chen Liyan is in charge of military affairs. And Chen Liyan is already the de facto supreme commander of this Wang Guorui has delegated power to him as much as possible, any battle plan is drawn up by himself, and in the end he only needs to submit an outline That’s fine, Wang Guorui didn’t review every detail like in the past.

First of all, Wang Guorui didn’t have that much time, and more importantly, Wang Guorui didn’t want to leave an impression of often intervening in wars. After all, it has been divided into civil servants and military officials since ancient times, and there must be a reason for this. In ancient and modern China and abroad, most of the time, civil servants are the highest leaders. This is also a special kind of wisdom, that is, war is always a continuation of politics. Although this ancient man may be able to have relevant insights, he may not be able to express it as clearly as in the theory of war. Wang Guorui defines himself as a supreme leader, not a general. So he doesn’t need to directly intervene in every detail of the war, he just needs to allow himself to obtain the maximum benefit in every historical event node.

So Wang Guorui entrusted the war to Chen Liyan again. Anyway, even if this war failed, the big deal would be to start all over again. After all, he currently has the super golden finger of the red police system, and even if he fails once, he is not afraid of being completely destroyed, so he can entrust it with confidence. In addition, there are many Red Police soldiers in the army, and they are not afraid of the betrayal of the commander-in-chief Chen Liyan, so generally speaking, there is no need to worry about too many accidents. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.). Yi. Watch. Small. Say.

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