Red Alert 1895

Chapter 40

Chapter 39 – Ambush Failed

Wang Guorui asked the soldiers to pack up the battlefield, and then set up an ambush again, and then asked Liu Feng to continue to send personnel to scout for anyone coming ahead. And Liu Feng soon sent a reconnaissance team to take charge of the reconnaissance, and after twelve hours, someone came back to report.

“Lord Wang, someone came back to report just now that a Japanese army about the size of a regiment has approached. According to the flag, it seems to be the First Regiment of the First Brigade of the Japanese Guards Division. And they are coming to us, probably In three hours, it will be here!” Liu Feng said.

Wang Guorui said: “Okay, this time we will try to destroy one of their alliances, and then we will be able to boost the morale of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese war!”

On the road leading to Hsinchu County, a Japanese regiment lined up and marched forward, and the commander of the regiment, Suzuki Matsutake, commanded the soldiers in front to speed up, obviously hoping to reach Tainan as soon as possible and get the first credit. This time, it is the credit for expanding the territory, and everyone wants to get it. They also know that there is no force in Taiwan that can stop them, so they can confidently and boldly occupy Taiwan. They have no doubt that they can occupy Taiwan. After all, they have defeated hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops. !

“Accelerate forward. This time, the Fourth Regiment in front actually ran ahead of us and sent a brigade to claim credit without authorization. This time we are the First Regiment of the First Brigade. How could we fall behind others? That Matsumoto really Wanting credit is crazy, but I ran away so quickly. If we go late, I’m afraid we won’t even be able to drink soup!” Suzuki Matsutake said.

The Japanese army is not so united either. The army of any country has the situation of taking credit, whether it is benign or malignant, it exists. Even the later revolutionary army, they all have the situation of grabbing credit, after all, only the meritorious service can be honored! This situation cannot be avoided by any country. Some leaders even deliberately stimulate them, so that the army can make more contributions. If the army is full of people who don’t want to make meritorious service, then it is really not far from the country’s subjugation.

“Report, the 1st Japanese Guards Regiment has arrived outside our ambush circle, but they really want to stop! They didn’t move on, so we don’t know what they will think!” Liu Feng said.

“What? They stopped? What are they doing?” Wang Guorui muttered.

And in the Japanese army, the captain of the 1st Guards Regiment of the Japanese Army was also arguing with an officer who seemed to be no more than a captain, but he actually quarreled with the captain here.

“Captain Suzuki, the terrain here is dangerous. It is obviously the enclosure mentioned in Sun Tzu’s Art of War. There are mountains on one side and the sea on the other, forming a narrow passage. If the enemy lays an ambush here, we will definitely Falling into a situation of being besieged. At that time, what we faced was being ambushed and suffered heavy losses. Therefore, I suggest that we must send troops to reconnaissance, otherwise it will be very dangerous!” said the captain.

And the captain of the regiment, Suzuki Matsutake, said angrily: “Yamanashi Hanzo, don’t think that you can order me because you are the adjutant of the Governor’s Mansion. I am the commander here. Now His Majesty the Emperor is waiting for us to expand the territory for him. If We are wasting time here, so how can we complete the feat of expanding the territory? But you are here to order the soldiers to stop using the status of an official of the Governor’s Palace, so what do you mean by this?”

But Hanzo Yamanashi said: “Captain Suzuki, I have to remind you that the terrain here is not good for us. We have to go through careful reconnaissance before we can pass. If you go in rashly, it will be against our Imperial Japanese Army.” Not responsible. Sun Tzu’s Art of War says…”

“Okay, don’t talk about Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Sun Tzu’s Art of War is outdated. Although the Chinese have Sun Tzu’s Art of War, haven’t they been beaten by us to cede land and pay compensation? So there is no need to learn Sun Tzu’s Art of War. If you want to learn it, you must learn from us. Five rounds of books.”

It has to be said that defeating the Manchus this time made these Japanese officers very arrogant and looked down on everything in China. And this situation is also true in many foreign countries. They look down on everything in China and think that everything in China is backward. So now Suzuki Matsutake is obviously very unhappy to hear that Yamanashi Hanzo admires Sun Tzu’s Art of War so much. After all, this is a Chinese thing, and the Chinese are their defeated opponents, so it is not worth mentioning at all.

“Captain Suzuki, be careful sailing for ten thousand years!” Said Yamanashi Hanzo.

But Suzuki Matsutake said: “Isn’t there a brigade passing by in front of us? If they encountered an ambush, then we must know about them. Is there anyone in Taiwan who can beat my brigade? A brigade, It is enough to sweep Taiwan! So, since the brigade in front has no problem, how could we be ambushed?”

What Suzuki Matsutake said was not wrong, because he did not think that Taiwan had troops capable of annihilating a large group of them. What’s more, even if it is to annihilate a large group, it must take a certain amount of time. And Suzuki Matsutake never dreamed that the brigade in front would be wiped out in less than two hours. So because of such a fast speed, Suzuki Matsutake never thought that the brigade in front had been completely wiped out, and no news had been revealed.

“General, that’s not as good as this. You give me a squad, and I will take people to reconnaissance. If there is no problem, I will send a signal, and then you will send a squadron over each time. Then you have to come one by one, so Make sure there is no problem.” Hanzo Yamanashi said.

“Okay!” Suzuki Matsutake said.

Suzuki also didn’t want to offend the adjutant of the Governor’s Mansion. After all, he was a person close to the senior official. If he offended someone close to the leader, he would be asking for trouble. The ancients said that the king of Hades is aggressive, and the imp is difficult to deal with. So this adjutant is not very easy to offend, if he says something to the Governor of Taiwan, Huashan Ziji, then he, the captain of the alliance, will really be in trouble. Although they belonged to the army and Huashan Ziji belonged to the navy, but this time they belonged to Huashan Ziji as the supreme leader for the time being. At that time, Huashan Ziji’s one word will be able to erase his military achievements, so that he will come this time in vain.

“Master Wang, this time the Japanese army did not directly let the army in. This time they just sent a small team to investigate. They have already gone to the road to investigate.” Liu Feng said.

Wang Guorui cursed in a low voice: “What’s going on, the Japanese army is so smart this time?”

At this time, Tan Ya, a stinky woman, added fuel to the fire: “It’s not that the Japanese army is too smart this time, but that the Japanese officer in front is too stupid! This is a normal officer.”

Only then did Wang Guorui know that the previous Japanese army captain Matsumoto underestimated the enemy, that’s why he was like this. This time, they may not underestimate the enemy. After all, as a qualified officer, most of them will conduct some investigation when they come to this kind of terrain that is very unfavorable to them. This time the Japanese army is not as underestimating the enemy as the previous Japanese army captain Matsumoto. So it is not impossible for them to send a small team to investigate this time.

“Let everyone be careful, don’t expose it!” Wang Guorui said.

That Yamanashi Hanzo walked in slowly with a small team, looked around, and even climbed up to the foot of the mountain for some reconnaissance. But they are destined to be unable to find anything, because these sites have been cleaned up by engineers, and even after about 24 hours of preparation, the site has been restored a lot, and most people can’t tell that a war just happened here. As for the next Yamanashi Hanzo, he couldn’t find anything. After all, he was not a professional engineer or scout, so he didn’t find any problems.

Yamanashi Hanzo let one of the soldiers go back to the Japanese army, and then notified the regiment leader, Suzuki Matsutake, to send the squadrons through And Suzuki Matsutake also immediately let a squadron of more than 200 people slowly I came to the ambush circle, hoping to pass through here and continue to test whether there is a problem this time.

“Master Wang, this time the Japanese army is really a ghost, and they only send out one squadron at a time!” Liu Feng said.

Wang Guorui also cursed in his heart, wouldn’t it be good for these Japanese soldiers to be stupid? How come you are so smart? This time the Japanese army obviously adopted the method of moving ants to get through this dangerous place. They sent one squadron at a time so that they could fight back even if they were attacked. And once it is attacked, it proves that there is an ambush here. Once they encounter an ambush, they will immediately be prepared and then fight. But it’s such a ghost, to come to one squadron at a time, let Wang Guorui fight or not fight.

If they were allowed to pass by like this, then this dangerous place would disappear completely, and Wang Guorui would be giving up the geographical advantage.

“Order, this ambush seems to be going to fail. Ms. Tanya, wait a moment before you lead the special forces to wipe out the Japanese squadron that just passed through our ambush circle, and then everyone enters the trench position at the other end. Then the artillery For cover, the engineers set up the fortifications as soon as possible, and this ambush will not be successful. However, since we cannot fight the ambush, then we will fight a blocking battle!” Wang Guorui said.

“Okay, Commander, I haven’t killed anyone for a long time. This time, more than two hundred people are not enough for my teeth, and I have to share with the soldiers of the special forces. It’s really useless!” Tanya said helplessly. Tucao said, obviously not satisfied with only more than two hundred enemies.

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