Red Alert 1895

Chapter 41

Chapter 40 – Artillery Battle

“Special Forces, charge with the old lady!” Tan Ya shouted.

Behind Tanya was a special forces team of more than 100 people, and then quickly ran over to the squadron of the Japanese army. And this Japanese squadron didn’t expect that he had just passed that relatively narrow road. He thought he hadn’t encountered an ambush, but now a group of people came to attack him.

“Don’t panic, they only have more than a hundred people, they should not be our opponents!” Said Yamanashi Hanzo, who was in charge of the command.

Yamanashi Hanzo immediately realized that his guess was right, someone was obviously ambushing them here. However, Yamanashi Hanzo didn’t panic when he saw someone rushing over. He thought that the opponent had only a hundred people, so he shouldn’t be the opponent of his own squadron of more than two hundred people. After all, Yamanashi Hanzo also believes that their Japanese army is an elite and will not lose to some Taiwanese natives.

“Papa papa…”

The special forces opened fire soon, and Tanya waved her hands quickly, and then shot at the Japanese army with a 12mm larger caliber pistol. This is Tanya’s rare time on the battlefield. Of course, he has to kill a lot of enemies, so that he can enjoy himself!

“Oh my god! What’s going on?” Yamanashi Hanzo exclaimed.

Yamanashi Hanzo was immediately surprised. It took less than three minutes for the battle to start, and more than half of the people on his side had been lost. And the other party hardly saw any loss, and the woman with her belly exposed shot her own people to death one by one, even their heads were blown off, or half of them were interrupted. cruel.

“Where did Taiwan get such elite soldiers?” Yamanashi Hanzo wondered.

Within a few minutes, the Japanese squadron was wiped out by the special forces, and Tanya pointed a pistol at Captain Yamanashi Hanzo, and said, “Will you surrender?”

Yamanashi Hanzo thought for a while, and there were only five or six people around him, and everyone else was beaten to death. So he quickly dropped his pistol and chose to surrender. The Japanese army of this era did not have the baptism of Bushido later, so naturally the will to fight was not so strong. And Hanzo Yamanashi also felt a little weird this time, so he chose to surrender.

“Captain, there are gunshots coming from inside, someone is ambushing us!” shouted the Japanese soldiers on the sidelines.

“What? Taiwanese dare to ambush us? Court death!” Suzuki Matsutake said angrily.

“Rush in as soon as possible, and hit me before they get a firm foothold!” Suzuki Matsutake shouted.

Suzuki Matsutake was not a fool either, he knew that he had to take advantage of this moment to rush in, and then immediately defeat Wang Guorui when Wang Guorui and the others were not able to gain a firm foothold. If Wang Guorui had stabilized his foothold, it would be much more difficult.

“Artillery Battalion, give me fire suppression!” Wang Guorui shouted.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery began to fire, and countless shells were bombarded from a distance. The Japanese troops who rushed in first suffered heavy losses.


The soldiers of a brigade were immediately blown upside down, and the brigade that rushed in first began to be smashed down by many shells. And on the narrow road here, it looks very narrow here. And they can’t escape, because the other side is the ocean. If they want to hide in the ocean, they can only jump from a high place. Therefore, it is relatively very narrow here, and the Japanese army suffered heavy losses.

“Hu Wei, go and arrange for the soldiers immediately, and hurry up to repair the fortifications at this time!” Wang Guorui said.

Hu Wei soon also went to the front of the artillery position, and then prepared to rush to repair the fortifications while the artillery was covering. This time I thought it was an ambush, but I didn’t expect that the Japanese army would be so ghostly, and they didn’t pass through hastily, which turned Wang Guorui’s ambush into a blocking war. And now the fortifications are going to be repaired immediately, and then used as a blocking position.

Soon, the Japanese brigade withdrew from this road with heavy losses, and then went back to find the captain.

“Your Excellency, Captain, the enemy’s artillery fire is too fierce, and we have suffered heavy losses.” The captain said.

And Suzuki Matsutake looked at the brigade that had lost at least one-third of its members, and suddenly felt a chill. What happened to the enemy this time, the firepower is so fierce. This is definitely a howitzer, but an earthen artillery made of solid iron bullets.

“Captain, the enemy’s firepower is too fierce this time. We are no match!” said the captain.

As Suzuki Matsutake looked at this scene, he certainly knew that if Wang Guorui’s artillery was not dealt with, it would be impossible to continue fighting. Although Suzuki Matsutake didn’t know where these artillery came from Taiwan, and they were so powerful, he knew that these artillery had to be dealt with, otherwise he would really be unable to fight. I have so many infantry, not enough to be bombarded by other artillery. Especially in such a relatively narrow place, it is necessary to find a way to destroy the enemy’s artillery, otherwise the infantry will not be able to charge at all.

“Gather all the artillery of the regiment! We want to suppress their artillery!” Suzuki Matsutake shouted.

Suzuki Matsutake soon concentrated the artillery of the entire regiment. According to the Japanese army, a regiment has two artillery squadrons and eight cannons directly belonging to the regiment. In addition, the following three brigades have six and seven There are a total of fourteen cannons for the 10mm caliber brigade. And he thinks these cannons are still very helpful to him, and should be able to suppress the enemy.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery of the Japanese army also began to fire shells, and the shells began to hit three kilometers away.

More than a dozen shells exploded hundreds of meters away from the soldiers who were building the fortifications, and almost hit the soldiers in charge of building the fortifications.

“Commander, I suggest that you quickly withdraw the soldiers who built the fortifications, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses. The artillery of the Japanese army is not for display, and they will be able to shoot accurately after only a few rounds!” Tan Ya said.

Wang Guorui cursed secretly: “It’s really not as fast as changing plans. It seems that the Japanese artillery is not a fool! This time, it’s time to test the artillery!”

“Evacuate!” Hu Wei shouted at the engineering soldiers who were building the fortifications.

The engineering soldiers withdrew quickly, and then ignored themselves as those fortifications. And as expected by Tan Ya, the Japanese artillery quickly hit the semi-finished trenches that were just intact in the third round of artillery fire, and the semi-finished trenches were quickly flattened. And Wang Guorui also touched the cold sweat on his forehead. If the cleavage wasn’t Tan Ya’s reminder, then the nearly 1,000 engineering soldiers just now would be wiped out, which would be a heavy loss. Wang Guorui also knew that the astonishment of himself and those officers was not enough, so Tan Ya, an experienced special operations captain, was needed to be in charge of counseling and commanding.

“Commander, hurry up and order the artillery to move, I’m afraid the artillery will be exposed! The Japanese army has much more artillery experience than you, and they probably have already figured out your position from ballistic analysis. Thank you for moving!” Tan Ya said.

“The artillery is transferred!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui chose to believe in Tanya. After all, it was Tanya who saved nearly a thousand engineering soldiers just now, so there should be nothing wrong with choosing to believe in Tanya this time.

Not long after, five minutes after the artillery transfer was completed, more than a dozen shells hit the artillery position just now, and Wang Guorui was sweating again. This is really dangerous! Artillery is different from other arms. Once hit by the enemy’s artillery fire, the ammunition explosion is very serious, and few people can escape. So this timely transfer saved an artillery battalion!

In the distance, Suzuki Matsutake, the captain of the Japanese army, felt a little disappointed when he saw that there was no smoke from the explosion in the distance. He originally thought that the enemy’s artillery should be destroyed, but now it was obvious that they moved in time, and this time it was a failure.

“Our artillery must also be transferred!” Suzuki Matsutake said.

“Yes!” said the artillery commander.

Soon, the fourteen cannons of the Japanese army also began to shift, and they began to shift their targets one after another. And this first round of artillery battle, both sides also drew a tie, UU Reading No one has anything to do!

“Master Wang, the situation is very clear now. We and the Japanese army must destroy each other’s artillery, otherwise we will not be able to fight at all. The road here is narrow, and the Japanese army wants to attack us. Our artillery can hit them hard. But It is not easy for us to attack them, and their cannons can also do a lot of damage to us. The advantages of the terrain are relative, and now their people have camped on the other side, and they are not in a hurry to attack. We want to defeat The opponent is unable to bypass the opponent’s artillery. If the opponent’s artillery is not eliminated, it is impossible to defeat the Japanese army.” Hu Wei said.

On the other side, the Japanese army captain Suzuki Matsutake also said: “Although I don’t know how their artillery came, but if we want to continue attacking inside, we must solve their artillery, otherwise we will not be able to do so on this road.” In a relatively very narrow road, we are bound to be bombarded by the opponent’s artillery, and we will suffer heavy losses. Therefore, the artillery must work hard as soon as possible to destroy their artillery, so that our troops can rush in and defeat them !”

Suzuki Matsutake, the captain of the Japanese army, is not a fool. Although he underestimated the enemy just now, he has already entered the state and knows what to do. So he quickly started to prepare for an artillery battle between the artillery and Wang Guorui’s artillery, trying to knock out the opponent’s artillery, so as to achieve the desired effect. Then Suzuki Matsutake thought that as long as Wang Guorui’s artillery was destroyed, everything would go very smoothly. Suzuki Matsutake thinks that Wang Guorui just has artillery and has no other means. As long as the opponent’s artillery is destroyed, then the Japanese army can kill and kill, and there is no need to worry about any resistance from the Taiwan army!

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