Red Alert 1895

Chapter 42

Chapter 41 – Scout Battle

“Send scouts to scout the position of their artillery!” Wang Guorui and that Suzuki Matsutake actually issued the same order.

Both Wang Guorui and Suzuki Matsutake knew that if they want to defeat each other, they must first destroy the opponent’s artillery. At present, Wang Guorui only brought an artillery battalion, that is, only eighteen artillery pieces. In addition, all the artillery units of the Japanese regiment had twelve guns with a diameter of more than 70mm. The artillery strength of the two sides was similar, and Wang Guorui did not have an absolute advantage. Originally, Wang Guorui planned to ambush, so the Japanese army’s artillery advantage could not be brought into play. But now that an ambush has become a blockade, it is natural to limit the opponent’s artillery fire. And this was also the idea of the Japanese army commander, Suzuki Matsutake, who had to destroy Wang Guorui’s artillery fire.

Soon, a reconnaissance platoon of more than 30 people from Wang Guorui’s reconnaissance battalion began to run along the mountain road to investigate. The Japanese army also sent a small team to conduct reconnaissance, preparing to run from the mountain road to the opponent’s place to reconnaissance the location of the artillery, so that their artillery can prepare to fire and destroy their artillery. This time, it is actually an artillery battle, using scouts to scout the enemy’s artillery, and then attack it.

“Your Excellency, Captain, asked us to investigate Taiwan’s artillery this time, so we must find their artillery location this time. If we can destroy their artillery, then we will be the first credit!” said the captain.

Soon, the Japanese army also climbed up the mountain along the mountain road, preparing to observe Wang Guorui’s artillery fire from this mountain. And he didn’t know that Wang Guorui’s scouts were also heading towards them, and an encounter was coming soon.

“I found the Japanese scouts!” said a Red Police soldier in a reconnaissance platoon.

“Everyone, pay attention to concealment. This time we will eat up these Japanese scouts.” The reconnaissance platoon leader said.

This reconnaissance platoon leader is a natural person, so his initiative is good, and he can immediately make an idea to eat these Japanese scouts. And this kind of battle between scouts was also very popular in ancient times, and this kind of battle was called scouting war in ancient times.

“Everyone, get ready. Squad 1 and Squad 2 are ready to fight. Squad 3 sees the right moment and attacks them with grenades!” the reconnaissance platoon leader whispered.

And when the reconnaissance platoon was ready, the Japanese troops did not find them. This is also the gap in combat quality, because there are more than one-third of the red police soldiers in the reconnaissance platoon, so there is actually no lack of combat experience. Other troops may have less combat experience due to the lack of Red Police soldiers. But the reconnaissance unit and the special unit have a very high proportion of red police soldiers, their combat quality is no less than that of the Japanese army, and they are not lacking in experience, because they have the red police system directly instilled in their brains.

“Papa papa…”

With a series of gunshots, the Japanese army was immediately reduced to seven or eight! And the Japanese reconnaissance team is obviously not a fool, they quickly found the bunker, such as rocks or trees. Those who can become scouts must be the elite among the soldiers, and the Japanese army’s scouting teams are also like this. Naturally, they will not make such mistakes. They reacted very quickly, and found that several of them had been beaten to death, so they immediately started looking for cover.

“Bageyalu, who is shooting?” the Japanese squad leader shouted.

“Call me!” Scout Pai Zhang shouted.

“Papa papa…”

The reconnaissance platoon launched intensive firepower again, but this time the effect was relatively poor, only killing two or three of them. After all, the Japanese army was prepared, and these scouts were not snipers, so naturally they couldn’t shoot one by one.

“Fight me back! Our Great Japanese Imperial Army cannot be discriminated against by some Chinese!” The Japanese squad leader shouted.

“Papa papa…”

The Japanese army also started an organized counterattack, but under the protection of enough bunkers, no one in the reconnaissance platoon was lost.

The two sides then fired at each other, but both sides had rifles and no machine guns. In this era, because light machine guns have not been popularized, even Wang Guorui does not have light machine guns here. Wang Guorui didn’t know how to design light machine guns, so it was impossible to equip troops with light machine guns. As for Maxine, it is something that has been invented in this era, so it can be used with the red alert system. However, the bullets of these rifles are not very lethal to the Japanese army, so the Japanese army did not die. As for the reconnaissance platoon, there were no casualties.

“Hmph, do you think it’s enough for you to hide? Look at us, grenades, get ready!”

Soon, the grenadiers of the third squad also began to be prepared. This reconnaissance platoon was equipped with two reconnaissance squads and a grenadier squad, which were specially used to deal with some light weapons. With the grenade, the effect is very good. Throwing grenade is a cheap, but very useful thing.

“Bang bang!”

With two crisp sounds, two small shells were fired from the grenadier and fell towards the Japanese army.


With two loud bangs, the shell exploded beside the Japanese army, killing more than a dozen people immediately. And where the Japanese army had seen this before, he thought it was firing somewhere.

“Where is the artillery? This is a mountainous area, how can the artillery be transported up casually?” the Japanese team leader exclaimed.

But another soldier of the Japanese army said: “Captain, this doesn’t look like a cannon. The cannon is not that powerful. I suspect it’s a grenade!”

“What? A grenade?” The Japanese squad leader was also surprised.

This is not because the Japanese squad leader has no concept, but because grenades are no longer used in this era. Grenades originated in the fifteenth century, when they were used to defend castles and fortresses. But later it was also used to attack the city, and those soldiers who threw grenades were also called grenadiers. However, with the development of guns, the shooting distance of rifles and cannons has become farther and farther, and grenades have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. The revival of the hand grenade was during the Russo-Japanese War. But at this time, there are still almost ten years before the Russo-Japanese War. At this time, no one thought that grenades could still have such effects. Especially for those soldiers who are protected by bunkers, it has a miraculous effect.

“Do we have any grenades?” the Japanese squad leader shouted.

“Captain, no! The grenade is no longer needed!” the Japanese soldier said.

“Bastard, there is no grenade at this time, isn’t that a death sentence?” The Japanese team leader was furious.

On the other side, the reconnaissance platoon leader saw the miraculous effect of using this grenade, and immediately asked, “How many grenades are there?”

“Report to the platoon leader, we still have 30 grenades!” said the squad leader of the grenadier squad.

“Okay, hit me! What they are afraid of is our grenade, we will hit places with many people!” said the reconnaissance platoon leader.


Two grenades were fired again, and five or six people in the Japanese army were killed again. Obviously, they all shot towards crowded places.

“Captain, let’s withdraw!”

“Retreat!” The Japanese squad leader said.

Of course the Japanese squad leader knew that this was certainly not the time to fight head-on with them. The current Japanese army is not as brain-dead as those in later TV dramas, even if they know they are going to fail, they still have to fight. They found that things could not be done, so naturally they had to retreat. As for what to do next, An just depends on what the captain of the company wants. After all, this investigation has failed. This time Taiwan’s resistance is obviously extraordinary, absolutely extraordinary!

“Platoon leader, the Japanese reconnaissance team has withdrawn!”

“Then what are you waiting for? Chase me!” shouted the reconnaissance platoon leader.

Soon, the reconnaissance platoon continued to chase forward. After all, they wanted to obtain the results of the battle, and then strive to go back and report. And this Japanese reconnaissance team, which is their first target, must clean them up.

Soon, the two teams were chasing each other on the mountain road. The Japanese army turned their heads and fired from time to time, but none of them achieved any results. As for the Red Police soldiers in the reconnaissance platoon, they all shot very accurately, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com almost killed a large number of Japanese reconnaissance teams during the chase.

The reconnaissance team of the Japanese army was quickly wiped out with more than 30 people, and only a dozen people were able to run back to the wing.

“Captain Suzuki, help!” the reconnaissance team leader shouted.

The reconnaissance platoon leader saw a whole regiment of Japanese troops on the mountain, and suddenly felt a little scary.

“Mark everyone, where is the Japanese artillery this time!” the reconnaissance team leader said immediately.

The soldiers under him immediately began to observe where the Japanese artillery were, and then hoped to observe and record the coordinates of these artillery, and finally wait for their own artillery to bomb and kill them, the Japanese artillery. As long as these Japanese troops have no artillery, their elimination is almost at hand.

“Have you recorded it?” said the reconnaissance platoon leader.

“I’ve recorded it!” said the squad leader of the first reconnaissance squad.

“Okay, let’s retreat quickly, otherwise the Japanese army will kill us on a large scale and it will not be fun for us!” said the reconnaissance platoon leader.

Soon, the Japanese army also began to organize troops and began to go up the mountain. They also wanted to clean up those who chased and killed their scouts just now. But this time there was a squadron of Japanese troops going up the mountain. No matter how elite the reconnaissance platoon was, they would not dare to directly fight with a squadron of the Japanese army with the strength of a platoon. They are not a special forces team, and they don’t have such a heaven-defying existence as Tanya, so it is right for them to run away quickly.

Soon, the reconnaissance platoon also marked the position of the opponent’s artillery, and then handed it over to the commander Wang Guorui.

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