Red Alert 1895

Chapter 43

Chapter 42 – Japanese Artillery Destroyed

“Master Wang, this is the coordinates of the Japanese artillery, we can destroy their artillery!” said the reconnaissance platoon leader.

And Wang Guorui also said excitedly: “Okay, immediately order the artillery, adjust the muzzle, aim at this coordinate and give me a round of bombardment. This time, the artillery of the Japanese army is about to be wiped out!”

But when the messenger was about to convey the order, Tanya stopped him.

“How long has it been since you came back from scouting just now?” Tan Ya said.

“About a quarter of an hour!” said the reconnaissance platoon leader.

And Tan Ya immediately said: “We can’t bomb. Once we bomb our artillery, it will be exposed. The Japanese artillery may have moved. They don’t know where they went now, but the current position is no longer accurate.”

“Why?” Wang Guorui asked.

And Tan Ya immediately explained: “Now the Japanese army has discovered this reconnaissance platoon just now, so they already know that they have been reconnaissance. If you are reconnaissance, what should a qualified officer do? Besides avoiding, Is there any other choice? Most of the Japanese artillery has already left that coordinate, and they might conversely devise a conspiracy for us to figure out that we The ballistic trajectory is used to counterattack. In this way, my artillery battalion will also suffer heavy losses!”

“Is the Japanese army so smart?” Wang Guorui asked with some doubts.

“It’s better to believe it than to believe it! Any normal officer would do this. Only you rookies will lose everything!” Tanya said.

Wang Guorui was speechless, he was called a novice by Tanya. However, Wang Guorui and the officers present here are all novices. Although they seem to have trained well, they actually have no actual combat experience. The guards of the Japanese army are all selected from elite soldiers, and the officers are all officers with actual combat experience, so their combat experience is actually much better than that of Wang Guorui and the others strictly speaking. If it wasn’t for the fact that the Matsumoto brigade was too underestimating the enemy, so they were attacked by surprise, and Wang Guorui’s firepower was too fierce, they couldn’t show their strength, otherwise it is not certain who will win the battle!

“Send scouts to continue scouting!” Wang Guorui said.

But Tan Ya said again: “No, the Japanese officers are not fools, they have probably sent heavy troops to guard there, our scouts don’t say whether they can detect it, but say that our scouts will also be killed by the Japanese army at that time.” Ambush! Therefore, it is necessary to send a ‘person’ who the Japanese army will not suspect.”

“A ‘person’ who doesn’t suspect? You mean military dogs?” Wang Guorui asked.

“That’s right!” Tanya said.

Wang Guorui really almost forgot that he could send military dogs to scout. Isn’t this what he was good at in the Red Police? Military dogs are used to scout the enemy, although they can only be used to scout the way in the game, but in this era, who would know that military dogs will be the enemy’s scouts!

Wang Guorui returned to the command base of the Red Police and immediately ordered a military dog to walk up the mountain. These military dogs have integrated the genes of mountain dogs, and they are very good at climbing mountains, so they are not afraid of difficult mountains, and they can run faster than humans.

“Huh huh huh…”

A military dog ran on the mountain, while Wang Guorui commanded the military dog in the command base, and then they ran to the Japanese army. And the military dogs began to gradually reach the mountain controlled by the Japanese army, and it turned out that many Japanese troops were found. These Japanese troops were obviously ambushing, trying to ambush Wang Guorui’s scouts. Fortunately, Wang Guorui’s scouts didn’t come over, otherwise, I’m afraid they would really have reached the hornet’s nest by these guys. This is a Japanese army with the size of a squadron, and one or two reconnaissance platoons are definitely not opponents.

“Squadron leader, there is a dog ahead.” A small leader said.

“Idiot! What’s wrong with a dog? It’s not surprising that there are many mountain dogs in this kind of place! Even a dog would make a fuss, why did you block this squad leader?” the Japanese squadron leader snorted.

And the military dog that Wang Guorui personally ordered passed the Japanese army’s ambush just like that, and even crawled past a Japanese soldier who had ambushed, but he didn’t move. Because the target of these Japanese troops was Wang Guorui’s scouts, not this military dog. If he did it for a dog, then if he was exposed, Wang Guorui’s scouts would not show up. In the eyes of the Japanese army, only humans can be scouts. How could a dog be an enemy scout?

Wang Guorui commanded the military dog to the other side of the cliff, and then began to use the map in the Red Police base to use the military dog to explore the way and find out the fog of war. And this military dog swaggered into the Japanese army, and those Japanese soldiers were waiting for orders, so they didn’t have time to pay more attention to this military dog. And as long as the dog doesn’t take the initiative to attack them, then what’s the disadvantage for them to find a dog, isn’t that too cheap?

“Artillery, artillery, where is the artillery?” Wang Guorui muttered.

Wang Guorui had already confirmed that the artillery of the Japanese army had been transferred just now. Tan Ya’s guess was correct, because the Japanese army was indeed very ghostly and spirited, and immediately transferred the artillery. And these ordinary soldiers of the Japanese army also hid outside the range of their own artillery, avoiding Wang Guorui’s bombing. Wang Guorui was also helpless. The range of his cannons was too short to bomb these ordinary Japanese soldiers. Otherwise, I can take the opportunity to bomb fiercely, and I am not afraid of any Japanese troops.

“According to what Tanya said, the Japanese army’s target is my artillery, so theirs should be within the radius of my range. As long as we follow their rules, we should be able to find them all!” Wang Guorui thought.

Wang Guorui started to walk towards the sea, because the only place he didn’t investigate was the sea, and the beach by the sea can be equipped with artillery, so that once his artillery exposes the target position, their artillery can start to fight back up.

“Haha, it really is here!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui used police dogs to find the way, and successfully found more than a dozen Japanese cannons on the beach. The Japanese artillery was sitting here, obviously waiting for orders at any time, and then they could bombard their own artillery units. Then the army can charge. But Wang Guorui’s artillery did not fire for a long time, which made them feel very helpless. If Wang Guorui did not fire, the Japanese army would not be able to calculate Wang Guorui’s artillery coordinates through ballistics, and naturally they would not be able to accurately bombard them.

“Order the artillery to bombard the beach!” Wang Guorui said to the artillery chief Chen Liyan.

In order to hurry, Wang Guorui could only sacrifice the police dog. Anyway, this kind of police dog is relatively inexpensive. Compared with the twelve guns of the Japanese army, which are almost equivalent to the results of a artillery battalion of its own, it is not worth mentioning. This artillery is related to the entire strategy, so it is not surprising to sacrifice this military dog. After all, military dogs are just dogs, not human beings, let alone natural persons. Anyway, sacrifice a dog, no one will care.

“Yes!” Chen Liyan said.

“Bombard the beach immediately!” Chen Liyan shouted.

“Bang bang bang bang…”

More than a dozen shells were fired from the muzzle, and the shells cut through the air and ran towards the beach.

“Lie down!” a Japanese artillery squadron leader shouted.

But no matter how much he yelled, it was already too late, because at this time the shells had already rushed over at a speed of hundreds of meters per second, and they had no time to run.


More than a dozen shells exploded on the beach, and this was only the shell explosion, and the ammunition on the ground of the Japanese army immediately caused a martyrdom explosion, and the martyrdom of the shells was enough to destroy the Japanese artillery regiment.

“Okay, it’s really good!” Wang Guorui shouted excitedly.

In the distance, because of the blast of those Japanese artillery shells, many fools were soon rolled up. It is on the beach, so there is a lot of sand, so the air waves naturally rolled up a lot of sand grains, so Wang Guorui immediately knew that it was the Japanese artillery shells that the Japanese artillery was like a regiment wiped out .

“Report to the captain, our artillery…” said a Japanese soldier.

“Our artillery has been wiped out?” Suzuki Matsutake said angrily.

“Yes!” The Japanese soldier replied.

Suzuki Matsutake immediately said; “Set up a defensive position immediately, and Taiwan’s army will soon take the initiative to attack!”

Now all fools know that the Japanese army’s artillery is gone, so naturally it loses its suppressive firepower. The Taiwanese army can easily charge under the cover of artillery, and then charge boldly without worrying about losses. But Suzuki Matsutake believes that since the opponent can have cannons, then other weapons should also be available. Although he didn’t know where Wang Guorui got these weapons, he knew that he was going to be unlucky now, so he had to form a position as soon as possible, and then defend against the enemy.

“Immediately send a staff officer to the rear to ask for tactical guidance, it must be fast!” Suzuki Matsutake said.


Suzuki Matsutake not only had to defend in place, but also asked for support from the rear. At this time, I don’t care about face. Anyway, if he can have an artillery that is no less than his own regiment, then he is not a soft persimmon. If these are all soft persimmons, what is the Japanese army? So even if he asked for tactical guidance and support, he would send reinforcements to support himself. There won’t be any problems with this. It’s not shameful for such a strong enemy to ask for support. He just hopes that the “tactical guidance” from the rear can come sooner, so that he may be safe, and maybe he can turn defeat into victory!

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