Red Alert 1895

Chapter 45

Chapter 44 – Annihilation (Below)

According to the regular combat mode, it should be the infantry charging while the artillery is extending the artillery fire to the depth of the enemy. But because Wang Guorui’s officers were all newbies, the artillery fire that had been done in one go turned into two pieces. First suppress the enemy, and then when the infantry on your own side charged to the front, they used machine guns and grenades for a second suppression. Later the artillery advanced again to the front, and again extended artillery fire. In this way, the consequences of accidental injury can be avoided as much as possible. Originally, it was very dangerous to do so, but Wang Guorui was not afraid, because the Japanese army did not have cannons or many machine guns, so it could be done.

“Charge!” Zhao Xi shouted again.

“Come on!” The soldiers of the third regiment immediately began to shout.

Soon the soldiers of the third regiment also rushed to the first line of defense of the Japanese army, but they were not counterattacked by the Japanese army because the Japanese army here were either killed or retreated quickly. The soldiers of the third regiment quickly rushed to the first line, and then prepared to rob other people’s trenches for defense, preparing to save their strength and attack the second line of defense.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery fire was still under heavy bombing, and the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties. And the machine guns and grenades of the third regiment were also better and fired all kinds of bullets and grenades for free. The Japanese army was suppressed so much that they couldn’t hold their heads up.

“Captain Suzuki, the first line of defense has fallen, and our soldiers have retreated to the second line of defense! We have prepared a total of three lines of defense, but…” Suzuki Matsutake’s staff officer said helplessly.

Suzuki Matsutake looked at his pocket watch, then sighed and said, “It’s less than forty-five minutes since they started fighting. To be precise, they have still been preparing for artillery fire for 20 minutes, but our first line of defense is not enough.” It was breached in twenty-five minutes, is it true that our Guards Division has such combat effectiveness?”

The staff officer had nothing to say, because of course he knew that the Japanese army was in trouble this time. The first line of defense was conquered in less than 14 or 15 minutes, and they suffered heavy losses. They were able to retreat to less than half of the second line of defense, and they had already lost more than 800 people. But their casualties to Wang Guorui’s subordinates were definitely less than a hundred, because the artillery fire was so fierce that they couldn’t raise their heads. Now the intestines of these Japanese soldiers are green with regret, because if they had known that this method of combat would be used at that time, they should have prepared grenades! With the grenade, he may not end up in such a miserable situation.

“Hahahaha, why is the Japanese army so useless? We broke through the first line of defense in just one fight? We killed at least 800 enemies just now, and we lost less than 100. Is the Japanese army’s combat effectiveness too weak? I really don’t know what those troops in Liaodong are doing for food, and they were beaten like grandchildren.” Zhao Xi snorted.

But the staff officer next to him immediately explained: “Commander Zhao, these are Lord Wang’s weapons! If there were no weapons and tactics like Lord Wang’s, then we would not be able to defeat the Japanese army so easily! “

Zhao Xi had no idea that even the German army, which almost swept across Europe during World War I, could not withstand Wang Guorui’s fierce firepower with these tactics and weapons. Moreover, Wang Guorui’s tactics are completely enlarged versions of World War I. The Japanese army does not have much research on the tactics now that they are still in the formative period. That’s why the Japanese army didn’t even prepare grenades, and the losses were very heavy.

“Prepare to attack the second line of defense, let Commander Chen prepare for artillery fire!” Zhao Xi said.

Chen Liyan immediately said: “Go forward three hundred meters, and then give me a blast!”

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery fire came out again, and the second line of defense of the Japanese army also began to fire continuously, exploding continuously. The Japanese army complained endlessly, because it was impossible to fight back in this situation. This feeling of being able to only be beaten but not able to resist is too bad. If it was in the Liaodong generation in the northeast, they would have dealt with the Chinese army very easily, but now they can only be beaten and bombed by Wang Guorui’s artillery, and they cannot fight back at all. Just as they wanted to raise their heads, they were killed by dense shrapnel. So these Japanese soldiers didn’t even dare to raise their heads, because the artillery fire was too fierce.

“Come on, attack the second line of defense!” Zhao Xi shouted.


The soldiers of the third regiment almost repeated the process of the first line of defense just now, and began to charge towards the second line of defense of the Japanese army. The Japanese army was under heavy artillery fire and couldn’t lift their heads up, so their ability to resist was very poor. Then, as the soldiers of the third regiment advanced, the artillery fire also began to extend. When the soldiers on the second line of defense of the Japanese army retreated, many were killed by fierce artillery fire. The Japanese army retreated to the third line of defense again, preparing for the final resistance. But they also know that the probability of their success in resisting is very low.

Suzuki Matsutake watched this scene with binoculars at the headquarters of the Japanese Army Alliance and couldn’t help sighing.

“Consultant Tanaka, you are ready to lead people to retreat!” Suzuki Matsutake said.

And the staff officer named Tanaka immediately said: “Lieutenant Captain, can you go with me too?”

Suzuki Matsutake smiled wryly and said, “I’m leaving? I’m going to a court-martial when I go back. Instead of being sent to a court-martial and implicating my family, it’s better to die here!”

Suzuki Matsutake can be sure that he has lost soldiers and generals here. At present, there are more than a thousand soldiers lost, which is almost half of the Japanese army’s regiment. And then, even Suzuki Matsutake was not sure that he could hold it. At this time, Suzuki Matsutake was so regretful that his intestines were green. If he had been able to retreat in time, it would not have ended in such a result. It was too late to retreat with a large force now, because if they retreated, they would probably be overwhelmed by Wang Guorui’s third regiment and turn into a rout. At that time, the whole army was really going to be wiped out.

But now, Suzuki Matsutake quickly made a decision, that is to leave some people behind, and then let the other people retreat in time. As long as they retreat, there are still seeds, and the army can still be reorganized in the future. And Suzuki Matsutake chose to stay and end the queen, because he knew that he lost his army and lost his general, and even if he went back, he would be sent to a military court.

Once in the military court, not only will there be no future, but even the family will be hurt. Those bureaucrats in the country will never understand how difficult it is for him, but they will think that he is incompetent and can’t even beat a local army. And if he can die here, then everything will be fine, he is still a “hero”. The East is also a society of human relations. Once a person dies, he will not continue to pursue the crimes he committed during his lifetime. At that time, as long as you die in battle, you can say that you are a martyr of the country, and you can enter the Yasukuni Shrine to enjoy incense and offerings. Re’s family can also be treated like martyrs’ families, and even his own son can have a good future. So whether it was for his family or for the longevity of the alliance, he would choose to die here.

“Officer Tanaka, let’s go! Take the flag squadron with you, so that we can ensure that our First Guards Regiment can be reorganized, otherwise our First Guards Regiment will be abolished. Our First Guards The alliance is the number one alliance in Japan, and it must not just disappear in Japan. If so, we are all sinners of the first alliance!” Suzuki Matsutake said.

“Yes!” Staff Officer Tanaka shouted.

Staff Officer Tanaka soon left behind with the so-called flag guard squadron, but Suzuki Matsutake did not stay in the headquarters, but he chose to come to the front line.

“Chinaman, come on!” Suzuki Matsutake shouted, apparently for the final madness.

“Hit me! The third line of defense, prepare to attack!” Zhao Xi shouted.

In the rear, Wang Guorui looked at the scene with a telescope, and said: “We will win this time! The Japanese army has lost almost 2,500 people, and the remaining more than 1,000 people will definitely not be able to stop our attack. The Japanese army The First Guards Regiment is destroyed in our hands, that’s really good!”

“It is really our great contribution to wipe out the Imperial Forest Army of the Japanese army! Next, we will be able to defend Taiwan!” Hu Wei also said confidently Charge! “Zhao Xi shouted.

“Come on!”

The soldiers of the third regiment began to charge again, and they again tried to charge under the cover of artillery fire. But this time the Japanese army unexpectedly charged.

“Soldiers of the First Guards Regiment, today we want to show the Chinese people the bravery of the warriors of our Great Japanese Empire! Come with me!” Suzuki Matsutake said.

Under the leadership of Suzuki Matsutake, the Japanese army began to countercharge Wang Guorui’s army, which was obviously very crazy. And Zhao Xi was also confused by the Japanese army’s attack. These Japanese soldiers were so brave.

“Put on the Maxine’s stun gun and hit me!” Zhao Xi shouted.

“Da da da da da…”

The Maxine machine gun began to shoot out flames, and the Japanese army began to suffer heavy casualties. But the Japanese army seemed to be crazy, and rushed forward desperately, not hesitating casualties.

“Aim at the Japanese army captain and let the snipers hit him!” Zhao Xi said.

“Papa papa!”

Three gunshots were fired, and blood mist was sprayed out from the Japanese army’s captain, Suzuki Matsutake, before falling to the ground. The Japanese army lost the command of the regiment captain and immediately began to collapse.

“Surrender, don’t kill!” “Surrender, don’t kill!”…

Wang Guorui’s soldiers began to shout together in Japanese, the phrase “surrender without killing” was learned from Tanya, and it was easy to learn. After the Japanese army heard this, quite a few people began to drop their weapons, ready to raise their hands to surrender.

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